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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus-1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm yuri shevchuk. hello. two perverts were detained in minsk for seducing minors. morals operatives established that a thirty-nine-year-old man met a 13-year-old schoolgirl in a thematic school. messenger group, knowing the girl’s age, the person involved carried on an intimate correspondence with her and sent candid photographs of himself, then insisted on meeting at the entrance of a residential building, abused the girl, went to his home in the evening with a girl, obviously a minor, then went into a room, sat, talked, after which sexual contact occurred, for similar actions of saturnik central , a thirty-six-year-old worker of a metropolitan organization was detained, the man seduced an underage girl, with whom... on
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a social network, charges were filed against the defendants criminal cases, their involvement in similar crimes against minors is verified. dear parents, pay special attention to organizing your children’s leisure time. important have information about what the child is doing on the internet, because that is where it is easiest to meet pedophiles. establish a trusting relationship with your children, and if you become aware of a crime, report it immediately. next on air. and karina pashkova, she has an overview of criminal and emergency incidents. a courier of telephone scammers was detained without delay. a seventy-one-year-old resident of kobrin contacted the police. she became a victim of scammers. a woman received a call on her home phone from a stranger. he reported that her daughter was in an accident requires money for treatment. as a result , the frightened mother gave the courier, who, by the way, arrived in mask, more than 22 rubles in equivalent. employees. ur department of internal affairs of breshchina
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together with colleagues from the kobrin and beryozovsky rvd, in hot pursuit, established the route of movement and detained the suspect in the city of beryozov. he turned out to be a ten-two-year-old resident of the city of minsk, who explained that he found an advertisement for criminal part-time work on the internet, in kovren he only managed to complete his first task, and at the time of his arrest the following address was given. found on him the entire amount transferred to the victims was confiscated, which will subsequently be returned to them. i hear crying on the phone. acquaintance on the internet turned out to be a fiction, and a new friend, a swindler from iminsk, fell for the trick of scammers who blocked his phone and demanded money for unblocking. it began with acquaintance on a specialized website, then the girl asked for help. in
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solving her problem, she could not log into her account after updating the operating system, because of which she asked me to log into her account to remove her device from the list devices, i agreed, after which she sent me the data, that is, the login and password for the login on which i logged into my account, immediately after that the password was changed, i realized that i had fallen for scammers and contacted the police, the criminals remotely blocked a gadget from menchan, but... 600 rubles. after which the student contacted the police. employees of the criminal procedure code of leninsky rud conducted an investigation into this fact, and a criminal case was initiated. we remind you that in such cases do not follow the blackmailer’s demands, save all of his threatening messages, contact the police. pesticides were transported illegally by a driver in the kostyukovichi district. traffic police stopped a mercedes car for inspection. 29. a resident
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of osipovichi was found in the trunk and was unable to provide accompanying documents for the goods. the cargo and the car were detained and placed in a guarded parking lot, an inspection is being carried out. i updated my wardrobe at someone else's expense and ended up in police reports. a minsk woman came to the police with a statement about the theft of a package with new clothes. the girl explained that she forgot her purchases in the salon bus. the detectives quickly found out that they had taken a liking to other people’s things. the passenger, a forty-two-year-old woman, by the way, does not work anywhere, kept the new bag, dress and jewelry that were in the bag for herself, the police say. law enforcement officers assessed this shopping within the framework of the law and opened a criminal case. vitebsk rescuers helped a woman and child who were lost in the forest. the girl's mother reported the incident. the woman said that her mother and daughter could not get out of the forest, which is located within the city. the emergencies ministry immediately left. to search for people, they
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contacted them by phone using the coordinates, found a woman and a child. this was a project zone. our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and with us to belarus 1. see you in the evening and sum up the results of the day's crime chronicle.
