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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 4:40pm-5:01pm MSK

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we hope, we keep our fingers crossed for him, oh, so stand, of course, come on, come on, jerk, jerk, jerk, eat first, the main thing is that come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, one by one.
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listen, well, the advantage was small, well, maybe he used it wisely, doing it there, well done, come back faster, good. when i heard the signal, all the fear, everything went away, i was sure that he would not catch me, when i pushed off from the glass for the second time, when i stood at the top with the crystal, i had no other feelings except joy, i knew that i had not let my coach down, pride in my team, in my hard training for myself, we initially knew that he would go at this stage, he talked with his parents and relatives.
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the pirates are rushing to victory, who can stop them, the game will decide, the champion, the hero is running, well, congratulations to you, hurray, well done, well done, in general, you have become, let's go further. my
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pirate gang showed superpower, you guys are the best, you are a hero, you have reached the next level of the game, continue to fight for the main prize from the creator of the game presidential sports club, even despite the defeat, my guys found priceless treasures for themselves, they became even stronger, even more fearless and are ready to race again. to meet the adventures, this is a game of heroes and it continues, heroes, they are already next to you, only forward, heroes, luck, reward, heroes, victory is calling, a new day is ahead. boldly
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go to him and take the first step, without a doubt, this is our finest hour, time has chosen us, do not miss it, our time, friends are with you. and wings behind your back, and you just have to believe, you are a hero, you are a hero, heroes, and not already next to by you, only by the beast heroes, luck is a reward, a hero, victory will be forgotten, heroes, they are already nearby. in
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battle, only forward to the heroes, luck is the reward, the hero will forget victory. the hero's path, will the chosen ones cope with new challenges, welcome to the world where everything is real. how strange can this seem to people
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who are unchurched, who do not know the monastic order and monastic life, that this is some kind of primitive, boring life. wretched, in fact, no one would live a day here without grace, without god’s help, in the world you have not experienced such joy, such satisfaction, as you experience in the monastery, believe me, there is something to compare with, so, as they say, before the monastery i was interested in various sections, except for ballet, despite the fact that my profession had already been chosen for me, choreography, i i always strived for... some kind of perfection, i always found time to read this small, short prayer: lord, guide my feet on the true path. after i received my diploma,
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a pilgrimage to kiev took place, and, of course, it was impossible to convey those emotions when we first entered the territory of the kiev pechersk lavra. it was. the first such acquaintance with shrines, a lot of ancient monasteries, of course, one of them was the kiev pokrovsky monastery, a novice came out to meet us, who paid us a lot of attention, and we wished to stay for obedience and it became very interesting that on that on the same planet, where everything seemed to me to be known and habitually understandable, there is a completely different world, a world within the world, let’s say. so i got carried away and stayed, and i didn’t even go to bobruisk to get my things, i arrived in 1920, at the end of august, we met with mother raisa, she was already sick, god took her, literally
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40 days after my arrival, when i looked at archival photographs, without a shudder , it’s impossible to describe all this without tears, where did she come? sometimes she did incredible things that even a strong man is unable to accomplish, we are trying with all our might to continue the great work she started, so that she would not be ashamed of us in the lord. mother i learned that there once was a noble military cathedral here, in honor of the blessed prince alexander nevsky. then this is 1934, that is, it was before the war, during these years it was blown up, only fragments of the foundation were preserved, the cathedral at one time was located on a large cathedral square, alexander i, the emperor, nicholas i, nicholas ii also came here, it has been preserved until today, the house in
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which they stayed, this place has a great future, this is the feeling when the first service was there, this is the feeling there was that time. it became, what happened when you just opened it, it built the temple, it was as if all the people who had ever been there were at this service, it was an inexplicable feeling of such joy, such a spiritual thing, for us very it is important to complete the construction of the cathedral, since it will be such a spiritual outpost, where there will be constant prayer for peace in the whole world, for the peace of our city, our defenders of all people who are seeking salvation. everything is so amazing with god, and we ourselves don’t know why exactly on our, well, let’s say, fragile women’s shoulders fell such heavy construction, such a long-term one. we hope that with god’s help we will succeed, and
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the temple will become an adornment not only of the church, but of our entire country. the territory of the fortress, unfortunately, is not all used, and that's it. is being destroyed, so of course it’s wonderful that the temple has been restored, and after the internal work, it can really become another one... not only religious buildings, yes, but also tourist sites, for sure, which already partly in our time is the monastery of saints john the myrrh-bearer. the name of the monastery, in honor of the holy women, the myrrh-bearer carries out a special service, the myrrh-bearing women, they accompanied the lord during his earthly life, they were not afraid of anyone, neither tormentors nor persecutors. brought the light of christ, preaching, the gospel,
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the word of god into this world, following the example of the saints, the myrrh-bearer, we try to carry out our mission as an educational, missionary one, in order to introduce as many people as possible who are seeking salvation, such exhausted, wounded people come here from the world, crying, usually misfortune leads, they leave already so encouraged, somehow with joy, a tempting refuge for the israeli patient. we pray, we also have time for solitary,
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private prayer, there are hours when we gather together for spiritual reading, for needlework, embroiderers taught me to make such beautiful church bookmarks, a button secures the ribbons, it turns out this elegant decor, we try to teach this to the sisters entering the monastery, that is, this is how it is... the monastery, the alexander nevsky cathedral, everything the rest of the churches that are planned here, in general, it will be a very beautiful spiritual complex, where, i think, that over time
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this entire complex of ours, the holy myrrh-bearing women, will come from other countries, this will be a place of such great pilgrimage, sometimes a person has nowhere to go to escape, yes, that is, he does not find solace anywhere, so i would really like... for our monastery to have a pilgrim’s house, where any athletes, artists, that is, people with different professions, who, well, could come. then they may have received some kind of injury, or they at some kind of debauchery, so that they could calm down, pray, look at life somehow more spiritually, even at the problem they were faced with, so that the monastery would be structured like heaven on earth, such a small paradise . corner, i would like black, but so that our buildings, they are beautiful colors, yellow, white, pink, i would like there to be a fountain here, and some beautiful ponds, even though we go to
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green ones, so that they bring positivity, so that here i wanted to be there and come and come again. they arranged their lives in village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. don't be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, everywhere you look, everywhere you look, everywhere there are some kind of hand-made things, these are everyday objects. the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life. a lot of people come, because even some say that it’s good here, here...
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but i really want to go on this trip go. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, very unexpectedly, in fact, in essence the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here there are potatoes, we are in the 13th century, it is associated with the name of prince vyshalka, there is information about him delights of culinary masterpieces, and one of them we discovered is this dish, meat under a puff pastry in a monastery style.
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watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. please tell me who you are did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver; they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty.
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it is true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully. to say a lot of time, well, i probably don’t need to say that it ’s a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it takes, you can teach me, the chin is higher, the chin is a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward, look at the project 100 questions to an adult on a tv channel. belarus 24 for a moment i want a brisk run and a rainy day, like a rainy day, a shady forest, a sunny day, and how our life is formed from these fragments, i want to look at this light for everyone kozhny
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zen adkryvatsa dlya sebe neshta novae, us geta so tsikava. there we work together with anyone, with anyone and belarus. on air news now, tatyana nekrasova is with you. hello. how to resist the hybrid pressure of the west, not lose the information war, save the country, save the world. today.


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