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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 9:45am-11:00am MSK

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auntie’s award is bronze this time, strike while the iron is hot, let’s take the courage , together with artyom, we will give this advice to all fans of endura, and what does this hot metal have to do with it, we learn from elena gorelchik’s story. we managed to intercept the best hindu player in belarus, artyom kuntsevich, within the boundaries of minsk on the way of the historian to her native baranoviche. a week ago in gelendzhuk at the famous 100% endura race, he won bronze, which was heavy in every sense. on the way home i stopped by the start. smolensk, where it also became the first, the day before went to austria for the ersberg rodeo, the most the fastest hard race in the world. i travel to all my races on my house on wheels, which has not only a living compartment, but also a compartment for motorcycles, a zone, let’s say, a garage, it is located on the back side of this wall, here i have everything for life, kitchen, refrigerator, stove, gas washbasin. and there is a shower, it is possible
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to wash, wash the motorcycle after the race, and also five sleeping places , sleeping bags can be folded out, here i made such a collection of all my medals, in fact , there were much more winning places in my career than these medals, because not at every race they give medals, somewhere they give a cup, somewhere they give a certificate, somewhere they give respect, honor, the most, the most, probably, the medal that i value is this red bull romannyaks, this... in the twenty-first year in the bronze class at the red bull world championship romannyaks - this is considered the most difficult race, the most difficult race in the world, it lasts four racing days, and i took first place in the bronze class on a chinese motorcycle avantis.
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in general, i have been involved in sports for 23 years, i i’ve been involved in motocross for a long time, well, now i’m continuing it, i can use this sport, let’s say, as a training tool for enduro, but in 2018 i first attended the enduro championship of the republic of belarus, when i started trying to perform at international competitions, i saw that i could show good results are already more concentrated specifically on... yes, there is
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a story that everyone who has already come to enduro never leaves, it’s still probably about getting the maximum amount of adrenaline, because the guys ride road motorcycles are on the bug, but everyone who tries eduro is already, as it were, the final, let’s say, instance of maximum adrenaline. endura is translated as such, an endurance race, when you need to drive for many hours and clearly be able to... some techniques, actually psychology plays a huge role, because you need these four or five, this year there was a race, where i drove for 10 hours, just mentally endure and get to the finish line. getting to the finish line is the key phrase for all participants of the 100% endura in gelendzhuk, just imagine, in last year only seven professionals out of 29 completed this task, this...
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the largest race in russia gathered somewhere around 560 participants in different classes, let's say the main organizer, misha gavrilov, he is a participant in all sorts of international competitions, and there is such the red bull race romaniax, here he is from there, let’s say, he spied something somewhere, so he really wanted to make his own race, as similar as possible to the red bull, that’s why the classes, in principle, are
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also gold, silver, bronze, iron, there were ladies , there were electric ones this year, great. here there are mainly difficult sections - these were rocky, well, climbs with stones, there is also a kind of soil in gelendzhak with a so -called loose soil, it is also very difficult to ride on it, especially when it is dry, this soil, it begins to crumble and becomes the same slippery like in the rain. let's say, here - mainly because of this soil there were some kind of traverses there, it looks like they are not difficult, the so-called ones, when at an angle - along the mountain, at an angle you go to the side, it seems that it is not difficult, for due to the fact that it was all dried up and it was this
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crumbling, crumbling stone, that everyone was licked off on these traverses, and this time there were quite a lot of traverses, specifically - trim is bright on the drive the day before the first stage of the belarusian autocross championship took place. the borisov region gathered about 40 fans of difficult distances, ready to test their car's strength, first of all, themselves. dirt, dust, and dangerous hill turns awaited the participants. but
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the athletes showed a fierce fight at every centimeter. many were even ready to fight for the sake of victory . in these races, leading at the start does not mean winning at the finish. often racers. abandons the track due to a breakdown, departure and an unsuccessful turn, this is an autocross, everything here is serious and unpredictable. the most important obstacle is other rivals who also want to win, do not disdain contact fighting, so you have to push and gas on the goal and drive in zero visibility, therefore. there are many obstacles on the track, but the strongest must win, he won it wasn’t me, i won the car, i adjusted myself more to the car, i managed to cope with it, this track gave me a surprise and first place, because the two previous times i came and participated in the belarusian championship, i had terrible technical breakdowns here, gatherings, that’s why i
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didn’t even immediately agree to talk to you between races, problems can be of any nature, even to the point that a tire, wheel, gearbox, any component and... everything is checked before the race. second stage of the belarusian autocross championship starts on june 8 and will be held in stayki. and that's all for today. arena will be live in a week, so see you there.
