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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 10:55pm-12:00am MSK

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belarus captivated them at first sight, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met her in belarus, and the first thing that struck us was i noticed that it was very clean here, i really liked the people, they are very...
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these are not only potato pancakes, very unexpected, in fact, in essence, the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here there are potatoes, we are in the 13th century, it is associated with the name of prince vyshalka. there is information about his delights culinary masterpieces, and one of them we discovered was this dish, sublayered meat in a monastery style. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. so meet marta - the wife of mindovg during whose time in the novogrod castle guests were treated to noble diseases, we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country, my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on one side i see a viennese waffle, something sweet is projected , something so tender, on the other hand, it’s a potato pancake, a belarusian potato pancake, look at the project, food at least where,
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as i understand it, through his son andrey , this agent still managed to get hold of, but not in general, small canvases, which is a consolation for the large ones, and not of such elaboration, that is, they are of such a sketchy nature. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the union of artists, gleb otchik. gleb anatolyevich, well, it is clear that the main theme in the near future in belarusian art will still be military.
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patriotic, and do you think all artists in the country can find themselves in this topic? i think that not everything, that is, has every artist has his own role, yes, that is, if a person has been painting sports all his life, it’s difficult for him to switch there like the basics, yes, that is, but he does work in any case dedicated to peacetime, that is, in peacetime there is also value and also patriotism and also patriotic education, so i think that in any case there will be an echo in every artist, but... with a different approach, well, is there any resentment on the part of the artists who are not involved in these wonderful projects, which we they said in the first part that all the military-patriotic memorials, everything the state invests a lot in this topic, nothing in modernity, you know, i haven’t seen a single complaint from our creators, i think on the contrary, only the number of supporters of such deep, like i already said, including volunteers, and that is , there... to restore something, because well,
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unfortunately, in our country not everything is done professionally, yes, especially in war, somewhere there silver in its purest form, somewhere someone can paint bronze, so there are a lot of moments like this, even recently we also restored the memorial there with students, that is, well, there are people who respond to them more and more, that is , this is what we are now talking about this topic, it resonates directly in the soul, in the heart, and in the minds of people, i can tell you that the person who touches this is especially a creative, young artist, you can show him movies as much as you like or take him to political hours, but i'll just tell you this an example that i saw today , yes, we have a packaging enterprise, a sculpting plant, which today , that is, is making a military cemetery in the moscow region, when you sculpt a bas-relief of a deceased soldier, this is now in our time, our sculptors have already made 300 of them , in the last
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six months, here he is, when he sculpts with his own hands, his worldview immediately changes, he looks at life differently, why do we look at these prisoners, how they love life, because they have gone through.
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artists from different countries, including giving them new food, but for thought, when there is a specific topic, that is, we are drawing the wheel of life, and what it is, that is, not everyone drew a bicycle, not everything is the emblem of this festival, and this festival is already an annual one for us, this year artists are also already preparing, but our geography is growing towards this wheel of life, at first we planned it with the minsk cycling club, now we have already connected the hockey and handball federations. it’s not necessary to draw a circle there or anything else, the question is, we thought yes, that is, when we talked to cyclists for the first time, this is what unites us,
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the wheel of life is a little like a brand, for example, a philosophy, when an athlete trains, he rides, he sees how the clouds change, how the sun shines, how the grass grows, how the weather changes, the same artist, he too...
