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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 1:40am-2:00am MSK

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leaves, comes, here, i love enthusiastic people, now the stage is the club of folklore lovers of kryvya, if you remember, we introduced this group to the slavic bazaar at a dance tournament, say: mom, i don’t wander around the streets, i’m at anatoly, so so, what can i say, this is the third generation, watch the good morning of belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we are with you in the heart of the plant, this is the fermentation purpose, this place is called the workplace of the operator for the production of vinegar, what is vinegar production, this is actually honest speaking, such a specialty, which is the most responsible people in the enterprise, because the process of acidifying alcohol to acetic acid, that is, the production of vinegar, this requires...
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control over production modes by all technological operations, but they actually produce this vinegar, that is filtered, removed from the ready-made vinegar from the oxidizing agent, then the finished filtered product is sent, viciously, that is, this is the very heart of the plant, for the production of vinegar, depending on its type it takes from 3 to 15 days, we have oxidizing agents, we have them...
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vinegar is made by an acetic acid bacterium inside its cell, 17 types of reactions take place there, a natural process, but only put on an industrial basis, the wort is prepared, that is, this water goes into alcohol, which is fed to the oxidizing agents , we have 15 oxidizing agents, where beech chips are loaded, that is, the beech chips are inhabited by stinging acid bacteria that feed on this... food and well, it turns out that the fermentation process is underway, on weekends we also go to work, because we have a process turns out to be constant. acetic acid can be of biological origin, it is obtained by oxidation of alcohol and chemical, in which it is obtained either from the products of dry distillation of wood followed by distillation of the acid, or synthetically from acetylene, so sludsky alcohol vinegar is made exclusively from natural raw materials. we
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are actually near the oxidizer, which produces vinegar, here is the whole production and you can see in this oxidizer, beech shavings are loaded here here is 10 cubic meters, a bacteria is settled on it, we buy beech in the krasnodar region, we make it ourselves, we have had machines since 1959, next year we will have... 65 years of enterprise, in this case it is grape vinegar, we will make it from good european wine, which we buy in foreign countries, yes, here are our bacteria, well, in this case, she doesn’t care either it will be apple wine, or it will just be grape wine, she will only take the alcohol that is contained in this raw material and give to us the product is biological, or this,
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if it's apple wine, apple cider vinegar; if it's grape wine, wine vinegar with all the flavors that were in the original product. vinegar contains a small amount of organic substances, vitamins, esters, amino acids and carboxylic acids, which give a special taste and pleasant aroma; it is used for making sauces, salads, marinades, for baking, canning and in folk medicine, cosmetic purposes only for health benefits . and we don’t make any other kind of seaming, only our vinegar natural, and how many times my husband and i are in the store, and when a woman is standing in front of me, she’s buying.
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it can be used even by those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. the wine variety is used as seasonings, as well as in the manufacture of sauces and marinades; balsamic is considered an expensive variety. it is considered the most exquisite seasoning, and this is a small part of the types of vinegar produced in pokroshevo. i add salads, i like to add it to pilaf, kebabs when they add marinade. and balsamic, what are all our vinegars? delicious in salads if added to them.
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with open arms, we bought rice, made rice grains, flour, brewed rice wine, from this wine, using our oxidizing agents, we made wonderful rice vinegar, that is, we thought through and followed the entire technological chain, there is even almost 10 percent sugar, that is, it is still sweet, we released balsamic before, the italians, when they try our balsamic at exhibitions, they say belissima, the italians say: bellissimo, and we say thank you pokroshevo workers of the vinegar business, masters for your work for a wonderful product, what is tasty, healthy, impeccably rightfully deserves a mark of quality, the kindest words from consumers, as they say, for work and gratitude, my work for me is
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a responsibility, it makes my life better and more beautiful, yes, it’s tastier, it probably makes sense for my life, for me my work is prosperity and... this is my life, the pleasure of work, of life, of creativity. review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan seley prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who has shown
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leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league. and finally, mikhail shalagin became the best hockey player in the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation and beat mazyryan at home. 1:0. thanks to this victoria , slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. exclusive interviews with athletes. a huge number of people are waiting for me, both for master classes, so it’s easy to see, communicate and have the opportunity to speak for clubs. we have a new team, new team. we are just beginning our, well, long-awaited, i think, path of returning to the major leagues, bright moments, real emotions. 8 years later, magnet.
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but in reality there is the power of capital, and so our democracy is focused on every citizen, the collective west has modern technologies for the development of society. destruction of the economy, engagement of various personal nuclear weapons, this is precisely the most important deterrent factor, and which does not allow these hot heads to start some kind of provocation or military aggression against our country. project markov nothing personal, watch on tv channel belarus 24. her story. its nature, its culture, its faith, its people, and its generosity.
