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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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then the government decree, which will indicate who, under what conditions, will be able to obtain the right to label their products with a quality mark, finalizes the most exciting moment for manufacturers, prescribes what benefits and preferences the holders of the mark will receive, then certification commissions will be formed and manufacturers will begin to submit applications . the two-stage assessment of the criteria for the quality of the declared goods will last several months, the specialists of our state standard... with the treasured pentagon on the packaging, will reconfigure the equipment, new labels will be printed, and we will see the first jars and packages with the quality mark on store windows at the beginning, perhaps closer to the middle of next year, who will have time, the idea to once again mark domestic products with the quality mark. belongs to the people.
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remember, in november alexander lukashenko came to gomel to the crystal jewelry factory. then one of the plant employees suggested that the president bring back the quality mark to our lives. and the same employee said that it would be great if it looked like the same sign from the times of the ussr, and the head the state simply supported this idea. there is a wonderful phrase, the authorship of which is attributed to voltaire, but it sounded in the classics. and before him, the best is the enemy of the good. why invent a new sign if its ideal concept has already been created, created not by someone, somewhere, but here, by our compatriots at that time. why not use our historically meaningful symbol. this sign is simple and complex at the same time. only marketing and design geniuses could embed so much meaning into a few lines. they worked in all-union non-standardization was created. his
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masterpiece in 1967. it would be a shame and stupid not to use such a graphic move to promote the best products of their industry. in addition, it contains a whole palette of triggers for all generations of belarusians. for older people, the pentagon will cause pleasant nostalgia. manufacturers are disciplined and motivated to create products that they can be proud of, and young people will be taught to look at packaging and will draw an invisible thread between the generations of the country over the centuries. be proud of the goods from belarus, we will have a new reason for this. believe that your ideas are always heard, no matter whether you work at a factory or in a ministry, and if an idea can benefit the country, it will definitely be brought to life. to evaluate the work of the ussr designers, one must admit that the guys were fluent in the art of creating logos, but be charged with anticipation, the year of quality will end with a ceremony, the results of which will be interesting. everyone, i’m marina karaman, why
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do we need a quality mark, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you. the head of our state said that trade unions are the foundation of civil society, they are truly a connecting link, we are 4 million trade union members, so we are everywhere, we are close to the worker, we are close to his needs and aspirations, and to the first person in production, at in the workplace, who a trade union member turns to is, of course, the trade union leader, we resolve issues. on labor protection, we monitor
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the provision of personal protective equipment, working conditions, living conditions, the level of wages, and a number of other points that are important, this is an organization cultural and mass sporting events, so everything in general is the role of the trade union as such a connecting link, we are really close, we are together and we unite with this slogan, this is what we live, the trade union beat...
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in organizing safe work, also legal inspection, well, what i would like to share is, of course, we have a lot of collective agreements, collective agreements are aimed at... treating the material well-being of workers, i want to brag about one of the norms that has been implemented in our collective agreement of the belarusian metallurgical plant, when a woman is registered for pregnancy at 12 weeks, she can go on so-called prenatal leave with payment of an average wage, that is , the employer has such agreements, we really have established clear interaction with social...
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import substitution - this is an impetus for the development of the entire industry, the entire real sector of the economy, and we are also here nearby and help, for example, through a collective agreement, norms regarding rationalization proposals, with a certain type of incentive for additional payments, including for the quality of products, so this is the life of one chain, and how... one of the partly positive examples of sanctions is a new impetus for the development of our industry in terms of import substitution, we have grown in this regard, and it pleases. what are the emphasis in the year-quality in the work of industry, what tasks do
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enterprises face? the teams clearly understand that only high-quality products can be in demand, they will be guaranteed, produced quality products. this is a guarantee of productive work of the enterprise for the long term, but the long term is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the collective agreement, a guarantee of an increase in wages, the fulfillment of all accepted obligations, quality work is always under the brand made in belarus - this is a quality brand, so well, a special emphasis is placed on this in the year of quality impulse, a lot of modernization is going on at our enterprises, this...
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hello, the world had no time to come to its senses after fitz’s shots, when the news came about death of the iranian president. let me remind you that on may 19 , ibrahim reisi’s helicopter crashed, all eight people on board died, the duties of the head of state are performed by first vice-president mukhamad makhberov. special elections will be held on june 28. the date was approved by the constitutional guard council, but there are different versions of what happened.
