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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 4:05am-4:50am MSK

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temple, then built huts and founded a city, take it. and we set off on an exciting journey. he is like a magician, controls the light, lights up the lanterns, thereby signaling the beginning and end of the day. mindless, like the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave or do you have a double? to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger. who she is is still unknown,
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locals call her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls, from which there remain these ruins were used to resolve issues of national importance. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. look.
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and also suggest projects and films that are sure to become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project. watch on belarus 24 tv channel. we will hear lessons from classic literary works in this competition, but we will also get to know each other a lot, dear caress! teams jump avtarau literary works, walk in the charze, kolkasts balla for the right adkaz hell 40 yes 10 deposits hell kolkastsі try. now i want to get started with the literary competition of alyaksandra and varvara, they are in a lot of pain...
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the pain is in full swing. let's listen. lyazhyts saldat for crossing, kalia little crayfish. the frog of the soldier is of great glory, covered forever, the noise above him is green, apples and ships float. yong paў, pazbavіўshi palonu vos gety kut svoy zemlya. little sisters, all these joys, what are the known things to you, the unknown ones? haven’t you read who wrote these things? maxim bagdanovich, petrus brouka, maxim tank and nilgilevich? nelgilevich on the thought of aliaksandra, what do you say varvara, dachshund, dzyauchatki, do you give an adkaz? so, varvaray and i think that these ideas were written by milgilevich.
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pіsaў pyatrus brouka, this is the correct adkaz, menavita pyatrus brouka writes tops, there are things that we forget, we are finishing our task, safiya and varvara. dzyauchatki, let's hear your top. once upon a time with the bright sun, once with the sparkling winds, once with a white day, then, my friend, you understand , why are we people on...
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well, will we hear adkaz? yes, are you ready? yes, we are with the best people, that is why yanka kupala. dzyauchatki, it wasn’t yanka who bathed her. but who, who could possibly be? maxim bagdanovich, maxim tank, knil gilevich. tanka, do you think that this is so true?
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kolas: correct adkaz, malays, zhiva vada, geta kazka zhytstya, yakub kolas, which is you good friend, the same will be for safi and varvara. we hear a snatch. nastya, as she grazed everything in school, i began to call nassechka, she was a lively and rufty-haired lady, white-haired, with thick waltzes, like...
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mikolka paravoz is an even bold little girl. so, nastya, no, this is not my heroine. kuzma chorny, kandrat krapeyva and yanka maur. well, who is the most likely person for you? who is
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the most unbelievable? that's the thing, they themselves are unbelievable. geta correct adkaz. sapraudy, apovest nascechka, autar kuzma chorny. the literary competition brought new points. let's get to know each other. 370, 320. at the final stage of the gathering you will experience developments, reactions and an hourly drain. you are welcome. what kind of a man are you? i’ll just tell you that the digraphs j and d occupy
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two cells. well, now the brains of the competition. the udzelniks are solving the goose bump through torture. the signal from the command that has the latest version is down. for correct skin the order is 10 points. dzyauchatki, everything is simple, immediately on this screen there is a kryzhanka, which you will be get stuck. in the right words to the beast from below. geta adziny competition, who have a choice. kali was so lucky that one team pressed the button and gave the wrong order, the other team has a chance to exercise its strength in this way. only i can earn money for the padbors, a cap for me, five. first words, pa-rusku - september. and pa-belarusian. kali laska, safiya. and barbara, geta verasen, dakladna, other words,
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volkha, asina, yasakar, byaroza, geta strela. respect, the coming words: part of the language, what adkazvae on torture, who, what and what it means what is the object? kali weasel, safiya and barbara? nazounik. malaychynka! respect, people, what kind of past and present time, these are ours, kali laska, the first were alexander and varvara, ancestors, skada, kali laska, fallen five balls, offensive, these others in kolkasts and the hot city of belarus, kali laska, alyaksandra and varvara , gomel! sapraudy! respect, respect, you can say the alphabet, or you can say
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it like that. kali weasel, aliaksandra, varvara, alphabet. geta correct adkaz. respect, they can be simple and complex, advanced and undeveloped, developed and undeveloped. kali weasel, safiya and varvara. geta tales. malaychyna. uvaga, pa-ruska, grandmother, and pa-belaruska, aliaksandra, varvara, grandma, dakladna , varvara, malaychyna, uvaga, bud chago treba z'estsi, kabnats chalavek, kali laska, aliaksandra, varvara, salts, correct adkaz, respect, padbyarytse sіnonіm and the words pratіўnik, kali.
