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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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and altai territory until 2026, we will also interact in the fields of science, culture, sports and tourism. by the end of the year, mtz tatarstan, together with the minsk tractor plant, plans to introduce unmanned mini-tractors on the accessible market; they can be purchased on a commercial basis. in general, there is close cooperation with russian regions; they began to purchase more belarusian cars. the tredin program also works, and special attention is paid to the quality of equipment. belarusian technology. this is a time-tested technique, like many compare it with a kalashnikov assault rifle, everyone knows this, yes, this is confirmed by the indicators that last year we sold over 4,500 units of equipment, this year we have positive dynamics. belarus is actively developing the principle of multi-brand centers representing the entire line of equipment; this is a successful example of active promotion on a turn-key basis with full maintenance of machines, because it is important to support the equipment even after purchase, so now there is a project underway to build
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a distribution center for spare parts. border guard day is celebrated in belarus. the holiday began with the laying of flowers at the memorial sign by the guardian of the border of all generations in the capital. then officers of units of the minsk garrison organization, cadets and veteran border guards, led by the chairman of the state border committee, laid flowers and wreaths at the victory monument. next, the foot column headed to the island of courage of sorrow to pay tribute to those who performed their international duty in afghanistan. traditionally, on border guard day , military personnel visit memorial sites together with colleagues and loved ones. ceremonial events on may 28 are taking place in all departments of the border service. changes regarding the purpose and early use of family capital have come into force in belarus. this strengthened the social responsibility of parents. now, in order for large families to open a deposit account in a bank, it is necessary to confirm the employment of the head of the family. an additional condition will be the creation of appropriate conditions and
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a favorable climate in the home for children; a number of innovations also concern early use funds to improve living conditions. in belarus, more than 137,000 family capital deposit accounts have already been opened for large families. in the summer, it is planned to improve the health of more than 390,000 children in belarus. the company will employ 100 more facilities. a total of 4,500 day camps and 1,500 24-hour camps will operate. they plan to optimize the period. stay in health camps for 15 days instead of 18, due to this it will be possible to organize a sixth shift, during the summer health campaign cultural, military-patriotic, sporting events, excursion routes have been drawn up.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four hangers of loaves of bread are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio. and
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each of them has a question for an adult. please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver. they say that in the army they feed you. healthy, filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal in our school. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. is there friendship between show business artists? i can’t say that our sphere is exactly the same . is shrouded from head to toe in intrigue, it’s true, it’s a myth, it’s true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, to say a lot of time, well, i probably don’t need to say that it’s a lot of time,
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a certain amount of time, yes it takes, you can teach me, the chin is higher, step, this is a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward, look at... so, meet marta, the wife of mindaugas, during
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whose time in the novogrodsky castle guests were treated to nobles infections. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on the one hand i see a viennese waffle, something sweet, something so tender is projected, on the other hand, it’s a potato pancake, a belarusian pancake, look at the food project though where on the tv channel belarus 24.
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kali bachysh, what kind of extravagant people were sent to the bottom, you might think that they were more reasonable for us. architecture, entire countries speak to us in this way, and we can understand that.
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great is the sight of the abaronnag doilitstva, who keeps a simple watch. ichynaya history, a powerful rock, which has been for centuries unsatisfactory, spiritual riches of the abyssal lands of belarus, unique memorials of renaissance belarusian architecture, the church of ian khrystsitsel in the villages of kamai, the villages of kamai on at the beginning of belarus, the foundations of the governing bodies of these lands. the kamayan temple appears as a djakuyuchy tribute to the meat nobleman yana rudamina dusyatskaya. zvestak pra yago. nyashmat was obsessed with the troops of braslau, because of the hair that was left behind, since most of the men went to war, and gave birth to the occupied temple. adbyvaetstsa geta from 1603 to 1606 reptiles, laid out for the vyalikag principality of lithuania. it's not easy for
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belarusian lands, geta pachatak 17 hectares . i'm going sluggish. how many wars there are in the territories of belarus this hour, not simple palitichnye stanіshcha adbіvaetsya in the way of life of extraordinary people, in your face and because our products are building a temple. and the temple, the house of god, the thoughts are not only for the months of malitva, but for the months of paratunka, for people searching for the hets of paratunak, and for the hour of change, the change is thick, the city of the city is changing, and tsa is dense on the architecture, the languid kolkasts of the budynka is a strachvae pile of feathered lynxes, new ones are coming, and there are still fires, different cataclysms, wars and every time temples announcement, all this adbіvaetstsa i... at the beginning of the 17th century on our lands there is a renaissance with yago baron mats.
