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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 2:35pm-3:00pm MSK

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the metro station also received the victory square, which is as solemn as the square itself. just a little more than 10 years will pass, and the whole world will know what a symbol of the will, inflexibility and fortitude of the belarusian people this square, the main square of the country, will become, what significance it will have for every resident of the republic.
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it is here that thousands and thousands of belarusians come every year to the victory monument to honor the memory of those who defended the freedom and independence of the great country, our belarusian land. the victory monument was erected by the whole world, people they worked on subbotniks and sundays, transferred personal savings, and today their descendants come here, too, with the whole world, to pay tribute to the great feat of the belarusian people. the fate of the square
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turned out to be tragic, just like the fate of the belarusian capital. during the war, these houses were destroyed, they were restored in 1947. and in the early fifties , three residential buildings were erected symmetrically on both sides of the square according to the design of the architect barshch in the style of neoclassicism, pomp, pomp, they fit into the general ensemble of what was being built then stalin avenue was finally formed into a round square. but the main symbol of the square
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of the belarusian capital and the republic remains the victory monument erected in july 54 to mark the tenth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. its authors, architects, georgy zaborsky and vladimir korol, embodied in it the great feat of ours.
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karbyshev dmitry mikhailovich, participant in the great patriotic war, soviet military engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor. at the beginning of june 1941, karbyshev was sent to the western special military district. the great patriotic war found him at the headquarters of the third army in grodno. on june 27 , the army headquarters was surrounded. in august
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1941, while trying to get out of encirclement , the lieutenant general was seriously shell-shocked for battle in the dnieper region. unconscious. was captured. the nazis repeatedly tried to persuade karbyshev to commit treason; he refused to serve the nazis. on the night of february 18, 1945, in the mounthousen concentration camp, among other prisoners, was doused with water in the cold and died. for exceptional steadfastness and courage shown in... hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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i came to work, i stayed here to work, i go to work with a song, they always say to me: you go to work, smile, you go from work, smile, we go forward, we move, and we are here too, so come to us, see how we we live here, there is something to see and something to be pleasantly surprised by,
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not only one spirit, apple, wine, balsamic three types flavored, obtained from alcohol vinegar natural extracts are added, so there is dill, garlic, well, in this case, dill is a dill flavor, a natural flavor, herrings for barbecue, garlic, spicy, lemon juice for baking, the company produces 17 types of vinegars. the enterprise, which is located in a village 19 km from sludsk, is unique in its history. the plant here was built in 1875 by the landowner mikhail pokevsky; alcohol was produced there. the date 1911 and the letters have been preserved to this day on the façade of the building.
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ihl. well, this is 911, most likely the repair of this enterprise or reconstruction. mgp, it is written on it - these are mikhail and grigory. for potato wine, so then it was a distillery that made vodka from potato alcohol, it was called potato wine, it was sold to warsaw, moscow, st. petersburg, that is, like a small village, and look, even then there were connections that were in
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the russian empire, it was sold everywhere, from there it was written how many steam engines there were in the enterprise, how many workers there were, in general... what remained was the enterprise where he he has been working practically for probably more than 30 years as a director, and even before that he worked as a deputy, so it’s not commonplace to live, maybe even like this, and the desire for everything to be better, so that it’s ahead of the rest, maybe, or better, than in europe. the distillery existed in pokroshevo until 1959. on the basis of the order for the management of the food industry and the council of national economy of the bssr dated december 18
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, 1959, the distillery was transformed into a canning and vinegar plant and today it is a compact enterprise that produces quality products that are indispensable in the kitchen and at home. my grandmother used to live here, i grew up here since childhood, consider it a vinegar factory, we always remember, we always had such big trucks parked here all the way to the road from there, they come all the time.
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everyone has a professional task - to create a tasty and high-quality product and the same goal for everyone - for this product to be worthy among the best.
