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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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live news on belarus 1, in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch in this issue. journalism, synonymous with truth, over a thousand participants gathered at the media forum in mogilev. what is the main topic on...
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when there are no political successes at all, joe biden attributed the victory in world war ii to the united states. the first test on the path to admission, schoolchildren take centralized ict exams. defending borders is a matter of honor, patriotic duty and special responsibility to the people. professional holiday border guards note. and a solo concert. hits and new numbers from the kryzhachok ensemble. belarus is counting on intensifying partnership ties with the altai territory, as alexander lukashenko said yesterday during a meeting with the governor of the region. the president noted the close ties between minsk and barnaul. the siberian region is considered a breadbasket and one of the key agricultural regions of russia, but not only one of agriculture.
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"if you like it, we will work together; for people with traditional economic directions, i propose to devote more attention to cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, both in our familiar education and sports, and in new industries. tourism and transport links, we are interested in developing tourism with the altai territory, this is one of the most beautiful, simply fabulous regions of russia, for..." a flight between minsk and
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barnaul. this, in my opinion, is also a relevant topic for mutual elaboration. also an important area of ​​mutual of interest - the humanitarian sphere and tourism. the opening of a direct flight from minsk to barnaul is being worked out. and in general , the parties intend to significantly intensify their activities. cooperation. trade turnover between our country sends fertilizers, products and special equipment to the siberian region; we receive tires, engines and minerals. over a thousand participants, including journalists, bloggers and media executives from belarus, as well as an exhibition of printed publications. mogilev is hosting the fourth forum of the country's media community today. what did you do it for?
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personalities, plus, of course, bloggers, invited experts, about a thousand people in total, they say there will literally be an open microphone here, so the biggest they promise us scale, but also the most resonant, most relevant topics, this only says one thing: the word today is a powerful weapon, you need to be extremely careful with it, especially now in the era of global digitalization, when you don’t have to wait for the post office in the morning newspaper to understand what is happening around us. in general, the media space today
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has no boundaries at all; digital today, by and large, is of course a blessing from the point of view of journalistic efficiency, but on the other hand it is an even greater risk. if it comes about professional ethics, about moral standards, the speed in the media environment has indeed increased many times, but we must not forget, of course , about the main thing, the reliability of information, and today fake news, we all understand, has become the scourge of our time, a time in which, on the other hand, the demand for the truth is greater than ever, and today pseudo-journalists are actively taking advantage of this, how to counter this, today will also be... the participants on this media platform will say why this is important today, the word is not only about worldview, our media is still standing defense of the state, in defense of the country, in positions of sovereignty, because today the media space in the west is being cleared in such a way,
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we all see it, they talk about belarus with obvious bias, which is called either bad or nothing at all, all attempts on our part to talk about how it is, they will also talk about our regional media, how to make them more competitive, we will certainly hear various proposals and examples of successful work, the participants will talk about themselves, how they are developing, how they see prospects for its development, about how to make our media sphere more attractive and safer on the other hand. the forum also has good traditions, one of which is to encourage the best, to celebrate those who cope with their tasks better than others. the winners of the national competition "golden liter" will receive their well-deserved awards today, we will show the best, but we will also follow all the discussions today about the most noticeable, we will tell you throughout the day in our
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daily editions, and also in the evening, of course, in the panorama. colleagues. thank you , olga mogilev is hosting the fourth forum of the country's media community today. details in our next ones. issues of hungarian sabotage budapest did not agree to the allocation of 6.5 billion euros from the european peace fund for weapons to kiev. the head of the country's foreign policy department, peter szijart, spoke about this after a meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the eu countries. according to the diplomat, his colleagues and ministers put enormous pressure on hungary on this issue, even resorting to shouting and hysterical demands to use western weapons against russian targets.
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remains opposed to the use of funds from the european peace fund to assist ukraine, since its authorities have not eliminated the threat of including hungarian companies on its list of international war sponsors. joe biden demonstrated his complete ignorance of history when speaking at the arlington military cemetery in honor of national remembrance day. the head of the white house said that it was american soldiers who saved the world and liberated europe during the second world war. at the same time, about the role of the ussr.
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noting that modern us presidents through one suffers from the syndrome of historical revisionism. the department also emphasized that american exceptionalism is a betrayal of its own anti-fascist past. today in belarus they celebrate border guard day. the president congratulated the personnel and veterans of the border service on the holiday of command. the inviolability of borders for a state is the most important condition for preserving its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity; their protection is a matter of honor, a patriotic duty and a special responsibility. in front of the people for every warrior in a green cap. our country has created a modern,
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mobile, well-equipped professional border service, which promptly responds every day to all external threat challenges, effectively solving the problem of protecting the state. let us carefully preserve the memory of the fortitude and courage of the border guards, who were the first to stand in the way of the enemy and gave their lives for our bright future, and this should always be the case,” the head of state noted. today , taking into account the military-political situation in our neighbors pay special attention to areas from ukraine. just a month ago, a significant event took place for the pinsk border group. the diven border guard was named after the hero of the soviet union, alexei lopatin. as he says. the border guards themselves are a special honor to serve here.


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