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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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good morning country, a new day on belarus 1 satellite tv channels belarus 24, we meet you, ekaterina antonova and tatyana matusevich, we immediately move on to the most relevant information for this hour, on our calendar it is may 28, this is tuesday at exactly 6:00 , right now, dear friends, you and i...
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are living through the final week of may, there’s nothing left until summer, 3 days left, and this is a wonderful reason to smile, and today we celebrate, although not an official, but a very pleasant holiday, dear brunettes, today our day and it’s time to treat yourself to some kind of gift, yes, just like that, like that, it’s beautifully outlined, but the bright side of our beautiful spectators, don’t rush to get upset, we will also definitely celebrate the holiday of all blondes, it will happen very... soon, on friday, may 31st, i’m wondering if there is time from may 28th to may 31st to turn from a brunette into a blonde, it seems to me that someone is capable of this. friends, but in fact , this tuesday gives us many pleasant events, for example, today is my professional the holiday is celebrated by border guards, we thank those who guard the border guard, and of course, we will congratulate everyone involved on this holiday more than once on air. in the meantime, wake up, motherland. good morning, beloved
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country, let's go, everyone kept saying, it's not for you, but every day i fell more in love, the patterns of our bodies and hearts are knocking on the sharp edges, you and i fell , i don't want to be careful anymore, i'm not afraid, i i’m not afraid, your captivity is sweet, i’ll get excited myself, but someone is making jokes, well, let me not be afraid. i'm not
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afraid to taste your love, i'll save 18 plus, they didn’t say don’t approach, there was danger of the highest degree, but the heart broke, and trembling beats us through, carries us beyond the limit. speed, i 'm running after you to the ends of the earth, i'm tearing my hair apart, hold me in your hands, be diligent with the straps, be careful, i can't do it anymore, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, your sweet captivity, i myself surrender, ah...
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there will be someone, well, let it be, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, find out your love tastes beyond 18 plus, slavic bazaar vitevsk, hands higher, higher, yes! higher, higher, everything is with me, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, your sweet captivity, i myself i give up, and he judges, so be it, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid. know
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your love tastes beyond 18 plus. and in the next 3 hours of our live broadcast, this is what we intend to show you. let's go and have a look. when traveling around your favorite country, it is important to book accommodation in advance. our correspondent will tell you about all the nuances of daily rent of apartments. a man who changed the world. let's get acquainted with the biography of the set designer and painter sofia fedorovich. we’ll also find out how it starts. strength, elasticity, uv resistance rays, what other criteria should you pay attention to when buying a garden hose, the purchase
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will tell you, and in the meantime , olesya boyarskikh attended the republican action of the ministry of emergency situations, don’t leave children alone. in her story she will show that participating in entertainment competitions with children can and should be discussed about important things. friends, and you know, these are not all our plans for today; in the next part of our program on the occasion of border guard day, we will talk with the head of the legal department state border committee of belarus colonel andrei kuksov. and in the third part of the program, following the tuesday tradition, we will meet in the studio a psychologist, mediator and the author of our regular column.
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delicious, satisfying, healthy, dear friends, right now we will fulfill all your wishes, well, like us anatoly moiseev, today he offers to prepare toast with minced meat, how to make it, we write it down, remember it and be sure to repeat it, bon appetit! good morning! for anyone who likes to have a delicious breakfast, i suggest you take a break for a minute. from morning preparations. and see a recipe that you will definitely use. today we will cook toast with minced meat in the oven. this is a delicious, hearty breakfast, easy to prepare, and does not require much labor or a large amount of ingredients. we
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will need toast bread, cheddar cheese, minced chicken, onions, tomato, egg, salt, pepper, coriander and tomato paste. finely chop the onion and fry it over medium heat for a couple of minutes, then add the minced meat, salt, pepper, coriander and tomato paste to taste, mix everything thoroughly and fry covered for about 10 minutes until the minced meat is fully cooked, in the meantime, cut off four slices of cheddar cheese, cut the tomato into thin rings, and cut out the core of one slice of bread. take a whole piece of bread, put two slices of cheese on it, put the coreless bread on top, put the prepared minced meat inside, put a few tomato rings on top and cover it with two more slices of cheese, put
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the sandwich in a baking dish, put it in an oven preheated to 180° cabinet for 10-15 minutes so that the cheese melts, on hot finished sandwich, lay out the raw yolk and cut it so that it covers the entire sandwich. agree, this spectacle already awakens the appetite, the toast turns out rich and tasty. minced meat with spices fills the bread slice evenly and completely. tomato slices allow the meat to retain its juiciness. the cheese stretches deliciously and gives the toast a piquant, creamy taste. try and enjoy. good luck! tv news presents a creative day and bon appetit. agency review of popular print and online publications.