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you will feel it once and never forget it again . everything is real here. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about why we need a quality mark. who is ready to give a guarantee that the goods under him will be the best, in what cases to look for the fifth angle is good. go. alexander lukashenko declared the coming year of quality. the theme for each year is the president. for 19 years already, since 2006 it was declared the year of the mother, but until
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2020 ordinary belarusians treated this tradition formally, but now it resonates in everyone’s heart in a new way. when it became clear that if we were divided we could lose the country, people spent a year of national unity with unexpected dedication. when belarusians saw the march of ss battalions in kiev and riga, the risk of rehabilitation of nazism became real and we took the children to the graves of the liberators. in the year of historical memory, when the world was aflame with conflicts, we were scalded by the horror of the possibility of war, and we lived a year of peace and creation. now, when our faith in the possibility of taking a worthy place in the structure of a multipolar world has strengthened, it has become clear that in order to withstand competition in it, we must be the best in many areas. that’s why 2024 has been declared the year of quality. and on january 18 , the president signed decree number 21 on state law. quality marks: a quality mark is a symbol that will be applied
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on the packaging of belarusian goods, so that the buyer immediately understands that this is a product, the merits of which were confirmed by experts authorized by the president. the sign itself is a red pentagon, inside there is a stylized image of an inverted letter k with the inscription belarus. the five corners symbolize the five indicators that the products will measure. before it is allowed to be marked with a quality mark: safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability and aesthetics, check whether the product meets the declared qualities according to the application the manufacturer will have certification commissions, and this process is divided into two stages: regional and republican. at the first stage, the content of the application and the properties of the product will be assessed by regional commissions. they will be created in each region and will include employees of industry expert divisions
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of regional executive committees and specialized organizations. if they see that the product is worthy of being called a reference, the application will be submitted to the republican certification commission, and it will be headed by the country's prime minister. composition of this commission will be approved by the council of ministers by its resolution. the document is about to be released. it will include deputy prime ministers, heads of ministries and scientists. more precisely, experts from. state standard, ministry of health, ministry of nature, ministry of trade, state committee for science and technology and representatives of industry bodies. gosstandart will not only provide an expert assessment of products, but also deal with organizational issues, for example, manage the document flow of the republican certification commission. at the same time, testing will not be carried out at both stages. not only the product itself, but also the conditions of its release will determine whether the manufacturer can constantly maintain a high level of product quality? will evaluate the organization of the production process and even the management system. if
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the republican certification commission approves the application, it, among others, will be put on the president’s desk. and only an order from the head of state will put an end to the issue. as you understand, it will not be easy for manufacturers to obtain the right to put a quality mark on a product. now about how it will be look like in practice. for example, a milk producer from gomel wants to sell its cream. with a quality mark on the packaging. the head of the company submits an application to the gomel regional executive committee. in the application, he must write down the product and provide the results of laboratory studies in which... he will compare the properties of his cream with one of the best analogues in the world. this is a mandatory condition and will apply to all types of products. research must confirm that its characteristics are not lower, but higher than those of its analogue. the regional executive committee will attract experts from organizations that can confirm that the cream is of the highest quality, that it
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is produced in workshops that meet sanitary and engineering standards, and that the organization’s personnel have sufficient qualifications. that the manufacturer’s base allows for the production of such cream not occasionally, but constantly, only after this the application will be transferred to the republican certification commission, where all the data will be checked more deeply using other expert tools, and if they consider that the product deserves a quality mark, they will include it v a list that will be handed over to the president. important: first, the procedure for submitting and reviewing an application, as well as assigning a quality mark: will be free for manufacturers, everyone can afford to receive such a mark of distinction, the main thing is that the product meets the characteristics. secondly, it will be possible to receive a quality mark only for one type of product, that is, for example, cream of a specific brand under a specific name. allowing the cream symbol to appear will not give the plant the right to place it on all of its
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products. third, after the application is approved regional and republican certification commissions and the head of state. the organization will be able to apply a quality mark on the packaging of a product, use information about it in documents and advertising for two years, then the declared characteristics of the product will need to be confirmed again, that is, this tiny pentagon will tell the buyer that the product he has labeled has been tested by an army of experts, and the president is the guarantor of its quality. a nuclear combo of motivation for the buyer and the manufacturer. such a scrupulous system of product and mark evaluation quality. behind which there is a guarantee of the head of the country is not found in any state. the products of belarusian manufacturers are now evaluated at two competitions at the republican level: the government of the republic of belarus prize for achievement in the field of quality, it is awarded for the work of the enterprise and the competition from the state standard: the best goods of the republic
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of belarus, only a specific product can be noted in it. participation in these competitions will be... when making a decision on assigning a quality mark, but the evaluation criteria in them cannot be compared in their authority with those that will be provided by the regional and republican commissions for the assignment of a quality mark. winning in announced competitions, as it were, tells the buyer that this is a conscientious company or a good product, it was checked and noted that it is good. the quality mark will guarantee the premium properties and composition of the product or product for which the buyer pays money. in the countries of the ias, and even in europe, belarusian products and products of light industry are already valued very highly, and the new icon on packaging will be striking and will become anchor if the product has a pentagon, this is the best from belarus, you need to take it. the quality mark will be an excellent advertisement for manufacturers, and making it visible on
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the packaging will be in their interests, so they themselves will strive to ensure that it catches the consumer’s eye. but it demands. to less than 10 mm, more is possible, measure with your fingers the size of the logo is still indicated, not a centimeter, and imagine such a red icon on a jar of yogurt, for example, it will not be difficult for the buyer to detect it, even with poor eyesight, without even knowing cyrillic alphabet. as i already said, a government decree is almost ready, which will indicate who, under what conditions, will be able to obtain the right to label their products. quality mark, finalize the most exciting moment for manufacturers, prescribe what benefits and preferences the holders of the mark will receive, then certification commissions will be formed and manufacturers will begin to submit applications. the two-stage assessment of the criteria for the quality of the declared goods will last several months. our state standard specialists plan to conduct the first
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quality mark ceremony at the end of this year. then the companies, products, which... have the right to be sold with the coveted pentagon on the packaging, will reconfigure the equipment, print new labels, and we will see the first jars and bags with the quality mark on store windows at the beginning, perhaps closer to the middle of next year, this is who as soon as possible. the idea is to again mark domestic products with a quality mark.


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