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which is going through a very difficult period today, when top officials in the state are killed, then there is always a lot of version, but with regard to iran, there are two segments, i would highlight, this is internal, and we see that iran is ready for any situation, because setting an election date is not just an entry in legislation, it is an ability, a very high adaptive ability to respond to any circumstances,
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then in general it should probably give us the opportunity to say that, well
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there shouldn’t be any sharp changes in iran’s foreign policy, no, of course, i definitely won’t happen in the foreign policy, because iran is an external external factor, which means the first thing is that iran, belarus and russia are similar, i’ll start with this, the fact is that iran stands as bone of the throat in the usa, in the usa, they perfectly understand this similarity with us, that the problem of uranus cannot be solved by military means. therefore, for them, the focus was always on splitting political iran internally, and there were some political processes that would lead to a change of power there to please the united states of america, by the way, they did a lot for this, in some then we managed to achieve a little bit of success, just a little bit, thanks to what? we remember very well the situation that took place in iran and with the protests, all this happened against the backdrop of the fact that young people who grew up in iran, many of them went. study all over the world, somewhere they started opening businesses, somewhere they succumbed to this influence, this is there, but on the other hand, in iran there are very
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strong religious bonds, a very strong influence of the leaders of the islamic revolution that took place there, the spiritual leader is alive, thank god, and healthy for today, the islamic revolutionary guards are a guard corps that plays a huge role in stabilizing the political system of this country, which is what i'm talking about, but what the risk, the risk is that the president... who died , sincere condolences, he was a man, not only a friend of our president, not only a friend of the entire region, he was a man who influenced all world politics, without iran, in principle, there would be stability in the middle east cannot, if iran collapses, if such a thing is theoretically imagined, the entire middle east will be engulfed in flames, it will be impossible to stop this flame, the president of iran was the heir, everyone talked about this, the spiritual leader, of course there are certain risks in this, but i am convinced why...
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that the top political leadership of iran has always traveled, well, as a rule, always on russian-made helicopters, which are under the control of the corps. islamic revolution, it was at this moment, at the time of the visit of this high-ranking delegation to azerbaijan, that they suddenly transferred to an american helicopter thirty years ago, which had been in operation for more than 30 years, and which was no longer run by the islamic revolutionary guard corps, but by military personnel. of course, if we
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take the moment with the terrible assassination attempt prime minister... from western experts, we are waiting for an official investigation, they are the ones who hang labels and immediately say what happened, we will wait, moreover, information has already come out, russia and other countries have offered assistance in the investigation of iran, and other countries that are ready to conduct a comprehensive investigation of this tragic case, while we are talking, but listen, the west did not eliminate the undesirables before, what they did with gaddafi, there is only one reason, he said, i
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don’t want a dollar, they began to destroy the country, saddam hussein, i want to sell oil there, where am i i want, i don't want. give to the west, i want to pursue an independent policy, the whole country was destroyed, yugoslavia was bombed, politicians were not killed in europe, listen, they were killed and coups d’etat were carried out, eliminated, and decided, but didn’t it just recently a year ago that the americans struck a blow at all according to international law, when a high-ranking general of iran was killed, the whole world was indignant, on what basis are you doing this, you are setting the world on fire, that is, from...
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immediately immediately published in the american, even before we knew about the fate of the helicopter of everyone who was in it, the american atlantic magazine immediately published a column by a columnist, where he, firstly, said that a tragedy had occurred, although no one knew or confirmed this yet, and secondly , he said, we had nothing to do with it , the americans have nothing to do with this, isn’t this the case when a thief’s hat is on fire, we need to think about it.