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border troops, today in belarus they celebrate border guard day, have always stood out from their uniform to the specifics of their service. in the current conditions, against the backdrop of a tense geopolitical situation and military operations , ... is a reliable rear for every military man. more than 47 thousand student brigade fighters will be employed this summer. by the way, getting into the third semester of work is not so easy. a serious competition is taking place among applicants. every day, the chatbud of belarusian student groups receives dozens of questionnaires from all over the country. already processed more than 23 thousand applications. every year, active young people help villagers in the fields, raise children in children's camps, and beautify places for military service. of glory, water protection zones, parks and public gardens are being developed.
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more than 1,700 organizations are ready to accept young people this year. republic correspondents found out how much you can earn in a student team. ivie has been famous for its vegetable gardening since ancient times. for several years now, tamat has become one of the symbols of this multinational town. residents call ivya the tomato capital and dedicated it to red vegetable festival ivyevsky tomato. while the first flowers are beginning to form on tomatoes, owners of private farms are concentrating their efforts on collecting greens and radishes. correspondents of a rural newspaper talked with local farmers and learned their plans for the harvest. school graduation is one of the most important events in the life of any person. and you want to look on this day in such a way that not only you will remember it, but so that you will be remembered in a good sense, of course. therefore, think over your image of a girl, and even a boy. start long before the end of the school year, recommendations from fashion bloggers, mother’s advice,
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discussions with friends, a journalist from the zvezda newspaper decided to approach the issue comprehensively, let’s see what stylists advise and what can actually be purchased in our latitudes, preferably without driving parents into debt. i do gymnastics. of course , football, i play football on the playstation, well , i’m just good at kicking, i just adore it, that’s why i want to play football, yeah, i go to football training, i’m just doing piss culture, i’m walking, i ’m doing the splits, i’ll stop on the bridge, we ’re doing some more tricks. i do the measuring stick, i also bend over, back and forth, i also squat, that’s it,
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daddy, fold, hat, birch tree, yeah, i ’m playing table hockey at home. sometimes i kicked my fingers a couple of times, i tried so hard that mozuli performed once, maybe i just like to stand on the bridge, i trained for a long time, well, as a defender as a goalkeeper, well , i’m good at hitting, but not very good at taking away, sometimes we have everything forwards, sometimes one goalkeeper, dad took him away, mom, she told me: let's go, let's do it, let's do gymnastics at the right school, i do
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gymnastics there, i wanted to, and my mother brought me to be healthy, then all people would be healthy, to be healthy, to be always in shape, believe in yourself, learn to hit the ball, well , first for training, and then only for competitions, i guess i believe in myself, so everything will be fine. belarus. on belarus tv channels, one of the satellite channels is belarus 24. live broadcast continues good ranitsa belarus program. good morning everyone again, i tell you, i, tatyana matuseevich and ekaterina antonova, who left me, we continue to celebrate a new day, this is tuesday, may 28, right. now we have the most up-to-date information for you, dear friends, about the weather, let's
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talk. katya, you have the floor. yes, indeed, i am located further away, because it is here, this is where all the weather data for today flows. looking ahead, i want to tell you right away, our dear viewers. to tell you, i have data only for today, not for the morning, but even in the early morning hours it was clear that today it would be hot, it’s already warm outside, it’s already pleasant, and even in the morning if you go out to... work or studying right now , you don’t have to dress warmly, but now let’s move on to such pleasant numbers, i remind you that may 28 is on our calendar, and the numbers are truly summer, well, look for yourself, in the capital today +26 +28 cloudy with clearings, there may be precipitation, but i'm sure it will happen such short-term rain, in any case , i would really like to believe in it, in brest it’s also +26-28, cloudy with clearings, while there is no precipitation there, a thunderstorm is possible in vitebsk today, the same 26-28,
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dry in gomel , cloudy with clearings, and up to thirty with a plus sign, by the way, gomel today beats the temperature... the city and the warmest regional center for today. in grodno + 26-28 cloudy with clearings possible precipitation in mogilev up to 29 with a plus sign and it won’t do without rain, but again i repeat, i in any case, i really hope that today’s rains will be short-lived. yes, i just remembered that they will mainly pass through the northern half of our country, but thunderstorms are also expected there, so don’t forget to take umbrellas with you. in any case , it’s wonderful, the degrees are breaking all records, dear friends, you are wonderful too, and it’s time to start planning the first weekend in june, the first summer weekend, because i believe that the way you see summer is how you will spend it, and i completely, tatyana, here with i agree with you, and i, for example, am planning to go traveling around our country this season, i think
