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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 12:50am-1:20am MSK

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are made from the highest grade semolina, that is, they are practically prepared from semolina, there is also this type of semolina, they are made only from flour, from grain, belarusian selection, this is our belarusian grain, the second line is large - this is a more budget option, this is the highest grade, first grade flour, liski pasta, pasta for the whole family, this is a more budget option, well, our development is pasta made from durum wheat, in fact we buy wheat, it’s usually... either russian or kazakh, it’s very there is little on the market, but at the same time we find it, buy it, this is pastavera, well, the new brand now is lgust pasta, today we can compete with the italians in quality, yes, i can say that the italians visit our factory, well, they visited before , they highly appreciated the quality of our pasta, so yes we can, this is a new product that is not yet on the shelves, when will the peculiarity of this pasta appear, these are the same ones...
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they worked at about the same level twenty- two-twenty third year and working now within the framework of this, 100% of this, we are trying to develop markets further afield, we constantly participate in exhibition events, this is africa, these are asian countries, that’s what concerns this year, there are deliveries to china, there are deliveries to latin america, several deliveries, and the main one the market that we now see for ourselves is, after all, the african market, so we are trying to get there. in order to ensure full-fledged operation of the enterprise, how much grain do you need per year? and
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is there enough volume within our country? the enterprise needs about 165-170 thousand tons, in general, we are completely, with the exception of durum varieties, we are fully provided with belarusian grain, thanks to the support of the government, the regional executive committee has fully confirmed the volume of funding and we are provided, whose belarusian grain you have at your enterprise, mainly in the grodno region, support your the best grain, of course. and that’s all for today about the most noticeable things. in economics we will talk about the area of ​​interest tomorrow, i will remind you that we are on the air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, sunny weather, good luck in your all endeavors. we know exactly how to start the morning. that’s right,
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this has been said thousands more times, breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently, i, of course, highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast so that you have energy, and work and stay awake during day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will have a sweet with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but i think it’s difficult, these are good proteins, saturated fats, what will give us omega 3, what will give us a good hormonal balance, beautiful, elastic skin, we will get a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day, you can spend great time in a way that will give your body really what it needs, it’s still energy, health and vigor . during exercises, i do the usual rotation of my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times... watch in the breakfast of the champion project on
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our tv channel.
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in ancient times there was a technique of wood lace making, then it was lost, and more modern ones saw it and decided to recreate it, so
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a group of craftsmen gathered under the leadership of vladimir tsukunov, so they decided to come up with a machine that would make beautiful shavings. by trial and error we made a machine that makes thin shavings and removes them, from which you can make beautiful jewelry, that’s basically why the name filigree filigree, because the thinnest shavings are made of wood, i came, i’d
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like to have enough perseverance and patience, why not . our works have spread almost all over the world, we know for sure that 100% of them are in england and not there is one work, in america, they once made a box for a weapon for a pistol for bill clinton, several works went to the vatican, two icons went, a carriage was made for the carriage museum, a lot of works.
