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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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incident in the usa, only with an airbus plane in chicago, one of the passengers on the flying board noticed that the plane’s engine was smoking, he promptly informed the pilots about this, they immediately stopped, one and a half hundred people on the plane were quickly evacuated. incidents with american airliners have recently become sadly frequent; boeing is sadly in the lead in this regard. for this reason, the aircraft manufacturer was on the verge of bankruptcy. the number of victims of cyclone rimal in bangladesh and the north-eastern states of india exceeded 17 human. heavy rains have led to dozens of cities being flooded by swollen rivers. 800,000 people were forced to leave their homes. 15 million residents of the region were left without electricity. there are numerous missing people whose fate is still unknown. and in costa rican, thunderstorms. lightning struck children playing on the beach. fortunately, all three survived. but one is in hospital in
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serious condition, such incidents in tropical regions are not uncommon during the rainy season, what is unusual is that in this case the blow the lightning flash was captured by the viewer, and the ending of this story, contrary to usual, did not turn out to be tragic. the oldest dance group in belarus, the honored amateur dance ensemble kryzhachok, will today hold its annual solo concert on the stage of the state philharmonic society. already next year the staff of belguz university celebrated. eightieth anniversary, but this year it will show both its hit productions and new numbers. of course, a special choreographic suite will highlight the date of the liberation of belarus from nazi invaders, which our country celebrates this year. which is symbolic for the cap, because its first composition included those guys and girls who had just returned from the war. today the philharmonic hall is expected to be sold out. when folk dances are danced, ours.
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my colleagues will have more information at 15:00, and at this point i’ll say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, all the best.
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hello, before the world had time to come to its senses after fitz’s shots, the news came about the death of the president of iran. let me remind you that on may 19 , ibrahim reisi’s helicopter crashed. all eight people on board died; the duties of the head of state are performed by first vice-president mahamad makhberov. special elections will be held on june 28, the date was approved by the constitutional guard council, but there are various technical faults in the version of what happened. taste, but everyone agrees on one thing: the deceased president rasi was a bright personality and a talented politician, under whom both rivals and allies took iran into account. which way will the country go now? olga igorievna, do you have an idea of ​​the answer to this question, given that it is very there are a lot of introductory notes on this topic, the emotional background is very high, and of course, the current iran and its leaders have a very special status, in order to be content with some.
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confrontation with the united states, which iran withstood and proved that this could happen, that the united states and the entire west cannot crush one country. internal stability will be ensured by a willingness to move on by understanding the current situation, and it seems to me that this is what iran has today. iran presents itself, at least externally, as a state with a monolithic and integral elite, which in general. it should probably give us the opportunity to say that, well, there shouldn’t be any sharp changes in iran’s foreign policy, no, of course, i definitely won’t happen in the foreign policy, because iran is an external, external factor, which means the first , this is how iran, belarus and russia are similar,
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i’ll start with this, the fact is that iran stands like a bone in the throat of the united states, the united states, they understand perfectly well, this similarity with us, that you cannot solve the problem of uranus by military means, so for them always. the bet was made to split political iran internally, and there were some political processes that would lead to a change of power there to please the united states of america, by the way, they did a lot for this, in some cases a little success, just a little we barely managed to achieve it, thanks to what? we remember very well the situation that took place in iran and with protest sentiments; all this happened against the background of the fact that young people who grew up in iran, many of them went to study all over the world. somewhere they started opening businesses, somewhere they gave in this influence, it exists, but on the other hand , in iran there are very strong religious bonds, a very strong influence of the leaders of the islamic revolution that took place there, the spiritual leader is alive, thank god, and well today, the guards of the islamic revolution are a
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guard corps that plays a huge role in stabilizing the political system of this country, which is what i’m talking about, but what is the risk - the risk is that the president who died is sincere... condolences, this was a person, not only a friend of our president, not only a friend of the entire region, this is a man who influenced everything world politics. without iran, in principle , there can be no stability in the middle east. if iran collapses, if such a thing is theoretically imagined, the entire middle east will be engulfed in flames; i am convinced that this flame will be stopped. why are you convinced? because i also know this region well. iran has enough strength, iran has enough of this solidarity within the country, enough opportunity to grow stronger. pass this test, this is a test for the people, because a leader who was very popular in iran died, in fact his people loved, go further, and i agree with my colleague that they are great, the system is strong, elections have already been announced, the political process is already underway, i think that now