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many of our belarusians are planning this, and many belarusians have been doing this for several seasons now, is this what every traveler should take care of in advance? so this is, of course, about housing. our correspondent understood all the nuances of renting a kitchenette, and right now we are giving the floor to him. daily rent of an apartment is very convenient for those who decide to stay in the city for a few days, although sometimes this the service is also used by those who have their own home, but want a change of scenery, for example, for a birthday celebration. there are different categories of apartments for rent.
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internal services are included, such as a maid, internet, bed linen, hygiene items such as soap, shampoos and slippers; a separate item in determining the price of renting an apartment is the presence of an online administrator, such a service allows you to organize contactless check-in, this saves time for the tenant. support is 24/7 and this service is very attractive for any guest, because we have a lot of visitors, these are people who cannot... know their schedule, arrival in the city, there is an administrator who is always in touch, it is easy to find companies that provide daily rental services through online platforms, natalya admits that they are the future, because this approach eliminates wasteful calls and long searches, many large companies also have their own personal websites,
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where you can directly without intermediaries, without photo deception, you should not use it, there is a big risk that the owners may deceive you, for example, the rental conditions will not be met or the apartment will not correspond to the picture, if you rent an apartment from an individual entrepreneur or an llc must have an agreement, but a self-employed person has no legal obligation.
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well, now everything is clear, we can safely go traveling with an overnight stay in another city, but until we do this, i remind all our viewers that we continue to welcome tuesday mornings to plan cultural leisure. so, from june 2 to june 9, the bolshoi theater of belarus will host the ballet festival summer at the bolshoi, during which spectators will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of classical ballet, and will also see modern productions by famous choreographers. performances will be held with the participation of stars of the mariinsky and mikhailovsky. theaters of the bashkir opera and ballet theater, the bolshoi theater of uzbekistan, as well as the samara opera and ballet theater, the boris eifman dance academy and the leonid yakobson ballet theater. but in the meantime. the 77th cannes film festival ended on the cote d'azur. let's announce the names of the winners and laureates. so, the palme d'or was awarded to
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annora, directed by sean baker. the main role in the film was played by russian actors yuri borisov and mark edelstein. the second most important prize, the grand prix of the kranj festival, was awarded to the film everything we present as light by indian director payalkai. best director. the award for best actor went to jesse plemons for his role in kindness of jorgers lanthimos , while best screenplay went to the substance of crolefarge. this year's main program included 22 films. the jury was headed american director and actress greta guervere. and if all these names, surnames, titles of films that tanya just announced to us, we just have to study them , get to know them better, rewatch all these films, then i would still like
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to add one more news from the scan film festival, i think, that these names are known to you all, so the honorary golden branch was received by george lucas, the same director of star wars, francis fort copola presented him with this branch, together they took a group photo, two such eminent directors in one frame, it seems to me that i agree with you 100%. well, let's continue the cultural component of our broadcast, with a permanent column about people who changed the world. today we will get acquainted with the biography of the set designer, painter, sofya fedorovich. sofya fedorovich was born in 1893 in minsk in the family of a doctor. she studied painting in krakow, moscow and st. petersburg. in 1920 she moved to england. almost immediately she became friends with the choreographer marie rambert, who organized the first permanent ballet troupe in england. sofya fedorovich began to design the scenery and