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a new day on tv channel belarus 1 and satellite belarus 24, we welcome you, good morning belarus, good morning country, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova. i want to remind all our viewers that today on our calendar is tuesday, may 28th, but we are no longer alone in the studio. yes, this means that it’s time to welcome to the studio the psychologist, mediator and author of our regular column, news item. alla komarovskaya. good morning to you. good morning country. good morning, katya, tanya, i’m very glad to see you. last time we broadcast, we started
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a topic dedicated to meditation. i told you how it can help, in continuation of this topic, i promised our viewers to share with you a technique called radio. anxiety, it turns out we are from theory let's move on to practice, we can meditate today, today for sure, this technique is not just about meditation, this technique has a proven effect, but because it is from cognitive behavioral therapy, and it is also briefly called cbt, and there is a proven effect from this technique, it are used to reduce anxiety and even treat anxiety disorders, so what is the point of it when... you track your anxious thoughts, some negative thoughts, for example, oh, i’m not such a loser, or i can’t do it work, or i can all the time better, that is, there are some demands on yourself, some kind of constant rush, you can’t stop, and it seems to you that you
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can’t keep up with your life, that so much is happening, so you’re somewhere on the sidelines, as if observes 24 hours a day, yes, yes, this is your anxiety, it develops into anxiety.
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you had a situation, who i talked to, what happened, maybe something didn’t work out for me, and you switch these thoughts, as it were, to another radio wave. let's talk a lot, let's get down to business.
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and it can be completely different sizes, shapes, colors, different configurations with different buttons and you directly visualize it, that is, this is your directed focus of attention, yeah, and you come up to this radio, hear these thoughts and seem to switch, you can directly imagine what you are reducing with a button or here uh, yes, first you lower the volume level. and look how quiet they will play and yours will play and turn off these thoughts, then
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you catch another radio wave, here everyone is very interested, someone says: i have complete silence, because the person relaxes at this moment, he can finally just breathe, the focus on breathing occurs, he begins to feel the body, where he may have some kind of exhalation happening in the chest, finally, or they may begin ... this is different for everyone, for some it’s rock, for this, or it could be music, for example, and for some it could be some kind of ballad, for someone to start shaking their hands, it’s to let someone go -this is the sound of the sea, for someone it could be a voice, for example, and you can regulate what this voice will be about say, for example, if i’m there, i’m a bad mother, you can specifically change it to i’m doing everything in order to be a good enough mother, or for example, i couldn’t cope. from this situation to i did everything possible to ensure that this situation was
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some kind of digestible, yes, so look at what is more interesting for you, just listen to some music or a wave there, the sea, the sound of a sea of ​​​​birds and the singing of birds, or replay your anxious thoughts from negative to positive, this is practice, yes this is practice, that is it would seem, why is it so difficult? expectations that we will be excellent students, that we will be obedient, that we will perform
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certain actions and not even express our opinion, but such are the golden children, so here you throw away these expectations and say: i may make a mistake, but i may not it will work out the first time, but it’s like brushing your teeth, yes, the more often you brush them, there in the morning in the evening or after every meal, the fresher your breath will be, there will be no problems with beautiful. this practice has a cumulative effect and in general patience is not a quality with which we are innately born, patience is something that we expand, stretch throughout our lives, when you have a child, you are not like that right away, you know, you understand what to do with him further.
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if we talk about psychology, when you can calmly talk about some difficult situation without flying away, there is such a term, you know, when you go into dissociation, that there is me, and there is, well, i look from the outside of myself, as if yes , that's why. it’s important here to expand and remove your patience every time i repeat the expectation that i have to do everything perfectly the first time. we will still learn to use this practice to the maximum, when we really stop being disturbed by different thoughts thanks to this internal radio, which we have learned to turn off, how often can and should we use it or at any time? this can be done absolutely at any moment, because its meaning is, firstly , to track when at what moments these thoughts come to me, this is very important, because
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people are not in a hurry, we can’t track when something became triggered. and there will be much fewer anxious viewers after this broadcast. allochka, thank you again, we are waiting in exactly a week in this studio, well, our broadcast will continue with the most popular section: how leonid solomonov, a leading
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software engineer at a confectionery enterprise, begins his day, we will find out this right now. my name is leni solomonov, i work as a leading software engineer in the kipis laboratory at a confectionery factory, i usually wake up around 6 in the morning, at 6:30 i have breakfast, this i already have a child in kindergarten and i arrive at work at eight, my workplace is here, good morning, how are you, great, and you’re doing well too, let’s start the working day. recently we began to develop an automatic chocolate rolling system, this is the most convenient process for the factory workers who participate in it, a person comes to work, selects a route , starts production automatically, my responsibilities include eliminating the causes associated with the automation system, these are
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connections, troubleshooting, also these are some small improvements, or generally the development of some systems, well, for example, we are now doing rolling, this is an automatic system for supplying chocolate, or rather even fillings, this is an automatic system, where valves, pumps, mixers that roll chocolate to lines, this is all in automatic mode, i worked almost all the time in automation and all the time in the energy sector and already got a job at a factory as a software engineer, as i graduated as an automation engineer myself, so i decided work further. in this direction. modern systems, they are very complex, they use solutions of servo systems, robotic technical vision, it’s all quite complicated, you need to figure it out, it’s not possible to come with any problem, connect and immediately solve something. the importance of the work lies in the fact that for the production of chocolate, all modern lines are used, they are all
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automated, we must make sure that the person who comes to work does his job. as comfortable as possible, minimum manual labor and maximum benefits, so we try to develop something ourselves, make sure that a person comes, works, it is safe for him, i love my job, because i made the morning of my country good, perfection.