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uterus of a gadzina, gadzina! respect! what are the hands below the patter of the meeting of softness. kali laska, aliaksandra. matulina. geta correct adkaz. let's hurry up, daughters, listen to our expert. kali weasel. shanovny goofs, seeming in the words of the witch-magician hero kupala paulinka. dzyurki on the nose and everything is over, this means, our party is over, but before you, like
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the fallen kanchatkova, i want to say a few words about the upcoming competitions. it is not easy to name the basis of ancient quotes from meetings; the first person here has good knowledge, sometimes logic, intuition, and sometimes a trick. the malays have coped well and guessed, if not hell one time, then hell the next. abavyazkova. kryzhanka was solved immediately. the orders were sharp and tricky, amal everything. malays. tsyaper prazhmenki hell krupenki. the teams were concerned. we were walking in the city, there is such a thing, i’m dying for a couple, and one kamanze has 15 balls and another dachshund, and i want to say, thank you for this summer’s party, the great party is over in your words , now we let you know, what kind of team senny has survived the peramagchi , sasha varvara, 445, safiya varvara
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380 bala. uzelniki sennany voktaryny aterymlіvayutsya sloўnіkі with the streets of the new rules of belarusian arphagraphy and punctuation. i won't become a bastard for you, that byaruzza for the forelocks then, when they give in to the hassle, and when they crumple, then byaruzza for the zhivaty. as soon as i have a thought, then sculpt, vyadoma, ragatats dy walk, paznavat new dy karysnae. gavaritsy and pishytse without any doubt in your words. alena tratsenka was with you. yes, come sustrechy, i was very pleased, this was a great thing, this was great, this was an unforgettable experience, i wonder, this was a great tsudoina, a great tsikava,
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this is a dzeuchyna.
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the battle began first, the lands were destroyed, even the bright name, glory to all the peoples, true
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union, our beloved, mosci, forever alive. our yard is changing, the clear life of ours and
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our joys are possible, the layer of our land is the bright name of the soviet union of ours. having mother of yours, bright belarus, our beloved mother.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up the results of this day together, frankly a biting, in general, a journalist. the president today outlined the main tasks for the country’s media community, the word is the main weapon and tool for preserving peace and belarus, the first one will say. ogony of the west against the backdrop of the advance of russian forces in ukraine, new promises of fighters to kiev, this time from belgium. they guard our borders and sovereignty. border guard day was celebrated on a large scale in the country. my colleagues will continue to announce the program. how not to lose in the information war today, a large-scale forum of the media community in mogilev and we will tell you what the president told the participants. belarus and
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china are developing a partnership through parliaments and the women's movement. the panorama contains material from beijing. workshop cabins and new line assembly of belarusian tractors. mtz is increasing the localization of production in kazakhstan and expanding its presence in the region. raising the legs, moving in a drill step, aligning in ranks, a month and hundreds of hours of drill training, all in order to fine-tune the movement to automatism, belarus is preparing for the parade of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders. transport collapse, contaminated hay, security in question and a large-scale demonstration as paris prepares for the olympics. details. in the periodic table. magilev hosted a media community forum today. journalists, bloggers,
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media executives, all those who feel the nerve of the era of information warfare or the so-called war of meanings like no one else. the president was invited to the meeting. alexander lukashenko immediately said: “ don’t expect calm on the information front.” info attacks are part of a hybrid war that is launched against. in belarus, in these conditions , the responsibility of the authorities and representatives of the media sphere is the same for everyone: to save the country , to save the world, by setting the truth. media the community is brought together by mogilev, the local dean for the day, just one big editorial office, top managers of the central media and chief editors from the regions, reporters and those who are just studying, bloggers and experts, ideological activists and press secretaries - all those who are on the information front line today. the main task today is to create platforms
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where the audience would come, knowing that they will not be deceived. filtering of content on the part of our western partners has reached such a level that citizens themselves are beginning to look for alternative sources of information, that is, citizens already understand that they are being deceived. this plays into our hands. our professionalism of journalists has grown very seriously, they have become toothy, interesting, when they try to tell us that we are falling behind somewhere, this is not true, believe me, i...
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an information bridge to those communities, to those societies that are ready and want to hear our voice. the president was also invited to the forum, but the head of state did not refuse. alexander lukashenko is one of those leaders who does not close himself off from the press, does not avoid uncomfortable questions, despite his high position of employment, always makes contact. this is known to no one, the presidential pool journalists, but it’s no secret to others either. however, it would take a long time to tell the president himself. how the media works, how they live is not necessary, he is always on topic and follows the press, so the exhibition of multimedia regional projects, which were created with state support over the past 2 years, went quickly. that is, these are paper, electronic, television, well, like your project, well, let’s say, like a club of editors, that the region has its own club of editors, but this a project like this, your experts.