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with a constant increase, it all started with tension there in the persian gulf, leading up to the possibility of a military clash, and the fact that there, for example, the americans today are officially regarding iran decided to consider a state organization, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, terrorist, because on this basis they strike and allow themselves to kill government officials . the leaders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, justifying that these are supposedly attacks on a terrorist organization, that the americans are not coping today, are not coping primarily with maintaining order and comfort in the persian gulf for their activities, cannot influence the yemeni usites, they can counteract there
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with the incident with american ships that are occurring, on this phoneme... we observe that iran today is entering into close, close allied relations with the russian federation, that iran is joining and actively participating in building the logistics of the new silk road, and is one of the important corridors along which the north, south, this branch goes, of course, in such conditions we cannot exclude that the task of american intelligence, american intelligence services includes all sorts of tension. what is of course an unconditional friend of russia, as he is called, and they talk about this a lot and emphasize raisi that he died tragically today and this to some extent... well, at least temporarily it will complicate communication between the russian federation and iran, at least until the elections of the new president and the formation of a new government, that is, in conditions
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when today there is a confrontation, an active military phase of the operation near kharkov, russia’s offensive in this region, when we know that there is military-technical cooperation between iran and russia, then certainly for the purposes of the united states. in america, their intelligence services, it could be the inclusion of some factor in order to at least weaken communication and interaction between iran and russia for a few days, weeks, and thus everything can be used here, yeah, well, let's move on then to news that we touch on in one way or another because they are nearby, because the news is so close that lives are being lost, or may in this case be lost...
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this is a signal for orban, a signal for vučić for all those who want to act in first of all in the interests of their states, this signal came before, only not with bullets, but with repression, pressure, look, any politician in europe, that means, who says that peace is needed, any politician who begins to speak thoughts about what is necessary ... to improve relations with russia, sanctions against belarus are stupidity, we don’t need war, let’s sit down at the negotiating table, even the position is not pro-russian, not pro-belarusian, its own, pro-national, at the
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beginning they begin to discredit him in the media, incite hatred , now i hate this they will call you a conservative, a populist, a conservative, which means that then they begin to call you a fascist, although they themselves are one, then discredit in the media, then the hatred that is incited, by the way, i’ll start with this: let’s say there are two versions: the first version is that this was planned an attempt on the life of the prime minister of slovakia, i am leaning towards this, but i am waiting for the results of the investigation, the second version, as always in the west: a city madman, guys, who raised this city madman with hatred and intolerance for alternative opinions in europe, after all, it is him an activist of this pro-western party, they persecute politicians who express this point of view in the media, persecute them on television, initiate criminal cases in lithuania. in poland they are sent to prison, so this is not just a warning, it is proof that the brussels elites, the united states, which holds europe today in a southern grip and does not want
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europe to be sovereign, they are showing: we will not let you go like that. when we fail to influence elections in your country, they do. when they finally come to power such parties that lead the example of slovakia, we will remove you and thus remove you so that you pursue the policy that... we need, not europe, we need, but in my opinion, this will still play a role in consolidation before the elections those forces that act from the sound position of ending the war, an interesting detail about the slovak writer who shot, he turns out to be the founder of a social movement against violence, it is not surprising, our greens are the most aggressive, which means those who advocate tolerance and equality for men and lgbt women and, therefore, transgender people, they are ready to kill any person -
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they destroy, repress people who come out with an alternative point of view, and at the level of the president, that is , they do not accept his position so much that they are ready to eliminate him, this is what is happening, these people, prime minister of slovakia, he was still a spokesman, he was the leader of the party, he is the leader of an entire group that speaks from these positions, which says
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that not everything is so happy. that national interest must be taken into account, let's talk a little let's go further, because here we are already tracing a clear trace of ukraine, ukrainian history, because it runs like a red thread here, no matter what version you take, everyone points to what fuels the emotional background of ukraine, in parallel we we see how in kiev they are really waiting for this meeting to take place in switzerland, that the so-called form...
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we started with one composition and have now been reduced, the force majeure of may continues, we are forced to release yuri valerievich voskresensky, we will continue with this composition of three, alex serge, let’s continue for now with the failure of the peace conference, but because this conference had nothing to do with peace initially, the purpose of the conference that was planned was one thing: to show that russia is supposedly alone, that the whole world is against it, there was a task, at least in order for them to come, even...
