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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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what is the difference between the belarusian school of painting and its neighbors, why did people’s artist sovitsky not sell his works abroad. watch in the say don’t be silent project on our youtube channel. theft of non-ferrous metal worth 70 thousand rubles. for six months , the forty-four-year-old director of one of the private companies in mogilev, on the basis of an agreement with a government organization, provided services for the primary processing of scrap cables being dismantled.
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specialists in minsk have conducted research on dangerous hogweed since 2011. now the work continues, the task is as complete as possible get rid of this plant, especially in places where people constantly stay. the approach is comprehensive, focusing primarily on chemical processing. it gives good results. throughout the summer , foci of grass growth will be eliminated in a targeted manner. mass clearing will also be carried out at the end of the season, in the fall, when the plants begin to see and... lose their vegetative power; each hogweed plant leaves behind, when the seeds ripen, a very large number of them, up to tens of thousands. the strategy of the fight depends on several factors, from the area it occupies, from the places where it grows, from the density of the plant, but the main methods that are used in minsk are a combination of chemical and mechanical methods into a combined one, the so-called one, which shows the best results. contact with the stems
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and buds of hogweed can cause serious burns, doctors remind us of this. it is better to avoid the dangerous plant. if this fails, you must urgently seek medical help. it contains all green parts essential oils. oils contain furakumarins. this substance in itself is not dangerous, but when it gets on the skin, it greatly increases the sensitivity of ultraviolet radiation, that is, to sunlight. if sunlight hits these places, on the skin, where it appeared. juice, then after some time, sometimes quickly, sometimes within a day, severe burns will appear, even blisters, so we take an antiallergic drug, try to help ourselves on our own, and be sure to contact a doctor. another invasive species is goldenrod, which is also being actively controlled. specialists of the committee for the protection of natural resources. this plant spreads rapidly, and the root system suppresses the growth of other plants and interferes with the work of farmers. factorby and factorby 60+
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are returning, the country's most rated music shows announce the start of accepting online applications for participation in the new season. don't miss your chance to realize your dream. if you are talented and ambitious, have long dreamed of a big stage, come to us. right now go to the bel tv and radio company website, fill out the form and add a fragment of your speeches. increase your chance of getting into a live audition. in this season. the factorby team will come to each regional center, live auditions will begin in mid-june, and the team will stay in each city for 2 days. we will publish the schedule of the vocal expedition soon in the official account of the factorby project and announce it in the news. if the participant has already filled out the online form, this year it has changed a little, it has become more convenient, otherwise he may not come to the live audition. this means that our group will definitely music producers, editors, will study the application very carefully if...
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gomel snatched victory from dnepr with a score of 1:0 in the final match of the tenth round of the belarusian football championship. the only goal was scored already in... a minute of added time by
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junior sfage, who also topped the list of top scorers in the championship, having already scored seven goals. unfortunately, we lost the second match in a row. well, in my opinion, i think it’s absolutely undeserved, well, at least we didn’t deserve defeat, nevertheless, we can make some claims, but probably i definitely can’t give it to the guys, that is, they tried to fight, create chances, well, our problem and problem is the implementation of these moments, in the standings after ten rounds torpeda belas is in the lead, neman has two points less, dynamo minsk closes the top three, duels the eleventh round will go on from
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brussels 3 in 1958, it was here that the first one in europe took place from april 17 to october 19. post-war industrial exhibition, its scope and scale were impressive, but it went down in history not only as expo-58, but as an unexpected according to statistics, the soviet pavilion broke all records in terms of attendance.
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the mechanical engineering stand evoked genuine admiration and surprise. only 15 years have passed. after the devastating war in england , ration cards were recently abolished. the european economy was still recovering from the devastating consequences. and the soviet union, which suffered the most in world war ii, demonstrated unique machines, advanced agricultural machinery, airplanes, a nuclear icebreaker and a whole line of cars, from cars to dump trucks for transporting super-heavy cargo. cargo. the real sensation at the exhibition was the mas-530, a dump truck with a lifting capacity of 40 tons. and an even greater sensation was the awarding of the grand prix to the car of the minsk automobile plant. it was a triumph of domestic mechanical engineering,
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the path to which began literally in the first days after the liberation of minsk from the nazis in july of 1944. in july 1944, the announcers of the belarusian radio were preparing to go on air from minsk, which had recently been liberated from the nazis. not yet restored home radio studio on revolutionary 3, still a mobile car, from which is being broadcast, but the messages about the first successes in restoring the capital, which was now to be conveyed, aroused pride and excitement, say the radio station named saunarkom obssr, say minsk. good zen, tavaryshchi. the village of chervonaye urochyshcha was there for a month.
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from 1933 to 1941, this area was called krasnoe urochishche; there was a forest in the forest where the twenty-sixth tank division of the red army was stationed. at that time, there was already a military town, residential buildings, soldiers’ barracks, and tank workshops. june 26, 1941 there were germans here for years. from october 1941 to june , 100 companies planned to build here
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the largest groskaverk plant in eastern europe for the assembly of cars with a gas generator engine; they also serviced broken german equipment. after the liberation, the highest level was tasked with using any capacity for repairs. equipment, especially trucks, the problem of transport was acute for the restoration of the national economy; in the ussr there were only three factories that produced trucks, in moscow, gorky and yaroslavl. this morning, in the workshops of the car assembly plant under construction, one could observe
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a familiar picture. milling machine operator mikhail koleda, having assessed the pulled out parts by eye, literally dived under studebeck several times already. there, together with his partner, he tried to apply his know-how. and the crucial moment, try again. start the car, but she was silent, i wish fritz would come here, mikhail said in his hearts, they say the germans brought mercedes-benz equipment to assemble their cars, and many of the parts fit, this is not for you krauts in the swamps.