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it is extremely important who will succeed the president, because the human factor still plays in politics a big role, in general the informational may is somehow incredible, yes, we see these... unknowns and so on, just remember the moment that the entire iranian delegation flew on a two-blade helicopter, nine people, instead of boarding a four-blade helicopter, they suddenly they flew
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on a two-bladed one, the second point is that the top political leadership of iran has always traveled, well, as a rule, always on russian-made helicopters that are under their control. islamic revolutionary guard corps, it was at this moment, at the time of the visit of this high-ranking delegation to azerbaijan, that they suddenly transferred to an american helicopter thirty years ago, which had been in operation for more than 30 years, and which was no longer run by the islamic revolutionary guard corps, but by military personnel , of course, if we we take the moment with a terrible attempt on...
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the undesirables, what did they do to gaddafi? there is only one reason, he said, i don’t want a dollar, they began to destroy the country, saddam hussein, i want to sell oil wherever i want, i don’t want to sell to the west, i want to pursue an independent policy, the whole country was destroyed, yugoslavia was bombed, in europe politicians weren’t killed, listen, they were killed, and coups d’etat were carried out and... eliminated and decided, but did n’t it just recently a year ago that the americans
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dealt a blow to international law in general when they killed a high-ranking general iran, the whole world was indignant, on what basis are you doing this, you are setting the world on fire, that is , we cannot exclude the possibility that it was a planned murder, as they are now saying that it was, because there is no investigation, but that the west has done this more than once. for example, we will talk about slovakia later, but just the news that came, the police themselves say that he was not acting alone, why all the correspondence from the computer disappeared, his wife did not come to the computer, someone wrote to him, someone wrote to him taught, here of course, drew attention to attention was immediately immediately published in the american magazine, even before we knew about the fate of the helicopter of everyone who was in it, the american atlantic magazine came out.
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until there is an official investigation, the conclusions will not be reported, but from the point of view of coincidences, of course, as they like to say coincidence, i don’t think so, because today we see that the united states has entered a very tough stage of confrontation with iran for several years now this confrontation is constantly growing, it all started with tension there in in the persian gulf, it even reached the possibility of a military clash, and the fact that iran there decided to consider
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a state organization, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, terrorist, the fact that on this basis they strike and allow themselves to kill government officials, the leaders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps , justifying that these are supposedly strikes against a terrorist organization, something that is not being done today.
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this will to some extent, well at least temporarily , complicate communications between the russian federation and iran, at least until the election of a new president and the formation of a new government, that is, in conditions when today there is a confrontation between the active military phase of the operation near kharkov and the russian offensive in this region, when we know that there is military-technical cooperation between iran and russia, then certainly for... the purposes of the united states of america, its intelligence services, it could be
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the inclusion of some factor in order to weaken communication and interaction between iran and russia, and in this way everything can be used here, yeah, well, let’s move on then to the news, which we touch on in one way or another, because they are nearby and because the news about lives being lost is so close. or in this case they may lose the first person of the state, this is of course a sensation, there is also that high-profile topic, the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz, the first act of shooting at european politicians since 2003
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is crazy, guys, who raised this city crazy with hatred and intolerance for the alternative opinion in europe, because he is an activist of this pro-western party, they are persecuting politicians who express this point of view in the media, they are persecuting them on television, they initiate criminal cases, in lithuania, in poland they are sent to prison, so this is not just a warning, this is proof the fact that the brussels elites, the usa, who are holding europe today in a southern grip. and doesn’t want europe to be sovereign, they show: we won’t let you go like that. when we fail to influence elections in your country, they do. when they finally come to power such parties that are headed by the prime minister of slovakia, we will remove you and thus remove you so that you pursue the policy that we need, not europe, we need. but in my opinion, this will play
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a role before the elections in consolidating those forces that act from sound positions.