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it was necessary for them to support, they need as many countries as possible to come to this conference, they were used in that, and on the list, to show the whole world against russia, a failure for today. no matter how it passes, no matter who already participates there, who i didn’t go there to see what was happening there, it failed, it didn’t work out to isolate russia and belarus, that’s already clear, it didn’t work out to isolate china, that is, initially the peace initiative failed, the second point means it’s obvious that we need to somehow intensify in europe, assistance to ukraine, as the united states calls it, assistance is a continuation of the war, there is no help at all, when zelensky... announced this week another, not zelensky, or rather, petition appeared on the internet, delusional, which means that ukraine needs to get out of oh create a new organization with those who are its friends, but the most surprising thing is that there are no friends except belarus, if you look at it, we
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only wish them well, and russia, which was actually forced to carry it out of its own, and those who delivers missiles and at the same time says: you will adopt a new law on mobilization, let tens of thousands more die, these are friends, these are not friends, but this must be done somehow... i was waiting for zelensky’s powers to end now, you can argue as much as you like, he’s legitimate , illegitimate, one fact is that for me is illegitimate, i am the leader of the party, this is my opinion, that is, but the fact is that it is now much more difficult for ukraine to start negotiations,
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after the expiration of this deadline, because russia will think 100 times about who to talk about, what to talk about, this is no one will not deny, and our president told them, today it is necessary, yesterday it is necessary, the day before yesterday it is necessary, and this conference... unfortunately, unfortunately, which will take place, the world will be pushed back even further, there will be no peace now, unfortunately. the topic is the most important, even at a meeting with his azerbaijani colleague, the president of belarus touched upon ukraine, of course, when we discussed the tense issues in the caucasus near our borders. let's listen to this fragment and remember. i informed you in great detail about what is happening in our region in connection with the conflict in ukraine, you know our position. it’s not easy for us there now, but we will do everything to ensure that there is peace there, and we will move in this direction. azerbaijan’s experience of the post-war system here, the peaceful system is very important for
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our region. alexey viktorovich, look, it’s not benzia, it’s russia, he repeats again again, despite the fact that the situation is tense and in many ways not in ukraine and russia, as well as belarus, are neighboring states, we need peace here in the region, this is our life, we are here, we live here, therefore no one wants to live in conditions of war, and even more so to be drawn directly into hostilities, which, for example, our president is doing his best...
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to achieve, peace is only on the terms of ukraine, of this conflict, that is, then ukraine, instigated by the west, immediately voiced western wishes that the world is on its terms - this is a complete surrender of russia, this is a return to the situation before the start of not only a special military operation, but in general by 2014, this is the return of crimea, this is the return of all the regions that became part of russia as a result of referendums. non-recognition of all this, plus some other compensation payments from russia for the restoration of ukraine, we see that just the other day a decision was made that all interest from frozen russian assets will be directed to ukraine,
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this is supposedly said for restoration, in fact, to continue this war, we see that the ban that zelensky, a citizen, made to himself, is not the president, but simply a citizen of ukraine. here is the ban on conducting any negotiations, it is in effect, no one has canceled it, this is really the problem with the nullification of the president with the absence now... china is sending clear signals about how it sees the format of the negotiations at the recent meeting between putin and sidinpin the parties recorded: russia welcomes china’s readiness to help in the political settlement of the crisis in ukraine. beijing, in turn, supports moscow’s efforts to protect its sovereignty and opposes it.
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format and at the same time this, for example,
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putin’s visit to china and the demonstration of how respectful he is treated there, completely different meetings in relation to european leaders who came, and they were met not even by ministers, but by some at the level department and provincial heads, officials, this is all an indicator of whose side china's sympathies are on, but china is not interested today. very important at this moment, let us touch on it, a factor stabilizing the situation in the region, for us personally, fixing our subjectivity and sovereignty, in july we will join the shanghai cooperation organization as a full member, in the context of what we are discussing, not everything, this is surprising, but not everyone understands what the strategic factor of this step is, olga igorievna, that for us the sco, for us the sco is to
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china, which means their peace initiatives, china, you said correctly, clearly supports and respects those countries that have sovereignty and independence, when in europe they are offended that they are poorly received in china, a good attitude towards peoples, for example, china wants from europe. it’s not just that ukraine
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now has limited sovereignty to ukraine, the whole problem with the war today, but all together we could finally force it to negotiate. the trouble is that europe today, in my opinion, has limited sovereignty, it is not completely independent, if it were, don’t politicians in europe understand that you have a war, america is on an island lives, they don’t have a war, australia lives on an island, even great britain sits on an island. this is somewhere far away, today a sociological survey was published in the united states of america. where do you think the americans stand on ukrainian problems and the war in ukraine? at the end of the list. there is crime ahead, which means economic problems, democracy in their understanding, how they sort it out, everything, this is at the end of the list, who is worried about ukraine today, neighbors and europe, you are suffering from sanctions, from war, and i will also support, everything well on on on decade, don’t the europeans understand,
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all these tons of weapons, all these tons of ammunition, all these tons of pistols, today the conflict will stop, that’s all in europe. anyway, for a decade, it’s not going anywhere, it’s still decades to disassemble and do it, it won’t go away, the supreme national assembly with expanded constitutional powers, made its first strategic decision, and... approved the concept of national security and the country’s military doctrine : we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend it with arms in hand and by any methods that we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people.
