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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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review of the most interesting sporting events , the ruslan salei prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league , and mikhail shalagin became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation. beat mazyryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victoria, slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. exclusive interviews with athletes. a huge number of people are waiting for me to attend master classes, it’s as simple as that see, communicate and had the opportunity to play for clubs. we have a new team, a new team, we are just beginning our, well , long-awaited, i think, path of returning to the major leagues. bright moments, real emotions. 8 years. later magnitka is a champion, i
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haven’t seen such emotions, it seems to me, not a single team, how happy the metalga players are, all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. that we don’t need money, we can just work as volunteers if our russian school is more so narrative in graphics, then yours is very imaginative, every artist has his own role, a person who is a skilled graphic designer, but cannot draw something with his hand, you wouldn’t call him an artist, an artist, he also looks at it all with wide eyes, all the ideas that are born, i think it is time and life that makes you have a chinese scale already? hello, you are watching the program "tell me, don't be silent." victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest is the chairman
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of the belarusian union of artists, gleb otchik. good afternoon, gleb anatolyevich. we are glad to see you, we recently saw each other about six months ago, but at the belarusian union of artists. there are so many projects, so many exhibition activities that it is impossible not to discuss it, for example, in march you launched a large exhibition of the paint of the great victory in the palace artificially, it opened and, as we read, will work until the end of the year, this is true and completely free for yes, this is ours project dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of liberation, this project consists of several projects, the exhibition changes every month, we started with graphics, now we are demonstrating painting, and they will also be replaced every month and a half. but this exhibition is changing, paintings are all from the funds of the belarusian union, yes, these are completely paintings from the funds of the belarusian union of artists, but we are expecting our big republican project, which will start on june 20, these will be exhibitions of directly young living authors, these are
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exhibitions of young artists, college students , so we are preparing not only to demonstrate the funds, but also to make a large retrospective of contemporary art. in general, i always wanted, you know, to eavesdrop, when artists come to the opening of an exhibition, what they say to each other, how they discuss this or that work, but the artists speak quietly, so today we have a unique opportunity to discuss one of the paintings of the project with you , that first we need
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to see how to read this work of art gleb anatolyevich, what is important here is that each work has its own reading, its own composition, its own figurative solution and... in each case this is, well, the first thing when we look at the picture yes she should stop, first we look at the symbolic side, yes, that is, these are the symbols we see, yes, what images are most striking to us, yes, this boy, yes, that is , or then we begin to read small images, yes, that is we read fate, grief or tragedy, that is, well, that is, every work , yes, that is, it has a long and you can even talk for 45 minutes about one work, that is , study it, find something new and... in general, works are created that way, if you've been reading for a long time, if you have work at home, then there is some kind, you will look at it differently throughout the entire time, you can determine the era from this work, but you look at the clothes that people have, yes, that is, for a while, that is, in each work
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it is displayed time, no matter what it is, even an abstract work, it still has its own touches, its own strokes, that is, its own energy, and a person, for example, is not familiar with the events of the great patriotic war. was, but we want to take part in it, so when we have a big project at the palace of arts in june, we have already prepared a memorial prize for it, and a souvenir reward, as his name is, this is abramov, abramov, unfortunately, time passes, there are fewer and fewer witnesses, but fortunately you still have one left, the culture channel
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of the belarusian radio, by the way, also launched an interesting project for the anniversary of the liberation of belarus voices of the epoch, which talks about veteran artists.
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such our volots, whom we look up to to this day, and the painting that he gave, and so many legends, we know, that is, even i had one of the legends when i did an exhibition in florence with us an agreement was signed with the florence academy of arts, one of the patrons told me that michal andreevich never sold his works outside our country, he really wanted to get a job and he sent a whole agent here to minsk, who lived for 2 years and persuaded him to collection, well, that is...
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right now we are setting up this experiment together with the ministry of culture, because i just arrived literally yesterday from azarich, where we are having an international plein air, republican, or rather plein air on painting, where only the academy of arts and our youth section of the union of artists are present, and i was lucky enough to participate in the implementation of this museum in azarichi, when our students looked at this admiral complex, and i simply saw that they were imbued with very serious works, i think they...
