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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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he has the competence. as a result of the meeting , an action plan for cooperation between belarus and the altai territory until 2026 was signed. we will also interact in the fields of science, culture, sports and tourism. belgium announced that it will supply ukraine with 30 f-16 aircraft within 5 years. the first fighters will be available to the ukrainian armed forces within six months. it is unclear how reliable the belgian promises are. denmark and the netherlands have already promised to transfer it to ukraine in the shortest possible time. however, no information.
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prefers to abandon their cars after how the cargo will be delivered to european customers. this practice has become widespread. the problem worried not only ukrainian military commissars, but also the owners of transport companies from the eu. the association of carriers has decided to sue all drivers who abandoned their cars on charges of theft. in this case, they take risks. they will end up in a ukrainian prison, and from there, according to the new rules, they can go to the front. this solution suits truck owners and ukrainian military commissars quite well. the decision to recognize the palestinian independence by three countries: ireland, norway and spain. this event caused sharp discontent in tel aviv. they consider this decision unfriendly, but the actions of the israeli army in the gas sector are causing increasingly sharp rejection in the eu. the murder of dozens the day before caused widespread outrage. un camp in
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rafah. even germany and france, staunch allies of tel aviv, demand that the israelis respect humanitarian law during the war. and the head of european diplomacy in general stated that the netanyahu government will now use the word israel instead of the word, since it is this politician who is guilty of the mass death of palestinian civilians. a huge scandal surrounding the british museum. the american fbi found exhibits from here on the us black market. it became clear some time ago. that artifacts from the museum's collection are being sold cheaply online. there were cases when they tried to sell a figurine with an auction value of 40,000 for 40 pounds. the investigation discovered that the caretakers were involved in the trade; they managed to sell not less than 2.0 exhibits. it was decided only to fire the criminals. their justification was the fact that their salaries are small and they have to live on near starvation. and months later it turned out that exhibits were still leaking from the british museum of antiquities, this time to america. maybe look now. they will decide to punish them by giving them
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a salary increase. what makes the story especially poignant is the fact that the british museum’s collection is made up of artifacts stolen abroad, more than half of the 9 million exhibits. today border guards celebrate a professional holiday: 106 years since the formation of the belarusian border service. the holiday began with the laying of flowers at the memorial sign by the guardian of the border of all generations on tolbukhin street. then officers of units of minsky's organization... cadets and veteran border guards, led by the chairman of the state border committee, laid floral wreaths at the victory monument. next, the foot column went to the acute courage of grief to pay tribute to those who performed their international duty in afghanistan. and on the eve of the holiday granzava diven was named after the hero of the soviet union, lieutenant alexei lopatin. we always value our generation and remember the heroes of the border guards who gave their lives in the fight against fascism. on april 29
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, 2024, presidential decree no. 180 was signed, according to which the border outpost of the pinsk border detachment was named after hero of the soviet union alexei viktorovich lopatin. traditionally, on border guards day, military personnel visit memorial sites with colleagues and loved ones. solemn event on may 28 go into everything. units of the border service. in brest, on the occasion of the holiday, a stylized lantern with a symbolic inscription was solemnly opened from the border . now it is he who opens the alley of lanterns on the pedestrian sovetskaya street, which is lit by a lamplighter every day. in the center of the composition is the outline of the country’s territory and the shield that forms the border agency. also, according to tradition, today the best servicemen of the brest border group were awarded on the main square of the city. recall that the connection is the oldest and the largest. we do everything for this,
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i have been serving in the border service for a little over 10 years since 2012, well, in my work, the main concern is about the soldiers, providing the soldiers with everything they need, all our guests see our face right at the border, they begin and further, therefore, noting today is a holiday, we all proudly remember those who met the fascists at the state border. i started my service in 1969, retired in 2000, that’s 30 calendar years, currently a border guard is the first turn out to be a technically equipped specialist, ready to act in any conditions of a dynamically changing situation; accordingly, since the beginning of this ammunition
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, about 300 violators of state border legislation have been detained. in a solemn procession, the border guards of the brest region walked along the central street of the city to the memorial complex to the border guards, where they laid flowers and honored the memory of their predecessors. they will continue publishing sports news, well, elizaveta lashkevich has joined us, she is ready talk about news from the minsk region. elizaveta, good afternoon, what’s new with you? tatyana, greetings, our capital is preparing for the minsk days at vdnkh in moscow, about the vector. cooperation with russian cities, we will tell you about concerts of jazz, classical music open air and what is on the tourist poster of nesser castle at the start of the season. thank you, well, we are back on the air at 17:00, see you. right now, the
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belarus 5 tv channel is broadcasting live the final of the four-republican student basketball league bguir is playing with bntu. straightaway after completing this. during the fight , teams from bspu and bsupc will appear on the parquet floor of the republican city school of olympic reserve on filimonov street. the matches for bronze and gold medals will be held tomorrow, may 29. boston beats indiana in the fourth game of the semifinal series of the national basketball association playoffs 105-102 and gets the first ticket to the decisive match. the best player on the court was visiting defenseman jaylon brown. he has 29 points scored. the celtics' opponent will be determined based on the results of the confrontation between the second pair. against minnesota. score 3:0 in favoring the north texas team.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? right. tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods are set and assyris? were brothers, andrei, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his assyris to the holiday, then it seemed that he either cut him up or immediately threw him into the river, andrei wrote detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in history tennis, as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22, absolutely true, that's right.