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not just this ordinary ordinary russophobe, but he certainly interfered and did not fit into the orderly chorus of european politicians praising the united states, its wise policies and promoting the idea of ​​​​the need for a clash with russia, together with orban and slovakia and hungary truly demonstrated common sense, demonstrated that the policies of states are based on national interests in the first place, they...
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destroy, repress people who come out with an alternative point of view, and at the level of the president, that is, they do not accept his position so much that they are ready to eliminate him, that’s what’s happening, and these people are the prime minister of slovakia, after all, he was also a spokesman, he was the leader of the party, he is the leader of a whole group that speaks from these positions, that says, that not everything is as good as it should be in europe.
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ten-year position, relatively neutral, now she wants to earn points for herself again, we won’t give them this opportunity, why are they holding on, well, because
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everyone is running out of money, it seems to everyone that everyone has a lot of money, the west, but war is constant financial injections, but they eventually end, and you need to come up with some other ways, peaceful negotiations are impossible today, let's briefly for the audience who saw that you started in one place...
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friends, but we need to somehow intensify this help, so at this conference, naturally, the main conversation will be about how much more money, how many more weapons
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to pump out from europe so that it all goes to... ukraine, but to the world this the conference has nothing to do with it. and now i return to the words of the president, in which the president is wisely right on the issue of ukraine, that with each month the negotiations are delayed, he spoke about this 2 years ago, a year ago, recently, a few months ago he warned, when zelensky’s powers have now ended, it is possible argue as much as you like, legitimate, illegitimate, one fact, what is illegitimate for me, i am the leader of the party, this is my opinion. it means, but the fact is that it is now much more difficult for ukraine to start negotiations after the expiration of this deadline, because russia will think 100 times about who to talk to about what to talk about, no one will deny this, and our president told them, today it is necessary, yesterday it is necessary, the day before yesterday it is necessary, and this conference, unfortunately, unfortunately, which will take place, will push the world further back, there will be no peace now, to unfortunately, the topic is the most important, even at a meeting with
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his azerbaijani colleague, the president of belarus. touched upon ukraine, of course, when we discussed tense issues in the caucasus, near our borders. let's listen to this fragment to remember. i informed you in detail about what is happening in our region in connection with the conflict in ukraine, our position, you know, it’s not easy for us there now, but we will do everything to ensure that there is peace there, and we will move in this direction and experience of azerbaijan. post-war structure here, a peaceful arrangement is very important for our region, here is alexey viktorovich, look, and it’s not benzia who is repeating russia’s spree at the un again, despite the fact that the situation is tense and in many ways not in favor of ukraine, now a peaceful settlement in ukraine is still perhaps, well indeed, if we are talking about the position of geopolitical
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players ukraine and russia. was not a conference for peace, but it was a conference to demonstrate the unity of the west on the issue of ukraine and the unity of the supposedly whole world, something that was never at this conference initially, it was not even planned to invite russia, how can you talk about peace in the region if you do not invite the key participant in this conflict, that is, then immediately we are talking about peace only on ukraine’s terms. ukraine, instigated by the west, voiced western wishes that its conditions would be peaceful.