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there were about 50 thousand prisoners, 30,000 of them died in 10 days, it was really, we were able to show these terrible events in the memorial, even the prisoners who came to the opening of this complex, one of them came to the laying ceremony with a bouquet of flowers, and after going through everything there is a memorial itself, yes, that is, he looked at the architectural part, he came and looked at the museum and gave us this bouquet, he said for those who organized this museum, this is the most valuable reward , reward, and what did your grandfather tell you about those? events, grandfather said that these were very terrible events, where, well, that is, he tried
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never to remember this, this is when we already asked, yes, that is, he told, well , imagine, a boy of about 14 years old, who took his mother, he did not become infected himself, he took from under german shells - such a box, he put her there himself, he says it was march, he brought her, well, as much as he could, he dug a hole and sprinkled it with it,
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his work did you mention schweib? well, he actually created such an image, very emotional, very interesting, which really stops you, which touches the heart, the soul, and which does not leave a single, probably indifferent visitor or viewer. yeah, in june-july you announced another big republican project, dedicated to a military theme, well, really not from the funds in your collection, with the participation of contemporary artists, the project will take place, yes. the project will take place, we are preparing for it, in fact, the project will consist of very many, recently we opened an exhibition in grodno dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of liberation on may 9, among all these projects it is very important to note the youth, who today we held a competition at the art school in grodna, yes, that is, we will already display six portraits in our
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art gallery, and there will also be a project of ruin one of them is also a union of designers, joining there with posters dedicated to that time, the union of architects wants to show memorial complexes, painting, graphics, sculpture will definitely go in blocks, and all of this will not be a single work from the funds, these are basically 99% of modern authors , including students, graduates and young people, now we are finally forming the concept, because we even want to demonstrate some works and make a projection, i don’t want to tell everyone right now, well, the secrets of this exhibition, but we really want it widely accompany in the sense that in addition to the exposition itself there will be more... events, these are round tables, master classes, meetings with artists, meetings with bloggers, with political scientists, that is, we want to immerse ourselves as much as possible so that it is not just exhibition for visitors, but it was also accompanied by an event, but it ’s noteworthy that all your projects, they are not dedicated to one artist, but you are somehow trying to unite everyone, and youth,
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an imaginative revision, i want to see what creative forces there are in belarus, or some another goal to pursue when there is...
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“she saw herself as a little girl and her dead grandfather, that is, she says, well, it’s just me , probably, it’s much easier to convey even to children, but these are the horrors that happened in those years for in order for them to realize and feel what people in this place were experiencing then, i was before the excursion, when we were waiting for a group of our students, there were young people or suvorovites, well, they arrived and when i heard them, i was just standing behind them when the guide gave them this excursion, one of the boys said that i will never forgive." construction is already in full swing, i am of course grateful that it is precisely the state support that such facilities are being created because they are needed now, and maybe you can tell us that you know that a memorial complex was opened, he had already received a special
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presidential award, but after we opened the azararichi, the governor said that we definitely need to make a museum to tell the story, it’s not like you get immersed when you create such memorial complexes, you worry. it’s yourself, it feels like you yourself were a participant in all these events, we also know that you have an idea to create some kind of memorial complex, a museum, on the riotous field, perhaps even, tell us about this idea, how grandiose it is, and recently, literally a year ago, we implemented
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an artistic concept with an art complex, and it will be a unique museum in the form of... such an order, outlines are already appearing, it was already there recently 2 days ago, and there are 2,500 exhibits to directly show, that is there will be a lot of use of multimedia, that is , there will be immersion, well, the museum will be unique in its scale, and that is , the architectural structure itself is in the form of an order, and the building itself is interesting, that is , we will already overshadow the library, and this is a new concept, but are there enough people willing , so to speak, members of the artists' union? there are also such, very, very everything, well, i can say that only numbers, if 29 people, members of the artists’ union, worked at the tazar,
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than 18, that is, this is a topic that, well , resonates, i think, in every heart, then here you get such a symbiosis in contemporary art, but you can express yourself not only there in the concept of interior design.
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that is, painting graphics as the centenary of the ussr. and we agreed that these are our colleagues, folk artists from the russian federation. in other words, if our russian school is more narrative in graphics, then yours is very figurative. that is, it is more figurative, more symbolic. that is, we have our own language in graphics, our own school, so it has an impact. more expressive, perhaps, right? yes, yes. and so, even if we look at our painting, well, just take soviet, yes, that is, you look at how much it is too.
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we learned to survive, look how much we didn’t have blue eyes, we didn’t go back and forth, yes, that is, we survived, we survived, now i think that we are going through a very important period, i think that this probably shaped belarus , as well as personality, both as a person and as an artist. while we take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests. we are connections.
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belarusian doilitstva, which is important for this time, the works of art and crafts, columns, columns, pelasters, etc. in front of the eyes.