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the all-belarusian people's assembly will insure us against the person or forces who want to get presidential powers and screw things up. affairs in the country to please either the west or, well, not the west. the vns must also insure us against possibly very noble-looking citizens who seem to be ours, but who are either weak or incompetent. your mission is to serve the name of the future of belarus. the author's project of igor turayacheskoy power, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting. emotions were simply overwhelming, which ancient country, along with greece, gave the name to the olympic form of wrestling? artyom, rome, italy. roman empire, i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach broke
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sir alex fergusen's record for most appearances in may 2023? in the champions league. carlo anchelotti. carlo anchelotti. two steps forward, watch the intellectual and sports project head game, we continue, how do you like this news, georgian president salame zorabeshvili asked french president macron to come to the republic to help get rid of it. from the soviet yoke and russian influence in the caucasus. emmanuel macron promised me almost from the moment i was elected in 2018 that he would come. he must do this before the start of the election campaign in september. this is not just about georgia. this is about to rid the caucasus once and for all of
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the soviet yoke and russian influence. since when has macron been our savior from the soviet game? when did he show such status? well, i think he means it himself. doesn’t know, madam president, i think, hasn’t notified him about this yet, but with a french passport, but he doesn’t know about it yet, france is of course strengthening its influence in the region today, it is entering the transcaucasus, it’s trying in any case, yes, but france has never understood anything in this region at all, there are not only specialists who they could have given macron a hint, but there isn’t even any kind of historical reality that could be something to cling to. these are just loud statements, a statement about nothing, european politicians in general are used to talking a lot and about nothing, just doing such information dumps in order to attract attention, and there is also a very important point with armenia, here we need to talk not only about georgia and armenia, that’s where
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france plans to make an entry, this ties everything together, if we talk about georgian politicians, it is fair to say that they are different. and the litmus test is the attitude towards them, not only of paris, but of washington in the first place. the united states is preparing sanctions against georgian politicians who promoted the law on foreign agents. a corresponding bill will be discussed in congress in the near future, writes the politician. tbilisi is quoted as openly attacking the us and other western democracy promotion organizations, and also seeking to strengthen ties with russia and china. speaker of the parliament shalva papaashvili, meanwhile, said that the parliament of georgia. a little tough, which means, about georgia , by the way, we are developing relations with georgia and belarus, we have trade and economic
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relations, we must clearly understand that the current leadership in georgia is not pro-russian, far from pro-russian, and look, how the us is pressing them, the law on foreign agents, what is needed, so they ask me the question, what do the americans need from georgia, what do they want, in fact, the current leadership has simply shown interest in its own national interests. in the interests of georgians to trade with russia, to develop relations with the cis countries, well, it is economically feasible, when the president of georgia talks about the need to abandon the russian and soviet past, i don’t want to turn into medvedev, but here it is possible, if we approach it this way, to talk about the statehood of georgia in general, if at all go into the historical context, but i don’t want to, we are belarusians, but what do the americans need, the americans need georgia using the example of ukraine, remember saakashvili, who started the war , uh. with south ossetia and abkhazia, why is he brought up the situation in georgia? well, not for the best. today, americans need
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the same georgia. therefore, look, it’s like the ukrainian scenario, there is talk about the european union, that georgia will join there, well, what, what, what, what kind of european union and georgia, what, what are we talking about, what are we talking about, the european union cannot figure out what it is everything now has, secondly, the americans, having started a war in ukraine, really want a big war in the caucasus, very...
