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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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forward, let's order, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, let's circle, come on, it's great that we have a pirate frigate on the left side, it's catching up with our submarine, a non-submarine spoon, we have a military cruiser, so, as you said, military cruiser, so, the captain of a military cruiser should speak, cruiser, come on, tell me what your name is, well... ahar, you can do it, right? come on, come on, come on, like, well, hero, why don’t you tell me what you are doing there, what you are doing there, what you were doing there on vacation with your mother, and the letters they didn’t learn to talk, swim, show me how to swim, come on, show me, they didn’t learn, they lost a tooth somewhere, and mom, ah, baby, what are you doing there, come here, yes, i can’t hear anything, music he yells so much that you could go deaf, where did you put the tooth, dad, but you don’t want to dress your son as long as you can around the apartment in just underpants.
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mom, why can’t you see, we ’re playing in the car here, we’re playing in the car here, and you came to us and they’re getting in the way, that these are perfumes, whose are they , how are they, yours, i guess, only i’ve never had one in my life there were no such spirits, not tu... i’ll say, calm down, what happened, don’t come near me, who did you bring into the house while we were away, who was in our bedroom, zakhar, go to your room, clean it up, of course, i bought you perfume, i just forgot to tell you about it, it completely slipped my mind, you bought half a bottle for me, or maybe yourself from...
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why, from anya, shut up, shut up, torik, anya, no, wait, no we have to do this, this is our home and here is your son, this is our bed, i ask you, i beg you, don’t do this, don’t order me again, never, here’s ivan sergeevich, now i ’ll steam you for your qualities like a boy, otherwise our people say, let’s steam him, we’ll damn the bald one on the frying pan, and not vanya kotov, i’ll steam my best test pilot myself, i’ll steam him, well, how sergeech, excellent, stanislavich. here you go, here you go, phew, come on,
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for you, ivan sergeevich, you are a real man, brave, desperate, and may you have luck in heaven on earth, i am with you. i want to ask everything about the earth, i often saw a photo in your cabin, every time you take it with you on a flight, every flight, some kind of girl, sorry, no if you want to say, don’t say, i... take with me
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every time from the first flight, first love, first? the first or the only one, incorrigible romantics, pilots, without love we can’t get anywhere, you know, as my mother said in childhood, without love son, our life is empty, like a kefir bottle, dad, the results of examinations, conclusions, he took everything with him, i didn't forget anything. do you think that i have multiple sclerosis? no, well, i don’t think anything, it’s just that everything should be in your hands, give me your suitcase, what else, i’m not falling apart yet, sit, so dad, tomorrow morning we have to be with you in the hospital, we have to, that means we will, you are worried, i beg you, don’t worry,
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everything will be fine, they will insert shunts for you, you will ride a bicycle through the forest like a boy, when vanya arrives, who knows, dad, here's me for you? little, yes, he will fly, he will fly, he said, if they don’t let him go, he will hijack the plane right on it to your room, he will fly, he loves you, vanka, the plane will be hijacked, yeah, he will fly to the hospital, for the sake of this event it cost me to go to moscow let's go, of course, hello, yes, hi, you have something urgent, i’m just at the station, dad has arrived. perfume? so, wait, change your tone and choose your expression, okay? what perfume? what are you talking about? scandal? honey, well, this is your problem with her, you sort it out yourself. you know i don't care if she left or came? that's it, let's figure it out for ourselves, ciao! so, dad, i
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parked the car over there near the traffic light, who called? let's go, dad, they called from work, well, it's not worth our attention, let's go! “yes, the one with the big yellow umbrella, but no, why did i immediately fall in love, this is completely different, i’m just tired of being alone, i’m sorry, they came to me, yes, come in, come in, they called, arkady borisovich, he called,
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i’ll have to fly to a congress in switzerland, here, meet me for now, and also, sorry, wife, that there are no flowers, without bending the knee and all other youthful nonsense, marry me, another surprise, i don’t think it was a surprise for you, it seems to me that you were waiting for it after all, i’m alone, zhenya, you’re alone, loneliness
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is not a reason for creating a family, what reason do you need love, you don’t love me, zhanya, i don’t love you. but i am attracted to you, you excite me, you are extremely interesting to me as a person, i admire you as women, i have already loved once in this life, i don’t know whether you have already loved or not yet, love, if we talk about true love , and not about something remotely reminiscent of it, we experience in this life only once, it is impossible to love twice in the same way as it is impossible. to be born or to die twice, life, death, love is given to us once, miss the real one, love is not for long, i will never love again in life, but very i want to be with you, i ask you to become my wife.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence. that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey. well, there was such a very interesting story. set invited asiris to his holiday, and then, it seems, he either cut him. either he immediately threw it into the river and cut andrey to write detective stories, of course, or horror films. this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because i came to them.
