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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 1:50am-2:11am MSK

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the people who work here love and appreciate their work, as well as the products they produce, we have a wonderful gap in strength in production, we do not stand still, we are constantly developing, introducing new technologies, milk rivers, curd banks, cheese mountains, yoghurt valleys, the expanses of this
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fairy-tale kingdom are filled with a delicate aroma, and it seems that tasty and healthy masterpieces are born here, as if by magic. in fact, this is not a fairy tale, this is reality, this is the everyday life of the mogilev enterprise, one of largest producers of dairy products in belarus. our company has always maintained its brand and has always shown that it belongs to the company. has been a leader in our market, every year we bring something new, we try to reach new heights, develop new products and achieve quality. everyone loves our products, we didn’t even have any idea that we could stop anything in our production. preserving centuries-old traditions, providing people with high-quality, safe and healthy milk products, thereby making our own contribution.
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in other departments, we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still being released, it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this is such pride and such happiness as from the manufacturer, you can’t imagine. the company includes 14 branches in different cities of the mogilev region. our products are delicious, wonderful and the healthiest. it can even be used by preschool and school children. age: i would advise all buyers to purchase the products because it is made entirely from natural raw materials, tested at all stages of production, and in the end the result is not only natural, but very tasty. the history of the enterprise began almost 45 years ago. in 1979, a dairy plant was built in mogilev to process raw milk and produce basic types of products. the plant also provided. union government order
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for the supply of butter and milk powder outside the republic, processing enterprises in the region gradually joined the plant, so the company has been open since 1995 joint stock company, the holding later grew into the largest producer of dairy products in belarus. the raw material zone covers 19 out of 21 districts of the mogilev region. the organization's production capacity allows for processing.
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at the moment, you are now present at the birth of a new type of product, so you can, if i can say so, this is lactose-free milk, every year there are more and more consumers who cannot tolerate it... then this seems to be not a disease, but you know, regular milk for them, well, they can’t have it consume for our own reasons, so we decided to release products, a whole line of lactose-free whole milk products, it will be milk, we have already released it, it will be kefir, in the future we are planning sour cream, cottage cheese, butter, even cheese. the lactose content in milk is no more than 1/4%. preserves lactose-free milk. has the same number of vitamins and minerals as whole milk, it is hypoallergenic, easily digestible, sweeter in taste, and has the same milk quality. when we plan to release something, yes, that means we draw up such a table,
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who is responsible for what, who within what time frame, and in such bold print, the date of release of the product, here is milk with lacto-free, november 25, and that’s right. we have a calendar that we circle, we wait for it like the birth of a child, i don’t know what else to compare it with?
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but i’m already an adult, they don’t let me in or don’t let me in, she says that yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s still devolutionary, the oldest towel in our collection, there’s also an old grammar, when there are ers and yati, but in the eleventh century in sofia not only did the service take place in the cathedral, here the prince received ambassadors, concluded agreements there, that is, the cathedral was such an administrative building, open belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. mogilev dairymen really know how to surprise consumers with new products , having tried them once, willingly or unwillingly, they become sweet-toothed. loyal and enthusiastic fans, this product became an amazing ice cream, and what is surprising is that it is sugar-free. this year we have a new product, sugar-free ice cream. at first we were wary of this, like this sugar free ice cream. it seems like
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traditional ice cream, a traditional sweet without sugar. but in fact, this is the same ice cream, only the sugar in it is replaced with a sweetener. and judging by how much we... produce this ice cream, our customer clearly liked it, the product is completely new for us, we have not produced such a product before, we were very surprised ourselves when, you know, consumers of it... have a natural sugar base , and
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ice cream with various flavors of fillings, such as strawberry, banana, pistachio, bubblegum flavored, cool ice cream can only be made by people in a good mood and with a positive attitude towards production. the company's products are all food products of excellent taste and excellent quality, high production. results here are achieved due to the fact that both ordinary employees and top managers, figuratively speaking, look in the same direction, people are united by a common goal and desire to be among the best, therefore goals are achieved and dreams come true, sometimes even the most incredible ones. much is now focused on studying the chinese market, you know that our president focused on the production of... tablets made from powdered milk, candies made from powdered milk, we did it, and this is a candy