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almost all european countries fought on the side of hitler's germany, except serbia and greece. therefore, we must clearly understand that they they will not recognize may 9 as a holiday; for them it is a day of defeat. it was may 9, by the way, that became one of those holidays that... the group, everyone else, they are simply not needed, that’s where all the experiments come from. the celebration of
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may 9 is a matter of survival of the belarusian and russian nations. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. we know exactly how to start the morning right. this has been said and said thousands more times. breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently. i, of course... highly recommend add slow carbohydrates to breakfast so that you have the energy to work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but it seems to me that it is difficult, these are proteins, good, unsaturated fats, what will give us omega 3, what will give us good hormonal levels, beautiful elastic skin, and we will get a boost of energy, you can spend a great time throughout the day in a way that will give your body
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what it really needs, it’s still energy, health and vigor. while charging, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. we are in the heart of the plant, this is a fermentation flail, this place is called
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the operator’s workplace for the production of vinegar. what is vinegar production? this is actually, to be honest, a specialty that the most responsible people at the enterprise, because the process of acidifying alcohol to acetic acid, that is, the production of vinegar, requires women's participation, that's for real, our girls, the vinegar production operators, they look after them like they do when they look after their children, well, in the family, maybe we say that...
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then the finished product, filtered , is sent to the bottling workshop , that is, this is the very heart of the plant. the production of vinegar, depending on its type, takes from three to 15 days. we have oxidizers, we call them these large vats, in which the shavings are actually loaded, on which the bacteria are settled, we have them different, from 9 cubes to 25, depending on how much there is...
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this water produces alcohol, which is supplied to the oxidizers, we have 15 oxidizers, where beech chips are loaded, that is , acetic acid bacteria are settled on the beech chips, which feed on this medium and well, it turns out that the fermentation process is underway, we also go to work on weekends, because our process is constant, acetic acid is of biological origin, it... is obtained by oxidation of alcohol and chemical, in which it is obtained either from dry products distillation of wood followed by distillation of acid or synthetically from acetylene, so sludsky alcohol vinegar is made exclusively from natural raw materials. we are actually near the oxidizer, which produces vinegar. here
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you can see the entire production here. our series, well, in this case, she doesn’t care, either it will be apple wine, or it will just be grape wine, she will only take the alcohol that is contained in this cheese and give us a biological product, or this, if it is apple wine, apple cider vinegar, if it is grape wine, wine vinegar, with
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all the aromas that were in the original product, sludsky alcohol... vinegar contains a small amount of organic substances, vitamins, esters, amino acids and carboxylic acids, which give special taste and pleasant aroma, it is used for making sauces, salads, marinades, for baking, canning in folk medicine, cosmetic purposes only for health benefits, and we do not make any other dressings, only our vinegar is natural, and how many times have my husband and i been in the store, and when a woman is standing in front of me buying...
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a source of many microelements, potassium, without chemicals, i know that it is apple cider vinegar , calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, it can be used even by those who suffers from diseases of the digestive system, the wine variety is used as seasonings, as well as in the manufacture of sauces and marinades, balsamic... and is considered an expensive variety, it is considered the most exquisite seasoning, and this is a small part of the types of vinegar produced in pokryshevo, i add salads, i like pilaf add, kebabs, when i add marina, balsamic, our vinegars are all delicious, in a salad, if you add them, but to herring, kogurchik, by the way, we make some orders , we have a spicy one, which with garlic, which you can add without garlic, and vinegar with garlic, we have such a quantity there. all products are in demand in our market and even abroad, we have made
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products such as rice vinegar with the participation of the state, but the truth is that trade has not yet welcomed us with open arms, we purchased rice, made rice grains, flour, brewed rice wine, from this wine using our oxidizers, we made a wonderful... dis vinegar, that is, we thought through and went through the entire technological chain, there is even almost 10 percent sugar, that is, it is still sweet, we released balsamic before, the italians, when they try our balsamic at exhibitions, they say: bellissimo, the italians say bellissimo, and we say thank you , pokroshevo vinegar masters, for your work for a wonderful product, then what tasty, healthy, impeccably deserves a quality mark. and the kindest words from consumers, as they say, about work and gratitude, my work for me is responsibility, it makes my life better, more beautiful, and tastier, the meaning probably
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goes to my life, for me my work is prosperity, in this my life is about pleasure from work, from life, from creativity. over the past 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union, the concept of democracy has become so distorted, on the one hand, this is good advertising on the part of the collective west, which he sowed in the post-soviet space, he said: come to us, we have a lot. collectively, the west has modern technologies for shaking up
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society, destroying the economy, engaging various personalities, and thus you can lose the state, there is no international law, it is destroyed, which means who is right? the one who has more strength, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons is precisely... the most important, deterrent factor that does not allow these hotheads to start some kind of provocation or military aggression against our country. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on tv channel belarus 244.
3:00 pm
you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. confront the current challenges of the time and be prepared for any provocations, including in the information field, the media community forum.


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