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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 7:25pm-8:00pm MSK

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in ancient times there was a technique of wood scanning. lace, then it was lost, and more modern ones saw it and decided to recreate it, so a group of craftsmen gathered under the leadership of vladimir tsukunov, so they decided to come up with a machine that would make beautiful shavings, by trial and error they made a machine that makes thin shavings , removes them from which can be made into jewelry.
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beautiful products, that’s basically where the name comes from: filigree, filigree, because the finest, shavings of wood, i came, i was little, i came into this, my father came into in principle, these masters who worked on... on the invention, that is, i was little, i came, i knew them all personally, we walked there, did our own thing, the guys did theirs, and then it turns out that my father died , and vladimir tsukunov took his older brother to his artists, so the older brother came there, and we, well, he gave it to us, here you go, try it in childhood, well, we tried, well, so that we liked it very much, but no, well, it’s interesting, there’s a little - it was a little.
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i see that it doesn’t have time, well, i think let me try, well, i tried and decided that in well, then little by little i started there somewhere , basically after maternity leave, i kind of work with him and will, well, i have enough patience, so why not.
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our works have spread almost all over the world, we know for sure that there are 100% of them in england and there is more than one work in america, bill clinton was once made a casket for a weapon for a pistol, several works were leaving the vatican, two icons were leaving, a carriage.
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hmm, no, for some reason we don’t do that, they exist, well, even if we try to sit down and count, at most we can have large icons to list, on average we make dishes , we mostly make them, on average each dish takes 3-4 days, each member of our workshop takes part, that is, in production, we have divided the labor among ourselves in such a way that everyone has their own responsibilities, someone. .. there it at least needs to be painted, prepared there, sanded, well, that is, all this work also needs to be done by someone, someone glues one thing, someone glues a pattern, someone glues there, let’s say i’m very i like, for example, to cover this pattern, then with very small shavings, if it’s some kind of large-sized icon, then on average 3-4 months, again, each member of the workshop does something different, each... well, with
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our children it’s still like that - we don’t force them, well, i think that maybe they will come if ever they themselves, that is, they, sometimes, when their interest awakens, they do something, but well, the bulk of our scanners are 4 + 2, that is, two are still in the stage, we are all in stage of training, but two of us are a little weaker and four...
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master this technique, for our work we use wood from all fruit trees, seeds.
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lends itself, we use pickled oak, but very rarely, because it crumbles due to its structure, it’s not dense, it crumbles very hard to use, maple can be used, birch can also be used, rowan, a very good color and also just not forest , because in the forest they are too thin, that’s where if someone is pruning, the color is also very good. we try somewhere, the only thing we don’t use at all is resinous ones, because there is a discharge, even if it’s a leak, then there was resin, there are still remains there , it doesn’t behave very well, it can behave unpredictably, the tree is already alive and
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no one can say how it will behave, we also use frames in our work, we make special ones, that is, we make frames so that ... leads, each of our work is a unique product, of course, there are times when we are asked to make so many identical pieces, we immediately explain to people that yes, they are identical, they look kind of the same, but at the same time time, if you look closely, they are not
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the same, because somewhere the size of some dot there does not match, somewhere there is something else, but in general we get ideas, for example, i very often take some photographs for myself, so i saw some where -this is a drawing, and i immediately think if i can use it for work, well, that is, as a rule, i show vitalik, if he also likes it, we stylize it for ourselves, because after all, it’s not possible to put curls everywhere, we stylize it for ourselves, then we are already trying to do something. to say something specific, no, it just turns out, well, our top list includes
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this dish, the boxes, the cases seem to be the same, the pictures we have are due to the drawings, pictures and the frames are expanding, that is, they turn out completely different. despite the fact that they are similar on the outside, but because of the drawing they are completely different, they have different characters, in principle , every artist is a little... not very good, so we try, in principle, to work only with a good mood , and we did it, we get
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two jobs, we did it for more than 6 months, we are in we made parallels, one of them - this is what it looks like in the church of all saints, an arched one, this is the coat of arms of minsk around the coats of arms of the cities, the second was, the second - this would be, yes, filoret, firstly, they are the largest of all that we have done for... in my opinion, a person who wants to do scania wants to create such things, but at a minimum must have nerves of iron.