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two hemispheres, why are there many artists who studied there at the academy, and we know so many personalities in history who became good leaders there, that this is the generation of ideas, and today the idea should to be in everything from sports, to industry, to politics, and so on, well, yes, and they often ask why you are there, why should i learn chemistry, physics, belief system, why should i learn to draw, it’s you who learn the world with the other side, and from the side of the brush and paper. and gymnasiums, so your artists will teach them and draw them? there will be a master class for 2 hours, it’s interesting, but recently in the svisloch region there was a republican plenary of young artists , a symphony of belovezhskaya pushcha, well, from the name it’s clear that the guys were inspired by the beauty and
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the greatness of our nature, have you attended this event? of course, i have been participating for the third year now, i have seen how this plenary has developed from the regional, so to speak, regional one. thanks to our common efforts, it has become republican status, this is incredible, probably one of these open-air events, because we have a lot of different events, but here there is a distinctive feature, that’s what i noticed, this forest, that place and those people , and those organizers, and those children, what is happening there, they are all very sincere, there is a soul in this place, and the children can do the same work, the work is fantastic, we looked at their work. you can’t say that these were drawn by children, right? - last year i took two books with me, well, i made two additional prizes from the artists’ union, and one girl, who was not included in the prizes, uh, burst into tears very much, i, i, i specially gave her the third book as a gift, now i took with me
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10 special prizes, i awarded more to the children, they really deserve it, it was very difficult to choose, because it was very there is a lot of competition, very talented children, and i, like me... my colleagues said, when the director of the national museum wenshain congratulated on may 9, and he looked, i just sent him the competition works of the previous competition, he said that in ours. ..
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they can draw live, they teach them to draw from a picture, that is , they actually redraw their first basics, they
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redraw it very beautifully, of course, well, when you come, when you look, and the wall of stock works is one on one, as if under a carbon copy, but here we have it, here i am showed a master class in 2 hours, they painted a still life from life, they don’t have this, it was unique, of course, when 400 students sit - evich shows them how to paint a still life, and at the edges the teacher stands with such bamboo sticks. who gets distracted easily and he said that our children are talented, and theirs are less talented or do they think differently, what did he mean? well, i probably told you that we still have a school where we give tasks and children think figuratively, children solve problems, children are already in their own in young works they pose very philosophical complex tasks, but at this stage they have more of a redrawing, that is, well, copying, that is. there are no such philosophically immersed people, although it would seem, yes, well, eastern philosophy, china, yes, i can
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just tell you how it is to get to the academy of arts, if when i was in china for the first time, there were 250 people per place, then now it’s 500 people per place, it’s a stadium, they’re taking exams, that is, by the way, they make a budget at one time for their scu academy, because in order to enter you need to buy a set at the academy, there is a tablet. canvas, paints, this one-time set, which in itself costs 25 dollars, it costs 500 dollars, well, they make a budget at a time that allows them to teach and export and practice, well, this is unique in china, what with the game is such a serious ideological socialism, but their capitalism is already developing violently, and at a violent pace, well, we have already heard from you that the chinese are adopting a lot from us, they are suffering a lot, but what are they giving us?
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union state, thanks to dmitry fedorovich mezintsev, this is the unification of russia and belarus, our honorary academicians of the russian academy of arts and those working there in russia have made a joint project. i am its curator in the uzuraba conferitelli hall, yeah, that is, it was very significant, well, there were so many good words and echoes that we brought it to the national library, and opened it here too, literally 2 months later, now we have started another two projects, this is in sochi, an exhibition of belarusian artists, it was very pleasant, and of course we couldn’t
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to stay on the sidelines when they learned that the painting had burned down in january. art gallery in abkhazia, we decided with our russian colleagues to make a plein air and donate two works for the restoration of a new art gallery, so we, too, were born in abkhazia for 7 days and made two works each, six of our belarusian artists and six from the russian federation. well , your life is in full swing, it’s nice to hear, and, probably, young artists will traditionally be able to express themselves at the autumn salon, and it will be held, despite everything. critical, so to speak, remarks about this? well, criticism, criticism, but i think that in general, a trend that we have never had in the country, the salon is an opportunity for young artists not only to express themselves, but to understand their worth, what is not worth it, the salon, you understand, that this is a sales exhibition, when we hold this kind of event, we , firstly, study the market, including
