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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

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subsidize the purchase of a tractor, that is, make it much more affordable for the buyer. plus nice bonuses in leasing. in general, in kostan today they rely on business development, creating conditions for investors to come first, providing the future construction site with all the necessary infrastructure. the number of joint projects with the republic of belarus amounts to nine projects worth $85 million , of which, according to my information, about seven have already been implemented. kazakhstan and belarus have strong economic ties, thanks to the efforts of the presidents of the two countries, relations between states are improving qualitatively. trade turnover today remains stable at $1 billion, and the trend in recent years has been cooperation projects. we discussed the creation of a joint venture to manufacture elevators, we discussed.
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there will be a law on foreign agents in georgia. the country's parliament today overcame the veto that president zarubeshvili imposed on the document. the people's representatives showed a fair attitude towards the president with french passport. by the way, in zarubeshvili’s homeland in france, the law on foreign agents is in effect, but even the yellow vests are not protesting about this, but near the building of the georgian parliament, they are protesting with a flag. the united states and
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the european union meet constantly. the united states has already stated that it condemns the decision of the georgian parliament and threatens visa restrictions and consequences for european integration. by the way, the law on enoagents in the united states itself has been in force since 1938, there it is a law, but for others it is used as a topic for promotion. georgians now seem to be cope, the government wants to stop the illegal activities of western ngos and npos in their country. the west continues to arm ukraine, belgium will supply kiev with 30 f-16 aircraft within 5 years. they promise that the first fighters will arrive for the ukrainian armed forces within six months. meanwhile, the ministry of defense and the independent are awaiting the arrival of french instructors in the country, although paris has not yet confirmed the accuracy of the information.
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meanwhile, hungary continues to block the allocation of money to the european union for arming the armed forces of ukraine. 6.5 billion dollars from the so-called peace fund we continue to insist that peace must be established, that the senseless killings must stop , and that the escalation of this war must be prevented. so we still have not agreed to allocate 6.5 billion euros to finance arms supplies. with its principled position, budapest irritates eu colleagues who follow orders from washington. sijart noted that other european ministers are putting a lot of pressure on him. developments in ukraine in the middle east are being closely watched in latin america. they are confident that the us and eu are working out their bloody strategies there. the president of venezuela noted the day before that pressure on the palestinians is carried out as a fact.
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the west has its own problems. a striking example is the migration crisis. thus , 1,400,000 foreigners have entered britain over the past 2 years. and as the british media joke, this is more than 1.0 in previous years. in large cities like london and birmingham, african arabs make up between a third and half of the population. and these people also receive social benefits and public housing. against the background of the budget deficit, the option of reducing payments is brewing. the problem of migrants is the reality
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of france, constant protests from the clearing of refugees, and also the fight against rats and bedbugs, so in preparation for the 2024 olympics about scandals and the spirit of pseudo-olympism in the author's section on the periodic table. transport collapse, contaminated hay, corruption scandals, social cleansing, security in question and...
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for about the same amount of time no one swam in the river, which this year should become one of the key locations were promised to be cleaned, but so far to no avail; footage of azure liquid being poured into greyish water from an inflatable boat has gone viral online. in a week , the video was viewed by over 2 million people on tiktok alone, the local media said that it was fake, they say in... this never happened and the river in the video is american; 3 billion dollars have already been spent on cleaning the reservoir, in which swimming has been prohibited since 1923, but it was not possible to rid the muddy waters of a cocktail of bacteria, viruses and heavy metals, the non-governmental
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organization surfrider foundation has already more than 6 has been taking samples in hay for months, according to their data , the level of contamination is still significantly higher than the norm. the slogan of the competition will be the phrase “games white open”, literally, games open to everyone. but banjur does not apply to homeless people. the capital is being polished for millions of guests, and in an attempt to hide poverty, they have resorted to social cleansing. the main goal is to remove all tents and sleeping bags from paris before the arrival of foreign delegations, the daily mail reports.