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create costumes for this troupe's productions. and 5 years after meeting rambert’s student, the aspiring choreographer frederic ashton, she devoted herself entirely to scenography and theatrical costume design. in 1926 , sofya fedorovich designed the first ballet of ashtan. and a legendary production of the symphonic variations to the music of cesar franck. in total , fedorovich created costumes and sets for 25 ballets, four operas and two dramatic productions. she has collaborated with many leading choreographers and directors. she was entrusted set design for the play the merchant of venice, staged at the shakespeare memorial theater in stratford. eyvane, director peter brook invited her to work on a winter's tale at the phoenix theater. in the late forties and early fifties, fedorovishch designed verdi's la traviata, madama butterfly and
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puccini's tosca at covening garden. sofia fedorovich's theatrical works and paintings were exhibited at exhibitions of the london group, at the autumn salon and the salon of independents in paris, as well as at personal exhibitions in france and england. in 1953. the artist died as a result of a gas leak in her london apartment. sofia fedorovich is considered one of the founders of the stage traditions of modern british ballet. she is a person who changed the art world of the 20th century. and we continue to wake up, greet a new day , and at the same time we continue to scroll through the news feed. i have news from france. the french postal service issued a stamp featuring, of course, a baguette. you can rub it and feel the aroma of freshly baked bread. postage stamp was presented on the occasion of the feast of saint annare, the patron saint of bakers and confectioners. the stamp, featuring a baguette tied with
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a colored ribbon, was issued in a circulation of just under 600,000 copies. the brand's ink is coated with special microcapsules that explode when rubbed, releasing an aroma. and i, you know, at that moment i remembered our, but maybe not childhood, but somewhere like that - the age of 14-15. kindly wound belarus will continue the most popular section of our program, as leonid solomonov begins his day, and he
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by the way. a presenter, an engineer, a programmer at a confectionery enterprise, thanks to whom the process is as automated as possible, this is what we will find out right now. my name is leni solomonov, i work as a leading software engineer in the kipis laboratory at a confectionery factory. mostly i get up around 6 am, have breakfast at 6:30, take my child to kindergarten and arrive at work at eight.
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includes eliminating the causes associated with the automation system, this is connection, troubleshooting, and also some small improvements, or in general development of some systems, well, for example, we are now doing rolling, this is an automatic system for supplying chocolates, or rather even fillings, this is an automatic system, where valves, pumps, mixers that roll chocolate to the line, this is all in automatic mode, it worked practically all the time in automation in the energy sector and at a factory i was already getting a job as a software engineer, as i graduated as an automation engineer myself, and so i decided to work further in this direction. modern systems, they are very complex, they applications of solutions of servo systems, robotic, technical vision, it’s all quite complicated, you need to figure it out, you can’t come up with a problem, connect to solve something right away,
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the work is important. the fact is that all modern lines are used for the production of chocolate, they are all automated, we must make sure that the person who comes to work does his job as comfortably as possible, with the maximum minimum of manual labor and maximum benefits, so we are trying to develop something do it yourself for a person to come, work, it was safe for him, i love my job, because they will put it on in the morning... good countries, tell the children that in this life, in pope songs, there is little meaning, that with a good heart, you are more likely to deceive, that the most faithful... will not be shaded,
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tell the children that money is wind, that the most honest will not be betrayed, only you are brave, he will become eternal. tell your children about this, tell your children that the one who betrayed slept easily at night, dined easily, cowards will run behind the backs of the brave. that honor and conscience are not
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are for sale, tell the children that the money is in the children, that the most honest will not be betrayed, you are only brave. he will become his eternal self about this, tell the children, only the brave ones will eat it.
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that there are stars in the sky, and the rest is not so serious, let them dream, and to adult children, we right now want to say good morning to belarus, our live broadcast continues, ekaterina antonova and tatyana matusevich are working in the studio for you today. i remind you that today we celebrate tuesday together, it’s may 28, and we continue to scroll through our feed news. let's go to thailand because two ancient statues were returned there from the metropoliton museum. his staff came to the conclusion that the artifacts were illegally taken out
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of the country at the end of the last century by a british antiquities collector. so, what was taken out? this is a statue of a woman and a tall bronze figure of a standing buddha, also known as the golden boy. the age of the exhibit.