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our population are good people, time has passed, they no longer saw in these prisoners the fascists who mocked them, but simply people who are guilty of something, but still they are people, and they not only saw the prisoners as people , but they helped, fed and even saved me, i remember a sad incident during construction.
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let's go on a trip to belarus! hello travel lovers! today it will be hot, despite the changeable weather, i am going to the southernmost warm region of our country, the bresse region. let's do it historical excursion: moscow speaks! last hour! turn on morse, you can try! he is a worker! amazing! we will also visit! bright sights of our country. agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event, but we build the joyful moments of our lives ourselves every weekend, together with the route project. watch in the program the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the assembly of imported domestic trucks is an important government order. 9 on august forty-four, the state defense committee adopted resolution number 6360, classified as secret. on the organization of an automobile assembly plant and a tank repair plant in the minsk region. it said, first, to organize on the premises of the plant in the town of krasnoe urochishche, located 7 km southeast of minsk, the minsk automobile assembly plant, with a capacity to produce 150 cars per day. after
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the liberation of minsk there was a base here in the red tract. and the task was not just completed, it was exceeded, they worked in three shifts, partly trucks were sent straight from the workshops to the front, another for the needs of the national economy. from september 1944 to october 1946, here at our plant they repaired broken equipment, and also
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assembled cars and parts that came to us from america under the lent li agreement “we need our own car, it should become the basis of the country’s truck fleet. create one . the car was entrusted to the yaroslavl automobile plant. the new yaas-200 car
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was demonstrated by the leadership of the ussr already in the forty- fifth after the victory parade, the minsk automobile plant entered from yaroslavl. specialists arrived at the automobile plant, the design was handed over already in january 1947 , and arrived at the plant.
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all parts of the car are manufactured using this equipment, from the nut to the cabin parts. the event was the creation of its own design service at the minsk automobile plant in november 1945. it was here, in the first post-war years, that the belarusian car under the mas brand was born. cabin, driveshaft , axles. we have already done all this ourselves. and by november 7, 1947, on the thirtieth anniversary of the october revolution, people came out of the factory gates the first five dump trucks under the minsk
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automobile plant brand, mas-205a. our belarusian zubor was already on the radiator grille, which became a special sign, a business card of the domestic mechanical engineering industry. this will later be... mas-500 , awarded the grand prix in brussels mas-530, the latest modern cars. at the same time , the development of our own maz-205 car became a great labor victory for the entire team of the enterprise. it is very difficult to compare the car 200 and today's car ma 6430. everything was done by hand, mainly assembly, and as such equipment, according to the markings were all done,
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there was no equipment as such, but there were many times fewer parts, an old mas 200, a wooden frame, plywood trim, but it was a car that the national economy so needed. it only took a year to put it into mass production, our automobile plant began to attract more attention, these are old factories, now you can name them, at that time, i remember, the car drove through the city of minsk, well, people even ran after it, to trace his path and look at him again look at the enterprise... launch the first assembly line in history, from the time of the organization of the minsk automobile plant from the production of the first cars to
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the present day, cars and buses, the car brand has not lost its relevance, to this day it is at all levels doesn't lose his parka. modification of me as a person, this is a reflection of my inner world, a reflection of my emotions, this is just a treasure for designers, for poets, for creative people, because you can scoop and scoop and scoop there. yana
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i will be self-sufficient in my life and at the end of my life. therefore , pizza has a very interesting history, pizza with history, i was interested in learning about the history, the products, well, of course i like belarusian cuisine, and this is a cereal with blood, well, my grandmother also cooked it, i kind of fell in love with it since childhood. glyadzice project "belarusians". on our tv channel, club of editors , almost all european countries fought on the side of hitler’s germany, except serbia and greece. therefore, we must clearly understand that they they will not recognize may 9 as a holiday; for them it is a day of defeat. it was may 9, by the way, that became one of those holidays that opposed radical
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nationalism. remember? own existence, as you wish, it is they only understand the language of power, the threat is a very bad story, but unfortunately, it is real. today we have again, well , a serious ideological divide is emerging in the world, there will be a select few, a certain group, all the rest are simply not needed. from there all the experiments, the celebration of may 9th is a question survival of the belarusian and russian nation, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel, in november 1945, in the house of radio on
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revolutionary 3, they were preparing for... the broadcast network not only expanded, the very nature of the broadcasts changed. news reports, which until recently were the main ones in radio broadcasting, gave way to news programs for children and youth, literary, and musical ones. live performance by front-line soldiers, but special attention to programs about the achievements of the republic on the labor front. 45th year at the palace conference and germany's allies the anti-hitler coalition was used in russia to compensate for the material damage to the countries that acted on the reich tank. the republic has continued progress in the production of european plants such as siemens, telefunken, and dkw. how is the yagonal adjustment at the main enterprises? tell us about the progress of creativity, the setup of a new bicycle
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plant. like the future, the entire management of the plant gathered at the construction site for the next meeting, such meetings were held every day, literally every stage of work had to be discussed in the shortest possible time the first workshop of a new bicycle factory under construction had to be erected, but now the task was becoming more complicated. his arrival from germany was expected any day, but how to do it? the walls are just being built, there is no roof, it’s winter. all meetings are under an improvised canopy. at the map of the scheme , the chief engineer outlined the plan, so as not to delay the process, they decided to carry out all the work at the same time and continue
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construction. workshops to begin installing machines on the already finished part of the site, there is no roof, it is snowing, all work is also under a canopy, since it was carried out in conditions wartime, our experience...


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