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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let’s sum up the results of this day together, frankly scathing, in general journalistic terms, the president outlined today.
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lose in the information war a large-scale forum of the media community in mogilev and we will tell you what the president told the participants. belarus and china are developing a partnership through parliaments and the women's movement. the panorama contains material from beijing. workshop cabins and a new assembly line for belarusian tractors. mtz is increasing the localization of production in kazakhstan and is expanding its presence in the region. countries of the world have stopped cooperating
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with each other through interpol, agreements on the extradition of criminals have been burned, who will save the world? about this in today's program. raising the leg, moving in a drill step, aligning in ranks, a month and hundreds of hours of training in drill, all in order to fine-tune the movement to automatism. belarus is preparing for the parade of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country. transport collapse, contaminated hay, security in question and a large-scale demonstration like paris is preparing for the olympics, details in the periodic table. mogilev today hosted a forum of the media community, journalists, bloggers, media executives, all those who are the nerve of the era of information warfare or the so -called war of meanings and feelings.
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the media community gathers in mogilev, the local dean for the day is just one big editorial office, top managers of central media and chief editors from the regions, reporters and those who are just studying, bloggers and experts, ideological activists and press secretaries - all those who are on the information front line today . the main task today, audiovisual journalists, for example, those who work in the field of television, this is precisely the ability to distinguish.
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this is exactly what we do, this is one of our functions, to build an information bridge to those communities, to those societies that are ready and want to hear our voice. i was invited to the forum.
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i very closely follow the rhetoric of our journalists, experts, especially those who are constantly on camera, you deeply understand the topic of hybrid aggression, which we have been opposing since the moment we began to take the first sovereign steps when we held referendums, when they saved people's property, and made the most important decisions themselves, ever since...
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you know, no and never was, this thesis was imposed on us not even by the west, in those days by the united states of america, everything was simple for them, their economy is based on pieces of paper, unfortunately, since we all swallowed this paper bait, it is holding up successfully, i mean paper, it’s the dollar, they regulate all sorts of relations in the world. they stifle, they support, they do whatever they want, of course, in this situation, to impose the market on us, and i call it in a simple word, chaos in the economy, it was very simple, we
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didn’t go this way, why, analyze for yourself, but it was my position, to go from the ground, i understood that if we cut everything into pieces...
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ourselves recognized as a country with a non-market economy , so we didn’t call it plans, we called it forecasts or something else, but still we planned at my cruel insistence, and every year, except for the five-year plan, we planned, you know, at the presidential level we carry out discussion, the government makes a proposal, and then parliament approves the law, we are far from ahead. therefore, we survived, we are people in
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a country that has no, one might say, resources at all, there are no resources, at least those that humanity needs today, first of all, these are ours, what we rely on, hands and brains, thanks to this we survived, the task of journalists is not to let the viewer and reader. drown in a stream of information, often false and biased, editors-in-chief also do this all the time, debunking fakes, very often, it’s not for nothing that i mentioned the club of editors is so elite project, i know the opinion about this club, not everyone likes it, but people who are politically aware really like it, and you talk a lot there about fakes, post-truths, and what is a fake?
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and the fact that you are actively watched, listened to, read, including by ardent opponents, quoted by destructive resources, is a success, and it is obvious, today you are forming an agenda on how the belarusian media can become better, alexander lukashenko speaks of the need to form a national information style broadcasting, increase the share of its quality
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content, we need to expand the pool of experts in the region; there are a lot of opinion leaders who give them their voice. should sound stronger, bright author's journalism is at its peak, there are a lot of stars here who hit you right in the eye, it is important not to go too far, what else to intensify propaganda and not be shy about it, in the west, although they say nice pr, this does not change the essence. alexander lukashenko calls not to go around sharp corners to please local authorities, and not to be afraid to expose shortcomings. the pen word that you have today is a very dangerous thing at all times.
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the lack of our journalists, you can’t get chewed up, as in soviet times they talked about shortcomings, maybe it would be useful for our governors, koranik isachenko there, subotin and others to criticize them in the media, carefully in a businesslike way, so that there is an effect, because no one overturned my decision that for every criticism remark in the media, the addressee, against whom should it be directed? to answer this, does this always happen, i’m sure, not that it doesn’t always, you’ve already forgotten, so you remember, i’m addressing the leaders and representatives of the vertical of power, and journalists, well, what’s good, klim is treated well by leaders, representatives of government bodies, well, why criticize, we live and live there in our own world,
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we have created some kind of little world and we live, the state does not need this.
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this gives other people in other countries the opportunity to find out what belarus is like. sometimes i very rarely turn on youtube, other resources on...
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compares and the truth always wins. there are enough victories in the information field, as well as professionals and patriots. such journalists alexander lukashenko thanked for his courage and adherence to principles. although the president calls for war on the media front, he is doing everything to prevent a real hot war from happening to us. through you, i am trying, first of all, to convey to the people what is happening now and to react to it accordingly.