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the soviet period maintained peace between armenia and azerbaijan, standing on top a battle, separating the parties, yes, if it had not been
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for this, in fact, both soviet and earlier russian intervention, the caucasus would have been in flames anyway, and sergeevich is indeed right that to politicians, primarily of the united states of america, this region appears simply as another point of pressure on russia, and not only on russia, because this is the same iran. with which we started today, the possibility of putting pressure on it, the caucasus, again, presence in this region, this is an opportunity to influence china’s plans related to the construction of a new branches of the silk road, of course, americans are very worried today, despite the fact that , well, if you agree with oleg sergeevich that there is not a pro-russian regime, but still it is pro-national today in georgia, yes, and those who are in power, the georgian prime minister and ruler.
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we see an attempt, in addition to the information war , to impose on us a war of sabotage groups, we have also been noticing this lately and are fighting against it, we see that they...
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we discussed our entry into the sco and how we are doing along the way with such large states like russia and china, our vector in this regard is completely the same, we are forward-thinkers, but we simultaneously see that the better things are going for us, the stronger the pressure is on us from that western direction, and from our closest neighbors, through them in first of all, and this will not end, we must clearly understand that this pressure will not disappear in a year or two. we are very important geopolitically, very important, the fight for belarus, the west is not going to end, because we have strategic importance in order to weaken russia and china , including through us, therefore, understanding that there is no way to defeat us militarily, understanding that here is the president over the years, look at the past years and nuclear weapons and the russian belarusian joint group, strengthening the armies,
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rearmament, means strengthening intelligence services, that is, not at all externally. it won’t work out that way, so it’s necessary from the inside, through whom, through the fifth column, which sat with the neighbors, and through these neighbors, the bet will be placed on what, the president talks about this, sabotage, extremism, arson, internal political buildup, again some kind of creation of a fifth column through other methods, the twenty-fifth year ahead of the presidential elections, that is , to undermine from within at any cost, they will try to do the same thing in the thirties in the thirty-fifths, we must understand this clearly. therefore , the president pays the closest attention to security issues and another point about the neighbors, while we clearly share the leadership of lithuania, latvia, poland there and the ordinary people, we will not give up either the visa-free regime or normal relations with these people, because this is our neighbor, a very important note, prime minister of poland tusk ordered the convening of a commission to investigate russian and belarusian influence on the situation in the republic in the period from 2004
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to 24, what do they want to find there, listen, well, this is completely obvious. all failures in europe lately are always blamed on russia and belarus. i haven’t read anything, they have the slightest thing, something is happening in the economy, putin is to blame. the second point is that information war means against us, so we translate it into reverse language, that’s when it says: we will counteract our influence, i translate into simple, understandable language, we will spend even more money on the information war against our neighbors, this will also mean millions of dollars for their media, even more lies, even more.
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services are preparing plans for the aggressive seizure of the territory of belarus, for the introduction, for the deployment of these sabotage groups, and our kgb has already repeatedly voiced these plans for... to seize some small settlement somewhere on the border, to raise a flag there new belarus and at the same time declare that all power is being transferred to someone, now they are trying to form some illegal ones that are absolutely of no interest to anyone from the point of view of public interest, but are very interesting to western politicians, groups like all sorts of coordination councils, for which , and then on their basis to proclaim some new government.
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such actions have never been taken, ours in relation to poland, in relation to lithuania on the territory of belarus, on the territory of russia, they are doing everything in order to be present in and what a noise and ringing there would be in the information field if we at least had something similar, but nothing like that, we observe absolutely respectful actions towards these countries, we take actions, we recognize their government, they are trying not to recognize ours, based not so much even on our own , but rather.
