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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 1:00am-1:36am MSK

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on the main pedestrian street of the city, the boots are polished, the coin is of good quality, there is clearly money in the bag, find 10 differences, i trampled from... ska says the real penchuk, then
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bends his finger and lists all his merits. it seems that, although i very much doubt it, this is how all the inhabitants of this region imagined themselves. well, to list all the sights of pinsk with its rich history, there won’t be enough fingers from our entire film crew. in this building behind the polish hour there was one of the most. the best hotels in the city, the rooms here were equipped with telephones and even with amenities. as a rule, they made a date near the english hotel and then hit the gas. this phrase, combining polish and hebrew words, meant going for a walk along the main street of pinsk. we set off for shpatsir along the main pedestrian street, and here we are, preserved like nowhere else in the city. historical development, every
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hero has his own unique history of the life of a creative person. yes, i studied with the italians, they were italians in the czech republic, we worked with them, then my older brother, he i am a member of the pizza yoli neapolitan association, and had the opportunity to go and learn. that is.
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100 brave children gathered in our studio and each of them had a question for an adult. please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty, i probably won’t do advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our military school in svorod, the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is answer honestly to all the original, and sometimes awkward questions, whether there is friendship between show business artists, i cannot say that...
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this is a preliminary command, right, the body bends forward. look, the project contains 100 questions for adults, on the belarus 24 tv channel. pinsk is a large center of several religious denominations, it is even called the second jerusalem. here it’s like in israel.
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there are churches and synagogues nearby. basilica minor gave the honorary title of minor basilica to the church of the ascension. holy virgin mary pope. in the guise of a temple the medieval power of gothic style and the baroque layout of the temple of il gesu in rome were combined. the unity of the internal space is emphasized by a solid complex of monumental and decorative carvings made at the beginning of the 16th century. to the left of the entrance to the church is the altar of the ostrobramskaya mother of god. this chapel is associated with such two individuals.
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he told us that he had these two requests, his mother was sick, so she asked for health for her mother, the second was to recognize her calling, her mother lived to be about 100 years old, and she also chose it. this path has become a priest, then a bishop, a cardinal, yes, that is, he was the only cardinal in the post-soviet space. when soviet power was established in the capital of polesie, kazimir świątok and his parishioners hid the coffin with the bishop’s relics. they hollowed out this wall, yes, there is such a niche there, and they hid this coffin there, they walled it up, no one knew that it was here, in the nineties there was freedom, then they opened it like that, they made such a window there, that’s what. kazimir swiatek himself, who considered zygmunt lazinski his heavenly patron, rests under a white marble tombstone in the crypt of the church. thousands of believers are waiting for the courageous witness of the faith to be counted as
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a saint, but so far the vatican lacks miracles associated with his name. not every tourist will be able to get to the oldest part. church sacrestia, our creative group was lucky, antique furniture, a copper washbasin, then more, in the cross gallery of the theological seminary, miraculously preserved frescoes of the 18th century, a real exclusive, this is a special source of pride for all residents of pinsk, church organ, one of the oldest in belarus, is here. alfred romer's famous pinsk madonna walks on clouds that look like thick , thin fogs, and her prototype was the real-life penchanka. by the way, the four-tiered belfry next to the church
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was leaning off its axis. in the meantime, the whole world in photographs does not allow the leaning tower of pisa to fall. i will support pinskaya in every sense. another reason why pinsk is called the jerusalem of polesie is the city’s close connection with the history of the israeli people. before world war ii, 70% of the population were jews. under pinscom was the birthplace of the first israeli president, chaim weizmann, where the future fifth prime minister of israel, golda meyer, spent seven of her childhood years with her grandmother, and where her parents lived. billionaire and ex- microsoft ceo steve ballmer. you can also find out about its historical status from the inscription in polish about this building: the men's state gymnasium, the oldest in napolesie. today
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the city department of education is located here. i also recommend including this temple on sovetskaya street. your personal route sheet. the first prayers were heard here in 1712. in the cathedral of st. barbara there is one of the oldest icons of belarus from the 16th century. mother of god adigitria of jerusalem. it is believed that the evangelist luke himself painted her image. 15 years before the ascension of jesus christ. according to the stories of parishioners, miracles happen here. people are healed from various diseases, find help in solving many problems, family conflicts, overcoming depression and sadness, and varvara is also the patron of travelers and is considered the intercessor of pinsk. memorial plaque in memory of the wedding
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one of the titans of belarusian literature , yakub kolos, and his betrothed appeared at the belfry 3 years ago. i'll open a big one for you. the secret, in fact, the sacrament of the wedding, as the old-timers say, did not take place here, in the wooden church, which was once part of the varvara monastery. this temple, alas... has not survived, life in pinsk is an important milestone in the fate of yakub kolos, here he met his future wife, got married and named himself his first heir, and 100 years ago it was in this not at all pompous wooden house that kolos i lodged with my family, i kept a block of ears.