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liliya aleksandrovna karastoyanova, participant in the partisan movement during the great years. in the fall of 1942, having learned about the death of her husband, she firmly decided to go to the front. in november 1942, she was sent to a partisan detachment as a special correspondent. karastoyanova wrote an article and more than once participated in operations and partisan raids. on the night of march 15, 1943, the newspaper's editorial office received a radiogram from partizansky connections. about the death of korostoyanova in a fierce battle. on the eve of her last fight, she prepared for komsomolskaya pravda the publication of an appeal to belarusians. she was only 25 years old. for courage and heroism
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, liliya karostoyanova was awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree, posthumously. streets in gomel and minsk are named after the correspondent. this is belarus, the main one on the belarusian tv channel. in the studio pavel azovik. hello. meeting of the leaders of the union state in minsk. in an atmosphere of high trust level of political dialogue. official visit of the president.
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and survival in general, as well as building a common educational space
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, joint training, exclusive interview programs, belarusians have never seen anything like this, performances, concerts, exhibition projects and an exclusive paleontological find, a complete mammoth skeleton, everything is powerful, very beautiful, the story is so deep - a deep one is approaching us and...
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relations between belarus and russia are of a strategic nature; at a meeting at the airport, the leaders confirmed their intention to discuss security issues first of all, and to continue the dialogue on economic issues with the participation of members of the government, that’s what i was driving and thinking, the tradition has developed that we always don’t have time.
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thank you very much, thank you for this opportunity. come in the evening, talk informally, communicate, after negotiations with our arab friends, i had such a big meeting with members of the government, they talked about my visit to you, we went through almost all areas, a lot has been done by our colleagues lately, with your direct
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participation, with your support, but we will discuss all this today, tomorrow, including security issues, which you always pay great attention to. the second day of the visit will begin with our common memory. the russian president laid a wreath at the monument on victory square, a sign of respect and gratitude for the immortal feat of soviet soldiers. taking into account the strategic cooperation between the two countries , the leaders see each other quite often, but the current visit of the russian president to belarus is the first. official after the last elections. vladimir putin is greeted at the palace of independence according to all canons.
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there is close interaction between countries in a variety of areas, and it is the presidents who set the tone for cooperation. once again, i welcome you to belarusian soil, i am pleased that you liked minsk and liked the people, you have already noticed with an experienced eye. and you just said about the city, indeed, i drove through and looked, the city is in very good condition, beautiful, i want the city authorities to say something about this first. exchanged views on the most pressing topics for minsk and moscow, touched upon the situation in region, options for responding to emerging challenges, threats, and the combination of the two military
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potentials of russia and belarus are created. an absolute guarantee for our countries in military-strategic terms, of course, no threats from western adversaries will have any success in this case, despite the fact that i would like to emphasize once again that from a geostrategic point of view the situation is not simple, because belarus is actually with on three sides is surrounded either by nato members such as lithuania and poland, or... ukraine, in this in relation to the russian-belarusian union, its capabilities are a powerful shield against this aggression. another pressing topic for minsk and moscow is the further development of transport links and logistics. much is being done to create the most favorable conditions for mutual trips of citizens to develop their contacts of direct communication with each other.
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soon it is planned to cancel roaming on the territory of the union state, that is. regarding trade and government procurement, belarus expects to work more closely with russian state corporations; for this , countries need to remove restrictive barriers. i think you will agree with my thesis that in the space of a union state we should not limit ourselves by closing ourselves off from each other in our common market.