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they know about the beauty of minsk, regarding me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here, i really liked the people, they are very friendly, good-natured , then the natural component is important to me was that there is beautiful nature here, i still live 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger. watch in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel. so
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the ending of this story that you told is interesting, how the agent infiltrated the trust of mikhail sovetsky, he still managed to buy the work, i was a witness, i saw two small works, it’s about 50 to 60, which is 50 to 70, and of such a sketchy nature, and i understand that through his son andrei this agent still managed to get hold of it, but in general small canvases, which consoles the larger ones, and not so elaborate, that is, they are of such a sketchy nature. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the union of artists, gleb otchik. gleb anatolyevich, well, it is clear that the main theme in the near future in belarusian art will still be military patriotism, and do you think that all artists in the country can find themselves in this theme? i think that not everyone, that is, every artist has his own role, yes, that is, if a person is there all the time
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life was depicted.
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recently, we also restored the memorial there with students, that is, well, there are people who respond, more and more of them, that is, what we are now saying on this topic, it resonates directly in the soul , in the heart, and in the minds of people , i can tell you that a person who touches this, especially a creative young artist, you can show him as many movies as you want or take him to watch water, but i ’ll just tell you an example that today , well... i saw on generally speaking, yes, we have there is a tartar enterprise, a sculpting plant, which today, that is, is making a military cemetery in the moscow region, when you sculpt a bas-relief of a dead soldier, this is now in our time, our sculptors have already made 300 of them, in the last six months, here it is, when with their own hands sculpts, his worldview immediately changes, he looks at life differently, why do we look at these prisoners, how they love life, because they went through
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these circles of hell. when you paint a picture with your own hands, make a museum, you once you live these moments of tragedy, you immediately look at life, at art differently, that is, you think that this also has an educational function for a person in art, and what projects of your union would you recommend to our viewers who say : well, that’s what’s modern, that’s how you understand that art is moving forward? i can tell you right away that we are doing a lot of modern projects, today, if we were counting in... in 3 years we have done 500 projects all over the country, so imagine, in a year we implement about 180 projects, yes, that is, dedicated to the patriotic theme 19 is going on today, yes, that is, throughout the republic there, and if we take modern projects, this is of course, last year we approached the issue of sports in a very interesting way and painting, yes, that is, this wheel of life is veivacola art, this is a republican already international project that united
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artists - from different countries, including and gave them new food for thought when there is a specific topic, that is, fox harvesting, forest life, yes, what is it like, that is, not everyone drew a bicycle, not everything there, it’s the emblem of this festival, and we already have this annual festival, this year the artists are also preparing, only for us - our geography is growing towards this wheel of life, at first we planned it with the minsk cycling club, now we already have a federation of hockey, handball, basketball has joined, the wheel of life is a bit like a brand, it’s not necessary to draw a circle there or anything else, the question is, we thought, yes, that is, when we first talked to cyclists , this is what unites, say, philosophy, when an athlete is training, he is driving, he sees how the clouds change, how the sun shines, how the grass grows, how the weather changes, the same is true for an artist, he also looks at it all
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with wide eyes. we can give the entire globe, let’s say, a piece of canvas, let’s say, to everyone, and in order to make one belt, and so that it unites the entire globe, you already have a chinese scope, but how did the athletes get involved, why did they want other sports , not only cyclists, to become involved in art, why do you think, well, i think that now let’s say our athletes, young gymnasts from russia, are coming, and they already have one, so we will do a master... class on how to teach an athlete, for example, to draw, yes, in fact, the penetration of one into the other gives unexpected results, it complements, that is, art has always worked well - it gives development to two hemispheres,
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why are there many artists who studied at the academy there, and we know so many personalities in history who became good leaders there, that this is a generation ideas, and today there should be an idea in everything. starting from sports, there to industry, there to politics and so on. well, yes, they often ask why you are there, why should i learn chemistry, physics, a belief system, why should i learn to draw, it’s you who learn the world from the other side, yes, from the side of a brush and paper, and a gymnast, which means they will be yours artists will be taught how to draw, there will be a master class for 2 hours, it’s interesting, yes, but recently a republican plenary of young artists , the belovezhskaya symphony, was held in the svisloch region.
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12 days signed 13 agreements with changchun, three flights were within the country, that is, a collaboration of artists, now we are doing fruitful work, we are preparing several projects, and what kind of projects, that is, will you exhibit there in china or we do three exhibitions in china every year in china, in addition to this, we are starting a large educational project, i want to invite you to the national center for contemporary arts, to the academy of arts, for an internship, for plein airs, that is, the chinese like it.
