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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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but now the task became more complicated; the installation of equipment had to begin. his arrival from germany was expected any day now. but how to do that? the walls are just being built, there is no roof, it’s winter. all meetings are under an improvised canopy. at the diagram map, the chief engineer outlined the plan, so as not to delay the process, they decided to carry out all the work. continue the construction of the workshop, start installing machines on the already finished part of the site, there is no roof, it’s snowing, all the work is also under a canopy, since this was carried out in wartime conditions, our experience...
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there were already industrialists when enterprises were evacuated to the urals and siberia, so this equipment was evacuated from germany in the same way, and at the same pace, literally in parallel with the construction of the buildings , the installation of equipment was going on, this is colossal work. on the twentieth of december 1945 , the first train arrived at vostochnaya station in minsk. with equipment from germany. it was intended for the minsk bicycle plant and began to arrive as reparations from the dkv plant in the city of zshopau. it was subject to dismantling, as it supplied weapons to the wehrmacht. we waited equipment from the branobor plant from brandenburg. it was on it that a bicycle was produced, which, thanks to its characteristics, became a european brand. and such equipment is literally intact.
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trains began to arrive in minsk, and sometimes sets of equipment arrived that even the military had to be involved in unloading, military equipment so that these machines could be stolen from the railway platforms, again the heroism of the people, the use of military equipment, the use of soldiers allowed more... 600 trains unloaded within 2 weeks, and they could not simply be unloaded and placed at the station, they had to be taken to the factory and it was advisable to install them in the place allocated to it in order to avoid any additional work, at the same time the country needed transport, especially low-cost in production and economical to use, simple. a bicycle familiar to citizens, its
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use in the national economy could become the widest, with the adoption on november 6, 1945 of the resolution of the council of people's commissars of the ussr on the organization bicycle factory in the city of minsk, the countdown began on another new post-war enterprise in the republic, a motorcycle for a bicycle. literally a couple of months later,
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the bicycle turned out to be more stable than its german counterpart, strong, reliable, and the commission liked it so much that after modifications the model was immediately put into mass production. here is a bicycle, the one that began to be produced in minsk, it was, in principle, a european classic, there are no special frills here, no, it was all done practically, expediently, at a cost least yes in production. the first batch was released at the beginning of forty-six. more than 6,500 were released this year alone. the plant entered the first post-war five-year plan in 1946 with new developments. eaglet, swallow, minsk - friendship. popular brands of bicycles in the ussr, on which more than one generation of soviet people grew up.
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bicycle production in minsk became so successful that motorcycle production was transferred from moscow to the enterprise. their release was mastered at the end. only popular modes of transport, like the v16 bicycle solved many issues in the national economy. postal services, emergency medical care in agriculture, they were purchased for the needs of the police and the soviet army. on october 9
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, 1945, belarusian was broadcast. in their opinion, in connection with the completed war and the completed process of the supreme council of the ussr, the first meeting, the elections of the deputies of the supreme council of the ussr, another meeting is scheduled for 10 lutag.