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regions, only recently have we properly assessed this potential of the regions; it is the cooperation between our regions that has ensured a significant increase in mutual trade. on june 27-28 , planned events will be held in vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk as part of the next forum of regions. with big it is our pleasure, vladimir vladimirovich, and your colleagues are invited. to this forum. i agree with alexander that today one of the absolute priorities is transport logistics, bearing in mind that we need to restore and create. new supply chains and help each other to ensure the uninterrupted operation of our enterprises, including those focused on
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the market of two countries on the market of third countries that want to work with us, there are quite a lot of such countries, we so casually we also touched upon another area of ​​interaction - agriculture, this is the most important area, belarus is demonstrating very good results here, primarily in the quality of goods, we
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still have neither the current president nor the future one, i think, to resolve these big issues that are facing state of ukraine, before the people of ukraine, the presidents will not decide these issues, you know who will decide, much has already been decided overseas, what has not been decided, they will decide later, the situation is developing as it is developing, i think that this year will determine a lot, a lot.
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only i know, but we need to look at what is written in the constitution of ukraine, which
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authorities have the right to be extended according to the constitution of ukraine, without elections, without election procedures, and which cannot count on these rights, this can be done on basis of legal analysis, these are questions to the ukrainian political and legal system. following the negotiations, the presidents noted their effectiveness and emphasized the high level of trust between the countries. and, of course, he escorted him to the airport, belarusian leader of a russian colleague, also in person after dinner, at which, as 2 writes, the dish was exclusively folk, village cuisine. traniki, belarusian lard, youth salad, alexander lukashenko’s signature dish , home-cooked, in general, everything in a homely setting.
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belarus is intensifying cooperation with the most remote regions of russia. for the first time in minsk, a representative delegation of the magadan region. thorough dialogue on a wide range of areas. from product supply, engineering and food to industrial cooperation and facility design. and all taking into account the characteristics of the extreme. from north. 11.00 km from minsk and we are in magadan. surrounded by tundra and taiga, washed by the waves of the sea of ​​okhotsk, this is a city of long winters and short summers. however, as they say here, magadan, hardened by the cold of the pacific wind, is always ready to share the warmth of its soul. fish caviar gold is the first
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association. region, it is called the golden heart of russia, but that’s not all. the territory of the region, by the way, is comparable to cameroon, uzbekistan or sweden, and here not only stunning natural beauty, rich mineral resources, but also a strong industry, which belarusian-russian cooperation can strengthen. positive examples of cooperation have already reached the far east, from the construction of dairy farms to the supply of equipment, and the experience is spreading further. the delegation of the magadan region is in belarus for the first time.
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it will be possible to significantly add to our relations, primarily in trade and economic relations, i am convinced that you will find with us everything you need, from industrial products to food, medicines, cosmetics and so on. we must decide today how we will work to radically increase the rhythm of mutually beneficial trade and economic relations. the road map includes a dozen promising areas where significant growth can be achieved. increase, mining and gold mining exploration is developed in the magadan region and belarusian maz, belazy, road, and construction equipment are in great demand, easily replacing the japanese americans who left the market. our business, both a gold mining company and a company engaged in servicing heavy equipment, believes that the time has come to show fraternal relations, support in everything, not only
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in foreign policy, but also in domestic policy, we are very patriotic and committed to cooperation with the republic of belarus. considering the specifics, the magadan region needs the entire chain, from assistance in geological exploration to the manufacture of jewelry, so a joint jewelry venture is absolutely possible. the famous gomel crystal is ready to work on magadan raw materials, and then with joint products it is possible to enter not only the domestic, but also foreign markets. we have maintained our crystal jewelry plant in gomel since soviet times; the enterprise has many years of experience working with precious metals and stones; it is possible to work out options for creating a joint production on the basis of this enterprise. on the route of the delegation biloma, amkador, belas mass, at the enterprises there was a conversation about specific supplies, agreements were reached on the supply of four units of all-wheel drive
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mass truck tractors. a passenger bus is also currently being supplied for operation in the city of magadan. route magadan city, region airport. we see great potential in the development of supplies to the magadan region; at present, mass is represented not only in the form of sales in this region, but in the format of a service center. today, replacement is taking place and we believe that the presence of the belarusian mechanical engineering can be increased by 40, 50 percent, and this will be correct, it will be worthy, because we have no doubt about the quality and... organize supplies, and most importantly service, not only there in the city of magadan, and service with field visits. the head of the belarusian state offered the services of our designers in the construction of schools, sports arenas, shopping centers, and there is something
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to fill their shelves with, from dairy products to consumer goods. soon a large store with belarusian goods will open in magadan, but for now there is no direct communication, everything has to be carried to vladivostok, and from there by sea to the region. agreed with one of the largest dealers of belarusian goods in the far east, he will significantly increase volumes food supplies to magadan. belarus handed over turnkey dairy farm projects to partners. there are problems with the feed supply in the region, so we will share technologies and help increase milk volumes, but obviously heavy engineering is a priority. it is important to close all questions regarding the service of belarusian equipment, because there is more and more of it in the russian region.