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we must grow professionally in order to resist on this front, we are not going anywhere, this war has already come to us, the most important thing is that it does not turn into a hot one, well, if there is no calm, the more interesting it is, which means you will always have a drive of inspiration, vladimir borisovich applauds loudest of all. in the current conditions, the press must be toothy; for those who are ready to work like this, this is truly a time of opportunity.
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the forum participants will talk about the specifics in the regions and how we manage to promote our truthful agenda. it is known that for an alternative point of view in the west they are immediately thrown into the bloc, that’s all freedom of speech. pressure, sanctions, and the information war collectively unleashed by the west gave a qualitative leap to the development of the belarusian. in recent years, we have significantly increased the volume socio-political broadcasting, high-profile journalistic investigations and special projects are regularly published, the gender of belarusian political experts and observers has been significantly expanded. we can safely say that the west’s attempt to drown out the voice of the belarusian state media has had the opposite effect. surveys regularly conducted by the institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences of belarus record a steady increase in the level. public trust in state media. the media is a weapon that must be used for the mental health of society. act it must be done quickly, just like a sniper, and with the highest
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quality possible. but sometimes editorial offices, especially at the regional level, work rather inertly, taking into account the wishes of their founders more than their readers. but trust can only be earned if you maintain a delicate balance of trying to be above. situation, sometimes criticizing, of course, constructively the local authorities. practice shows that opponents of our state in the information war place their bets on the regions, raise local problems and raise, often trivial questions, how inaction of the authorities. therefore, we have no right to hand over such a problematic agenda to our enemies. we should be the first to write about what worries our people, as opposed to the opposition, which is shaking things up. answering questions from the press is not a problem for the belarusian president and journalists take advantage of this openness, they joked on their own heads on the sidelines,
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now in the review that is being prepared for the first person there will be more regional press, and they also talked about impudence and asked to remember a sample of the feast. i know that at one time you wanted to become journalist, and carried their articles to the shklov district on foot in winter.
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for a journalist, therefore, they must, but do it as correctly as possible, but the fact that you are behaving impudently and so on, as you just said, i don’t know, is this self-criticism or what, even there is self-criticism, all this will pass, everything will pass, perhaps when you grow up to gregory. if you are insolent, life will polish you a little, or maybe not, like grisha zaronka, in my opinion, nothing will polish him anymore, if he has already taken a saber in his hands, then just don’t offend people in vain, the main thing is not to offend a person, but this will come with experience, you cannot teach this, but for now, go for it, and i would like, dear alexander grigorievich, on behalf of all participants in the media form, representatives of not only print but also electronic media,
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to present you with a statuette.
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and people, if we talk about our views, then half of the videos get a million, and we also write about the union state, and of course it’s very pleasant for us that sometimes people from donbass even write, say hello, and if you ask about our target audience, then we simply will not answer you, because these are representatives of countries around the world who know youtube and use tiktok, in the nomination for the best reporter, a well-deserved award went to the representative of the news agency
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vayar oleg. we were in syria for more than a month, during which time our doctors provided assistance to about 300 people, i want to say that these are truly professionals, these are qualified specialists, and i would simply be incredibly ashamed if i showed their work poorly, so i i wanted to show as truly as possible all that the truth, let's all say... how were the conditions in which our doctors worked, people, events, facts, an interesting look, a diploma in the nomination for the best photojournalist was received by the photojournalist of the belarus today publishing house, alexander kulevsky. it’s very honorable, it’s very nice that your work is appreciated, you work for
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an award, in general, you just create, you photograph diverse events, portraits, agriculture, i really love photographing sports, you work for the sake of creativity, in general. well, the reward is a nice bonus. competition once again showed that domestic media not only maintain leadership positions, but are successfully developing. and although the events are over for today, media life will continue. victoria sharkova, andrey gorodoboev, telenews agency. belarus and china are intensively developing inter-parliamentary dialogue. the first meeting took place today.
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international cooperation, the parties came to the conclusion that our bilateral relations have reached the level of all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership and trade and economic cooperation, and how since the committee's activities in the future should be aimed at giving additional impetus to the development of these areas of cooperation. as well as the deepening of our international cooperation, which represents an example of new international relations, a new type, at the forefront, in which equality, friendship and mutual assistance are placed on all issues on the global agenda. we
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noticed that today high-level committee members communicated 40 minutes longer than planned, a good sign, there is mutual interest. here, in the great hall of the people in the center of beijing, a meeting with the chairman of the all-china federation. first of all, i would like to warmly welcome the belarusian delegation. we know that you support the development of multifaceted cooperation between our countries and make a significant contribution to strengthening our friendly relations. i am ready to exchange views with you on the agenda . the council of the republic coordinates the partnership between the women's movements of belarus and china. a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the belarusian women's union of the all-china women's federation.