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march 1946, he approved the law on a five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of the ussr for 1946-1950. in as the main task, by the end of 1950, not only to achieve the pre-war level of production, but also to significantly exceed it. the republic also entered the first post-war five-year plan. the eighth session of the supreme council of the bssr in september 1946 approved a five-year plan for the restoration and development of its national economy. the republic
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was actually faced with an enormous task - to restore its potential in a few post-war years. with you the project everything is clear with marina caroman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms tongue. today we’re talking about why we need a quality mark. whoever is ready to give a guarantee that the goods under him will be the best, in which cases looking for the fifth corner is good. go! alexander
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lukashenko declared the coming year of quality. the president has been setting the theme for each year for 19 years. since 2006 it has been declared the year. mothers, but until 2020 ordinary belarusians treated this tradition formally, but now it resonates in everyone’s heart in a new way. when it became clear that if we were divided we could lose the country, people spent a year with unexpected dedication national unity. when belarusians saw the procession of ss battalions in kiev and riga, the risk of rehabilitation of nazism became real, and we took the children to the graves of the liberators in the year of historical memory. when the world burned with conflicts, we were horrified by the possibility of war and we lived a year of peace and creation. now, when our faith in the possibility of taking a worthy place in the structure of a multipolar world has strengthened, it has become clear that in order to withstand competition in it, we must be the best in many areas. that’s why 2024 has been declared the year of quality, and january 18
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the president signed decree no. 21 on the state quality mark. the quality mark is a symbol that will be applied to the packaging of belarusian goods, so that the buyer immediately understands that this is a product, the merits of which have been confirmed by authorized experts. the sign itself is a red pentagon, inside there is a stylized image of an inverted letter k with the inscription belarus. the five corners symbolize the five indicators for which a product will be tested before it is allowed to be labeled with a quality mark: safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability and aesthetics. check whether the product meets the declared qualities of the application. the manufacturer will have certification commissions, and this process is divided into two stages: regional and
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republican. at the first stage, the content of the application and the properties of the product will be assessed by regional commissions, they will be created in each region, and will include employees of industry expert divisions of regional executive committees and specialized organizations. if they see that the product is worthy of the name standard, the application will be transferred to the republican certification commission, and it... the prime minister of the country. the composition of this commission will be approved by a resolution of the council of ministers. the document is about to be released. it will include deputy prime ministers, heads of ministries and scientists. more precisely, experts from state standards, the ministry of health, the ministry of nature, the ministry of trade, the state committee for science and technology and representatives of industry bodies. gosstandart will not only provide an expert assessment of products, but also deal with organizational issues, for example, maintaining a document. borot of the republican certification commission. at the same time, at both stages, not
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only the product itself will be tested, but also the conditions for its release. they will determine whether the manufacturer can consistently maintain a high level of product quality. they will evaluate the organization of the production process and even the management system. if the republican certification commission approves the application, it, among others, will be put on the president’s desk, only the order of the head of state will put an end to the issue. as you understand, get the right to put up a sign quality of goods will not be easy for manufacturers. now let's talk about how this will look in practice. for example, a milk manufacturer from gomel wants to sell its cream with a quality mark on the packaging. the head of the company submits an application to the gomel regional executive committee. in the application, he must describe the product and provide the results of laboratory studies in which he will compare the properties of his cream with one of the best analogues in the world. this is a mandatory condition and will apply to all types of products.
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research must confirm that it characteristics are not lower, but higher than those of the analogue. the regional executive committee will attract experts from organizations who can confirm that the cream is really of the highest quality, that it is produced in workshops that meet sanitary and engineering standards, and that the organization’s personnel have sufficient qualifications, that the manufacturer’s base allows them to produce such cream not occasionally, but permanently, only after this the application will be transferred to the republican certification commission, where all the data will be checked more deeply using other expert tools, and if they consider that the product deserves a quality mark, they will include it in the list, which will be handed over to the president. important: first: the procedure for submitting and reviewing an application, as well as assigning a quality mark will be free for manufacturers, everyone will be able to afford to receive such... a mark of distinction, the main thing is that the product meets the characteristics. second:
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it will be possible to receive a quality mark only for one type of product, that is, for example, cream of a specific brand under a specific name. permission to put a cream icon will not give the plant has the right to place it on all its products. third: after the application is approved by the regional and republican certification commissions and the head of state, apply a quality mark to the product packaging and use the information. about it in documents and advertising, the organization will be able to do so for 2 years, then the declared characteristics of the product will need to be confirmed again, that is, this tiny pentagon will tell the buyer that the product he has labeled has been tested by an army of experts, and the president is the guarantor of its quality. nuclear combo motivation for the buyer and manufacturer. such a scrupulous system of product evaluation and a quality mark, backed by a guarantee from the head of the country, does not exist in any state. the products of belarusian manufacturers are now evaluated
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at two competitions at the republican level, the government of the republic of belarus prize for achievement in the field of quality, it is awarded for the work of the enterprise and the competition from the state standard: the best goods of the republic of belarus, only a specific product can be noted in it. participation in these competitions will be taken into account when deciding on assignment of a quality mark. the assessments in them cannot be compared in their authority with those provided by the regional and republican commissions for assigning a quality mark. winning in announced competitions seems to speak to the buyer. this is a conscientious company or a good product, it was checked and noted that it is good, the quality mark will guarantee the premium properties and composition of the product or product for which the buyer pays money. in the countries of japan, and even in europe, belarusian products and light industry goods are already highly valued, and the new the icon on the packaging will catch the eye and
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become an anchor. if the product has a pentagon, this is the best from belarus, you need to take it. the quality mark will be an excellent advertisement for manufacturers and making it visible on the packaging will be in their interests, so they themselves will strive to ensure that it catches the consumer’s eye. but the requirements for the size of the logo are still indicated: at least 10 mm, more is possible. measure a centimeter with your fingers and present such a red icon on jars of yogurt, for example, to the buyer it will not be difficult to detect it, even with poor eyesight, he doesn’t even know. as i already said, a government decree is almost ready, which will indicate who, under what conditions , will be able to obtain the right to label their products with a quality mark. they are finalizing the most exciting moment for manufacturers: they are specifying what benefits and preferences the holders of the mark will receive. next,
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certification commissions will be formed and manufacturers will begin submitting applications. two-stage evaluation of criteria. declared goods will last several months, our state standard specialists plan to hold the first ceremony for awarding the quality mark at the end of this year. then the companies whose products received the right to be sold with the coveted pentagon on packaging will reconfigure the equipment, print new labels, and we will see the first jars and bags with the quality mark on store windows at the beginning, perhaps closer to the middle of next year. this is who will have time. the idea of ​​once again marking domestic products with a quality mark belongs to the people. remember in november alexander lukashenko came to gomel to the crystal jewelry factory. then one of the plant employees suggested that the president bring back the quality mark to our lives. and the same employee said that it would be great if it was similar to the one attributed
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to voltaire, but it sounded in the classics before him. best the enemy of the good. why invent? a new sign, if its ideal concept has already been created, was created not by someone, somewhere, but here, by our compatriots at that time, why not use our historical symbol, filled with meaning. this sign is simple and complex at the same time; only marketing and design geniuses could sew so much meaning into several lines. they worked in the all-union non-standardization and created their masterpiece in 1967. it was a shame and stupid. would not use such a graphic move to promote the best products of their industry. in addition, it contains a whole palette of triggers for all generations of belarusians. for older people, the pentagon will cause pleasant nostalgia. manufacturers are disciplined and motivated to create products that they can be proud of, and young people will be taught to look at packaging and will draw an invisible thread between the generations
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of the country over the centuries. be proud of goods from belarus. we will have a new reason for this: to believe that your ideas are always heard, no matter whether you work at a factory or in a ministry, and if an idea can benefit the country, it will certainly be brought to life. to evaluate the work of ussr designers, one must admit that the guys perfectly mastered the art of creating logos, but be charged with anticipation. the year of quality will end ceremony, results that will be of interest to everyone. i'm marina karaman, why do we need a quality mark? we figured it out. everything is clear, see you later.
1:00 pm
you are watching the news now, in the studio olga kalairova, hello. the main responsibility of the belarusian media is to preserve the country. our president stated this at the forum of the media community of belarus. mogilev has become a large discussion platform about the present and future of the media industry. the forum brought together employee managers. republican and regional media, bloggers, representatives of specialized universities, ideologists, experts in the field of communications. all of them, like no one else, feel the nerve of our era, the president is convinced. they. on the front line of the information war, they have to be defenders and fighters. information became not just a resource, but a powerful weapon, and the country found itself under...


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