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belarus was immersed in the everyday life of rescuers for 3 days. the participants literally went through thick and thin, because the rescuers have this is the case every day. of course, the participants also shared their creative performances with the audience, demonstrating perseverance and team spirit. and so, over the course of 3 days, the teams underwent a series of strength tests at the training ground of the branch of the institute for advanced training of the university of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations of belarus. and what you end up asking, we ’ll tell you. according to the results. the team of the minsk automobile plant took second place, and representatives of the minsk tractor plant won bronze in the tournament. and we can only congratulate the winners and prize-winners of the tournament. therefore, congratulations,
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dear friends. well, let’s continue, because the summer events from the ministry of emergency situations are just gaining momentum. on june 1st we will celebrate international children's day. our correspondent, olesya boyarskikh, will talk about how to convey to the little ones important information that... can save lives, because she has already visited the republican action, don’t leave your children alone, let’s see, don’t leave your children alone, in belarus a republican action from the ministry of emergency situations is taking place, this is the essence of it, you will find out right now. the most joyful event in a family is the birth of a child. growing up, the baby begins to learn something new day after day. however, along with interesting discoveries, numerous dangers await him. the promotion is timed to celebrate two holidays: family day and international children's day, held on may 15 and june 1. these holidays not only
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focus attention on issues of family values ​​and children’s safety, but in turn, as part of our campaign, attract attention to various incidents that may involve children. a vibrant and varied program prepared for... public places. the duty service of the ministry of emergency situations, than shops, children's goods, as well as other children's entertainment centers, cinemas, can help you, what happened to you, what could be on fire in your apartment, maybe a tv? yes. during the event , interactive platforms with competitions, quiz games, where rescuers talk about behavior on reservoirs, in the forest on the street, are organized for the children of their parents. remind numbers calling emergency services from... also repeat the actions in case of fire, where we use electrical appliances, flights, is it possible to stick something into the socket, some kind of pencil or hairpin? no, what do you
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remember most during the action? do i remember the phone numbers? yes, who should you call if there is a fire? 101 and 112. can i play with matches or not? no, why not? because when any child can take any match from a box, he will lie like that. republican action: no leaving children alone also affects educational and health care institutions; special emphasis is also placed on orphanages, boarding schools, family-type homes and large families; for example, in the frundinsky district , employees of the ministry of emergency situations visited the stankevich large family. such events are not only that they are held in a playful way, and we, children, really like it. they are always impressed, and the children learn a lot of things,
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later, for example, even such a thing as not putting anything in the socket, mother said one thing, another thing - they came and told employees, and this is very really useful, they remember, they don’t do it later, phones cannot be left on charge, appliances cannot be left on, children cannot play with matches and lighters, fourth - inform adults, fifth - call 112 or 101. the republican campaign will end: do not leave children alone on june 1, international children's day, remember, calling rescuers in a timely manner by calling 101 or 112 will help prevent misfortune. you are my everything. land, you are mine,
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homeland, from one end to the other, from north to south, i’m not looking for another country, our homeland is us. you are mine, land, homeland, it’s me, it’s you, homeland, it’s us, you’re my land, about you, it’s me, it’s! you, we are against this, we will never forget,
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neither the struggle nor the desire, we will keep in our soul, our land, the light, you are mine. earth, prodila, it’s me, it’s you, percent geta we are mine, earth, about you, it’s you, rodzina, it’s us.