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we can obtain abaronial dolicts from the right-wing architecture, for example, from synkavich and malamazheyk. we dachify the round pots there on the tanks of the budynka. and all for this period of time round velvets are characteristic. you look different. i knew before the end of the 17th century. what we see at the kastzel kamaya, these traditional practices that emerged during the renaissance period architecture. for this, for the architecture of the great people, it is characteristic that the nave is as tall as a temple, as if it weren’t a small temple? iago the height of the meeting was amazing. suchasny vyglyad kascela motsna
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adroznivaetstsa ad pershapachatkovaga. nevyadomy aўtar zadumvae sіmetrychny trohnefavy temple. in the past, there were strict ensigns of the abaronage, the princes of which were given all the great acalic nasts, and the curtains seen on the facades only completed the classical image. sharedzine has 17 stagodzya padchas. the temple has such a hall a vast expanse that was cut into pieces by four mugs, and these mugs were covered with skeletal, and the sklyapenny was in the image, for example, of the muravan temples, which were on the lookout for such sharp-sighted flaking, with the same effects as the atmosphere. there are books. in the developed architecture and dagmaty. like other ancient abaron temples, the kamai kastel has three
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absidas. it’s true, after the sluggish reconstruction, the construction was in hell. there are two curtains on the apical façade. adnak abaronnaga looked like pabudov kanchatkova did not improve. the façade is completely stern. we're hanging out there semicircular bowls. and adzinny dekarativny elements have weak niches. the brightest element is that the poisonous kastsel with cylindrical vezhas on the front walls of the ancient castles. yashche big gety effect uzmatsnyayutsya beinіtsy, placed on different levels. as it turns out, the lower ones were able to protect the enemy from the care, grab the luggage of the vezhami, and from the upper tier it was possible to stratify as soon as possible. the entrance façade of the cathedral, where we... are with you, massive shelves, it has its archaic sign, 16 m in
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height, 6 m in diameter, and massive shelves, y it’s not just that they give such stern, ascetic looks, but they are yashche and jumpy with windows and bainitsa, all these bainitsa will carry us to the hour where the magli try to the abaron, in the same way as the bainitsa the lenya are not vertical cuts, but the bainits are yana... fragmented with round-shaped appearance. secrets, good morning and good mood. dobroya ranitsa belarus on the air of the tv channel belarus 24, program dobroya ranitsa belarus. my name is svetlana barovskaya. you are so cute, can i pet them? oh, what blossom!
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a brass band is a very difficult genre, no, well, it’s amazing that you keep these orchestras, someone leaves, someone comes, well, i love passionate people.
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united with our fellow countrymen, there is no hell here, here we live, we touch the hell between the borders and borders of the country, we open up the ruins in the past of the country, we follow the history and meatless abrasions: mom, for that distance, yes veyce yashche time zladzim nevyalichki excursion at minuyushchynu adaminak , which in the lezny district, worked in the pockets
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of luscina 57. tv channel belarus 24. the two-meter massive scenes are cut out in the niches of the high windows with a highly finished, asymmetrical decarat elements can be seen as the stone cores of the marinated scenes. true, this is a very late date, which appeared here during the reconstruction, as a reminder of the ancient war that was raging for the church. it was the swedes
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who destroyed the temple at the time of the abarons, and they simply razed the patent lands, so the enemy could seize it. dakladnykh. it’s not just the war of the night, but also the changes in the architectural thickets that change the temple. u since the beginning of the 18th century, the kali renaissance has already begun the month of new aesthetic architectural pavements, and there will be a drop of water around the windows, and this cardinal change in appearance. iago architectural objects, the whole of the abaronnag
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budynka is familiar with the presence of a drop on the side. we can have thoughts about it, and then we will build a temple, which is two years old, strict ab'yom, and it is compact, completed with a round aperture with a panoramic part, a sunny interior, a special renovation, 1726-3 6 bastards, then on the vaults kastsela z'yaўlyaetstsa razmaleўka ў tekhnіtsy gryzail, u adroznenі. i would love to see different colors of the same color. asnovy maty kamayskaya gnaws - akand, which are bathed with a special breath of cartouches and medallions with managrams and symbols. on the spring arches there are ornamental ribbons with medallions. painful, practical in seryedzina 19 years ago, the dachshund gnawed and spilled
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mats crushed the droplet. there, the symmetrical ornaments are placed on the roofs, and they learned from the hells of the prussian and polish masters and introduced them in all these unique ways. if only such a thing had happened. the colorful fish that the right-wingers began to call the flemish fish and was found in the flemish