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the belarusian one, and today there are a lot of colleagues, well, from the russian federation, a lot of tourists. simple and this is also possible additional income, because today you know how much paints, brushes and canvases cost, it’s actually, well, for an artist today you yourself buy paints, brushes, canvas, yes, that is, it’s quite capacious , well, a costly process, well and the prices set there are inadequate, we are always looking for items, and after each salon we discuss sky-high numbers, what do you say, well, i think this is just one of those... youthful maximalism of the kind that have not yet seen what life is, yes and well i think that of course, let them try, maybe they'll get lucky, but we have to be realistic, the union of artists, in principle , did not participate in the selection of works in the formation of the exhibition, so to speak, next year we are simply proposing that this exhibition have republican status, yeah,
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let's introduce a professional exhibition and film a bunch questions: does this need supervision or not, what do you think? this is a must, there were two clips that showed me what is going on at eurovision today, that is, you know, where we can come, carelessly, carelessly we can yes, to fall into such an abyss that we won’t be able to get out of them, so there must be professionals and there must still be selection prices, but if we talk about these experiments, which , well, we had to take this part for ourselves, well, this is necessary so that someone did, i think that belarus lacks such a full-scale museum of contemporary art. who would like all these experimenters, these young people who want to open up, want to innovate, so that they still do it under some good pole, and not through, as it were, spying on the internet, and yes , you will pose the same question, i hope somewhere yes, what you need, we have now started to work on it, well, so far we have spoken verbally with the ministry, but now
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we need to somehow think about the concept of what well, there was the idea of ​​a historical museum. well , it’s probably too early to say about the historical museum, work is ongoing, but you’re next in line for contemporary art, the trinaly will take place this year, and you know, we’re thinking now, because last year we had some postponements these exhibitions the trianalysis of painting, graphics , sculpture did not take place, so we will probably start with painting, graphics, sculpture at the end of the year, and next year we are planning a concept, a very long-awaited concept, it is just video art. also demonstrates those art objects that, well, we can consider modern, these are such great advances towards technology, they are actively used today, probably, will be used in the interior of the museum of the future, which we are talking about modern art, do you think, we should not lose such triinali as a concept? it seems to me not at all in any case, because this is also interesting,
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this is also new, and this is something that also gives us the opportunity to develop our brains a little , among other things. a lot in contemporary art or have you already seen it all? do you, over time, have this feeling of being secondary? there is probably something present, because somewhere there is such a certain cyclicality,
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when you saw it there 20-30 years ago, yes, then now somewhere in space you see some objects, they do not make an impression, but what multimedia technologies give us today, i think that this is new, because literally there recently 2 years ago, when we had cultural days in tatarstan, i was in a modern museum, where there was really a lot of modernization and good projects, when i see calligraphy there, yes, and then it coexists in the scenes , multimedia, there are six-meter projections that are very interesting indeed, and here are the sound moments, very few people use it here, it also seems to me that you need to pay attention to the smell, yes, that is, this can also work very well on a visual level, influence everything sense organs, you offer, and we won’t be long...
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, at that very second the merchant decided to praise the gods. on a nearby island, he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded a city, a birch bark, and we set off on an exciting journey. he is like a magician, controls the light, lights up the lanterns, thereby signaling the beginning and end of the day. permanent, like the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave or do you have a double? to show how unusually wonderful our country. please note, bravado. decorated with a sculpture of a stranger, who she is is still unknown, locally she is called the patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain
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, issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into...
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i am from a village, for i tell everyone, for a good one, to live in the village, for all this, yes, you need to have two things: purity of thoughts , firmness of intentions, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, on the air again say don’t be silent. in our studio there is an artist, the author of a famous sculpture dedicated to condensed milk, gleb otchik, now in this part we will talk about you, well , the internet knows, it’s the only way it writes: “condensed milk,
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it’s caught your eye, clung to you and will hold on , probably until the end of your days, is it offensive? gleb anatolyevich, tell me, no, well, to be honest, it’s not offensive? in the sense that in any case, this is a low-architectural form, it still evokes positive ones. draw and write in such a way that even the chinese cannot copy, but he became famous, became famous for condensed milk, well, it’s always interesting to know how much your work costs, gleb anatolyevich,
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tell us your greatest success. in your career, this is the most expensive work that you managed to sell, how much did it cost? well, the fact is that as a monumental artist , i always treated this topic very calmly, yes, that is, i did not pursue that somehow to sell it at a high price, or for me, of course , there were important monumental objects, these are the ones that really, well, the fees are appropriate, but from what i remember, the most expensive work is around $5,000, it’s a painting, so what are you doing now? ?