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provided we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne. that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel.
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broadcast on tv channel belarus 1 , starting from the capital of the minsk region, elizaveta lashkevich is with you live. zen are kind. pra snovnya padzei koratka: premyslovy, innavatsyyn, cultural patents stalitsa rykhtuetstsa pravyadzennya zen minska na bdng u maskve, akіya directivі supratsoўnіstva stalitsa z garada. races, baratsba with barshynikam at the capital, emphasis at the first chargu chemical waste will be eliminated throughout the summer . concerts of jazz, classical music, open air festivals and the start of the tourist season in the national historical and cultural museum of the nyasvizh nature reserve. pramyslovy, innovative, cultural patents. stalitsy rykhtuetstsa and the rightness of the zen of minsk at the exhibition of the current people's gaspadarka in
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muskva. the measures will last for three thousand days. gets forum will dance to help with the kіraўnіkamі region of the race, as well as the managers of the original thoughts grand succession. darechy, we are currently updating the relations between minsk and the krasnadar territory, and we are planning to bring some delegates. as stated by the mayors, there are plans for deliberate cooperation with the machines of tatarstan and bashkartastan, the dynamics of the ugadlev-ekanamic anosins. are there tourism taxes and direct flights from garada rasia? we are planning to open a kamaz service center, now we have an investment project that we are working on, they also have a range of equipment that is interesting to us and for promotion on our territories, and of course the ulyanovsk region, we work with it very closely, very closely, the topic of direct flights is being discussed, because after all, direct flights provide the opportunity for greater economic development, direct flights with murmansk and... the countries have resumed more for hundreds
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of partners it has been changing over the past few hours between the cities of minsk and omsk and sochi. uratavanne patsyarpely z-padzavala, liquidation akrytaga agnu, pratsa za aggressive vadkasti, atrutny evaporated, maystar-class for the fighting district administrations of the ministry of taxes of the minsk region. u the battles of the warriors came soon. in the program of the fire relay, the taxation of the liquidation of the offensive is dtz, and the first step is to help the patients and the wartavan on the wadze. the fiery warriors showed their skills in mountain climbing. the most difficult thing is probably to gather yourself psychologically. we can do everything else. we strive for perfection every day, we train, we perfect our skills, so we just need to put this into action. we gathered and did everything as we learned. every citizen of our region can be. i'm sure that if he calls call 101 or 112, you will of course receive
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prompt assistance. i would like to emphasize that one of the platforms is also to practice actions to provide assistance to those in disasters on the water. this is relevant. we see that the weather is already quite hot, so many have already opened the swimming season. we would like to remind you that you must swim only in specially designated areas. the greatest effect was achieved by the team of warriors from the minsk region. will represent the central regions at the republican stage spabornitstva, as they go through the cherven. z 250 hectares and 15, so much has the area been scarce with the careless barshaniks of minsk since 2011 , the work is in progress and immediately. the task of the city is to eliminate the danger of unsafe empty spaces, assemblies in parks, squares and embankment streets. the specialists have a comprehensive approach, the emphasis is primarily on chemical application, and good results.
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not dangerous, but when it gets on the skin, it greatly increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, that is, to sunlight, if in these places
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sunlight hits the skin where the juice appears, then after some time, sometimes quickly, sometimes within a day , severe burns will appear, even blisters, so we take an antiallergic drug, try to help ourselves on our own, be sure to contact a doctor, if not one is invasive in sumnik, with this information , the kamitet’s specialists in the field of natural... flower water plants have already been planted for more than 250 thousand adnagada species and several thousand rubles, but landscape designers are increasingly giving priority to matgadov raslins, as there are at least 90 thousand of these flowers near the jumping central streets of the city. let's do it.


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