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classical school, i even know such cases well, in st. petersburg, when there is a screening at the academy of arts, they even come and buy some productions and teach how it’s different, i ’ll tell you that most of the art schools in china are secondary specialized ones, they don’t teach like we do, let’s say surmot draw live, they teach them to draw from a picture, that is, they actually redraw and their first basics they redraw very beautifully, of course, but that’s when you come to the funds.
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skill, because in order to enter you need to buy a set at the academy, there tablet, canvas, paints, this one-time set, which costs $25 at cost, it costs $500, well, they make a budget at a time that allows them to teach and take out and practice, well, this is unique in china, what in a game of such serious ideological socialism, but their capitalism is already developing wildly, right?
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we should talk about cooperation with russia, because there is also a lot of joint work, you know, yes, over the last 2 years, the turnover and the pace that we have increased, and the projects that have already been implemented, well, this is a very significant project for the capital of the ussr, yes in the tretyakov gallery, these are days of culture in the tretyakov gallery, this is in tatarstan, in bashkatastan last year three ministers opened, that is, our exhibition.
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thanks to dmitry fedorovich mezintsev, this is a fire unification of russia and belarus, our honorary academicians of the russian academy of arts and those working there in russia made a joint project, i was its curator in the uzuraba conferitelli hall, that is, it was very significant, well, there were so many good ones words and echoes that we brought it to the national library and here too. opened literally 2 months later, now we have started two more projects, this is in sochi, an exhibition of belarusian artists, it was very nice to receive these videos, there was a night of museums, about 35,000 people visited there, something was so enthusiastic about the belarusian school, from belarusian painting, and of course, we could not stay away when we learned that in january an art gallery in... in abkhazia we made a decision with our russian
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colleagues make plein air donate two works for the restoration of new art galleries, so we, too, were born in abkhazia for 7 days, made two works each by six of our belarusian artists and six from the russian federation. well, your life is in full swing, it’s good to hear. probably, young artists will traditionally be able to express themselves at the autumn salon, and it will be held despite all the criticism.
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surprises, but well, you pose the same question, i hope, somewhere, yes, what do you need, we have now begun to work on it, we are still in we spoke verbally with the ministry, but now we need to somehow think about some kind of concept, there was an idea for a historical museum, too, well, as for the historical museum, it’s probably too early
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to say, work is in progress, but well, you’re next in line for a modern one art is next in line, trinali will take place this year, and you know, we are now thinking, because last year, due to the postponement of these exhibitions , there was no trianalysis of painting, graphics, sculpture, so we will probably start with painting, graphics, sculpture at the end years, and already next year we are planning a concept, the concept is very long-awaited, they demonstrate video art and those art objects that we can consider modern, these are such big advances towards technology, they are actively used today, they will probably be used in the interior of the museum of the future . about which we are talking about contemporary art, do you think we should not lose such a thing as a concept? it seems to me, in no case, because this is also interesting, this is also new, and this is what also gives us the opportunity to develop our brains a little, including, yes , that is, when we can look at standard things in a non-standard way, yes, let’s say, if
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they show some kind of work, but it will also be some kind of video content, somewhere it will come to life, something will happen or vice versa, this is very important because it is interesting. from the concept, i remember, the idea was born about the design of a museum of the new great patriotic war, also some ideas from artists there, and like these halogen rivers, they were used, well, now we saw a picture where the girl i stuck my head into the pipe, and i remembered the famous film about communicative youtube, remember, well, that is, do you think there is a lot of innovation in contemporary art?
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indeed, there has been a lot of modernization and good projects, when i see calligraphy there, yes, and then it lives on stages, multimedia, there are six-meter projections that are very interesting indeed, and here are the sound moments, very important, few people use it, it also seems to me , you need to pay attention to the smell, yes, that is, this will also be very possible on a visual level work very well, influence all the senses, you suggest, and we will pause for a while, after a short pause again. on air again say don’t be silent in our studio
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the artist, author of the famous sculpture dedicated to condensed milk, gleb otchik. now in this part we will talk about you. well, the internet only knows that it writes like this: condensed milk, it’s just hooked yours, clung to you and will probably hold on until the end of your days, is it a shame? gleb anatolyevich, tell me, no, well, to be honest, it’s not offensive in the sense that in any case, this is this low-architectural form, it still evokes positive emotions, it’s a brand, a lot, i looked on the internet at our guests from the russian federation, who always... go and take pictures near it, all weddings, all holidays , i like weddings near condensed milk everything around condensed milk has become such a well-known brand, and why not, why not this one...