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let's go, they are there, well, even if we try to sit down and count, at most we can list the largest icons. on average, we make dishes, mostly we do, on average each dish takes 3-4 days, each member of our workshop takes part, that is, in production. we have divided the work among ourselves in such a way that everyone has their own responsibilities, some at the very least it needs to be painted. prepare it there, sand it, well, that is, all this work also needs to be done by someone, someone
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glues one thing, someone glues a pattern, someone glues there, for example, i really like, for example, to cover this pattern then with very fine shavings, if it is some kind of large icon , then on average 3-4 months, again , each member of the workshop does something different, each has their own responsibilities, there is no such thing. that i , let’s say, didn’t take part somewhere, we have four main artists and two apprentices, but for now we have children, we don’t force them, well, i think maybe they will come if someday they themselves, that is , they, sometimes, when their interest awakens, they do something, and so, well , the bulk of our scanners are 4 + 2, that is , two are still in the stage, we are all in the learning stage,
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but two of us are a little weaker, and four, three of them, well, probably for sure, but then all four of them are the top best scanners, they are not found anywhere else, because in principle it originated here, and even in gomel, not only around the country, they haven’t even gone anywhere much from gomel, the work is scattered. the artists are all here, which is why it is called sosh filigree, because only masters from gomel from the gomel region master this technique. for our work, we use wood from all
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fruit trees, stone fruit, apple, plum, in general, everything that grows in the garden, everything, we cut everything from friends, we collect from ourselves, from acquaintances, in the forest, this is, let’s say, probably buckthorn, but, firstly, it is very rarely found in the forest, and secondly, it is very thin, due to this, we value this wood, well, that is, we use it very carefully for business, because we know that it is difficult to get, sumac, a very beautiful color, or as people call it vinegar tree, we love chestnut very much, because it is so soft wood, plastic, gives in, we use marred oak, well, very rarely, because it crumbles due to its loose structure, it crumbles a lot. it's hard to use, maple can be used, birch
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can also be used, rebina, very good the color is also not forest, because in the forest they are too thin, that’s where, if someone is pruning, it’s also a very good color, we try somewhere, the only thing we don’t use at all is the raspberry ones, because there is a separation, even if it’s a bump, that is, well, a descent. resin, there are still remains there, it can’t behave very well, it’s unpredictable, the tree is like that, it’s alive and no one can say how it will behave. we also use frames in our work, we make special ones, that is, we make frames, so that the drawing retains its shape when we take it out. the whole difficulty lies in the fact that first we find the wood, then dry it, then process it, then we cut special plates, in principle, in the end we use
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probably 5% of the wood, maybe 10 of that is a mystery. there’s something else there, but in general we get ideas, let’s say i very often take some photographs for myself, so i saw some drawing somewhere, and i immediately think if i can use it for work, well, that is as a rule, i show it to vitalik if he does too i like it, we style it to suit ourselves, because
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after all, it’s not possible to put curls everywhere. we stylize it exactly for ourselves, then we already try to do something, to say that something specific, no, it just turns out, well, it’s in our top list, this dish, the boxes, the cases seem to be the same, like... pictures here with us, thanks to drawings, pictures, the framework expands, that is, they turn out to be completely different, despite the fact that they are similar on the outside, but because of the drawing they are completely different, they have different characters, with us, in principle, each artist has a slightly different style, character, mood in the pictures, well
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, all this is conveyed, even with a good mood, if done with a bad mood. you can understand where it was done in a good mood and where not, because with a good mood you look at the product, it breathes something light, well, it’s nice to even hold it in your hands, and if you’re in a completely bad mood, it absorbs negativity and not very well, so we try, in principle, to work only in a good mood, but we did we get two jobs, we did it for more than 6 months, we are in...
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in my opinion, a person who wants to do scania wants to create such things, but at a minimum must have nerves of steel, patience, just perseverance, health, eyes, so that they can see well, because the details are very small and it’s very hard, the strain goes on your eyesight, your back, yes, well , the most important thing is perseverance, you need to be prepared for the fact that you won’t be like at work from 8 to 5, then we have it sometimes, so i wake up at 6, sent all the children and i’m there from seven until i fall asleep at night, the maximum break is to cook dinner, perseverance, yes, all this
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is good, and still, some kind of creative streak must be present. which is not bad. amagen. lies in the fact that a piece of the soul is transferred into the shavings, this is a mood, this, well, the easiest way
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to say this is a piece of the soul, and wood is such a material that it is still a cold metal and more so, but wood is it’s warm and probably energetically absorbs it all, that’s probably what it seems to me, it’s just wood, it’s a warm living material, when people... the italian media wrote, they wrote that the carriage is made of pasta, and indeed i looked, and well, yes, from the outside, it looks like it is made of pasta, so the whole magic lies