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well, this is the easiest way to say, this is a piece of the soul, and wood is such a material that it is still cold metal and more like that, but wood is warm and probably energetically absorbs it all, so probably in this i think it’s just wood, it’s a warm living material, when people see our products for the first time they always ask, what is this? well, when you say that this is a tree, they ask: oh, it can’t be, but how did you do that, how, well, you start to explain, show, as a rule, you take out
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photographs on your phone, where you take step-by-step photographs for yourself of some- then the process of work, you explain to people and well, many don’t even believe it, well, what happened with the carriage, when the carriage was presented to the vatican, the italian media wrote there they wrote that the carriage is made of pasta, and indeed i looked and well... yes, from the outside, it looks like it is made of pasta, so all the magic lies in the fact that it is wood, and no one can think that it is possible to do so thinly , to perform such work delicately. if there was an opportunity to change something, uh, lately in our family among ourselves, we have been talking about the fact that perhaps, someday, in the near future we will have to go to work. and what else to do, i don’t see myself anywhere, well, i just
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don’t see, i can’t imagine how this is go to work there from 8 to 5, everything is strict, everything is under control, well, i’m used to working for myself, for my pleasure, because i like it, i probably would have been doing it anyway when i started, it seems, well, somehow it wasn’t like that, now we’re so involved, we had time even for this... we didn’t reach the road once, but while she hadn’t gotten involved yet, she just found it muttering that it’s a day off, let’s go there, well, let’s go for a walk, there we go there , let's go here, but i'm not interested in anywhere, i was interested in sitting, to do something like that, she’s so beautiful, and then she got involved and also already, no, as a housewife, i still need a day off, well , because it’s washing, cooking, cleaning, anyway,
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it’s all on me, and his day off is i see he’s already walking... there he’s looking for something to do, and it’s my day off, well, i’ve done all the work so far, it’s like, well, i’m tired, i want to rest at least a little, so yes, he can’t live without work at all, let's go on a trip to belarus, hello travel lovers, today will be hot, despite to changeable.
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first of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here; without teamwork , it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products. watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel . in general, we were born in gomel together, when there was an opportunity to build an apartment, when it was our turn, we were offered other options, but we still settled on
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karenevka, because the places here are beautiful, the forest, we came , we looked, it’s good, clean air, i’m an economist by training, well, somehow i still wanted to economics, i thought that this was mine, in the end i didn’t work for long, after maternity leave i decided to stay involved in the scanner work, because this business attracted me more, more opportunities, the possibility of some kind of growth of my own, then i was at the initial stage as
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a student, i i'm a chef by training, and maybe i would have remained a chef. before the army, it turns out, i worked in a restaurant, went into the army while in the army the restaurant closed, came, it turns out without a job, well , i tried here and there, there were no more places in the restaurant, none, i tried a little construction study, and then my brother says, let’s try, and that’s how he came back. and began to study more professionally, it took me even longer, but i still can’t stop. i was born into a family of ordinary workers, but creativity
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has always been in our family, we are very good at it, my father drew, in principle, from a small age we practiced more with the elders, i was very little, but he practiced, they drew, that is, on large table in the back. sat down, drew, he suggested, this is probably where the vein comes from, because he is very he drew well, then he was engaged in paintings from veneer, and we saw all this, as if, well , probably from this it was passed on, my older brother, he has a little art education, he studied at an art school, as a child i studied very much different many different circles, it was sewing, knitting and embroidery, she sang a lot, danced a lot, but all this was in childhood, well, until i was 15 years old, then somehow
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i gave up the whole thing, i still tried to study more somehow, in order to act, well, now this is how it turned out that creativity is mine, as a rule, we have a great vacation... and now we fish from a boat, that is, even if it’s a one-day hike, we still put up tents, a fire, everything is as it should be,
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active recreation, that’s what we we love you, if you want to do it, your idea is complete, because it’s most likely that you won’t be able to earn money, at least right away, you’ll end up with a lot of trial and error, a lot of defects, the stages take us a huge amount of time with preparatory work, that is, first the wood necessary. extract it, then dry it, then it must be dissolved, to plan, that is, we have a huge amount of just garbage, which is nowhere, and then
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only we embody our ideas, pictures there, and they also take a lot of time, i want to use beautiful, bright colors, it takes a lot of time to choose so that they are combined, to again. wood, so that it is still cut, so that it is properly dried, prepared, even the wood with which we work passes for a certain period of time, it becomes practically unusable, it also has to be thrown away, now, if you are not completely absorbed in it, well , it’s very difficult to work, here, well, it’s not enough to just want it, you need to be completely absorbed by it, then probably something will come out, man...
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but it’s with pictures that we control the plan; we very often customize the wood according to what we see, at least we try very hard, because not not always, but we only assume, as they say, wood changes color, that is, shades, we must take all this into account, and different wood changes differently .
