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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 3:05am-3:26am MSK

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it’s being followed very closely, and really, since the beginning of the special military operation, i ’ve been very active in these streams, i’ll resume this business, it’s just that now i’ve changed my job, my residence, that is, it’s necessary here, well, they say that tiktok has now changed its policy a little, because they themselves faced in america with freedom of speech, yes, they are like that, and i was very active in the streams telling what this would lead to, that is, well, in principle , this whole process took two years and told me that well, we are slavs, we always harness slowly.
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well, what can you do, ex-president, nothing to do you can do it, as a deputy, you don’t think that some legislative acts on your topic, but it’s time to unify them with russian ones or vice versa with ours, well, the thing is that work, well, international military cooperation implies, well, work in principle with the russian federation , as far as i remember, we have about 35 international...
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very positive attitude towards those issues , this is how we work in the military registration and enlistment offices and they say: why don’t we do this? let's directly adopt experience or are ready to adopt experience, we adopt from them, we different, due to this we can share, that is, you can’t get a saber here, but you know, work is being done very actively on , say, air defense, the air force, military-technical cooperation, where we have the same approaches, so. and here it is necessary for them to understand, well, this is how it happens, it’s the specialists in each field, you can say this step by step, oh, let’s make the same armed forces as theirs, no, here we need to approach it carefully, this work is being carried out, and so that it , let's say, well, promote, you need to understand, for this we have in principle, the system has been created; if something is needed, the ministry of defense will initiate these issues, and then we will take a closer look. understand, we,
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we need this, or we don’t need it, but in each area, probably, specialists should initially work, we have plenty of them, so, well, by the way, about fakes, yes, everything related, let’s say, with mobilization, you and i discussed this issue, but i’m wondering, since the debate has been going on for some time on this topic, we have enough conscripts today for our belarusian army, i’ll tell you this: if you take it a little less deeply. in history , ten years ago, we had more conscript resources than necessary to recruit the armed forces, we all remember about the demographic hole, of course, well, it doesn’t depend on us now, and the number of conscripts, no one hid it, yes we had shortfalls, now, firstly, we have begun, albeit a little bit, to get out of the demographic hole thanks to the measures taken.
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undergoes a medical examination and fails her, that is, well, he doesn’t get into the armed forces, he’s declared unfit, and he’s such a soul, such a guy, he says, i wouldn’t mind the army, but the fact that i’m not fit is also not bad, but what’s not bad, he says, so i ’ll have time to go to the european championships, i don’t remember it for some reason, but he’s a master there or a candidate for master of sports in some sport, you know, it’s not possible to join the army...
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now it’s realistic for us if a person wants to go , but it doesn’t meet the requirements, they won’t take him, no, they won’t take him, the short answer here is, they won’t take him to the contract, no, on the contract is even stricter than the requirements, because well
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, this is already considered as a service on a professional basis, that is, if a person does not meet the requirements, there is, let’s put it simply, the law, or the requirements of medical documents, then no one will help him ... well ... we touched a little on the topic, yes, that patriotism cannot be born with it, when you were born, you don’t understand anything at all, a person spends his whole life, someone teaches him something, raises him, parents, school, kindergarten, that’s what the sooner we start when
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we become patriots, the sooner we start in in people, in children, i don’t hesitate, to cultivate this patriotism, the sooner the country is called, well, if you remember, you haven’t seen this video, here it is, no, it’s like that, what difference does it make belarus, no, mine, it was the girls there, my country is called belarus, that is , it’s a person’s, well, i don’t know, in a sense, she can be called a patriot at the age of 10,
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of course, because he tried to convince her, but she stood her ground, she’s a patriot, she probably already a patriot, some earlier, some later, but for us it is important, for countries is important.