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with the absence now of a legitimate figure who could, in principle, negotiate, concluding that, look, now it’s very important about the international arena, yes, because now the pieces are placed very clearly on this board, so china is sending clear the parties recorded signals about how they see the format of the negotiations at a recent meeting between putin and sidinpin: russia welcomes china’s readiness to help in the political settlement of the crisis in ukraine. beijing, in turn, supports moscow's defense efforts. sovereignty opposes outside interference in its affairs, and with his european visits in may, xi made it clear that he closely monitors affairs on the continent and sympathizes with those who are independent and have a point of view, this includes our position, which we actively broadcast. well, it’s absolutely true that when we, belarus , speak here, we remember that the first peace initiatives were from belarus and we
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organized two rounds of negotiations on our territory. in order to somehow stop this embryonic conflict, russia constantly came up with proposals, and was ready for different formats, so we see that it is not the west, not ukraine. refers to him there, completely different meetings in relation to the european leaders who came, they were not even met by ministers, some at the level of chiefs departments and provinces, officials, this is all an indicator of whose side
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china’s sympathies are on, but china today is not interested in expanding the conflict, it is very important at this point, let us touch on it, a factor stabilizing the situation in the region, for us personally, fixing our subjectivity and sovereignty.
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deeply strategic, we need to enter into this process at the beginning, to finally put a barrier for the west so that their premium conditions end once and for all, this is our big strategic goal. if talking about the sco and brix also briefly, then of course, on the one hand, this is strengthening our international influence, we are actually becoming an even more international player that influences international processes, the second is strengthening our sovereignty and statehood, which is extremely important and i ... immediately a bridge to china, which means to their peace initiatives. china, you said correctly, clearly supports and respects those countries that have sovereignty and independence, when in europe they are offended that they are poorly received in china, that’s not bad
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attitude towards peoples, for example, china wants to trade with europe, this is no secret, it does not want to leave europe, it is the americans who want the europeans to kick out china, although this is not beneficial for them, and we immediately see that lithuania is not completely independent, the president. ahead of the locomotive, in general, let’s almost end all relations with china. china respects sovereignty when it receives vladimir putin, our president, well, beautifully, this is not something that treats our people better, no, it’s just an indicator of what they say: this a sovereign state, they themselves determine their own path, now i return to ukraine, the whole problem with the war today is not only that ukraine has limited sovereignty, but together we could force it all.
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in the states of america, what do you think is the place of the ukrainian problems and the war in ukraine among the americans? at the end of the list, crime is ahead, which means economic problems, democracy, in their understanding, how they sort it out, everything, this is at the end of the list, who is worried about ukraine today, neighbors and europe, you are suffering from sanctions, from war, and i’ll also support, still for another decade, don’t the europeans understand, all these tons of weapons, all these tons of cartridges, all these tons of pistols, today the conflict will stop. uh-huh, in europe it’s still a decade anyway, it’s not going anywhere, it’s still decades to disassemble and do it, it won’t go away, every day we
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work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information, twenty minutes format allows us to talk about what... what is happening in belarus and the world: to carry out linguistic a walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing. and also suggest projects and films that are sure to become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. we continue, how do you like this news: the president of georgia, salame zurabishvili
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, asked the president of france, macron, to come to the republic to help get rid of the soviet yoke and russian influence in the caucasus. emmanuel macron promised almost from the moment of my election in 2018, i knew that he would come. he must do this before the start of the election campaign in september. we are talking not only about georgia, we are talking about ridding the caucasus from the soviet game once and for all.
