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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 9:10am-9:45am MSK

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the country has created a modern, mobile, well -equipped professional border service, which promptly responds daily to all external threats, effectively solving the problem of protecting the state border of the republic of belarus and ensuring national security. on the eve of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, we especially glorify the heroes of the great patriotic war. let us carefully preserve the memory of the resilience and courage of the border guards. the first to stand in the way of the enemy and give their lives for our bright future, and this should always be the case,” the head of state noted. today , taking into account the military-political situation among our neighbors, special attention is paid to sections from ukraine. just a month ago, a significant event took place for the pinsk border group. the diven border post was named after the hero of the soviet union alexei lopatin. as the border guards themselves say, it is a special honor to serve here. at the moment
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, the state border is guarded in an enhanced regime by the border service; people are sent to guard the state border. enlarged border patrols, enhanced surveillance of the air and the surrounding area is carried out, as well as enhanced control over compliance with border regime rules, that is, border patrols are posted at the entrance to the border zone, which check the documents of those arriving in the border zone, as well as those in it. the divin border post is a modern and multifunctional complex, equipped with the latest technological... engineering structures and video surveillance systems that ensure continuous protection of our frontiers. we will talk about how specialists are trained to learn about the situation on the belarusian-ukrainian border, as well as how the named outpost lives, on the main broadcast this sunday. the first test for schoolchildren on the way to entering a higher education institution. the centralized exam started the day before. graduates had to test themselves in any subject of their choice. as for
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the tasks themselves, this is a completely school curriculum, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties. let us remind you that the tests start throughout the country simultaneously at 11:00. graduates centrally, accompanied by teachers , must arrive at points c in half an hour. with you, as at the ct, you have a passport, a pass and a pen with black ink. schoolchildren without an identification document will not be allowed to take the tests, those who are late, those who arrive at... tse or ct after opening the package with examination papers will not be allowed to take the exams. by the way , applicants entering universities after school take two centralized exams and one ct. graduates of previous years and colleges three centralized testing, certificates with eleventh graders will receive c certificates at their graduation ceremony on june 14. i’m taking physics because i wanted to enroll as an it specialist, at baguir or at bntu, i haven’t decided on a specialty yet, so i’ve been preparing.
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go, come to the centralized exam. the second centralized exam in belarusian or russian languages ​​will be held on may 30. the ct will also take place on the same day. in addition, centralized testing will be carried out on june 3 and 6. a participant who did not appear for the test or was released from it directly during the exam for valid reasons, will be able to take the ts or tst on reserve days: june 19, 21 and 23. with a swimming pool, a football field and a sports town in minsk, a school in the lebyazhi microdistrict is preparing to open. already in the new school year she will meet more than a thousand schoolchildren. the educational facility has two educational buildings and a library. a variety of creative studios and workshops. meanwhile , all conditions for training of young swimmers will be created in the aquatic center, as well as stands for spectators with 100 seats. the surrounding area is also being improved. construction is underway. the final stage
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has been completed with the finishing touches of the educational buildings, in which 95% of the furniture has already been installed, now we will hand over a block of furniture for moving in, well, we will already be waiting for schoolchildren, work is also being carried out to level the ground around the facility, install paths, it will have all the necessary equipment , which meets modern trends and trends in the field of education, we are talking about computer classes, in addition, there will be a modern material base in terms of sports. that means there will be two at school gyms, large and small, in addition there will be a gym, and in the adjacent territory there will be a fairly large number of multifunctional areas that can also be used in the educational process. in addition to the new school in the lebyazhie microdistrict
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, we are expecting other openings in september. the first pupils will be welcomed by a kindergarten in the fruntinsky district. a new school is also being built in the minsk-mir microdistrict. in the meantime, young schoolchildren are looking forward to the summer holidays. during this period , it is planned to improve the health of more than 390,000 people in belarus. children. preparations for the summer season were discussed in the government. 64 million rubles were allocated for rehabilitation. the average cost of a 15-day trip is 600 rubles. of these, 248 are compensated by the state. this year there will also be 100 new holiday facilities. 4,500 day camps and 1,500.