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or history, think analytically, see analogies, know what it means to bear this responsibility on your shoulders. i very closely follow the rhetoric of our journalists and experts, especially those who are constantly on camera. you deeply understand the topic of hybrid aggression, which we have been opposing since the moment we began to take the first sovereign steps. when they held referendums, when they saved. people's property and made the most important decisions themselves, ever since they made it clear that we would carry out independent politics, we live under the fire of constant criticism, lies, absurd accusations, these are terabytes of fabricated and generously paid media fakes under a beautiful wrapper, a lot of negativity is poured in,
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including on you personally.
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it was imposed on us on purpose, because there is no free market, supply and demand, you know, there is no and never has been, this is imposed on us. thesis was not even the west in those days , the united states of america, everything was simple for them, their economy was based on pieces of paper, unfortunately, since we all swallowed this they hold on to paper bait successfully, i mean paper, it’s a dollar, they regulate all sorts of relationships in the world, they stifle, they support, they do whatever they want.
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“we are now hard at work looking for a leader for large-scale production during the day, take ukraine, it all started here, the oligarchs divided, they started fighting, the fight led to an internal conflict to the maidan. the economy is the foundation and basis of everything, the life of society in general, we are calmly something- they did it and privatized it, we didn’t give it up, the state can’t.
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did not receive, and china reached such heights , the post-soviet republics, practically nothing thanks, among other things, to the fact that they did not give up planning. what do we see today? japan, they provide for themselves,
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develop industry, they draw up 500 plans every year, they regulate almost everything, and we do every five-year plan. well , if you didn’t draw up plans, because then it was dangerous to be called plans at all, the danger was that you would be recognized as a country with a non-market economy, with all the consequences that come with it, so we they didn’t call it plans, we called it forecasts or something else, but we still planned at my cruel insistence, and every year, except for the five-year plan, we planned, you know, at the presidential level we hold... discussions, the government makes a proposal, and then parliament approves the law. we are not far ahead, so we survived, we are people in a country that has no resources at all, one might
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say, no resources, at least those that humanity needs today, first of all, these are ours, on that we rely on, hands and brains. thanks to this we survived. the task of journalists is to prevent the viewer and reader from drowning in the flow of information, often false and biased. chief editors also do this all the time, debunking fake news. very often, it’s not for nothing that i mentioned the editors’ club, such an elite project. i know that not everyone likes the opinion about this club, but people who are smart really like it. in politics, and you talk a lot there about fakes, post-truths, and what is fake, post-truth, fake, which they talk about a lot today, these are ordinary lies, distortions facts, lies, forgery, we all need
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to call a spade a spade more often, talking about complex things is simply clear, whether the year has certainly changed the information space, but unlike the enemies of opponents, state media have made a bet. so much so that the programs created went down in
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history as a guide to protecting the country’s information sovereignty, of course, we do not relax, moreover, we are maximally focused on threats, the reasons are well known, if i see that someone has become complacent, i often remind them not to be complacent. belarus opposes to unprecedented hybrid pressure, political, the anti-belarusian position is emphasized. what we are trying to offer them, i see that our
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traditional media are expanding their presence in the most popular segments of the information space, interesting authorial, analytical, and entertainment projects have appeared, which is important, popular and known abroad, the regional press has received a new impetus for development, we have followed the path the creation of media holdings, this made it possible to modernize many publications, strengthen the creative...
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with the help of the internet the whole world can hear us, along with the fact that, as i say, a trash can, a garbage dump, as some call it, this is the greatest achievement, we need to learn how to use the internet, we started doing this , our journalists, our all the resources that we previously watched from television screens. in newspapers, magazines and so on, went to the internet, and this gives other people in other countries the opportunity to find out what belarus is, sometimes i very rarely turn on youtube there, i start scrolling through other resources, i look, well, dirt, now there’s an attack, i
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i already warned about the president, about the family, about the children, that they just don’t write, and then once some picture from ivan eismont... that is, they stuck it in, then something else positive, people see with this dirt and the elements are already positive, i think somehow they got there, well, also, well, i see that they got there, people are comparing, and really courage, although the president calls for war on the media front, he is doing everything to prevent a real hot war from happening to us . i am trying, through you , first of all, to convey to the people that is happening now and react to it accordingly, but this does not mean that lukashenko is an aggressor, as they shout, scream, especially in poland and want war, i, more than millions of our belarusians, most of all do not
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accept and do not want war, dear friends, calm calm weather, it’s as sunny as today in mogilev, this information front where we are fighting will not be, the more interesting in this regard, we must grow professionally in order to resist on this front, we won’t go anywhere, this the war is already came to us, the most important thing is that it does not turn into a hot one, well, if there is no calm, it will be all the more interesting, which means you will always have a drive of inspiration. vladimir borisovich applauds loudest of all. in the current conditions , the press must be toothy; for those who are ready to work this way, this is truly a time of opportunity. the forum participants will talk about the specifics in the regions and how we manage to promote our truthful agenda. it is known
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that for an alternative point of view in the west, they are immediately in the bloc.


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