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people around us, well, tatyana and i were witnesses once, we started talking here about how it would be nice for our airport to be transformed by artists, that we hear six months later that the idea is alive, and you ’re even cooking, the idea works, we’re doing now the sketch part, we want to do the same for here people who fly away, arrive, such a small museum corner where we would show the genocide, and there on the other side they would show the achievement of belarus, this is what we have achieved in 30 years,
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let’s say, the most important achievement? this spirit of the times itself dictates to us how to live it, what to do, where to move. during the pause, we talked about the fact that there is some outflow from the academic school, yes, the arts, into gaming, everything that is connected with it technology, do you have regrets about this, or is this a sign time, givenness and no barriers can be put in the way of swearing at artists and churning out gamers
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today. much wider, much deeper, when you see that when he falls into, well, financial dependence, yes, that is, about some companies that pay them quite a lot of money at that time, i think that this constrains a little and makes their further self-realization as creative individuals is impossible, yeah, that is, they become good specialists, artisans. hard workers there, but at the same time they themselves they put an end to the regeneration of ideas, that is , how the flight, the flight stops, that is , there is simply marking time, they deliberately go to the academy precisely to study in this direction, and not to create? well, of course, if there are examples of the market, yes, which gives you a guaranteed job, of course it
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attracts, that is, well... it’s impossible to hide it, but you know what i heard from an experienced artist, that today those who come to to learn it, children, they don’t even know how to use a pencil, they... only know how to use tablets they can already draw like graphic design and on a computer, but they no longer know how to think with a pencil and write with them, could this be true? well, i saw it in such children, absolutely yes, who are still studying there in schools in the primary grades, but those who come, for example, to the academy and to the art school, they already have serious preparation, and even now these are all our last tasks that we we put it together with the ministry of culture, if there are any sketches.
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a lot, a lot of things, i’ll tell you globally what i would like, this is that after all this the idea that i have been trying to convey to all our officials and builders for 7 years is that this is one, because this is the perception, yes, if there is, let’s say, a person leaves his house, his apartment every day , and the front door will be made in one entrance, let’s say on a historical theme, one way or another it will be... in 10-20 years the effect that this child will remember that this is my belarus, this is my territory, these are my castles, these are my museums, this is my story, this is monumental propaganda, it should simply work for the benefit of strengthening the patriotic, moral and spiritual
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state of our people, this is the first, second, probably still a lot, when i move along the avenue of winners, i would like to give it some kind of appearance so that some - images, sculptures. that is, well, so that it is probably this space, and there is space and scale, so that it is transformed into some kind of artistic sculptures, images, installations, some small architectural forms, so that it would be a unique image of minsk, but i agree, this idea is to remove these impersonal entrances and make some works of art, but this is not so much 1-2%, you have already addressed this idea, i have addressed to the ministry of culture, i appealed to the deputies, i appealed. i like it, everyone supports it, but to the ministry of architecture, everyone regrets this idea, at some point in order to pass it further at the legislative level, until now the composition of the house of representatives has changed, try again deputies, for some reason we we believe that you will definitely succeed,
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thank you very much, gleb anatolyevich, you delight us once again with your activities, grandiose plans, and most importantly, that they are being implemented, you know, you not only tell, but also do, you inspired us, that’s what summer is coming, since you have such an opportunity, leave us your wishes and signature.
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in all endeavors.
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board 1302, fire of the right engine, so we arrived, we are on fire, which means 132 fire of the right engine. second, turn the engine right to stop, close the fire valve, press the button
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de-extinguisher, everything is against us, only the wind is with us, 132, the right one has turned off, pressure drop in the second hydraulic system, the plane is shaking, 132, eject immediately, 132, i’ll wait until the ejection occurs. i'm taking the plane away from the populated area.
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i'll insert a drain, monitor hemodynamics, okay. it’s dry here, we sew it up, more careful than tuna.
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evgenia andreevna, when you’re finished, come to my office.