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today kryzhachok will hold an annual solo concert on the stage of the state philharmonic. next year the belgus university team will celebrate its eightieth anniversary, but this year they will show both their hit productions and new numbers. of course, a special choreographic sequence will
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highlight the date of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, which our country celebrates this year, which is symbolic for the kryzhak, because its first composition included those guys. girls who just returned from the war. today the philharmonic hall is expected to be sold out. when folk dances are danced, our history, our essence. the concert is ready, completely, emotionally charged, everything is done, everything. honored amateur group of belarus, dance ensemble kryshachok, laureate of numerous international, choreographic and folklore festivals. the repertoire includes both belarusian performances and dances of the peoples of the world. we will tell you about the development of events at noon. let me remind you that the tv news agency’s projects are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8 signal. the channel is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with
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the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. what's happening in europe union, but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means, a potential enemy is removed from...
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releases on the belarus 24 tv channel . international football returns to belarus on june 7, a friendly match belarus russia at
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the dynamo stadium, its result will go to the fifa rating, we will consider , this starts from tepili, but for now we advise you to quickly purchase tickets, because impressive support is expected from the neighboring country, this is the arena, hello, we ’ll come back to what’s to come, that’s what happened last week right now. neman won the belarusian cup 31 years later, how was it? bc miminsk is again the strongest in the country, but this week it completed the worst season in recent history. indeed, there is such a thing, and no matter what you do in principle throughout belarus, you feel comfortable, you relax.
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these guys don't need roads, what is enduro , why is this activity so exciting. the most striking spectacle of the past week was observed in zhodino, where grodno nemon confidently defeated isloch 2:0 in the final of the belarus cup. the team won the trophy for the first time since 1993, the wolves stumbled again in the decisive match. the local stadium is rarely filled to capacity, but this was exactly the case . the entourage was not created by the zhoden residents, but rather by visitors, this final will remain in the history of not only belarusian, but also world football, as a match in which two head coaches were disqualified at once. neman took the trophy, but soon both he and islach will represent our country in european competition. i
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said, i repeat, men played in this game. belarus in basketball, but he barely fulfilled his minimum requirement. grodna 93 forced a fight on our giants, and the grodno team didn’t fall apart in the third match of the series, even when they got their ring at the last second, a long-range accurate shot from outside the center circle. we can conclude that bominsk has ceased to be feared even within the country. of course, we are talking about unprecedented things. there is still a long way to go in the vtb united league, we know that there is a proposal not to spend money on foreign players, to create competition for next year in domestic competitions, but in the meantime, alexander yakubovsky will congratulate the champions and find out that they think about the season themselves. but let’s start the report
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with this episode, which will go down in history. belarusian basketball, a graduate of the litskaya school daniil borisevich will save his team with such a fantastic shot from his own half, but in the end the third match will remain behind the scenes 93. it doesn’t matter, we played the game, that’s all. if we had won this one thing, but we allowed ourselves to talk to the judges, play like that without rebounding, without our own , well, at some points we allowed ourselves to rest, and we would have lost the result.
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the game clearly demonstrated why we all love basketball, for emotions, for unpredictability, for character, construction of a new team sports center at the entrance to grodno will begin in the near future, i think this will solve all the problems, there is one main hall with 2000 seats one training room for 500 places, that is, there will be enough there, as
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if it will meet all the requirements for holding international competitions, then support for the sports school will increase, the result: national cups and the hegemony of minsk managed to interrupt boris fen in the national championship at grodno 93, despite a great desire, he did not succeed. of course, everyone wants to, and i really want not so much to interrupt, but for everyone to show their brightest class of play. and of course, the question here is not so much about hegemony, but about
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the fact that in the place of grodno, as they showed today, there is no need to be afraid of the established ones. authorities, as the president says, discipline beats the class, when at the end of today the citizens of gradyansk gathered, showed discipline, they bombed this class, that’s actually speaking, somehow listen, read the president, it’s good when there are a lot of teams, when there are a lot of good games, i think that well, people grow as players themselves, they will then play well in the class for the national team, when the games are relatively so, you win 50 points each it’s not even interesting to play and for the fans it’s the same, it seems to me that anyway there will always be a favorite of minsk, it seems to me, i just think that they... relaxed a little and thought that they won two games at home and will come here and how they would have beaten me calmly, but that’s not the case it was, we were ready, tuned in, hit our shots today and, well, won.
