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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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in the head stood a fireman, brave and decisive, he managed to overcome the fire, he used a fire extinguisher. friends, i really, really liked it, and what i also liked most of all is that botleika continues to live, in this modern interpretation, is popular, and children also tell such instructive stories, so it’s worth listening, don’t play with fire. ozerskaya botleyka already. years old, now there are seven people in the circle, the guys are happy to rush to rehearsals after lessons in order to further demonstrate their creative work in front of the audience is normal, but if i came to you, what role would you give me? say anything, a match, okay, they’ll give you an oscar for it, friends, this is such a busy weekend for me. it worked out, i haven’t even returned
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home yet, and i’m already ready to plan my next trip to my native belarus, so i say goodbye to you for a while, my name is masha bogatyr, bye-bye. and our enterprise exports products to about 60 countries of the world, for example, we are diversifying exports, this is our goal, and...
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several enterprises have discovered new countries, so the contspa began to supply its products to vietnam to australia, the arshan kelno plant to nepal to egypt, so we are working. what are your export plans for this year? are there any new agreements? well, of course, we have plans, of course, the enterprise is already almost 80% complete, the products have been contracted, but at the same time we continue the search.
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raw materials and component materials, that’s why we continue, we look at projects, new ones are possible, we are in the direction of wool processing, that is, we also have russian colleagues have a very active dialogue, let’s say we are moving in parallel with them, now the list of labeled products in the russian federation of light industry goods has expanded, we will simultaneously unify the same thing, we will go the same way, that is, with us. everything is good in this regard, the enterprise concerns are also frequent participants in exhibitions abroad, this still helps us promote our products, what are our immediate plans? yes, exhibitions still remain the main tool for promoting exports, and we actively participate in exhibition events abroad, in the russian federation, the largest interfabric exhibitions, fashionstay russia and so on, but we have immediate plans to travel further away.
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so we will participate in exhibitions in china, in turkey, what products will you present there, this is what is interesting to consumers in china in turkey, well, china-turkey, of course. semi-raw material items are more interesting, if we speak, because we will divide light industry into several components, this is a semi-raw material product - this is fabric yarn, which is consumed, let's say, by the manufacturer, and finished clothing, which is consumed by a person, the consumer, that is, therefore, accordingly, taking into account the fact that china and turkey have their own light industry very developed, then there we can, let's say, work more with our half-hearted positions.
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so, nikifarovich, this is an order, don’t argue with me, don’t you dare argue with me, i ’m telling you, the next time that everything was done, a difficult conversation took place in the vetkovo district party committee, the secretary of the gomel regional committee, ilya pavlovich kozher, with the pilologist contrastive borodina, head of the dairy farms of the collective farm proletarian victory, “this is a very responsible matter and only you can cope with it, palych, i ’m telling you out of old friendship, you know the branch, you worked here, people here are responsible, well, even i don’t i know how we will cope with all this, these are cattle, we must
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cope, the party’s instructions are not to leave anything to the enemy, the cattle must be taken away, they must be taken away immediately, how much time do i have, it ’s 700 heads, everything needs to be prepared, and also the breeding cattle, and also horses, sheep, you you understand that there is no time, fighting is already going on in the region, you are still a rear area, but a german could be here at any moment, so the cattle must be taken away immediately, well, if we go to the bryansk region... let's go, then i think we can handle it, you see, the germans will drive, no, kandratevna, not to the bryansk region, to the eagle, or even further, here is the route, in the hut where the village council was located,
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they walked. well, excuse me, only five is all, three carts will pull, two herds will be guarded, well, i don’t know how we will cope, evna, well, you understand,
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we are giving everything for the front, say thank you for that, what is. komsomol members, guys, times are hard now, we will have a long road, a roof, the sky above our heads, carts at home, we will have to spend the night under them, instead of a bed, branches to grass, we will guard the herd at night, we will post guards. on july 18 , 1941, from the collective farm, the proletarian victory of the brigade set off on a long journey in
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the direction of kursk and voronezh. hundreds of kilometers of the route passed 20-30 at a time. in a day. several months of travel are behind us, but the road... it didn't get any easier. one day, in late autumn, the drivers noticed from afar a fighter on horseback approaching them. stop, far away, germans, here is your line, my good one, lead the column. as soon as he handed over the sheet to kondratyevna with the route indicated there, german planes appeared in the sky. into
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the forest, everyone into the forest. everyone rushed to drive scott into the forest, hiding some behind the trees. 5 months. the brigade took different roads into the interior of the country, protecting the herd from german air raids. along the way they milked cows, handing over the milk to local authorities and units of the red army, sheared sheep, knitted socks, sometimes it was possible exchange them for valenka. it was a great success. when the december day of 1941 was short , the villagers were already approaching sunset. awkwardly they saw an unusual procession;