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as if you were holding a book in your hands, grabbing one piece after another, sipping on the words of your skin, the greatest creativity comes from all of them, the most valuable and useful ones are these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. the thick galas of the people are deceptive and expressive, everything that
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the chalavets made, hogged on the old ones books, people of magic. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. read more close to the pack. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus 24. the north-south transport corridor and common approaches in the energy sector, the prime ministers of the commonwealth countries spoke about the main thing at the council in
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ashgabat. the great dialogue between government and business continues. the twenty-first assembly of business circles was held in minsk; we will tell you in detail what was on the agenda. and our exports: belarusians are ready to compete with italians in pasta. let's ask what the secret is recipe, from the guest of the program. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most significant events in the economy. svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. the commonwealth of independent states continues to play a very important role in the economic development of each individual and collectively. a free trade space has been created throughout the association, and last year another important step was taken: after ten years of negotiations, an agreement on free trade in services was signed. it comes into force in june. this was discussed recently in ashgabat, turkmenistan hosted the council of heads of government of the cis. at the meeting, they considered an action plan to optimize infrastructure and develop international transport corridors that pass through the territory
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of the cis member countries until 2030. but this is only part of a larger agenda. we will tell you about each point in detail. the draft agreement on technical barriers to mutual trade between the commonwealth countries is at a high stage of readiness. this was stated by prime minister roman golovchenko during a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis in ashgabat. the elimination of these obstacles in mutual trade is a current topic at the initiative of belarus. a high-level working group has been created to discuss the controversial issues of export and import, five meetings have already been held , a list of obstacles has been determined, and there are first results. systems, there are also a number of issues that may require a search for mutually acceptable solutions at our level, at the level of heads of government. therefore, i propose , with your support
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, today to instruct the cis economic council to prepare for inclusion in our agenda for our next meeting. a question that would reflect systemic problems impeding mutual trade and possible solutions to them, in particular on the most basic topics - export duties, differentiated excise tax rates on imported domestic products and technical regulation measures. as i was informed, a draft agreement on technical barriers to mutual trade is at a high level of readiness. i encourage all interested parties to complete the domestic one. that's why agreement and propose to instruct the executive committee to submit an agreed draft of this important document for approval to the economic council in september so that we can sign it, possibly at our next autumn meeting in the russian federation. what is important to note is that the growth rates of the economies of the commonwealth countries last year exceeded the global ones, the average increase in gdp for
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partners was more than 85%. investments in fixed assets increased plus 10% and transportation. moreover, it will come into force this year, the ratification process is now underway, agreement on a free trade zone in services. the development of the north-south transport corridor, as well as corridors in central asia, will allow access through uzbekistan and afghanistan, as well as pakistan.
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all possibilities already exist for this; in the energy sector, actions are being coordinated in the gas, oil, and electric power industries. many power systems operate in parallel mode, and this makes it possible to increase the reliability of energy saving and economic efficiency, but another decision of the council of heads of government was considered the opportunity to approve observer status with the cis. we are witnessing a serious transformation in international relations; we see how much attention is being paid to such regional associations, including economic ones.