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at dawn, i’ll be back if i can, the wind is at my will, but i won’t have time to catch it, taiga and kilometers, the star barely shines, siberia, who will answer you? if you shout, taiga and kilometers, the star barely shines, siberia. who will answer you if you shout, snow, knee-deep, even higher, i
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’m going to visit god, he’s the only one who hears, darega, yes kilometers, a star and... frosts are damned, not too late and not early, but
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we didn’t have time for each other, and yes, yes, kilometers, the star barely shines, siberia, whoever answers will shout to you. taiga and kilometers, a star, barely shining, sipi, who will answer you, wounds, belarus, good mornings of belarus and good morning country, well, a new day, a new tuesday continues, and we continue to share interesting information with you. i suggest going to paris for this information, because the metal cross, which was recently restored by craftsmen normandy, installed on the roof of notre dame cathedral in paris. this cross was
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the only element of the roof decoration above the choir that survived the fire because it fell to the ground and escaped fire damage. the installation of a two-ton, 12 m high structure marked the completion of the restoration of the roof in this part of the cathedral. the next stage of restoration will be the restoration of the skates and the removal of scaffolding from the choir. this is expected to happen before the start of the olympic games in paris. the cathedral is open to the general public is planned for december 8th. and i like that we are following the reconstruction process almost live, telling our viewers about it, so everyone is aware of what is happening, and i think everyone is looking forward to the very moment when this architectural monument, this a cultural monument, i dare say, will again be able to welcome guests and tourists. right now we want to invite you on
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a trip, no, not to paris, but to ours , we are waiting for the cathedral to open soon, but you know, to our native belarus, because we have so many everything beautiful that you need to see with your own eyes, by the way, everyone says that our country is quite compact, at the same time, it’s only possible to go on a trip for one day. it seems to me that this is not an option, if you are already going to travel around your native country, then you must definitely stay there overnight in some other city, so this is what every traveler should take care of in advance, then this is, of course, about housing in that point , where he was going, he understood all the nuances of renting daily housing our correspondent, right now we give the floor to him. daily rental of an apartment is very convenient for those who decide to stay in the city for a few days, although sometimes... those who have their own home but want a change of scenery, for example, to celebrate a birthday, also resort to this service. renting apartments is used by different categories
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of travelers, these are business trips, these are students. if we take the belarusian market, then the price here varies depending on the location, occupancy of the apartment, the house itself, and here it even has input value. group at the entrance, that is , the price is formed from all this, so the price today in minsk is plus or minus from 80 to 200 rubles. in addition, the price includes internal services, such as maids, internet, bed linen, hygiene items such as soap, shampoos and slippers. a separate element in determining the price of renting an apartment is the presence of an online administrator. this service allows you to organize contactless check-in. this saves time for the tenant. support - 24/7. and this service is very attractive for any guest, because we have a lot of visitors, these are people who cannot.
