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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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“well, if there is no style, the more interesting it is, which means you will always have drive and inspiration. vladimir borisovich applauds loudest of all. in the current conditions, the press should have teeth, and for those who are ready to work like this, this is truly a time of opportunity, about the specifics in the regions about how we manage to promote our truth."
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political experts and observers, we can safely say that the west’s attempt to drown out the voice of the belarusian state media has had the opposite effect. surveys regularly conducted by the institute of sociology the national academy of sciences of belarus records a steady increase in the level of public trust in gosmi. the media is a weapon that must be used for the mental health of society. you need to act quickly, just like a sniper and as much as possible.
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and so on, so i won’t list what i would write or say here, but i would definitely criticize the shortcomings, i would definitely fight against the shortcomings, i wouldn’t give in to any authorities there, we definitely need to improve the regional media, must be in the area this fist, whatever it will be, you think, a media holding, whatever you call it, i don’t mind.
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if you dare, life will polish you a little, or maybe not, like grisharonka, in my opinion, nothing will polish him anymore, if he has already taken a saber in his hands, then only not... representatives of not only print, but also electronic media , to present you with a statuette, a golden letter, which we present to twenty nominees as part of this ceremony. i wanted to ask why? and he says: border guard day, thank you, in general, a unique meeting, in fact, simply unique, journalists from all over the country talked about everything,
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of course, but it seems to me that the president once again conveyed one very important idea for all of us, we have the same responsibility, we need to save the country, you know, for a journalist. the meetings were like a balm for the soul of a media representative, this is the advice of the president, the head of all levels, not to hide from journalists, on the contrary, rely on them, work hand in hand, we must do everything so as not to destroy our common home. natalya breevs olga onishchenko, andrey yastrebov, alexander oleshka and ivan martynovich, agency
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tv news. and today in mogilev the award ceremony for the winners of the golden litera competition took place. the best publicists to review.
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then half of the videos reach a million, and we also write about the union state, and of course, it’s very pleasant for us that sometimes people from donbass even write and say hello, and if you ask about our target audience, then we simply don’t tell you we will answer, because these are representatives of countries around the world who know youtube and use tiktok, in the nomination for the best reporter, well-deserved the award went to the representative of the vayar news agency oleg nikala, in february 2023 he was
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belarus and china are intensively developing inter-parliamentary dialogue. today the first meeting of the high-level committee on cooperation between... legislative bodies of the two countries, the foundation was laid by the heads of state, the level of relations is the highest, all-weather, comprehensive strategic partnership. as my colleague, victoria senkevich, reports from beijing, journalists also feel this. belarusians have a green light everywhere. the partnership between minsk and beijing has already higher than the sky, and interparliamentary interaction is a separate serious track. in continuation of the agreement between the leaders of the two states, an all-weather, comprehensive strategic agreement.
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the first meeting is hosted by the great hall of the people in beijing, the committee is chaired by the chinese side, the deputy chairman of the standing committee of the national people's congress , and the belarusian chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly, natalia the belarusian landing impressive, deputy chairman. mutual exchange of cooperation in such areas such as legislative activity, socio-economic and trade
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cooperation, international cooperation, the parties came to the conclusion that our bilateral relations have reached the level of all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership and trade and economic cooperation, and it is precisely the activities of the committee that should be directed in the future to give additional impetus to the development of these areas of cooperation, as well as the deepening of our international...
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cooperation. trade turnover is growing, but not at the pace we would like. last
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year only 2%. the launch of new projects will allow the numbers to increase. the main emphasis is import substitution. the supply of passenger equipment and its maintenance are also interesting . the partners also worked out in detail the proposals that were announced the day before at the palace of independence. the president of belarus also drew our attention here to some points that we talked about earlier, well, about which we talked about earlier. did not particularly interact with, say, equipment related to fire extinguishing, emergency rescue works, unmanned aerial vehicles for civilian use. yes, these are the areas, and traditionally our agricultural producers are interested, of course, in agricultural equipment, these are combines, these are tractors. in the altai territory there is a very good presence of the minsk tractor plant igumselmash of our bobruisk holding, despite the fact that the altai territory itself is a manufacturer of a large
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number of trailed attachments, very good topics of interaction with educational programs...