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big personnel problems due to the health of the players, but - in these difficult, in this most difficult situation, the guys showed themselves
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to be real great guys, coped with this pressure, won another championship, we really needed it, and even head coach alexey sukhovetsky can’t do anything yet to talk about the future of the team, whether we will see minsk in the vtb united league in the next draw, the question is still open. but the difference in budgets with russian clubs is three to four times, it does not allow us to form that team, does not allow us to attract the leaders of our national team, who perform, for example, as salysh in france, yes, as the guys perform in the vtb united league, we cannot make them an offer that would correspond to their level , but for us this is not a problem, i think that we will now focus on training young players. and we will rely on the formation of a reserve, so that at the moment when we manage to perform on the international stage, in order to do this on a fairly good level, and young players by
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the time several years have passed will already correspond to the level of national competitions. do we even need a single vtb league? and i think that the answer to this question is that the club will accept it at the end of the season, so let's wait until... the men's championship ends, and i think the club's management, the leadership of the mingur executive committee will appreciate the chances that exist, primarily in financial terms , because it is quite an expensive event, participation in in this vtb league, first of all, these are relocations, yes, which cost quite a lot of money, these are contracts, when it is necessary to attract foreign players, it is still worth thinking about investing money in foreign players.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with
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cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated microcircuits and... brudnik devices, microelectronics in general, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, if necessary, corrective measures are developed, first of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here, without teamwork it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel, let's go on a trip to belarus, hello, travel lovers, today is moscow.
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last hour, morse key, we can try, oh, it’s working, we’ll be stunned, and we’ll also visit the bright sights of our country, agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event, but the joyful ones we build moments of our lives ourselves every weekend, along with the project , the route is built, see the program. the route was shown on the belarus 24 tv channel . while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, it is increasing its military contingent. on our southern border, intelligence agencies are constantly catching ukrainian saboteurs. today , all conditions are being created in our country to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, and their placement on the territory of
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all nato countries. okay, but it's probably different. there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, and, in addition, a shift from a unipolar world to a polycentric world. the republic of belarus is, in fact, located at the junction of these two power lines, the confrontation between the west and east, and any changes in the international situation, in international security, immediately affect our national security. in the constitution of our country. it is written in black and white that we are not going to attack anyone. military capacity and military strength are defensive in nature, and this is against the backdrop of the rapid armament of our neighbors. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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menchanka volleyball did not was impressive, so i only had to admire the belarusians in this sport in a targeted manner, but who was there? vera kostyuchik, the right volleyball player, playing in the right team. from the point of view of professionalism, grandnichanka is a role model for all those who are still struggling in the belarusian championship, but also want to become a foreign player. and she chose the club well. the kaliningrad locomotive, as the top club believes, not right away. i accepted a new girl, but the little guy endured it and is now celebrating winning a medal in one of the strongest leagues peace. andrei kozlov asked vera how to correctly place emphasis in life and career. let us first explain, you and i, well, we are standing around the beautiful city
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of grodno, of course, let us explain why you are here. firstly, well, everyone knows that you are from brest, the light appeared there, you started your career in brest, why are we in grodno, it’s really a wonderful city, and it so happened that my roots, my favorite people, my family live and are working in this city now, so i’m very happy to visit them, your sister is playing, and so is mine my sister plays here, dad lives in brest, so she scattered us a little, brest also remains my favorite, one of my favorite cities, but grodno is also very nice to me, i would give my... star and grodno to both brest and minsk. how closely do you follow your sister’s progress in volleyball? how much do you care about her success? in principle, i treat her with reverence, just like i treat my little blood, my dear one, well , first of all it’s love, secondly it’s sports and so on, some kind of achievements. when you you come to belarus, you and i just talked without a camera, you just feel calm here, peace, yes.