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illusion, go to the website and independently choose the option that suits you in terms of the number of accommodation, location and content of apartments, but telegram channels and instant messengers should not be used to search for apartments, there is a big risk that the owners may deceive you, for example, the rental conditions will be are not met or the apartment will not correspond to the picture that will initially be provided to you, but even if you decide to rent a self-employed apartment
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legally no... we thank matvey for helping us understand the nuances of daily rental housing, now we can easily travel around our home country and not worry about where we can stay overnight. well, we continue to wake up. may 28 on the calendar is tuesday, right now, let's find out how it will turn out synoptically. therefore, i give the floor to katya, tell me what is there in the numbers. synoptically, this day is also suitable for travel, although it’s hardly tuesday
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? a lot of people have opportunity to go there today, but let’s even enjoy warm, truly summer weather even in our cities, well, look for yourself what awaits us today, so, in the capital we have +26 +28 today during the day, with rain possible , or rather, i’ll even argue that it will rain, so if you leave the house right now, take an umbrella with you just in case, even if it’s warm, short, like a truly summer rain, but i think the umbrella will be useful to us, here in brest today at... during the day it will be dry and up to 28 there is a plus sign, in vitebsk it is also +26 +28, there it is cloudy with clearings and even thunderstorms are expected. in gomel it will be dry and warmest during the day, i would even say hotter than +28 +30 during the day. let's move on, next up is grodno, where today during the day +26 +28 it will be cloudy with clearings and rainy. there will be rain today in mogilev too, it
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will be plus there during the day. 27 + 29, well , it seems to me that real summer has come, despite the fact that i remind you that we only have may 28 on the calendar, and this makes us very happy, yes, up to +30 across the country, indeed the indicators are more summer than spring, but for now i want to say, let’s enjoy the spring, because it ends very, very quickly, go for a walk, sunbathe, you know, now it’s time to go for a walk, i didn’t just say that, because you need to close the activity ring, so of course, be sure to go outside, but don’t forget about hats, because the sun is very active now, plus , don’t forget about spf protection, because i repeat, the sun is very active, in general, we helped you get ready for the journey today, it seems to me, to some distant place , headwear, spf and definitely an umbrella, and definitely an umbrella and water, but such a difficult day, but you know, nevertheless, for now we are enjoying the wonderful weather , i’m sure there are people in belarus who don’t notice anything around them, because we have started
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taking centralized... exams and testing. for example, yesterday, may 27, as the first centralized exam, eleventh graders took one subject to choose from. applicants could choose subjects from the following list: this is social science, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history of belarus, geography, world history or a foreign language. well, i’ll remember, i’ll remember that in addition to this, graduates of previous years and colleges have already passed centralized testing in the same subjects. let's move on. next stage. tests for this year's applicants will be held on thursday, so on may 30, graduates will take a centralized exam in the belarusian or russian language, on the same day, graduates of previous years and colleges will be able to take centralized testing in russian and belarusian languages. but most importantly, we wish good luck to all 2024 applicants. and we remind you that on june 1 we will celebrate international children's day. i think that
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applicants may also think that this is their right. yes, we are adults too. so, after all, let’s talk to the children about how to convey to the little ones important information that can save lives, olesya boyarskikh will tell you, because she has already visited the republican rally, don’t leave it. children alone, right now we give the floor to olesya. not leave the children alone, a republican action from the ministry of emergency situations is taking place in belarus, this is its essence, you will find out right now. the most joyful event in a family is the birth of a child. growing up, the baby begins to learn something new day after day. however, along with interesting discoveries , numerous ones await him. the promotion is timed to celebrate two holidays: family day and international children's day, held on may 15 and june 1. these holidays not only focus attention on issues of family values ​​and child safety, but also as part of our campaign, we draw
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attention to various incidents that may involve children. a bright and varied program has been prepared for visitors to children's entertainment centers, cinemas, children's goods stores, as well. other public places. emergency services on duty, how can i help you, what happened to you, what could be on fire in your apartment, maybe a tv? during the event , interactive platforms with competitions, quiz games, where rescuers talk about behavior on reservoirs, in the forest on the street, they remind you of emergency call numbers, and also repeat actions in the event of a fire. where is it used by us? is it possible to stick something into the socket, some kind of pencil or hairpin? no, what do you remember most during the action? do i remember the phone numbers? yes, who
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should you call if there is a fire? 101 and 112. can i play with matches or not? no, why? because when any child can take any match from the box, he lights it like that and rests on the field and a lot do this, there will be a fire. the republican campaign “don’t leave children alone” affects educational and healthcare institutions. also, special emphasis is placed on orphanages, boarding schools, family-type homes and large families. so in the frundinsky district , employees of the ministry of emergency situations visited a large family with. these are the kind of events, they, not only are they held in a playful way, and we really like it, the children are always impressed, and the children learn a lot of things, later, for example, even such a thing as not putting anything in a socket, she said one thing mother,
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another thing is that the employees came and told me this, and it’s really really useful, they remember, they don’t do it later, you can’t leave phones charging, you can’t leave devices in the key. children should not play with matches and lighters, extension cords should not be overloaded , the charger must always be turned off at night, first, do not panic, second, do not hide anywhere, third, run away from the premises, fourth, inform adults, fifth, call 112 or 101, the republican war will end action: do not leave children alone first. v international children's day, remember, a timely call to rescuers by calling 101 or 112 will help prevent misfortune,
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as it is clear to god that the snow will disappear from the damp earth. popsala hell of a road, the transitions of revelry, the sun is warmer, the ice is worn out, the springs are falling, the gloom of the last ones jumps upon us, all and sundry is visible, the geese are crowing, the spackling on the oak tree is crumbling, it's terrible... and the winter disappeared like smoke, it became greener meadow, kralya, like hell , the pain was painful, our native land.