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but he always treated it very calmly, yes, that is, i was not pursuing it in order to somehow sell it at a high price for myself, or for me, of course there were important monumental objects, these are the ones which really, well, the fees are appropriate, but from what i remember, the most expensive work is around $5,000, it’s painting, but what are you doing now, what are you working on, what hooked you and what we will see in your work new, well, today i’m preparing just... a work dedicated to the azariches, i want to demonstrate it at our exhibition, it’s that there will be a small sculpture, this is a holbo, there will be
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oil on canvas, oil on canvas, surprise us again and with small textures, well basic and that's because you have a family history with it connected, but you somehow want to speak on this topic, well, on this topic i just want to say there was an understatement, there was one idea that was not voiced in the museum, we have a relief panel there, well, this is a different interpretation. you tell us that gleb will always come up with something, is it your fullness of ideas,
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did it come over the years, or have you always been such an innovator, on the contrary, were you useful as chairman of the union of artists? well, i think that i have always been such a driver, because well, among colleagues, when we started unite, exhibit some joint projects, this has probably always been the case, i won’t exaggerate anything, let’s say... we hear six months later that the idea is alive, and you’re even preparing? the idea works, we are now doing the sketch part, we want to do the same for
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the people who are flying away, arriving in such a small museum corner, where we would show the genocide, and there on the other side we would show the achievement of belarus, this is what we have done in 30 years, let’s say, the most important achievement there is in architecture, in sports, in industry, already i want to fly out and see, where do these ideas come from, how do you get them?
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it’s impossible to hide it, but you know what i heard from an experienced artist, that today those who come to study with him are children, they don’t even know how to use a pencil, they only know how to draw on tablets, just like in graphic design and on a computer, but to think they no longer know how to write with a pencil, this may be true, or well, i have seen such children , yes, who are still studying there in schools in the primary grades, but those who come to...
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the world with world famous names there, take the japanese there or the chinese or there everyone draws all the sketches with pens, no one draws on their computer, that is, a person who is a skilled graphic designer, but cannot draw something with his hand, you are an artist you can’t name it, no, well, there are probably some talents who have already learned there, yes, that is, to think quickly, but still it seems to me that the generation of ideas happens when you directly hold a pencil with your fingers, this sends an impulse to the brain. in the hemisphere, that is, it is very similar moment that even when we were studying at the academy, the first teacher was viktor ivanovich khmys, and he says, you have to shoot with your eye, imagine, the eye instantly hits the impulse, on the hand, and you do it, in seconds, imagine, a falling figure, you need to draw it from twenty angles, that is, then you will be real draftsmen, so this sharpness should come through the motor skills
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of the hands, probably, after all, you can’t... press some keys there and it's already like auxiliary, yes, maybe a moment, but the first thing is that it must be manual, and what in the artistic space of minsk would you like to transform? a lot, a lot of things, i’ll tell you globally, what i would like is that this idea, which i have been trying to convey to all our officials and builders for seven years, is that 1-2% of all those under construction new buildings, as in soviet times they were given over to monumental propaganda, so that we would simply transform all of our entrance areas inside, because this here is the perception, yes, if it happens, let’s say, a person leaves his house, his apartment every day, and the front door is made in one entrance, let’s say on a historical theme, one way or another this will be in 10-20 years an effect that this child will remember that this is my belarus,
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this is my territory, these are my castles, these are my museums, this...
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well, now the composition of the house of representatives has changed, try again deputies, for some reason we believe that you will definitely succeed, thank you very much, gleb anatolyevich, you please once again with your activities, grandiose plans, and the most important thing is that they are being implemented, you know, you not only tell them, but also do them, they inspired us, summer is coming, the sun is warming, we want to go on trips, apparently, all these objects that we discussed today are necessary a must visit and even possible with...
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since you have such an opportunity, leave us your wishes and signature. i wish you harmony in all your endeavors. the supreme council, with expanded constitutional
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powers, made its first strategic decision, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country's military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend it with weapons in our hands and by any methods that we deem necessary for... your mission is to serve in the name of the future of belarus. author's project of igor turay. propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live the main news at noon, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, and briefly about the topics of the issue: a big conversation with journalists and bloggers, the president at the media forum in... israel is trying eliminate hamas simply exterminate civilians gazekhal struck at the uanovo refugee camp.


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