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we say again to those who have just joined us, we continue to wake up and greet a new day, this is tuesday may 28th on the calendar tatyana matusevich, ekaterina antonova in the frame, right now we will share with you interesting ones. news, yes, we continue to wake you up, precisely with the help of news. a new zosh trend has appeared in the usa, in the city of spencer, yoga is gaining popularity . if you think with puppies, as in our country, then no, you are mistaken, you have already seen with piglets, pigs named wilbur, charlotte and bluey are walking next to the participants of the classes, which makes them happy and relaxed, sometimes, although they can prevent people from taking the necessary positions, however, the organizer of such projects... ashley bousquet warns before each session that
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there is nothing to worry about; on the contrary, you can relax and take a break from the stress. the demand for classes is huge, they are sold out online in just a few hours, by the way, some travel hundreds of kilometers, all for the sake of training in a pleasant company. in addition to spencer in the usa, yoga with piglets is popular in los angeles, denver, and freeland and other cities. i have a lot of questions at once. question number one: these piglets. dogs, it's something strange, but it's next to you when you're trying to take a pose firstly, secondly, why didn’t we think of this before, we don’t have pigs, we probably do, i think it’s necessary, because i know that in minsk there is yoga with puppies, it’s also wildly popular there , you can’t get there either, you need to sign up,
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these classes are not held that often, dogs are fine, if someone is worried and thinks that they are being tormented by these healthy lifestyle lovers, yoga lovers, no, this just happens very rarely, don’t go there get in, yeah, by the way, you can also come with your dog, yes, yes, why not no, show him what zoshi sport is, if such a story has already started, then it seems to me that we need to add other animals, since this is popular, by the way they added, maybe you didn’t pay attention, there was still a rabbit running around, look, they are further after the pigs didn’t go any further, it seems to me that chickens are next in line, we also have a lot of them, goats, geese, listen, there are basically a million options here, as they say, just be creative... the most important thing is to go in for sports, yes, this is very important, but since we started throwing up ideas for how to do yoga in belarus, what animals you can do it with, then let’s return to the belarusian news, but we will remain on the topic of zoo news: the capital’s zoo invites everyone to celebrate children’s day. on june 1, guests of the zoo will find
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many interactive platforms, master classes, an entertainment program and , of course, the most enjoyable thing - a drawing of gifts and prizes. start. events are scheduled for 12:00 in my opinion this is a great start to the summer holidays, but for those who are planning to spend the first summer weekend in city ​​limits, our purchase has prepared a lot of advice, for example, on how to choose an irreplaceable dacha attribute, especially during the dry season, let's look, today we are choosing a garden hose, before buying it is important to decide for what specific purposes you plan to use it, as well as present clearly. the size of the system of which it will become a part, first things first, let's start with the material: watering hoses are made of rubber, pvc, plastic, silicone, nylon fabric and thermoplastic elastomer. rubber is a popular durable option. among disadvantages: high weight and low wear resistance.
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crack bends quickly form on such hoses. pvc is much lighter than rubber, but also will not last as long. reinforced - this is what they are covered with. a metal mesh is a metal mesh that prevents cracking when bent. the disadvantages of a reinforced hose are that some of them are less elastic, but there are hoses that can also be elastic, although reinforced. the plastic is not as flexible, so it is prone to creases. silicone is a very flexible option, but too high pressure may cause it to burst. nylon models are light and inexpensive, but they deteriorate greatly from low temperatures. thermoplastic elastomer is narrow. their diameters and come with these data, so that they either take measurements on their own , or they bring an already cut piece of hose and we select; please note, the greater the number of layers, the stronger
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the product will be, a convenient option for everyday use is a self-extending hose, with when purchasing a hose you need... to think about where it will be used, at what distance, so as not to it made sense to buy a longer one for a short distance of use. if necessary, select a sprayer. the spray gun is a convenient nozzle with a trigger mechanism. the gun on the rod will allow you to reach even the most remote places on the site. the tip, a simple design, with the help of which not only waters plants, but also cleans high-quality paths. long lasting purchases,
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know, it’s pre-revolutionary, the oldest towel in our collection, there is also an old grammar, when there are ers and yati, but in the 11th century in the st. sophia cathedral not only did the service come, here the prince received ambassadors.
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the effect on the economy was announced at the session of the general meeting of the national academy of sciences of belarus. about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry. among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and it. belarus is ready to subsidize owners of pill boilers. the country is actively developing alternative energy. pillettes from belarus is ready to buy from the countries of central asia, china, and turkey. but the main thing that attracted close attention to them was the energy sector of our domestic market. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. an electronic portal about ghetto prisoners will appear in belarus. memorandums on the implementation
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of the project were signed in minsk. information about concentration camp prisoners who were located both on the territory of belarus and in other countries will be presented on the website uznikibay. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. look in the program events, on thursdays on the tv channel belarus 24. in the region there were 50 families of farm laborers in the village of luscina, selling malaco, butter, honey , war, horses, a garden for rent, khristos
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uvaskros, sapraudy uvaskros, let's go, walking brothers, hibernating, sir god, lord, god, show me the way to good luck, sonenka was tired, she was on your races, she dedicated a pole for your beloved little one. and we give new life to these old traditions. time with projects on the peratuminal on the tv channel belarus 24.