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and writes, it means that i am happy to accept our bearer of the olympic flame as mary. minimasz on this day of struggle against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. i wonder where the world is going, and i
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’ll ask, olga girevna, where is it going? their world? this meeting that you announced is a given, this is reality, this is what we are dealing with today, there is us, and there is them, we must not... but at the same time, you know, what am i talking about now, here, oleg sergeevich, you will continue this topic, we see that we understand perfectly well that many french people do not share this, but they cannot influence decision-making, and moreover, i think that if the french
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had been told about 30 years ago what someday an honorary transvestite will carry the torch at the olympics, they would, to put it mildly, laugh, like we are with you now, you and i have some precautions so that in 30 years , some mayor of minsk, i don’t know, won’t hold a similar meeting. and what seems incredible to you and me today, then, thanks to the overton window, overton windows, did not become the norm, and you and i would sit quietly and watch what it is. i’ll start with europe, which means who else is the barbarian is no longer known, i believe that muslims will teach them a lot of good things, including family values, normal, even if there are different muslims, they are, among by the way, you can learn a lot from them, this is the first, second, there is even more terrible news, in germany from today there is criminal liability for possession of child pornography, there is none, only an administrative fine, and you know what explanation the german ministry of justice came up with, that’s us should know, that's... what, where is
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europe heading? we have few prisons, and there are too many pedophiles, so we will impose fines, that’s what ’s going on there, now about the amulets, of course, we understand perfectly well that we are also from nothing we are not immune if we say: everything is fine, we have traditions, we will always live normally, everything will be fine, no, we must do this, we have enshrined the institution of family in the constitution, we have enshrined in the constitution respect for our history, that’s all begins, if only the germans and french taught more history in school, they would want to start a war with us less, knowing how it will end, they would remember their family values, traditional and christian, which today belarus preserves like a true treasure, by the way. europe, noah, that means they should all join us later, but the all -belarusian people's assembly is, i will return to it as a delegate, one of the tools, one of the foundation stones that should help us stop how you say, this is not the mayor of the city, the future...
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thank you, we remain vigilant, thank you for this conversation, that’s all for today. the main responsibility of the belarusian media is
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to preserve the country, alexander lukashenko stated this at the forum of the media community of belarus. mogilev has become a big topic of discussion a platform about the present and future of the media industry. the forum brought together heads of republican and regional media employees, bloggers, representatives of specialized universities, ideologists, and experts in the field of communications. all of them, like no one else, feel the nerve of our era, the president is convinced. they are at the forefront of the information war. they have to be protectors and fighters. information has become more than just a resource. and a powerful weapon, and the country found itself under the gun of propaganda, the task of everyone at their own level is to stand up for the protection of information sovereignty, think analytically, understand responsibility for our future, they are using increasingly sophisticated forms of hybrid aggression, but belarusians are no strangers, the confrontation has been going on since the moment they gained sovereignty. alexander lukashenko emphasized: the twentieth year hardened our journalists, they became tougher and more principled in upholding the truth, and today we cannot slow down. belarus continues to be subject
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to the largest hybrid pressure from the west, not only political, informational, economic, but also military, and we must be prepared for anything, for any provocations. including at infola, how to confront the current challenges of the time was discussed in detail at the forum with the participation of major media bloggers and experts. focus on the development of regional ties. the visit to belarus of a large delegation of the altai territory, headed by the governor, continues. today the program includes a visit to industrial flagships, but first the parties held a meeting of the working group on cooperation. trade turnover is growing, but not at the rate we would like would. last year only 2%. the numbers will be increased by... launching new projects, the main emphasis is import substitution, the supply of passenger equipment and its maintenance are also interesting , the partners also worked out in detail the proposal announced the day before at the palace of independence. the president of belarus also drew our attention here to some points that we talked about earlier, well, on which
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we did not particularly interact before, say, equipment related to fire fighting, emergency rescue operations, unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft for - use for civilian purposes, but these are the areas, well, traditionally our agricultural producers are interested, of course, in agricultural equipment , these are combines, these are tractors. as a result of the meeting, an action plan for cooperation between belarus and the altai territory until 2026 was signed. we will also interact in the fields of science, culture, sports and tourism. by the end of the year, mtz tatarstan, together with the minsk tractor plant, plans. introduce unmanned mini-tractors to the accessible market, their will be available for commercial purchase . in general, there is close cooperation with russian regions; they began to purchase more belarusian cars. the tredin program also works, and special attention is paid to the quality of equipment. belarusian equipment is time-tested equipment, like
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many people compare it with a kalashnikov assault rifle, everyone knows this, yes, this is confirmed by the indicators that last year we sold over 4,500 units of equipment. this year we have positive dynamics. belarus is actively developing the principle multi-brand centers representing the entire line of equipment is a successful example of active promotion on a turn-key basis with full maintenance of machines, because it is important to accompany the equipment even after purchase, this is how it works now.


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