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in the fact that it is a tree and no one can to think that it is possible to do such work so subtly, delicately, if there was an opportunity to change something, lately we have... among ourselves we have been talking about the fact that perhaps someday in the near future we will have to go out to work, and what else to do, i don’t see myself anywhere, well i just don’t see, i can’t imagine what it’s like to go to work there from 8 to 5, everything is strict, everything is under control, well, i’m used to working for myself, for my own pleasure, because i like it, i guess, well, that’s it i would have been doing the same when i started... it seems , well, it wasn’t like that, now we’re so involved, we had time, even this weekend we agreed not to work, so it
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still drags on, i walked, walked, well, that’s it, weekend i need it to end already, because i already want to do something a little, well once upon a time the road didn’t reach us, until she got involved herself, she just found it and mumbled that it’s a day off, let’s go there, well, let’s take a walk, let’s go there. here, but i’m not interested anywhere, i was interested in sitting, doing something like this, well, beautiful, and then i got involved and also, no, i don’t care as a hostess, well, what can he do, and it’s my day off , well, i’ve done all the work so far, no matter how tired i am, i want to rest at least a little, so he can’t live without work at all. belarusian doilitstva, what kind of jumping you can do even now, you need to learn and master. columns, heta
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not columns, pelasters like this, are very important in the scene, and also act as a sufficient act. eye for getaga abavyazkova zachepizza. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. that which became the sweaty meats of the heater was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon and a sabor, and the hell of this city was developed and the monastery itself, in the actions of these stairs there were maravans of the sinews of the saints, and the fact is that the plaintiff and yes the altar, then the requirements there was a price for these forests, and the faithful ancestors of this place on their knees, the cultural-asvetnitskiy project, the architecture of belarus, the architecture of vypadkov. there are no little sharks there, there was a little bitch there , there was a little bitch here, there was a little bitch here, there was a little bitch there, and there are some. glyadzice on
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our tv channel. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. do not destroy the love of unity with your fellow countrymen, it is not independent of the hell where we live, we are living in hell between and between the borders of the country. let's open our arms to the front in the past . let's follow the history and myastsovs abbrats. let go, let go, mommy, beyond that little distance. let's once again take a quick excursion from the former adaminak, who is in the lezny district. luscina worked in the pockets of 50 family farmhands. we sell milk, oils, honey, war, horses, and a garden for rent. khristos u vaskros, saprauda ўvaskros. let's go, brothers, and sleep for a walk. lord god, show the way to good luck, sonya was tired, and during your races i made a pole
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for you... in general, we were born in gomel together, when it was possible to build an apartment, when our turn came, we were offered other
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options, but we still settled on the root. because the places here are beautiful, the forest, we came, looked, liked everything, stopped at this place, one of the most beautiful places in the gomel region, this is an estate, it’s located in the potskevichs’ village, it was their hunting lodge, well , they preserved it here, restored it a little , it turned out to be such a beautiful place where you can go out for a walk, get some fresh air, there are quite a lot of cars here... there ’s not much traffic, despite the fact that it’s the 21st century, well beautiful, good, clean air, by education, i’m an economist, well, somehow i still wanted to go into economics, i thought it was for me, in the end i didn’t work for long, after maternity leave i decided to stay on doing scanner work, because that’s my business it took longer, more opportunities, the possibility of some kind of growth of my own, then i was at the initial
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stage in... students, i am a cook by training and maybe i would have remained a cook until the army , it turns out i worked in a restaurant, went into the army while i was in the army, the restaurant closed, came it turns out without a job, well, back and forth i tried to go to a restaurant, there weren’t any more places, i tried to do a little construction work, well... then my brother said, let’s try, that’s how i came back and started working more professionally, it took me even longer, but i still can’t stop , i was born into a family of ordinary workers, but... creativity
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has always been in our family, we are very good at it, my father drew, in principle, from a small age we practiced more with our elders, i was very little, but he practiced, they drew , that is, they sat on the large back table, they drew, he suggested, that’s probably where the vein came from, because he drew very well, then he did paintings from veneer, and we saw it all, as if... well, that’s probably how it was passed on to his older brother, he has a little art education, he studied at art school, as a child i studied in many, many different circles, it was sewing, knitting, embroidery, i sang a lot, danced a lot, but all this was in childhood, well, until i was 15 years old, then somehow i abandoned the whole thing,
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more, after all, i tried to study somehow in order to enroll, well, now it turned out that creativity is mine, we have a rest, as a rule, we work as a big family, very often we relax as a big family, go out into nature and even went to the sea, big huge si.


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