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the spartak confectionery factory is also in the sphere of interests of the russian side. among the wide assortment, i received special attention a line of healthy food without sugar based on natural raw materials based on corn or potato starch syrup. the line is presented in trade and will clearly complement the food supply to the magadan region. it has proven itself well in the confectionery industry. it can be caramelized and is heat-stable, that is, it does not change its properties when exposed to temperature, has a lower calorie content than sugar, and is not capable of sharply raising blood sugar, so it is recommended for diabetics. another
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pleasant feature of maltitol is that it does not causes caries. the magadan region has an interest in many areas, for example, the military-industrial complex, working in partnership with belarusians to create special equipment for agriculture. and there should also be more livestock farms, fish and seafood on belarusian shelves. products, food products, this includes processing of the livestock industry, meat and milk, all of this is produced and processed in our region in sufficient quantities to supply the magadan region. a working group has been created in this area to more specify the operator. on the one hand, on the other hand, in order to resolve this issue, i think that this will have a serious effect - within the framework of trade turnover within the framework of our trade. the parties discussed the prospects for mutually beneficial
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cooperation, including in the consumer sphere, the next important milestone of interaction is cultural exchange and tourism to places of military glory. as a result of the joint meeting of the working group, an agreement and protocol were signed, all pending appearance. direct flight, already this summer belarus will accept to improve the health of children from the magadan region, this will be the beginning of the development of a tourist destination, but there are no prospects in this area. vast horizons. and here it’s not just intentions. cooperation along the allied line is gaining momentum. minsk and kazan intend to work together in the aircraft industry in 26, we are waiting for a prototype of a belarusian-russian-made aircraft. a number of promising projects connect belarus and tatarstan in the field of mechanical engineering. tatarstan has been a long-time partner for us. because the belarus tractor appeared here more than 20 years ago,
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we started with a simple assembly of ready-made machine kits, since then a lot of water has passed under the bridge, competitors came, left, came again, but even today the most famous belarusian machine, by and large , bears the entire belarusian-russian cooperation in this region, but we are promised new projects . this is mtz tatarstan, the largest project of the minsk tractor plant in russia. at first, only an assembly shop was organized at this site. and today it has grown to a multi-brand center, sales hubs for almost the entire line of belarusian equipment and equipment, and now tractors are not only assembled here, but rather provided with full service and promotion. any car, be it a classic, gas-powered, with attachments, for the field or the city, even an unmanned tractor is on the way and is only here for now, everything is there. the events of recent years
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have not undermined the position of tractor equipment on the market. western brands left, but asian companies came in with their aggressive marketing, increasing competition. and it’s not just china; the rapidly developing indian market is giving it a head start. this forces belarusian manufacturer constantly improves its machines and develops service. the client will not wait for weeks until the required part arrives, there will be downtime, for example, in the fields, and everyday losses. it is important not just to sell the equipment, but to accompany it throughout the entire life cycle, this includes service support, spare parts, there is already a project, agreed upon, selected, which is now undergoing examination for the launch, construction of a central distribution center for spare parts, this... too one of the stages of provision
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customers with reliable, original, high-quality spare parts in a short time. so, all manufacturers are trying to work. there are about three dozen of them at the mtz tatarstan site. machines, equipment, components. a large farmer, for example, can come to one point and buy everything at once. and a tractor, a combine, attachments , plus all related services. the main thing that is important in the belarusian country today is to ensure accessibility. and
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there should be eight such multi-brand centers like here throughout russia, but this number one will be designated at the negotiations by the delegation, but it remains to be developed, cooperation along the belarus-tatarstan line is gaining momentum, machine builders are in the foreground, but that’s not all, the entire machine-building sector of belarus works very closely and closely with kamaz, supplying units, supplying components,
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under let's say we're putting in an application from a tatar kazan manufacturer, we're building our own production shops for painting a certain range of aircraft components, maybe even entire