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once again we welcome everyone to the new day may 28 on the calendar and continue this morning we want weather news... that my colleague ekaterina antonovo already has the latest information. katya, tell me. yes, i’m ready to tell all our viewers what’s
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out there now, how warm it is this morning, our day will be really hot. that ’s how cool it is right now, look for yourself, i have all the numbers. so, right now in the capital, +12 +14, the same temperature indicators, this morning in brest, in vitebsk it is even warmer +14 +16, this is, by the way, it is a rare case when in vitebsk we call temperature indicators higher than in other regional cities. let's move on, this morning in gomel until 15 with a plus sign, in grodno +12 +14, in mogilev +13. +15, what is important and what i want to note is that this morning we have no precipitation predicted anywhere in the country, it is clear everywhere, the sun is shining, but don’t relax, during the day we may have rain today on the territory of our country, so it’s better to take it with you an umbrella, yes, it will definitely come in handy, but if the temperatures are so comfortable, now it will be daytime of course it’s real heat, so dear friends, enjoy the spring with these
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real summer temperature indicators, walk out of... well, while we are all enjoying the wonderful weather, i’m sure that many, or rather some, let’s call it that, are not up to it, because centralized exams and testing have started in belarus, students, all applicants this year, right now everything is simple in their studies, yeah, yes, yesterday, may 27, as the first centralized exam, eleventh graders passed one subject for choice. applicants could choose subjects from the following list: social studies, mathematics, physics, biology. chemistry, history of belarus, geography, world history or a foreign language. but in addition to this, graduates of previous years and colleges passed centralized testing in the same subjects. the next stage of testing for this year's applicants will take place on thursday. on may 30, graduates take a centralized exam in the belarusian or russian language. on the same day, graduates of previous years and colleges will be able to
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pass centralized testing in russian and belarusian languages. well and. immediately after receiving the final results of the centralized exams, admission of documents to higher and secondary specialized educational institutions will begin. in belarus , interest in the rules for admission to universities and colleges is growing every day, and especially since in 2024 they have changed again, in particular, the deadlines for admission to secondary specialized educational institutions have shifted. admission company for vocational education level will traditionally begin on june 15. will continue until august 23, until september 15, the founders may decide that enrollment continues in those groups that are not yet fully staffed at the level of secondary specialized education, the admission campaign will begin on july 20 and will continue until august 15, these are the general terms of the admission campaign, drawing the attention of our
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potential applicants for the level of secondary specialized education. july to august 6, accordingly, the deadline for submitting documents on a paid basis has been reduced, only at the level of an average person, admission will also be carried out for average professions new to the republic. after the news release, we will contact grodno and find out what interesting things happened during the week in this region. and also on the occasion of the celebration of border guard day, we will meet in our studio the head of the legal department of the state border committee of belarus, colonel andrei kuksov. well, right
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now we are parting ways. you say, daddy, and like an ice cream on a thin stick, those eyes will make me melt, honey, when you become an adult, a lady, but the lady of daddy’s heart remembers, it’s always you, always you, my daughter. the years fly by, like an arrow
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of care, happiness, a round dance, here is a strange man behind the wheel... his beautiful wife will leave with his daughters, sons, you will be proud to cherish, but for the father his little one, you will remain as long as he is alive, honey, you will hug, you will say, daddy, and like ice cream on a thin stick, and you... i will melt those eyes, honey, when you become an adult home, but remember daddy’s hearts at home, always you, always you,
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my daughter. sweetie, you’ll hug me, you’ll say, daddy, and like a pie on a thin stick, these eyes will make me melt, honey, when you become an adult, lady, remind the lady of your heart, daddy always. you, always you, my daughter,
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my little kidney, are good wounds. the television news agency begins informational morning on tuesday, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, watch the episodes.
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the role of a journalist in the context of the digital transformation of society, over a thousand participants gathered at the media forum in mogilev. hungary against western madness budapest blocked the allocation. innovations in the early use of family capital, we will tell you what changes have come into force.


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