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a herd of cows and sheep was moving towards them, barely moving. then there was a meeting in the village council, where a lot of people were packed, there were quite a few people who wanted to see those who had driven scott across the country for several months. na, having laid out the papers, now handed them over to the chairman. yes, it’s hard to believe that you’ve come such a long way, and with such a large herd, apparently. it was hard. we walked 1,500 km through six regions, and now we came to saratov. until the end of the war, the proletarskaya pobeda collective farm brigade of the vetkovsky district remained in
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the local economy, working not only in livestock farming. its participants worked in the soviet rear under the motto “everything for the front, everything for victory.” pelogia kondratyevna borodina remained the soul of the team. and in october 1944, in... in the gomel regional party committee , borodina again met with his secretary kozher ilya pavlovich, the hero of the soviet union. well, hello pavlych, here you go invoices, everything is clearly written, i’ve heard, kondratyevna, i’ve heard about your exploits , how you saved scott, how you, along with the whole brigade, helped for the front, well done, kondratyevna, but you doubted it, well... oh, remember, pavelich , you check, look at everything, here everything is written down by the elder of your
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native kolkhoz, so now you will raise the proletarian victory, until victory, huh? the soviet rear largely rested on the shoulders of women, work in evacuated enterprises, in the countryside, in construction. on the railway, thousands of names of women, including including belarusians, who with their labor brought victory closer, working for the front. at the beginning of november 1943, the editorial office of the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia was preparing to release a festive issue for the next anniversary of the october revolution, but... semyonov came to me urgently to change it,
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sit down, urgently change the front page, what a joy, hey, our girls, ah well done? that, by decree, decree of the president of the supreme soviet of the ussr of november 5, our home front worker, elena mironovna chukhnyuk, was awarded the title of hero of the socialist labor. for special services in providing transportation for the front of the national economy, now the issue is generally female, urgently in the issue on the front page. the essays told about the selfless work of
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evacuating the equipment of the republic’s enterprises to the east at the beginning of the war, about the selfless work. for the victory in 1941 , elena chukhnyuk was 24 years old, despite her youth, she was awarded the title of honorary railway worker. then there were plans to continue studying, but the war changed everything. late evening in august 1941 in the gomel locomotive a women's brigade gathered at the depot. led by senior driver elena chukhnyuk, they had to find solutions to complex issues. experience with heavy locomotives must be taken into account. our task is to maximize the traction of the train by rafting with other locomotives. you can make a raft of two, maximum of three locomotives. few. we handle loading of entire
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enterprises and equipment. we need to go out at least six, six, but this is impossible and risky, we will try, we still need to solve the issue of blackout while we are on the move and we can change the speed, we are able to hide from bombing, the ability to maneuver is our trump card for salvation, at the end of august 41 gomel, captured by fire, was one of the last to leave... a group of six locomotives was led to central asia by senior engineer chukhnyuk and his brigade. another, no less heroic work began to deliver military cargo, equipment, and personnel directly to the front line. in the fall of 1942
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, special reserve column no. 4 was formed in the moscow region, which consisted of railway workers belarus. went to the rear for more cargo. after arriving at the north pechersk road, elena chukhnyuk’s brigade assembled in full force. we need to deliver coal to the rear areas, but the frosts are severe, down to -55-60°. even powerful
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locomotives were unable to move heavy trains. the task is impossible. such frosts, no one has ever driven freight trains, and here there is still a whole train, no one has driven them, but times are different now, coal is waiting in the rear at the front, a lot depends on us, we will insulate all parts of the train, there is no other way out no, there is no other way out, but there is no time for this, there is a flight tomorrow, we have the night, 2 hours to rest. elena mironovna’s confidence that everything would work out was transmitted to the entire team. chukhnyuk herself drove a heavy train with coal to its destination in 11 hours, reducing travel time by three times. it was a record that no one could repeat.
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marriage, fearlessness, heroism. an extraordinary decision, elena mironovna was awarded the title of hero of socialist labor in 1943. the country celebrated the work of thousands of women belarus with high state awards for work in the soviet rear. they worked at defense enterprises in hospitals, in agriculture with scientific developments, bringing the great victory closer.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, pakistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi
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i want to say that forecasts are still not made without qualified specialists. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. for the first time this problem was encountered in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in... in 2003, well after a lull of almost 10 years, and they are literally ignited by carie beetles, where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build tunnels inside the thickness of the wood. watch in the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. everyday broadcast on the belarus tv channel 1 we are talking about the news of the capital of the minsk region, with you on the live broadcast of elizaveta lashkevich. good evening and a short time. original, innovative and cultural patents the city is expanding and the justice of the zen of minsk at the vdng near maskve, which is the direction of the supra-continuity of the city with the garads of the race. baratsba with barshyniki near the city. the emphasis in the first charga on the chemical product for the whole summer, the waste products will be liquidated, kantsert...


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