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planes, for example, we'll bring that 214 to minsk, let's paint it and see how satisfactory the quality will be. and accordingly, we will have the right to produce this aircraft, today we have a firm order from the russian federation to produce 50%, well, of the figure of 180 aircraft, well , in the near, near future, and this work is also now being carried out very closely at plant 558, well, the task is worth it such that in
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2026 our first prototype, developed jointly with our russian partners, will be produced. new heights must be reached in cooperation and trade. a million dollars is already a reality, but the partners want more, to double their growth, and most importantly they know how to do this, complementing each other, expanding their competencies, and ultimately becoming stronger. this is belarus main and further in the program. one step away from joining the highway that minsk is ready to offer the shanghai family, as well as a united front in... the media space, an exclusive interview with the program. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. mutual initiatives and unity of views on information security issues. union state in the current
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conditions, it is necessary to present a united front, including in the media space. in our studio is the dean of the faculty of journalism of the belarusian state university. political scientist alexey belyaev. alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism of the belarusian state university, political scientist, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, graduated from vitebsk state university named after mashirov with a degree in russian language and literature and history with honors, postgraduate study at the faculty of history of the belarusian state university, area of ​​scientific interests, history of the great patriotic war wars, occupation, genocide, political science, author of more than seventy. scientific publications, developer of a number of educational programs in the disciplines of historical political science, participant in documentary scientific and journalistic films on historical political issues, member of the republican public association belaya rus, participant in dialogue platforms on the issues of constitutional reform of the party
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building of the all-belarusian people's assembly, day of national unity. alexey viktorovich, you represent one of the most fundamental faculties of belarus. have become quite familiar, this suggests that there is very close contact between the countries and between the leadership of our states, a very close, direct dialogue without equivocation, our president, in particular alexander grigorievich lukashenko, and the president of russia and vladimir vladimirovich putin, they always emphasize the special the format of relations between
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our countries, their special personal relations, the fact that there are no closed topics for them, the fact that they can discuss things, maybe...
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nuclear weapons, which is being carried out on the territory of the republic of belarus, on the territory of the russian federation, at a time when our neighboring countries, for example, poland, are calling for readiness to place nuclear weapons on their territory, at a time when we see calls for example, ukraine to allow them to strike the russian federation with american or british medium-range missiles, and these missiles. may well carry, including nuclear warheads, then of course this is a very important step, and here we must demonstrate this visit has a lot to do with this,
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to demonstrate that we have operational control of strategic nuclear weapons, that we have everything under control, but at the same time, decision-making, if necessary, will be very quickly. well, when we are defending our geopolitical interests, sovereignty, security and our values... so our borders are closed, we are being pressured by sanctions, and belarus decides on visa-free entry for citizens of the border
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states of poland, lithuania, latvia, we by this we demonstrate that we have no complaints about the peoples of these countries, questions and complaints exist towards the political leadership, which today has taken an absolutely unconstructive position, when we are directly threatened, when in the territory defined by belarus... for example, poland is preparing the so -called kharugvi, in fact, are units that are designed to destabilize the situation on the territory of belarus, that is, these are terrorist gangs that are supposed to be used as sabotage and reconnaissance groups in in relation to our country, when on the territory of poland and the territory of lithuania there is open support for political marginals, renegades who call themselves belarusian...
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to ensure this very security on the territory of our country, in general , we are talking about the security of the entire union state, because through the territory of belarus can penetrate, including saboteurs, into the territory of russia, we see that today belarus really stands on the defense of the borders of the union state, we are the first such shield that covers direction to moscow, let’s be honest, we won’t be embarrassed or afraid of this, so of course...