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then, as usual, he changed his mind, it happens.
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according to wikipedia, the first foundation stone of this architectural monument was laid by the last polish king stanislav august ponitowski. it turns out not. by that time, the monarch was no longer in the city. polish writer, jozef kraszewski. once joked, saying that this building stands like a dandy in the village. today you can often hear another definition of a building. this palace is called the pearl of polesie. the building was built by a city judge, financier, politician and grandfather of the famous artist, musician and composer napoleon orda. this is the first secular residential stone structure of the end. xvi century. butrimovich palace. synthesis of baroque classicism - the author's decision
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of the vilnius architect sheldgauz. three glorious families, the butrimovichs, the hordes, and the skirmunts, took turns owning this majestic structure. old-timers still remember pinsky mur as the curia biskup. during soviet times, the palace was a children's cinema and a home of pioneers. today. this is where the stories of new families begin, an interesting point, for 9 years now the hostesses of the wedding palace have been elena. the first head of the zaksa was elena pavlovna voron. in 2012 , elena evgenievna amelyanyuk took over the reins. and i’m wondering why i feel so comfortable here. there are plenty of reasons to fall in love with pinsk.
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now it is one of the largest regional centers in belarus. more than 130,000 people live here. largely thanks to polesie university, young people from all over the country come to pinsk. and this is stalinist pseudo-classicism in architecture, a drainage technical school. the largest in the country. center for the training of specialists who in their time drained a considerable part of the woodland. how many wall mosaics and paintings are there in pinsk? it seems that original drawings and scenes are everywhere here, and the light palette of the buildings themselves is very diverse. when you find yourself on kirov street, be sure to take a look at this iconic building. church of charles baromeusz. the main shrine of the communist monks, they, of course,
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had no relation to the revolutionary political party, they lived in a commune, hence the name of the order, because of the purple vestments of the monks, the communists were called violets. note that the barameus monastery was the only one of its kind not only in the territory of polesie, but in the entire grand duchy of lithuania. a twisted brick... staircase, old steps, an impressive thickness of the wall - this is the little that remains of the interior decoration of the ancient temple, today they host... creative evenings and concerts. and again we return to the shores of pina. the 2.5 km embankment is still a favorite place for penchans and penchuks. this bank was first improved in 1948; later,
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fragments of the embankment were completed and reconstructed. now we have. frame, framing the mirror river, an excellent place for walking and thinking, for example, about plans for the future, but in order to definitely return here, it’s worth, perhaps, according to the good old tradition, to throw a coin into the local waters, or better yet several, just to be sure, because in the bibliographic book there are still enough pages of glorious pinsk that you can flip through with pleasure.
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like a book, they turned over page after page, greedily tasting every word, of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention is this books, in books the thoughts of past times live, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading, a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our
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present. belarus 24, i was born into a peasant family, so i’m used to work, i can’t imagine another job where i’m not connected to the land, the land for me is a breadwinner, it gives us. everything, bread and milk, without labor on it, well, nothing can be produced, my name is fedor khomich, production manager of the lyshchitsy site, open joint-stock company ostromechevo, i have been working on the farm for 30 years.
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my day starts at 5:00 am, i had breakfast and at about 7:00 am i am already at the dairy farm, talking with the farm managers. i find out from them - the results, the volume of milk, the marketability, how many cows there are, there are sick cows, how many pavements, on the lyshtitsa site there are two dairy farms, the livestock of the lyshtsy farm is one, 485 heads, lyshtsy 2, a milking garden from the pavement and
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four gologovos, then we talked that there were seven headers. as far as i remember, samples will be taken for the array, today they took seven heads for the sauce, but only four passed, according to the melts, we had three spreads today, one heifer and two cows, well, they add heifers to us, yes, today they are already moving into milking herds right away, the dairy farm was reconstructed in order to increase the number of livestock in order to produce a volume of milk for... free housing of livestock, now in the summer, fans are installed for in order to cool them down in hot weather to avoid this temperature stress. and so that there is no loss of milk, the cow feels treated, even a
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stranger can come in, she can get stressed, she gets used to all the employees who work with her. on this farm , the giving system is parallel, it is designed in such a way that the cows all go to their places one after another and connect. the feeding ends, then the gates are opened for them, they go out, and the next batch of cows comes in. without magic operators, new sharp-sworded one, we wouldn’t have such good milk yield. previously, the position was called a milker, now it is a machine milking operator, now in order to milk a cow, it must be processed. in the name in a certain order, by pressing a button, turn on giving, compared to what was before, now everything is mechanized and more convenient and accessible,
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first of all, you must love your job and love animals, the same cow, she will feel it and give it away that she should give back what we have been working for all year so that she can produce this for us. spring field work is work, but the calves are always waiting for us. vera alekseevna, how are you doing and how are our people doing? okay, how
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do they eat? they eat great, now i feed them milk and then they will give out granules. regarding your question that you asked me, write applications and you can receive the bike. okay, so it will be more convenient for you to get there.