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the united states is preparing sanctions against georgian politicians who promoted the law on foreign agents. a corresponding bill will be discussed in congress in the near future, writes the politician. it says that tbilisi, quote, openly attacked the united states and other western democracy promotion organizations. and also strives to strengthening ties with russia and china. speaker
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of the parliament shalma papalashvili, meanwhile , said that the georgian parliament will override the president's veto by law? earlier, the leader of the ruling georgian dream and mrtbelisi party, kakha kaladze, emphasized: “the georgian authorities are not afraid of american sanctions.” that is, their policies are different, i will also say this a little harshly. so, here's about georgia. by the way, we are developing relations with georgia and belarus, we also have trade and economic relations. we must clearly understand that the current the leadership in georgia is not pro-russian, far from pro-russian, and look how they are being pressured by the united states for the law on foreign agents, what is needed, so they ask me the question, what do the americans need from georgia, what do they want? in fact , the current leadership has simply shown interest in its own national interests, in the interests of georgians to trade with russia, develop relations with the cis countries, well, it is economically feasible when the president of georgia says that it is necessary... to abandon the russian and soviet past , i don't
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i want to turn into medvedev, but here it is possible, if you approach it this way, to talk about the georgian state in general, if you go into the historical context at all, but i don’t want to, we are belarusians, but what do the americans need, the americans need georgia using the example of ukraine, remember saakashvili, who unleashed the war with south ossetia and abkhazia, to which he led the situation in georgia, but not to the best, today the americans need georgia like this. is now in the csto, we will do everything
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to remove these contradictions, the president is doing a lot, despite all these contradictions, why? as soon as those western missars appear in armenia who say: we will help solve something so that there is peace, wait for war, that is, they do not need peace in the caucasus, this is the most important thing that they must understand, they have always since the collapse the ussr set fire to the caucasus, the west set fire, who threw away all these nationalist issues, millions of dollars, have they already published documents? we thought then, when the ussr collapsed, it was an accident, it happened like this, nothing is by chance, everything is always on purpose, oleg sergeevich, i still added history, because in fact the caucasus is always a territory. was very important for russia from the point of view of the stability of this region, and russia has always acted as a factor of reconciliation here. the caucasus is a territory with a very heterogeneous ethnic population with these numerous centuries-old grievances. if it weren’t for russia in its time in the 19th century,
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georgia would definitely not exist today, because within the framework of the same ottoman empire, the georgian people were threatened. started, the possibility of pressure on him, the caucasus, again, presence in this region is an opportunity to influence china’s plans related to the construction of a new branch of the silk road. of course, the americans are very worried today, despite the fact that, well, if you agree with oleg sergeevich, that there is no pro-russian regime, but still
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pro-national in georgia today, yes, and those who are in power, the georgian prime minister and the government, today they... act from the position of national interests, then they have deprived america of the possibility of influence. the same saakashvili, he was a typical protege, so this little pig, bright, so grown, delivered, and who did everything, and who really brought the country to a direct military conflict, which caused the collapse of trade and economic ties with russia, then the georgians really felt for themselves what it means to live without opportunity supplies of georgian wine, georgian fruits. georgian mineral water without russian tourists, and today’s government, in spite of everything, yes, it is still trying to maintain this balance of interests, and the law on foreign agents who today are being used, this is further squeezing out of the sphere of georgia and in general this is, as it were, an opportunity to put a barrier in
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the caucasus to the activities of these non-governmental non-profit organizations supported by various western ones.
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we have a war of sabotage groups, we have also been celebrating this recently and are fighting against it, we see that they are preparing various kinds of armed detachments, and almost regiments, as they call them, in order to
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carry out an invasion of the territory of belarus, a lot has been said about this, but i no longer i'm talking about those sanctions. this is actually economic sabotage, a war against belarus , violating all international treaties, all international agreements. here is oleg sergeevich, we discussed our entry into the highway, and how we are on the road with such large states as russia and china, we have completely the same vector in this regard, forwarders, but at the same time we see that the better we have as things go, the more... the more pressure is being put on us from that western direction, and from the side of our closest neighbors, through them, first of all, and this will not end, we must clearly understand that this pressure will not disappear in a year or two, we are very... important geopolitically, very important, the fight for belarus, the west is not going to end, because we have strategic importance for in order to
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weaken russia and china, including through us, therefore, understanding that we cannot be defeated by military means, understanding that here is the president over the years, look at the nuclear weapons and the russian belarusian joint group, the strengthening of the army in recent years, rearmament, which means strengthening the special services, that is, well, outwardly it won’t work out in any way, which means... it is necessary from the inside, through someone, through the fifth column, which settled among the neighbors, and through these neighbors, the bet on what will be done, the president is talking about this , sabotage, extremism, arson, internal political swing, again to create some kind of fifth column through other methods, the twenty-fifth year ahead of the presidential elections, that is , to undermine from within at any cost, they will try the same thing in the thirties in the thirty-fifths, we must clearly understand this, therefore the question... the president pays the closest attention to security ; another point regarding the neighbors, while we clearly share the leadership of lithuania, latvia,
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poland there and the ordinary people, we will not give up either a visa-free regime or normal relations with these people, because this is our very important remark, the prime minister of poland tutsk ordered the convening of a commission to investigate russian and belarusian influence on the situation of the republic in the period from 2004 to 24, whatever they want to listen to, but this obviously everything... failures in europe lately are always attributed to russia and belarus, i’ve read everything, the slightest thing happens in their economy, putin is to blame. the second point, this information war means against us, here we translate it into reverse language, when he says: we will counteract our influence, i translate it into simple, understandable language, we will spend even more money on the information war against our neighbors, this is more millions of dollars will go to their media, more more lies, even more deception, that is...