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several thousand firefighters marched through the streets of paris to the sound of firecrackers in the smoke of despair, demanded bonuses for work during the olympic games, a compromise could not be reached either with the authorities or with the police. garbage collectors have put forward their olympic demands, they are also threatening to go on strike, and therefore the main sporting event of this summer in paris risks drowning in waste. participants will have to walk and
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cannot count on help from rescuers. security is so tight that gun stores are running out of pepper spray. the authorities spent 350 million euros. to a new security system that is mistaken for drones, air conditioners, the french capital has no plan, there are only rats, bedbugs and the risk of getting bogged down in hay. this is a panorama and we continue the live broadcast. raising the leg, moving in a marching step, aligning in ranks, a month and preparation. hundreds of hours of drill, all in order to fine-tune the movement to automaticity. belarus is preparing for the parade of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders. the time of the first, representatives of the largest enterprises in belarus
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mastered the profession of fire rescuer and underwent special training. our film crew follows the participants of the republican tournament into the fire. the sports world focuses on raland goros, the closing of the dynamo junivers hockey season and a charity football match in brazil. details in the final panorama. today in belarus they celebrate border guard day. this year the service turns 106 years old. the president congratulated the command staff and veterans of the border service on the holiday. the inviolability of borders for the state, the most important condition for preserving it sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, their defense is a matter of honor, patriotic duty, a special responsibility to the people for every soldier in a green cap. in our country. a modern, mobile, well-equipped professional border service has been created, which
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promptly responds daily to all external challenges and threats, effectively solving the problems of protecting the state border of the republic of belarus and ensuring national security. on the eve of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from nazi germany invaders, we especially glorify the heroes of the great patriotic war, carefully cherish the memory, fortitude and courage of the border guards who were the first to stand in the way of the enemy. and gave their lives for our bright future, and this should always be the case,” the head of state noted. in the capital, the holiday began with the laying of flowers at the memorial sign to the border guards of all generations on tolbukhin street. then officers of the pure organization of the minsk garrison, cadets and veterans, border guards led by the chairman of the state border committee konstantin molostov, laid flowers and wreaths at the victory monument. next, the foot column headed to the island of courage and sorrow to pay tribute to the memory. those who performed international duty in afghanistan, on the eve of the holiday at the divin grant outpost, were given the name of the hero
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of the soviet union, lieutenant alexei lopatin. we always value our generation and remember the heroes of the border guards who laid down their lives in the fight against fascism. april 29, 2024. presidential decree was signed number 180, according to which. was named after the border outpost of the pinsk border guard detachment named after the hero of the soviet union alexei viktorovich lopatin. the divin border outpost is a modern and multifunctional complex equipped with the latest technological equipment, engineering structures and video surveillance systems, which provide continuous protection of our borders, because today, taking into account the military-political situation, our neighbors have a site. with ukraine, special attention, how specialists are trained, the situation on the belarusian-ukrainian border, as well as how
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the nominal outpost lives, we will tell you in the main broadcast this sunday. and in brest, on the occasion of the holiday , a stylized lantern with a symbolic inscription was solemnly opened today: a power begins from the border. now it is he who opens the alley of lanterns on the pedestrian sovetskaya street, and the best servicemen of the breda border group were also awarded on the main square of the city. the main thing, as everyone knows, in the work of the border service is to prevent the enemy from entering the territory of our republic of belarus. we do everything for this. caring for soldiers, providing soldiers, everything necessary. all our guests see our face, they start right at the border and continue on. therefore , celebrating this holiday today, we all proudly remember those who met. shistol on the state border. currently, a border guard is, first of all, a technically equipped specialist,
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ready to act in any conditions of a dynamically changing situation. accordingly, since the beginning of this year, we have allowed almost a million people through the brez border group at state border checkpoints. people, while weapons and ammunition were confiscated in six cases, about 300 violators of state border legislation were detained. and today , the border guards of the brez region laid flowers at the border guard complex and honored the memory of their predecessors. our memory is eternal. belarusians remember heroes, ancestors, those who defended independence and gave us peace. the country continues to prepare for the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of liberation.
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karina poshkova has all the details. canon of the main date in the history of modern belarus, the day independence, the country plunged into preparations for the holiday. in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders, the event will be held on a particularly large scale. debug the movement until it becomes automatic. ministry of defense, ministry of internal affairs, investigative committee, state border committee of the ministry of emergency situations. cadet schools and specialized lyceums will present their parade squads. girls are also taking a step on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant’s office. 150 representatives of the fair sex.


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