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it’s correct to say, this is a two-flat house, she was given half of this house, she will live there while she works in this household and even after retirement, the house will remain hers. ostromeshchevo - today - is the village of the future, straminshchyna is located in a good geographical position. our youth need what kind of... a good base, where to live, where to spend the money, in order for the youth to stay, we need infrastructure, we do everything for this, we have
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kindergartens, we have schools, we have a cultural center , there are clubs, an outpatient clinic, highways to get to the city and high-quality roads, now it stands out. building plots for farm workers housing, lighting, gas, water, everyone who works on the farm can build houses for themselves, we attract good salaries, the trade union provides us with good support, that is, we have weddings, when joining the army they give money, god forbid , well, if they lose loved ones...
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maybe, for example, to improve their health, they can order vouchers to a sanatorium from the trade union, part of the voucher will be paid for by the union. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture.
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there is a copy of the very cross that was created with the blessing of the venerable euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power.
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after visiting the dairy farm, i return to the community yard and hold a planning meeting; there we already determine the types of work, what we need to do first, where we missed something, where we need to put things in order, and plan the order of work. this is a mono7 seedling, it has no fertilizers, no fertilization, tomorrow we will go out with it, we will plant corn, olya, we are in a fighting mood for that, it is ready in the morning, we also checked the vacuum, we will fill in the seeds, we will see how much is added , there is
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netji... who will, well, we need to look at the vacuum right here on the spot, before we leave the field, we set these up between them and then we adjust these ones, then we’ll set up the bumper stones, well, we’ll set it up, we need to try as much as possible in the optimal time we have to sow it all, we will try to have high harvests, i started as a driver in 1995, before that i worked as a social worker... as a grain harvester, that is, i had the concept of what equipment is, how to repair it, but still certain moments came over the years, until you go through it all with your own hands, you don’t touch it, theory doesn’t always work, that theory without practice is not very effective, the first car i worked on was a gaz-52, it was a fuel truck, i
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transported fuel across the fields and plus the city . i took it to the site, when i arrived, it was in poor condition, appearance, i cleaned everything, sealed it, painted it, and put a special lamp on it so that it could dry. for five or six years she worked for me in such good condition, in our mechanical yard there are 30 units of agricultural machinery, among them six units of energy-rich equipment, two feed changer, five grain harvesters, nine units of mtz-82, four units, 12 21. the total number is 30 units, they are serviced by 19 machine operators, plus six more workshop workers, these are welders, from a lisary, a turner, here we repair everything with our own with our own forces, rakes, tedders, combines, tractors,
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the experience of machine operators, the experience of mechanics allows us to do this, only complex repairs, which mainly concern imported equipment and those not that we do ourselves. ivan, how are we doing? people without potatoes won't stay with us? no. well, by the evening it will be clear, will you be able to say for sure what else is left? we have enough time, we also have a good instrument, so we must do everything in time. the preparation of equipment begins with us. from about september, because there is equipment, there is equipment that has finished its work, it will no longer be used, for example, cultivators, in the fall we don’t use them, grain harvesters are washed,
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cleaned, driven under covered sheds, well, we do list of works to ensure that equipment is stored in winter, everything... hydraulic cylinders, rods, they need to be sealed from moisture, to relieve the load on the wheels, for the winter period we must put everything on stands, whitewash the wheels. we have our own five large combines, these are domestic kzs1218 combines, they have quite experienced machine operators working for them, all of them have hundreds of defects, and parts are already being delivered to them. so i also think another week, and we will begin to repair them at full speed. helping my father on the combine, our roles were distributed, in mine, here i am each
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day i changed the fingers of the cutting device, i changed the fingers of the auger, my duties were to do , first of all, what i needed to do. in order for us to work effectively next year, all of our equipment must be repaired, well, at an ideal level, so that there is no failure in tillage, or in harvesting conls, or in harvesting. to do this, we must carry out troubleshooting so that we have spare parts prepared, even if in the event of a breakdown we had these spare parts in order to quickly replace them.
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so it is in place, an additional wheel is installed, the so-called spark, this is to reduce the load on the soil, so that the soil does not become compacted, the similarity of the seeds and the root system develop well, today the rake is in the active phase, depending on the number of fields, you can use from 14- 20 units of equipment, because you need to apply fertilizers, prepare the soil, add organic matter, you need to apply plowing.
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