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ikanastas, geta, if the padrevi workers imitated the carunka, the geta could have been an acanthus leaf, such a prickly race lina, who played a very important role in the farming decor of the baroque period. taras are the most chestnut-colored images of the craft in kascel. the most impressive thing is the central two-tiered altar. as the first step of the tier there are four columns of the karynfskaga order, a reminder of which in the niches there is a flock of draulian palechrome sculptures. and the centers of the altar are in the image of matsi boskaya with dzitsyam. and the getaga draulyanaga razbyanoga doiletstva not velma shmat was greedy. on the eighth month of this month. it can be said, well, it’s important to note that the adzinka ’s abjects are important, because they were eliminated with draulins, and just like the trees - this material
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was fallen from fire, insects, decay, well, then all these ab’ektas did not acquire anything. kamayakh has a different palova 17 stagodzia, and the menavita for the getag hour is characterized by... three-armed altar precepts, which have such an element as a triumphal arch. if we reveal a three-tailed triumphal arch, its structure, then we can create something similar in the same altar. the central field is occupied by abrass, and there are sculptures in the tanks. in niches, it is also possible to flock to peedestals. elements of the altar are painted by pad ruzhovy marmur. from time to time, with the help of ornamental designs and palechrome sculpture, this creation creates a significant and profound campaign. paslya nadannya ўinternal prastory
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adnanefavay forms z'yaўlyaetstsa magchymastsіtsіts here argan. in the clock of renaissance architecture, these instruments did not occupy any space svaygo stalaga month. because the wars were dismantled, and then there were victories. and from time to time they arrived , and when they decided, they killed the choir and the branches from the tree, but this was not a plant, but such a stolla, on the choirs there was an argan, and all that time the argans of the geta were characteristic of the feathers du.
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this great daring speech, and the masters knew in the violent garads, and not the skin cascel could allow itself to such argan, asable shmatgalos, then they bought pazityv, this is such a small argan. history kamaiskaga kastsela rare attack, the temple is not closed for the entire 400 year history, no wars, no pallet changes
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have closed it. it is noticeable that the geta kascel does not end and the savetsky period, when the languid collection of the temple stratsila its percapachatkovaya meaning, the geta will be able to capture the interiors of the temple, and when we will visit the geta.
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when we start talking about new products, probably our confectionery industry is always the flagship here, of course tropical tastes prevail there, yes... our line of confectionery products is developing with the addition of milk powder, it is also quite popular; based on the results of last year, it has proven itself well. probably, on the eve of the same summer period , the current developments in our oil and fat industry, in particular, i think it will be interesting for the consumer to try rapeseed oil with the aroma of dill, rapeseed oil with the aroma of butter, it sounds a little so
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unusual, but i think... the consumer will this is interesting and at least you will want to try something like this, limited edition mayonnaises will also be released especially for men with the addition of pepper, for women respectively with the addition of lemon juice, so we try and will try to surprise our consumers with something. belarusian products are famous for their high quality, due to which they manage to maintain such a high bar. how high are these criteria for product quality? well, i think it would be objective to say that the criteria that are laid down in our standards, in our requirements, they are quite high, but how difficult, i think, well, taking into account the fact that the majority our enterprises have been operating in our market for decades, a number of enterprises have long since passed their centenary anniversary and , accordingly, we understand what quality requirements are primarily from the consumer, and based on this, our legislation,
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let’s say... sets fairly high criteria, indeed, on the one hand, of course, we always adhere to them quite intensely, but at the same time this is our, let’s say, advantage, that is, thanks to these standards, thanks to these criteria, we are able to produce namely, products of the highest possible quality, which means the competitiveness of our products increases, to what extent do belarusian standards comply with international requirements, are there any problems with supplies abroad... we don’t have any problems with supplies abroad, in principle, all issues are resolved in a working manner, then there is, if for certain markets, say the middle east, it is necessary to obtain kosher certificates, holy certificates, this never becomes an obstacle, that is, it is much more difficult to find here, let's say, the consumer, the buyer of our products, and now if this is done, accordingly obtaining data...
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supplies to the sugar industry are developing, then we added the republic of guinea, there are also active deliveries to morocco, to hanna, that is, this is the african continent, except moreover, for the first time this year we supplied our sugar to afghanistan, to mongolia, respectively, that is, once these markets were considered quite distant for us, it was much easier to work in
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closer markets. not to lose our traditional markets, that is, we are developing new markets not at the expense of leaving old ones, that is, because sometimes in some cases even entering a new market is to some extent easier than gaining a foothold in it.


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