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gaidaenko, vladimir alekseevich. during the patriotic war, he took part in the battles near moscow. at the beginning of 1942, he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in the bryansk region, where he supervised the counterwork, the construction of defensive structures, and then became the commissar of the partisan detachment. he carried out a raid on the dopinsky forests with the partisans. 1944 major engineer, commander of a sapper battalion, during the liberation of pinsk he was part of a landing force of sappers, while clearing mines from a building and the streets of the city, he died. in the name of vladimir alekseevich galdayenko, in
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the street is named pinsk. belarus is counting on intensifying partnership ties with the altai territory, alexander lukashenko announced this during a meeting with the governor of the region. the president noted the close ties between minsk and barnaul. the siberian region is considered a breadbasket and one of the key agricultural regions of russia; not only agriculture, the unified plans are much larger. the program of your stay includes visits to the largest enterprises in belarus, such as: like mtz, amkador, mas, whose products have proven excellent
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themselves not only in the russian federation, but in foreign markets. in turn, we are very interested in the supply of components for our engineering industry. in this regard, we are actively cooperating with you. i was pleased to read reports that today more than 60% of replaced elevators are belarusian. taking into account your plans to replace elevators this year, this is in almost 400 houses, we are interested in participating in tenders, winning, supplying you with elevator equipment for new construction, we also guarantee maintenance and repair. passenger transport: in the transport fleet of the altai territory , our passenger equipment has already proven its worth, we are ready to... offer you modern buses, both gas-powered and
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diesel-powered, school buses , including low-floor ones for a barrier-free environment, as well as electric buses, when visiting mass, you can look at them and even try what they call a test drive to decide on the appropriate configuration, supply of special equipment, a wide range of utilities... another important area of ​​mutual interest is
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the humanitarian sphere and tourism; the opening of a direct flight from minsk to barnaul is being worked out; in general, the parties intend to significantly intensify cooperation. the trade turnover between belarus and the altai territory is just over $20 million, which does not reflect even a tenth of the potential. our country sends fertilizers, products and special equipment, purchased tires, and engines to the siberian region. and minerals. on behalf of the head of state, belarus sent aid to flood victims regions of russia. this morning, vura with humanitarian cargo went to the orenburg and kurgan regions. essential items have been agreed upon with the host. belarusian rescuers have been entrusted with delivering the cargo. humanitarian cargo in the amount of about 56 tons and about 260 m3 will be delivered to the russian federation. composition of humanitarian cargo. includes food, essential goods and other
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medical supplies to assist the public in the wake of a natural disaster. humanitarian aid will be delivered road transport, kurgan, orenburg region of the russian federation. in the spring, several regions of russia were faced with extremely high water levels in rivers, in some places the level exceeded 12 m. there was a shortage of products and essential oil items. mass evacuation was announced. eu residents are happy to travel to belarus. according to the state border committee, more than 88,000 people have used visa-free travel since the beginning of the year alone. mostly these are residents of lithuania, more than 41. interestingly, our country and latvians, in 2024 almost 22 thousand citizens and more than 6.00 non-citizens of latvia have already visited us. almost 19.00 poles have visited belarus since the beginning of the year. just from the beginning. since the visa-free regime , more than 885,000 foreigners have traveled to belarus. final exams
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for eleventh-graders started in belarus; today they took a centralized exam in one of the specialized academic subjects. the second ce in belarusian or russian languages ​​will be held on may 30. the ct will also take place on these same days. in addition, centralized testing will be carried out on june 3 and 6. reserve days are june 19, 21 and 23. young belarusians have found work as part of student teams since the beginning of the year. they offer employment in seven different areas: environmental, construction, agricultural, service, teaching, manufacturing and medical, and the number of host organizations has also increased, over 1,700 throughout the country. we expect to reach a figure closer to five media outlets; in grodno
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, it was also proposed to conduct the first employment on the basis of a television and radio company. regional applications continue to arrive in the chatbot of studatryadov, more than 23,000 applications have already been processed. the ministry of internal affairs of belarus is holding a decade of cybersecurity, a set of measures is aimed at increasing the digital literacy of citizens, lectures and seminars are planned, during which specialists will talk about common types of it crimes, give practical advice on protecting themselves from attackers, including explaining how to save funds when carrying out financial transactions. the ministry of internal affairs also reminds you to completely... remove digital traces on the network impossible, and the impunity and anonymity promised by the organizers of criminal schemes are just a trick. let's go on a trip to belarus. hello, travel lovers, today it will be hot, despite
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the changeable weather, i am going to the southernmost and warmest region of our country, the brest region. he is a worker, we will be stunned, and we will also visit the brightest sights of our country. agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event, and the joyful moments of our lives we build ourselves every weekend. together with the project the route was built, look in the program the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the soviet union, now widely distributed, somehow did not reach the libraries, broke the reality serif in 2002. while the stock treasures were huddled in six publications in minsk and even in the castle, and in order to get access to the servant it was necessary crowded in queues for weeks, the new sovereign belarus began to create its own symbols, proud and monumental.
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dilapidated houses, all this was destined for demolition, of course, equipment there were none, books were carried by hand from the storage room to the reading rooms, plus there were several spare book depositories outside the city in ventsy. at the beginning there was rejection of this project because it is extremely complex, we were lucky that the president realized that with its... fantastic forms, that it was all real, he gave another impetus to the development of the architectural and construction industry, i demand that they did it fine, i have an eye for this marking, keep in mind not a single builder has this, i will see it all, but i say again, this is the face of the country, everything was here
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in the forests, and about 300 people worked at a time, they belonged to... the state, social activists and plus the money that was transferred from the republican subbotnik for the construction of the library, all this together allows us to talk about this cultural symbol as...


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