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as if of public interest, but western politicians are very interested in groups such as all sorts of coordination councils, for the purpose
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of then, on their basis, proclaiming some new government of belarus, which will immediately turn to them for help they will be asked to send troops, approximately the territory of belarus, that is , all these plans are known, we saw it all, in response to this we had to introduce tactical nuclear weapons in order to asymmetrically respond to such actions, but in fact... the attitude of these countries is absolutely respectful ; we perform actions, we recognize their government, they are trying not to recognize
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ours, based not so much on their own, but on these pro-american interests, and what the president is talking about, unfortunately, losing on the ukrainian front, today they will try to ignite the belarusian front, look for new pressure points, so we will need to tell the truth more, so they detain new spies every day and say: these are agents, this is the truth. that there are a lot of dissatisfied people, those who disagree with tusk's policies. in addition, he clearly showed himself to be a man who pursues personal motives and is ready for revenge; it was not
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for nothing that he was called a beast. stands in front of us, and he walks unnoticed, you know, he steps silently behind the scenes of all the action that we are watching, discussing, but we need to see it, while the kitsch is immediately evident, which means that this is a sign of the times, again amazing , the french authorities are trying to be in this strange vanguard, paris is preparing for the olympics, and in honor of this, the first assistant to the mayor of paris emmanuel grigoire proudly talks about
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his recent meeting with the transvestite and writes: happy to welcome our olympic flame bearer minimage st to the mayor's office on this day of struggle against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. honestly, when you see such transvestites you can really fall into a real trance. just imagine, this will carry the olympic flame on the opening day of the olympics in paris. and older people, looking at such a person, complain about where the world is heading, and i ’ll ask this: here’s olga igoryevna, where is it going? their world? this meeting that...
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we are with you now, we have some amulets so that in 30 years, some, i don’t know, mayor of minsk will not hold a similar meeting, and then, that today everything seems incredible to you and me, then, thanks to the overton window, the overton windows did not become the norm, and you and i would sit quietly and watch what is happening, i’ll start with europe, which means who else barbarian, it is no longer known, i
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believe that muslims will teach them a lot of good things, including family values normal. there are different muslims, by the way, you can learn a lot from them, this is the first, second, there is even more terrible news, in germany today, there is criminal liability for possession of child pornography, there is none, only an administrative fine, and you know what the explanation is came up with the german ministry, we need to know this, this is where europe is heading, we have few prisons, and there are too many pedophiles, so we will make fines, this is what is going on there, now about...
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they really work against them, what regarding the policy of conservation, i absolutely agree with oleg sergeevich that christianity as a religion was the bearer of traditional values. europe, which abandoned christianity in the era of secularization, there in modern times, and which very much destroyed this religion in the 20th century, christianity actually ceased to play any role there, both in the catholic and in the protestant version, here we have today , thank god, we see at the state level there is interaction with confessions, we are still ready to open for ourselves now in schools, in universities.
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promote under any brand, any, there is a struggle for human rights, something else, try to promote some unnatural things as basic ones. thank you, we remain vigilant, thank you for this conversation, that’s all for today.
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