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it is always about creation, minsk and beijing are united in this, as in many ways, we look in the same direction at economic cooperation, public policy, international issues, the relations of all-weather, comprehensive strategic partnership established by the heads of state are developing progressively. victoria senkevich and anzor tuzhaev. in the parliamentary track of the minsk-beijing dialogue. belarus and russia are relying
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on the development of regional ties. the visit of a large delegation to our country continues altai territory, led by governor viktor tomenko. today the program includes a visit to industrial flagships; the parties held a meeting of the working group on cooperation. trade turnover is growing, but not at the rate we would like. last year only 2%. the launch of new projects will allow the numbers to increase. the main emphasis is import substitution; the supply of passenger equipment and its maintenance are also of interest ; the partners also worked out in detail the proposals that were announced the day before at the palace of independence. the president of belarus also drew our attention here to some points that we talked about earlier, well, on which we did not particularly interact before, say, equipment related to fire fighting, emergency rescue operations, unmanned aerial vehicles for - use for civilian purposes, and
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such directions, well, traditionally our agricultural producers are interested, of course, in agricultural equipment, these are combines, these are tractors. in the altai territory there is a very good presence of our minsk tractor plant igumselmash bobruisk holding, despite the fact that the altai territory itself is a manufacturer of a large number of trailed attachments, are very good.
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mood is the city of kostan and here in a special industrial zone the mtz site is located. in 2018, they started exclusively as an assembly production, that is, they were essentially assembled as a constructor from minsk parts of components. today we are already talking about the localization of production and the emergence of a new logistics support point. tractors from here will also head to uzbekistan. dear friends, today is the first time at the same time. six respected people, respected dear
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guests, cutting the red ribbon in honor of the opening, the line is the latest technology, maximum process automation, minimum human factor, emphasis on speed, quality and high technology. the technological production cycle begins with cutting blanks on a laser machine; after cutting on a laser machine, the parts go to a sheet bending machine, where... all the main geometric parameters are formed, one operator can service several installations at once, all he needs to do is put the workpieces into a special device, the robot does the rest, the parts go to the main welding jig, essentially the heart of the line, the paint line here is modern, you can pay attention to how high-quality the coating is, withstands... excellent scratches, can even withstand impacts, then the
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cabin frame goes to the cabin assembly line, which is divided into six assembly stations, cabin lining with noise-absorbing materials, installation of electrical equipment, total cabin tractor ready in 24 minutes, timed, the line replaces the work of eight people, this year we plan to make about a thousand cabins , set up an assembly plant, next year we want to close it completely... the need of all kazakhstan, and this is 3.5 -400 cabins, in the twenty-sixth this year they should reach full production capacity, which is 10,000 cabins, of course, not only for kostanay, two more have been organized in kazakhstan. harvesting production in the cities of kakshitao and semey, this volume of cabins is enough for everyone, supply agreements are fixed on paper by enterprise directors. this agreement provides for the supply of cabins to the assembly site, this is a significant event, gentlemen. over the past 5 years , more than 400 vehicles have been assembled at the kostonai site alone. the opening of a new workshop is the second stage of
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a large-scale project, and this is still only half of the planned plans. in kostanay, this means an increase in production volume. cabins, transition to new cabins, supply of all assemblies in kazakhstan with cabins that are produced in the republic of kazakhstan, next will be hoods, a little further is the prospect, this is a full cycle production of the front axle, this will allow us not only to produce the front axle, but also to produce spare parts. the first assembly of belarusian tractors appeared in kakshitau, they set their sights on an ambitious project in 2017, traditionally they started with assembly and also... for localization last year they produced a trial batch of their own small cabins, the need is up to 100 units per year. for larger equipment, cabins produced in kastanay will be used. there is demand in the market, the plant sees prospects. and we have come to the conclusion that we do not produce enough a large quantity and encountered
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problems, we sell more than we produce. as a result of this, we decided to build a new production unit and allocate it entirely to the minsk tractor plant.. in addition to this, we installed two production lines with a total production capacity of 250 units of tractors per month. the first cars from the assembly line were greeted solemnly. our products, machine structure , have long enjoyed well-deserved authority among kazakhstani consumers. akim, or in other words, the governor of kastonai region knows first-hand about belarusian quality. long before working in government. i know that they have only changed for the better, we are convinced of this when we meet with our agricultural producers in our region, so the mtz tractor does not require
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additional advertising, today we also discussed the possibility of implementing the following stages, which... involves the production of front axle, individual plastic elements that will be possibly implemented, which means for the newly opened enterprise in the kusnaetsky region, and of course the possibility of manufacturing an engine block. localization of production also makes it possible for farmers in kazakhstan to subsidize the purchase of a tractor by almost a third, that is, to make it much more affordable for the buyer. plus nice bonuses in leasing. in general, in kostan today there is a bet.
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and belarus are connected by strong economic ties, thanks to the efforts of the presidents of the two countries, relations between the states are improving qualitatively. trade turnover today remains stable at $1 billion, trends in recent years - cooperation projects. we discussed the creation of a joint venture to manufacture elevators, we discussed.


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