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there are less than 1,200 media outlets , in russia there are more than 30,000 of them. if we are talking about methods and means of regulation, then in belarus, for example, the ministry of information acts as a key regulator in the media field, since the space is more narrow, then it is probably a little easier for us, fairly strict control over the information sphere, including plan that this area should reflect the interests
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of the republic of belarus. of course we need today. create a common unified information space within the framework of the union state, we have russian main channels, federal ones, information is disseminated by russian print media, main websites are working, and our population is quite active in using this information, that is, belarusians about what is happening in russia they know and know quite well and deeply follow the agenda, as it is called, of course,
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the general concept of information security within the framework of the union state, as we have in essence, the concepts of military security, our military doctrines, the concept of national security are already linked, so today we need some kind of universal document that would bring positions closer together, including within the framework of activities on the information battlefield . those who choose the profession of a journalist and study at bsu, how much we are together today...
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and of course, it is very important for bsu to have partners, one of such serious partners for us is already moscow state university, just recently in april there was a very large-scale meeting, the bsu delegation led by the rector, most of the deans went to moscow state university, met there, concluded various cooperation agreements, unfortunately, i personally was not able to be there at that time, because i...
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that common value, yes, and this is the common ground that allows us today to maintain our unity, and this is very important, it must be appreciated, it must be supported, it must be developed. alexey viktorovich,
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thank you very much, the dean of the faculty of journalism of the belarusian state university was in our studio university, political scientist alexey belyaev. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. today we are in polotsk. oh, you know what, i’ve been thinking about staying here for a long time, because this is a city with real history. is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, the post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence. and off we go.
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well, no one works, but the designers touch on various aspects, moments, and i realized that this niche is free, well, you can to say, i deliberately, i specifically took this topic, yes, it really suited me, and they will also share the secrets of their success,
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i compete with myself, for me there are no competitors, when i go into creativity, that is, it’s like my outlet, i don’t know, healing the soul, watch the belarusians project on the tv channel: belarus 24. this is the main thing for belarus, to unite the potential on the basis of mutual trust in the vast eurasian space. belarus is one step away from joining the shanghai family. already in july the country plans to become a full member of the shanghai organization of cooperation. at the smith-shaw meeting in kazakhstan.
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remains one of the supporting pillars of the multipolar world order, it is fully capable of becoming the driving force behind the transformation of eurasia into a single continent-wide space of peace, stability, mutual trust and development. having entered the shanghai family, belarus is ready to offer its partners its industrial, scientific, transit potential, accumulated experience in peacekeeping and multilateral diplomacy. belarus has consistently passed through all stages of its development in the sco, first in the status of a dialogue partner, then in the status of an observer, and finally completes the procedure for obtaining full
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membership. deliveries of rut fertilizers and soyuzny belas, days of the minsk region at vdnkh in moscow. they plan to open a belarusian trading house in omsk, and the first flight from chelyabinsk was met in...
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outside the nuclear sphere, they are in varying degrees of readiness, in varying degrees of maturity, but each of them, in our opinion, will sooner or later turn into quite attractive industrial, production project, with new jobs, with new tax revenues, with further development of competencies, including in the interests of supply to third countries. issues of bilateral military and technical cooperation were discussed by the ministers of defense of belarus. the russian meeting is another
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confirmation of strong fraternal ties and strategic partnership. viktor khrenin emphasized bilateral cooperation between minsk and moscow as an example of building an equal, mutually beneficial alliance for the entire post-soviet space. minister of defense russia's andrei belousov, in turn , noted: belarus is a loyal ally and a reliable partner. the union machine tool as a response to sanctions pressure, the belarusian exposition is presented at the specialized international one.