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once upon a time. this doesn’t overlap, it’s all the same, well , it all comes together, this is happiness, i don’t know, this is happiness for us, this is good, there is happiness in my family, these are the children, these are their successes, these are also our successes, without this nowhere, happiness, when the family is friendly, healthy, close-knit, periodically invite us to exhibitions, we can’t always participate, because
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our work is being done.
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some nuances that i, for example, would have done differently, but one of our masters sees that this is how it will be best, that is, each of us has our own some point of view, but still it all comes together, and we delight people with some great, beautiful work created, i think that the majority of our masters will agree with me that we are improving and we are not happy with the work ... it may turn out that it won’t be possible to fix it, make it better, but it will simply never be finished, we will constantly disassemble it, assemble it, disassemble it, assemble it, we can always do it better, and we
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are striving for this, so well. .. basically we all the students, we’ve been working for how many years, even the older brother, he’s been studying for how many years already, he’s almost a nerd in scanning and still he ’s improving and he ’s acquiring some new skills, we’re finding some new zest, so that’s probably why , there is no divinity, but sometimes there are works with which we are more satisfied. so that in general we are never completely, completely satisfied with any job, so that not a single one is perfect, everywhere we know where we can do better, and we strive for this.
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media to save the country, stated this alexander lukashenko at the forum of the media community of belarus. mogilev has become a large discussion platform about the present and future of the media industry. the forum brought together heads of republican and regional media employees, bloggers, representatives of specialized universities, ideologists, and experts in the field of communications. all of them, like no one else, feel the nerve of our era, the president is convinced. they are at the forefront of the information war, they have to be defenders and fighters.
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information has not become easy. but a powerful weapon, and the country found itself under the gun of propaganda. the task of everyone at their own level is to defend information sovereignty, think analytically, and understand responsibility for our future. alexander lukashenko emphasized that the twentieth year has tempered our journalists, they have become tougher and more principled in upholding the truth, and today we cannot slow down. belarus continues to be subjected to the largest hybrid pressure from the west, not only political, informational, economic, but also military, and we must be prepared for anything anyone. provocations, including at infola. how to confront the current challenges of the time was discussed in detail at the forum with the participation of major media, bloggers and experts. focus on the development of regional ties. the visit to belarus of a large delegation of the altai territory, headed by
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the governor, continues. today the program includes a visit to industrial flagships, but first the parties held a meeting of the working group on cooperation. trade turnover is growing, but not at the rate we would like. last year only 2%. increase the numbers. will allow the launch of new projects, the main emphasis is on import substitution, the supply of passenger equipment and its maintenance are also interesting , the partners also worked out in detail the proposal voiced the day before at the palace of independence. the president of belarus drew our attention, also here, to some points that we talked about earlier, well, on which we did not particularly interact before, say, equipment related to fire fighting, emergency rescue operations, unmanned aerial vehicles for... use for civilian purposes, yes, these are the directions, well, traditionally, our agricultural producers are, of course, interested in agricultural equipment, these are combines, these are tractors. as a result of the meeting
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, an action plan for cooperation between belarus and the altai territory until 2026 was signed; we will also interact in the fields of science, culture, sports and tourism. by the end of the year, mtz tatarstan together with minsk tractor. they plan to introduce unmanned mini-tractors on the accessible market, they can be purchased on a commercial basis, in general there is close cooperation with russian regions, they began to buy more belarusian cars, the tredin program is also working, and special attention is paid to the quality of equipment. belarusian technology is a time-tested technology, like many compare with a kalashnikov assault rifle, everyone knows this, yes, this is confirmed by the indicators that last year we sold over 4,500 units. technology, this year we have positive dynamics. belarus is actively developing the principle of multi-brand centers representing the entire line of equipment. this is a successful example of active promotion under a key with full servicing of vehicles, because it is important to accompany the equipment even after purchase. thus
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, a project to build a distribution center for spare parts is currently undergoing examination. border guard day is celebrated in belarus; the holiday began with the laying of flowers at the memorial sign by border guards of all generations in the capital. then honor officers of the minsk garrison organization, cadets and veteran border guards, led by the chairman of the state border committee, laid flowers and wreaths at the victory monument. then the foot column headed towards the island of courage mourning to pay tribute to those who performed international duty in afghanistan. traditionally, on border guard day , military personnel visit memorable places together with colleagues and loved ones. ceremonial events on may 28 are taking place in all departments of the border service. changes regarding the purpose and early use of family capital have come into force in belarus, thus increasing the social responsibility of parents. now, in order for a large family to open a deposit account in a bank, it is necessary to confirm the employment of the head families. an additional condition will be
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the creation of appropriate conditions and a favorable climate in the home for children. a number of innovations also concern the early use of funds to improve housing conditions. in belarus, more than 137 are already open for large families.


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