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with new content, naturally, this arouses incorruptible interest among our external partners, so we will not only welcome such a process, but will assist it in every possible way. in the future, the commonwealth countries need to create a system of payments and settlements that will not depend on the external situation. important to increase cooperation in the customs sphere, pursue a coordinated antimonopoly policy, and also ensure fair competition conditions and research was presented in minsk. the capital hosted the assembly of business circles. the participation of entrepreneurs is traditionally active, about 250 people. this is an effective platform for
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open dialogue. representatives of higher authorities, ministries, departments, deputies, regional and industry unions discussed priority areas for the development of entrepreneurship in our country. on the assemblies also named the best regions for business in belarus. so, based on the results of last year, it means that we are among the leaders. this is the number of entrepreneurs, the volume of tax revenues to the local treasury and the general business climate. anton malyuta about the forum agenda. how will the business continue to operate? of course, this is the number one topic discussed on the sidelines. yes, there will be changes. not everyone, but here’s what will be of interest to every entrepreneur: the system of state support, even without innovation and preferences, is enough. there are also measures that regulate public procurement
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preferential amendment, various so that belarusian entrepreneurs participate more in government procurement and have some preferences. resolution 992 on consumer lending played a very good positive role, where our citizens received 4% interest for 3 years with installments. have the opportunity to purchase goods with loans already issued in the amount of 142 million rubles. and by the way, we plan to constantly add to the list of manufacturers who apply to us, this list is expanding, we are already preparing a project so that raise the bar. today, up to 300 basic quantities can be used; it is planned to use up to 500 in order to further expand the range of our manufactured goods. state partner is one of the main accents of the five-year plan, approved by the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly, how... it is being implemented in practice, the example clearly shows the concept of one district, one project, for the regions these are jobs paid into the budget, so why not help the private investor, for example, with
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the installation of networks or the reconstruction of roads, we see that now the key task of the state is to provide jobs in the regions, and not just jobs, but with good earnings, of course, this requires appropriate investment projects, the state, naturally, offers its own options, has a regional development plan, but private investors must definitely join this program, not concentrate in regional centers, in capitals, focus, of course , on the regions. this partnership allows the business optimism index to gradually increase, this is an indicator that is claimed annually based on a survey of the business community. now he is at the level of moderate skepticism, this is definite.
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export: belarusians are ready to compete with italians in pasta. let's ask the guest of the program what the secret of the recipe is. we will introduce you to people who...
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usa for the first quarter of 24 17.5%. keyword consolidation.
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if we want a future for our children, we must all unite. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. the ruble strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles. 17 kopecks for 10 yuan they gave 4 rubles on the roads. 35 kopecks and 3.58 costs 100 russian rubles. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 44 kopecks. belarus' demand for pasta, which is about 70,000 tons per year, is met primarily on its own. they are produced
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mainly in borisov and minsk. lydie. the raw material for them is domestic wheat. sami we mainly, and this is more than 95%, pasta of groups b and c in small quantities; pasta of group a, for which flour from premium durum wheat is used. at lido bread and industrial products, the production of pasta does not stop for a minute. people and equipment work around the clock in four shifts. are belarusians ready to compete with the italians and who tried ours again? the product tastes abroad, we asked the head of the lida enterprise about this. your company is probably the progenitor of many pasta-related trends. products, what is the product line today? well , we work in three directions, large directions, this is first of all the most popular direction - this is our ligran pasta, they are made from the highest grade semolina, that
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is, they... are practically prepared from semolina, there is also this type of semolina, they are made only from flour, from grain, belarusian selection, this is our belarusian grain, the second line is large - this is a more budget option, this is the highest grade, first grade flour, liski pasta, pasta for everyone families, this is a more budget option, well, our development is pasta made from durum wheat, in fact we buy wheat, it is usually either russian or kazakh, there is very little of it on the market. but at the same time we find it, buy it, it’s pastara, well, there’s a new brand now, it’s pasta, can we compete with the italians today in terms of quality? yes, i can say that italians visit our factory, well, they visited us before, they highly appreciated the quality of our pasta, so yes we can. this is a new product that is not yet on the shelves, when will there be something special about this pasta? these are the same...


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