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he manufactured what he had failed, the machines are reliable, durable, repairable, there are very few challenges in terms of quality, very few, practically none. this year , about one and a half thousand companies from eight countries are participating in the exhibition. thematic sections of the exhibition cover all aspects machine tool building and metalworking. days of the minsk region are held at vdnkh in moscow. the central exhibit was the mound of glory, a symbol of the victory of the soviet people over fascism. first. what do guests of belarus see when traveling from the national airport to minsk. belarusians are proud not only of their past, but of their present. this is how belas, the flagship of belarusian industry, is presented in moscow. the minsk region is working closely with the omsk region of russia in plans to create a joint chemical cluster where they will produce import-substituting products. the parties have already agreed to involve scientists in resolving the issue of deepening the processing of various chemicals . in addition, negotiations are underway about opening in omsk. belarusian trading
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house. the spring international economic forum in gomel brought together representatives from twelve countries and half a thousand participants. the forum is a platform for demonstrating potential in various fields, from the chemical, light and woodworking industries to metalworking, construction and tourism; russians are traditionally among the participants. this our main task is to have as much trade as possible, to have this cash flow. and the material flow flowed between our countries, we are among the top ten leaders in russia in the development of industrial tourism in the aspect of career guidance, that is, we will talk about our experience. direct flights between chelyabinsk and minsk have been launched to visit relatives for tourists and business. the russian company will operate flights once a week on tuesdays, the launch of the flight, the outcome and agreements between the governments of belarus and the chelyabinsk region. russian the regional center attracts. many
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visitors, history, unique geographical position and the fall of a meteorite, from chelyabinsk , according to a good tradition, bread and salt as a sign of a warm welcome on belarusian soil. we expect that there will be a flight on this flight, firstly, it will be in demand, since chelyabinsk is a large city, more than a million people, we are counting on tourism potential, and also, first of all, of course, this is a business, because chelyabinsk after all, it’s a big industrial city, a big industrial city, ours. art without borders, cultural days of the novosibirsk region were held in belarus, performances, concerts, exhibition projects included only the best in the program, minsk and novosibirs are twin cities, we have many years of
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friendly and business relations, our film crew became acquainted with the national heritage of siberia, petrified in time an inhabitant of the ice age, this is samson. it is approximately 40,000 years old; i have never been to minsk before. siberia is famous for mammoth finds; in fact, finding a complete mammoth skeleton is very great luck, and our museum, the novosibirsk state regional museum, is lucky, we have a male, a female in excellent condition, there are literally a few tiny bones missing, we brought one of them to you, everything is powerful, very beautiful, this is exactly the story deep, deep is approaching us, this is not... probably, in fact, the most important question that everyone is asking is how he was transported, how he even came here. in fact, the exhibit is a large construction set, arrived in disassembled condition, delivery at the fure lasted almost a week. of course, we do not allow any air transportation, because after all, paleontology is a rather fragile museum material, so it is only land. in a few hours
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, he grew up and again became the same as he was during life, well, just without fur. great art came with samson. belarusian for 3 days. immersed in siberian originality, picturesque journeys through the vast russian expanses, designer interpretation of traditions, in the costumes of the siberian folk choir. in addition to museum collections, a huge number of concert programs were prepared for the audience. we brought them a lot and understood that, in general, we know that they are welcome here, because the ties between novosibirsk and minsk are long enough, strong, so cordial, that’s why this is a musical theater, this is a puppet theater, this is the novosibirsk drama theater.
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the scene of action in the selection, what beats the repertoire ratings, the merry widow, romeo and juliet, the royal bride, martha's voice spilled like silver under the arches of the big one. for
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daria this is her debut on the minsk stage, although people have been coming to belarus since childhood, relatives from polotsk, tours are another reason for meeting, not every european one. because it says more than the text, so i’m sure that they are belarusians, well, with their subtle spiritual organization, they will feel, for 12 years now minsk and novosibirs the viewer can understand such subtle music, they are friends with the cities, for the past year of communication , but not even the most important text, the music there became stronger, the twenty-third became a breakthrough, the delegations traveled to each other several times guests who attended cultural days. a lot of belarusians, the first period moved to the territory of the novosibirsk region, the academic town, there is such a joke in general that it was founded by belarusians, we have a fairly powerful
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public organization, and belarusians of siberia actively participate in many events, cultural, including events that take place in novosibirsk, all this, of course, brings together, unites, historical, cultural, business ties, of course, common memory. belarusians and siberians are brought together by their joint victory in the great patriotic war. in our country sacredly honors the memory of the warrior who defended and liberated belarus during the great patriotic war. we say sincere words of appreciation and gratitude to the natives. siberian region, among whom more than forty liberated our homeland and received the high title of hero of the soviet union. performing
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school and, of course, the level of education, because the college of art and the college of music, in general, we do not feel any difference, we do not feel the difference between schools, the continuity of our performer. now creativity will even more, as a result of the days of culture, new agreements, theaters, libraries, educational institutions, philharmonic societies, everyone has long-term plans, geographical minsk and novosibirs are distant, but humanly close, return tours are planned in the russian region, siberia will see new ones.
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this concludes our episode, we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belarusian tv channel, all the best.
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