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where i was born, it was useful there, and from the category where i was born, it’s very good there, you recommend it to everyone, who i play with, i recommend it to everyone, yes, who i play with, that’s who i’ve met , basically throughout my life, i’ve heard so much about beautiful, pleasant places.
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i think that not a single player can be satisfied with the role of a reserve person, because sport always requires growth, always working on oneself. every time you enter the season, no matter how you finished the previous one, you strive to improve yourself, there are always difficult moments too, sport is such a very unpredictable sport, all that remains is to survive them, overcome them, process them, yes, as i already told you, patience is work, everything will change labor, you play in a team, there are such girls, very bright, in terms of their character it seems to me that they are more ready to stand up for themselves there for their place in the lineup, it is clear that this is not in your opinion, but a competitor’s, but let’s take it in a pop-word. ..
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this season i was very amazed so to speak, i’m surprised how nice they are, how nice people can be, how responsive they can be, but they are impulsive, and does it help you when you ’re around? well, this is an additional explosion of emotions, again, help on the set, in terms of starting to shout somewhere, this is right about them, i all liked the behavior of the karakurts - in the series, yes, you understand what i’m talking about, but how do you evaluate it? a person reacts impulsively, we all knew what she was like. there is, what it can be, in principle, i think that at least in our team everyone was ready for this, but apparently the opponent turned out to be a little unprepared for this, then he talked a lot about it on social networks, how lokomotiv was going through this time, this did not concern us much throughout the result , well, it didn’t affect the result, that is, we
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didn’t focus attention on it , as if it had passed us by and as if it wasn’t even with us, i’m asking about personal history, because it’s not just me on instagram , but others could see that you are with a young man a person posted a story, as i understand it, to the club, to put it mildly, this is not a stranger. yes, we met at the club, when my boyfriend was still working there, now we just live in kaliningrad, he is a cameraman, yes, he is a cameraman, and the first interview you gave, yes, he filmed, recorded, yes, i was lucky , just like that, well, it’s a beautiful story, yes, it’s a beautiful story, that ’s what you mean, and a cool career, a personal story, and you’re happy, i’ll try to explain on a scale, from one to ten, for example, what kind of rating you can give by 10, of course same, i always. i’m happy, i’m always 10% happy, i always try to survive to the maximum of what i have, that’s why yes, i recommend everyone, by the way, to still experience this wonderful feeling of happiness, smile more, friends, everything will be wonderful in your life , do you know what enduro is,
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it is a class of motorcycles, and at the same time a discipline of motorsports and cycling, which involves an aggressive riding style on... the road. competitions in the mountains are the peak of difficulty. to, for example, win a medal at the famous 100% endura race in gelendzhuk, you need to be there for a long time train. but belarusian artyom kuntsevich feels quite comfortable here; this year he took his third award. this time bronze. strike while the iron is hot, let’s take the courage, together with artyom, we will give this advice to all endura lovers, and what does this red-hot metal have to do with it, we will learn from elena gorelchik’s story. we managed to intercept the best endurist of belarus, artyom kuntsevich, within the boundaries of minsk on the way to his native baranoviche. a week ago gelinda, at the famous 100% indura race, he won a difficult race in every sense bronze on the way home, i stopped by the start in smolensk, where i also became first, and the day before
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i went to austria for the ersberg rodeo, the fastest hard-court race in the world. for all my races, i travel on my motorhome, which has not only a living compartment, but also... and a compartment for motorcycles, an area of, let's say, a garage, it is located on the back side of this wall, here i have everything for life, kitchen, refrigerator, uh, stove, there's a gas washbasin,


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