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that is without sugar, this is powdered milk, which is a living protein, that's it in fact, it’s not just tasty, it’s tasty, but also very healthy, it should be noted that this is a product where 50% is dairy raw materials, this is a product that is rich in protein, which means that with protein we get strength and energy. we presented candies in different flavors, including fruit ones flavors, raspberry, coconut, banana, but we didn’t stop there and decided to go for more such flavors, and interesting ones in salty, it’s bacon-flavored, mushroom-flavored, and i think that soon this one will also appear on store shelves a product that whoever wants will achieve it, whoever seeks will always find, this is about them, about mogilev milk wizards, dreamers, visionaries, experimenters. and most importantly, professionals in their field. before we come up with any new type of product, we study the market,
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analyze, select, we have a long process any new product is being created, it is always done with soul, it is always a team of people, not only production workers, technologists, but also sales people, marketers, and the advertising department, before we release anything. republican and international competitions, the manufactured products confirm every time
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that the belarusian quality of dairy products is exceptional. works a lot, because the laboratory controls from the beginning of milk acceptance, from the moment of delivery of milk with a milk truck to release finished products throughout the entire technological process, this is control of the entire quality of the product, this is control of sanitary and hygienic requirements, this is control. temperature conditions also in product development, this is control of all parameters of manufactured products throughout the entire technical process. the holding's production laboratory employs 150 highly qualified specialists. the production laboratory includes an acceptance laboratory, a physico-chemical laboratory, a microbiological laboratory, a radiological laboratory, and an ifa laboratory. all incoming raw materials and supplies undergo incoming inspection. in the acceptance laboratory , each batch of milk is examined for indicators such as temperature, acidity,
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density, fat, and protein. particular attention is paid to the laboratory for the content of substances such as antibiotics and veterinary drugs. our laboratory has a rendex analyzer installed, which allows, at the level of biochip technology, to determine the widest range of antibiotics and veterinary drugs, both qualitative and quantitative. modern production workshops, new technologies, the presence of everything that is necessary for production, it’s all there , but perhaps the main thing is what makes the enterprise one of the leaders.
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good. the holding employs about 3.00 people. all the merit, what we have today is the merit of our large team and each individual. everyone is worried, everyone is trying, of course, to make their contribution. therefore, we do not have people who look from the outside, everything is inside the matter. together, as we know, any work is successful.
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when there is unanimity and no indifference, then and works with pleasure, joy and satisfaction. qualities my work for me is joy, it is pleasure and result, it is stability, confidence in tomorrow, my work for me is life. its history, its nature, its culture, its faith, its people, and its generosity. once you feel it
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, you won’t forget it again. when everything is real here. in the building of the izvestia newspaper on pushkinskaya square in moscow, where the editorial office of soviet belarus was located on september 22, 1943 , there was a situation with relatives of ovralu, urgently an issue of the newspaper was preparing for publication with messages
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of special importance, editor ivan larionovich feshchenko emotions. “read, we just got word from headquarters from panomarenko, we need this urgently in the issue, we’re changing the editorial, instead of two pages we’re giving four, you don’t have any time in the field, we have to have time to hand over the circulation today, the flight to the rear of the partisans is midnight, the work of harm "? responsible secretary vladimir poletsky immediately proofread the material. on september 22, 1943, newspaper soviet belorussia, an explosion occurred in his mansion.
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newspapers came out with the same messages, which those captured by the nazis surrendered. for the soviet intelligence services, this was one of the most successful operations carried out during the war in german-occupied territory. in february 1943, the people's commissar of state security of the ussr, seval and mirkulov and his deputy, bogdan, were urgently summoned to the kremlin. invited head of the intelligence department of the red army, lieutenant general fyodor kuznetsov. a languid wait in the reception room of the supreme. commander, with nothing extra, in his hands only materials of the highest degree of secrecy. finally, alexander came out of the office nikolaevich.


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