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i can come in, come in. i’m listening to you, arkady borisovich, i’m
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listening to you, i want to know what you are guided by when you carry out treatment anticoagulants without monitoring this process with laboratory blood tests? “if you ’re talking about ledokov’s patient, then i was going to order tests for him tomorrow, i’m not interested in what you were planning to do, i’m only interested in why you haven’t done this until now, please take it away, don’t repeat such mistakes again.” that's what our men say, a real test pilot must. to fly without any problems on something that can fly with slight difficulty, on something that in principle cannot fly, so,
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igor, what i want to tell you is that if someday kotov takes his motorcycle into the sky, i ask you to smoke, no, the day before yesterday, on a stretcher, now on a motorcycle. the fucker throws away his skates, you're a restless man, you still need to fly somewhere
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, they said it's great, and after a while you're in the car on that harley of yours , you're racing like crazy, because speed is life, you know, so i’m flying to the northern tests, you’re flying, great, good, great, agreed, agreed, my flights are tomorrow, yes, deal? no, we didn’t agree, we agreed, we agreed, i can’t hear what you’re telling me, cats, stop it, tomorrow i ’m testing the cars in critical modes.
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so what are you going to do about it? hello, lenochka, zheka! my god, what's in your mouth? come in, come in, uh-huh, i was the one trying to hammer a nail into the wall, oh, so it was you who knocked here, yes, and i was really hoping that it was the man in your house, well, a man in my house won’t appear in my house for another 300 years, but you come in and look, oh, come on, show me, okay, geez, what a beauty! zheka, yes, just for me you'll have to pay for this beauty for 7 years,
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come on, come on, take me further, come on, show me, mistress, come on, look, look, look at the view here, and oh, okay, oh, okay, yeah, really? it’s all yours, but i can’t believe it, it’s concrete. you hit it with a hammer, but why do you need a drill here ? we don’t have such a tool in the house yet, and you need a man in the house, not a tool. well, tell me what happened there, lenochka, i can’t take it anymore, i don’t
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understand what’s so terrible for him in this life i did it, why is he insulting me so much? it’s clear, it’s still the same story, still with the same hero, zheka, he, he’s a wonderful surgeon, he’s a luminary, he’s... a genius, yes, anyone else would be happy to give him the tools, i’m his best assistant, and six months later he trust me on his own, zhek, come on, just think about it, if he hated you, he would have fired you a long time ago, but he doesn’t hate you, why are you so little, he sympathizes with you, zhek, he sympathizes with you , i love you very much, i always believe you very much, but now you are talking monstrous nonsense, this is not nonsense, jacques, you will do a terrible stupidity
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if now... from him, but be patient a little longer, well, wait at least for the first independent operation, and well, you are a surgeon, a surgeon must have character strong, strong-willed, almost masculine, if you weren’t a muslin young lady, be patient, grit your teeth and be patient, tatar in this sense is a great school for you, i can take you to my department, you know that very well. at any moment, well, you’re a surgeon, you have to operate, jack, it’s so good that i have you, you’re my grandfather.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. we are constantly monitoring messages,
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information is being processed, needs are developed. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. and who did you dream of becoming when you...