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it was as if we had arrived on some kind of sea kuror, cool, yes, welcome, it’s enough to behave as a guest. like the hosts of the show, we feel at home, and we came to the farm, food, they didn’t tell us that they prepare very tasty yudot from natural products, did you really come from venezuela itself? of course, then welcome to the world of jodishka, hello, to the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy, we are studying the history of belarus and exploring its sights together
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with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslovskaya volodarki ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. a show where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is. intellect, if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting, emotions simply overwhelmed me. which ancient country, along with greece, gave the name to the olympic form of wrestling? artyom, rome, italy, roman empire, i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach beat in may 2023 sir's record? watch
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the intellectual sports project, head game.
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friends, today’s broadcast ends with the fiery premiere at the concert venue of the good ranitsa belarus program, our guest is angelina pippers of fuego’s compositions. good morning, first of all we would like to ask, is the surname piper yours or a pseudonym? in fact, i get asked this question very often. worries many, but i’ll tell you a secret, this is not a pseudonym, this is my real surname of german origin, which i got from my dad, then a composition in spanish becomes more interesting , yes, our surname is german in origin, a spanish-language composition, how did it appear in your life, let’s explain to everyone, this is a flame, fire, i’m correct, yes, but the name of the song speaks for itself, the song is fiery how she came into my life, why in... spanish i lived in mexico for about 7 years, and now life has brought me to
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the dominican republic, now i live in the dominican republic, in principle i live in two countries, part of the year i live in belarus, part years in the dominican republic, for this time would be strange if the latin-american blood had not awakened, had not awakened in me, so she did it, now the latin-american blood is also seething in me, in fact. i really had to learn spanish very quickly, since i passed
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the voice in mexico and they said: everything is great, you suit us, did you pass with a belarusian song? and i sang, by the way, i also sang the dome, where would i be without it? but they said everything perfectly, but you understand that you need to learn spanish from december to march? i say: ok, yes the challenge was accepted, it was so, and that’s why i actually learned spanish, i continue to learn it, and the language... i really like it, it’s so elegant, musical, so it’s a pleasure to sing in it. well, i think we will very soon, literally in a few seconds , hear how you do it, the concert venue will be at your disposal only. all that remains is to tell our viewers that this ends 3 hours of our live broadcast; today tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova helped you wake up. and you, dear viewers, we leave in the company charming angelina pipper, fiery, fiery, for your attention. see you.
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mobilizan todos señorita cuando me ves llegando el baile, a mí me gusta que me digan esos piropos que son tan finos y elegantes, el caballero a mí me invita, yo no le hago un lizar, yo siempre quiero bailar, un bench que
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es fino , elegante para bailar, soy como el fuego que te quema quema, quema, traigo alegría de la buena, buena, buena, me corre sangre en las venas, en la verbena, me gusta mucho bailar, cha cha, cómo va, soy como el fuego que te quema, quema, quema, traigo alegría de la buena, buena, buena, me corre sangre en las venas, en la verbera, me gusta mucho bailar, cha cha, como va, salgo bailar e sube la temperatura que.. . me da un calorcito que me gusta en cantidad si está caliente ya yo no quiero parar gozar siéntelo siente de ritmo como si lo siento yo yo te regalo un poquitito de calor del sabor de mi olor no lo dejes para luego que yo soy fuego
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como el fuego que te quema quema quema traigo alegría de lo bueno bueno bueno
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