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shgm is a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward, look, in the project there are 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i wonder how many cars he lifted in the air during this time, dad, i them i think so? you might think that i got myself a flight sheet from nefek and write down all the van’s planes there. no, dad, ask me something easier. "what a fighter he is now is testing, which means what, ordinary, you know, but somehow i don’t really distinguish them, they are all the same to me, dad, well, tell me, why do i need this as a woman, and because you are the wife of a test pilot, for the fact that every day he vibrates, on the verge of death, every flight hangs,
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airplanes are his whole life, well, let him live"? "if he likes it, let him risk his life, no one forbids him, dad , natazh, what kind of cracker are you, and you ... loved him, remember, almost with a knife to throat, dad, give me ivan and that’s it, well, i cooked up this marriage for you, so what? uh-huh, the woman remembered how she was a girl, it was when, dad, under the king of the peas, well, you don’t love, why do you live, and why are you fooling your head, him , you don’t have children anyway, dad, there’s no need to talk about this topic, clearly , i went to doctors for 8 years. everything i didn’t do, you know how much i suffered, there was no point in hanging around in other people’s beds, there was no point in having so many abortions, now you and ivan would have your own children, just don’t be nervous, let’s take some
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medicine, calm down already, well, really, well we love, we don’t love, well, what difference does it make to you , we live together, and okay, dad, we’re already used to each other, you know, we don’t love each other, which means we’ll never stop loving, you’d better think about yourself, you drink handfuls of medicine, from you refuse the operation, listen, let’s send you and vanka to germany, natasha, what germany, that’s how much money you’ll need, mom, what do you think, that we don’t have enough money for sanka, or something, do you know how much he’ll pay for one receives a flight, we don’t count other people’s money, so, but the fact that a test pilot they pay him decently, thank god, you don’t even think about how he gets the money. you're ivan's dad, you got me today with your ivan, yes, with ivan, and not with vanya, as you call him now, there used to be a kitten, but now it's just vanka, he misses you , if only vanya and i would come to us, yeah, you'll come with your
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vanechka, mom, you know, by the way, i even go abroad alone on vacation, dad, well , would you still think about the operation, let’s take you to moscow, what will we do there? i don’t want it, vasily semenovich, i’ll give it to you i should have scheduled the examination a week ago, but you asked me to wait until your sleep improved. vasily semyonovich, let’s come to an agreement with you, greetings
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everyone, hello, how are you, vasily semyonovich, happy tanker’s day, you even know that, well, thank you, arkady borisvich, but things are really bad, again. there’s this whole interruption in the heart, sometimes it beats, sometimes it doesn’t, it’s bad, you’ve been sick again, but evgeniya androevna, it’s a painful story, why didn’t they do repeated 24-hour monitoring? arkady borisevich, i wanted to appoint, but we vasily semyonovich decided to wait until vasily semyonovich. that is, you make all decisions with the patients, an interesting idea, you coordinate every step with the patients, arkady borisovich, i have completely lost sleep, keep quiet, what kind of cardiac surgery
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can we talk about then, dr. dunaeva, you will consult with the patients in the operating room, it won’t work, they will be there under anesthesia, if you lack professional competence, you have no place in our department, i’m afraid not only in it, but in medicine in sala. sorry, but why are you treating her like a girl, huh?
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that's it, type, top, hold it, phew, listen, genka dudin. i suggested using baby diapers for overalls as a sweat-absorbing device, i think it’s a cool idea, igor golubtsov had a son, let him provide the entire flight group with diapers, that’s right, well, yes, a couple of diapers will make your ice suit dry and comfortable in flight, advertising is simple some kind, we’ll film it tomorrow, okay, i’m not saying goodbye, the flight is in 50 minutes, i’ll go and rest, yeah, thanks. you see, and i told him
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he immediately said, if you go to the army, then only to aviation, if to aviation, then only to fighters, if to the fighter, then to become a doctor, why did he quit flight school, but god knows what he quit, who today replenished the common pot, and gennady levovievich, seryoga and denis, yana lyubovich blew it once, he might not have noticed, soon he’ll get enough money for the same harley as yours. but if you play with us, i’ll play, if i don’t have time, i’m afraid of the rain, we ’ll understand, ivan sergeevich, a new addition to our flight
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group, yes, and this is romk, our pride, the best test pilot of all times. golubtsov, go to the bathhouse. ivan kotov, roman, amelchenko, where did you fly before training? served in the regiment, transbaikal military district. come on, in transbaikalia, there is an old moment near the checkpoint, there is a football field left near the schools, where will it go? wait, wait, wait. and the house, the house opposite the flight commons, red, bricks, three entrances, two steps, hasn’t been demolished yet, hasn’t been demolished, damn it, this is my native garrison, guys, i spent my whole childhood there, i ran around the air raid field there as a kid, what’s your name, and rum, you consider it my fellow countryman, rum, it’s nice, me too, me too, so, everyone has heard that whoever even undresses his mouth on him, undermines the ears of dogs, okay? amechenka,
12:00 am
the car has come for you, and i’m running, okay, the first exhaustive one, that’s right, for now the flyby, working out the fuel system, good luck, meeting on the flight in flight, let’s go happily, good luck, well, you got some sleep, yes, i'll be there soon.


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