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from minsk components parts. today we are already talking about the localization of production and the emergence of a new logistics support point. tractors will head from here, including to uzbekistan. dear friends, today for the first time at the same time six respected people, respected dear guests, are cutting the red ribbon, the line is the latest technology, maximum automation of the process, minimum human. factor emphasis on speed, quality and high technology. the technological production cycle begins with cutting blanks on a laser machine. after cutting on a laser machine, the parts go to a sheet bending machine, where all the main geometric parameters are formed. one operator can service
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several installations at once; he is only required to place the workpieces in a special device. everything else is done by the robot, the parts go to the main welding jig, in fact, the heart of the line, the painting line here is modern, you can pay attention to how high-quality the coating is, it can withstand various scratches, it can even withstand impacts, then the cabin frame enters the cabin assembly line, which is divided into six assembly stations, and the cabin is covered with noise. absorbent materials, installation of electrical equipment, in total, the tractor cabin is ready in 24 minutes, timed, the line replaces the work of eight people, this year we plan to make about a thousand cabins and supply assembly plants, next year we want to completely cover the need of all of kazakhstan, and this is 3.5 - 400 cabins in the twenty-sixth year should
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reach full production capacity, and this is 10 thousand cabins, of course, not only for kostanay, two more gatherings have been organized in kazakhstan. transition to new cabins supplying all assemblies of kazakhstan with cabins that are produced in the republic of kazakhstan, then hoods will come, a little further the prospect is a full production cycle of the front axle, this will allow us not only to produce the front axle, but also to produce spare parts. the first assembly of belarusian tractors appeared as a shitau,
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they got their minds set on an ambitious project in 2017, traditionally started with assembly and also switched. localizations last year we produced a trial batch of our own small cabins, the need is up to 100 units per year. for larger equipment, they will use cabins produced in kastanay. there is demand in the market, the plant sees prospects. but we came to the conclusion that we do not produce a large enough quantity and ran into problems; we sell more than we produce. as a result of this, we decided to build a new production unit and hand it over entirely to the minsk tractor plant. our mechanical engineering products have long enjoyed well-deserved authority among kazakh consumers. akim, or in other words, the governor of the kastanay region
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knows first-hand about belarusian quality. long before working in the government, kumar aksakalov worked on two farms and personally tested minsk tractors in the field more than once, and this is perhaps the best advertisement from the head of an agricultural region. i know that they have only changed for the better. we are convinced of this when we meet with our agricultural producers in our region, so the mtz tractor does not require additional advertising, today we discussed also the possibility of implementing the next stages, which include the production of the front axle, individual plastic elements, which will possibly be implemented, which means at newly opened enterprises. purchasing a tractor, that is, making it much more
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affordable for the buyer. plus nice bonuses in leasing. in general, today in kastan they rely on business development, creating conditions for investors to come first, providing the future construction site with all the necessary infrastructure. the number of joint projects with the republic of belarus amounts to de. projects amounting to 85 million us dollars, of which, according to my information, about seven have already been implemented, these are mainly tractors, belarus, the production of combine harvesters together with agromashholding and other enterprises. kazakhstan and belarus have strong economic ties; thanks to the efforts of the presidents of the two countries, relations between the states are improving qualitatively. trade turnover today remains stable at $1 billion, the latest trend.
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kazakhstan. veronica buta ilya maksimov, kostanay kakshytau, kazakhstan. there will be a law on foreign agents in georgia. the country's parliament today overcame the veto that president zarubishvili imposed on the document. the people's representatives showed a fair attitude towards the president with a french passport. by the way, in zrubeshvili’s homeland in france, the law on foreign agents is in effect, but
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even the yellow vests are not protesting about this. but near the building of the georgian parliament, protesters with us and eu flags constantly gather. the us has already stated that it condemns it. the decision of the georgian parliament threatens visa restrictions and consequences for european integration. by the way, the law on public agents in the united states itself has been in force since 1938. there it is the law, but for others it is used as a topic for stirring up protests. georgians seem to be coping now; the government wants to stop the illegal activities of western ngos and ngos in their country. the west continues to arm itself. belgium will supply kiev with 30 f-16 aircraft within 5 years. they promise that the first fighters will arrive for the ukrainian armed forces within six months. amine in the meantime,
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french instructors are awaiting the arrival of french instructors in the country, although paris has not yet confirmed the accuracy of the information. meanwhile, hungary continues to block the european union’s allocation of money for arming the armed forces of ukraine. $6.5 billion from the so-called peace fund is suspended. we continue to insist that peace must be established, that the senseless killings must stop and that the escalation of this war must be prevented, as we still have not agreed to the allocation of 6.5 billion euros for financing arms supplies to ukraine. with its principled position, budapest irritates eu colleagues who follow orders from washington. sijart noted that other european ministers are providing. there is a lot of pressure on him. developments in ukraine and the middle east are being closely monitored in latin america. they are confident that
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the us and eu are working out their bloody strategies there. the president of venezuela noted the day before that pressure on the palestinians is carried out under the actual patronage of brussels and washington. they are implementing a similar strategy in ukraine and are doing everything to ensure that the conflict lasts as long as possible. the draft peace treaty was ready for signing, but the us government and the eu elite gave orders not to sign the agreement. the decision was made to intervene to defeat russia. the war in ukraine continues to... the migration crisis, so 1.4000 foreigners have entered britain over the past 2 years, and as they joke, the british media is more than a thousand previous years, in large cities like london and birmingham, african arabs make up from a third to half of the residents, and these people also
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receive social benefits and... public housing, against the backdrop of a budget deficit, the option of regulating the payment of increased taxes to indigenous residents is brewing. the problem of migrants is a reality in france, constant protests, clearing out refugees, and also the fight against rats and bedbugs. this is how paris is preparing for the 2024 olympics. about scandals and the spirit of pseudo-olympism in the author’s column periodic table. transport collapse, contaminated hay, scandals based on corruption, social cleansing, security in question and large-scale demonstrations. will paris succeed in becoming the lord of the rings? let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table.
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hello! or, as they say in france, salou. the countdown to the start of the 2024 olympics, which will be held in paris, is about 2 months away, in the city of love everything is going on in full swing. it's been 100 years since paris last hosted the olympics. about the same time, no one swam in the river, which this year should become one of key locations. they promised to clean it up, but so far no luck. footage has appeared online showing... an azure liquid being poured into greyish water from an inflatable boat. within a week , the video was viewed by over 2 million people on tiktok alone. local media said that this was a fake, that this was not the plan, and that the river in the video was american. $3 billion has already been spent on cleaning the reservoir, in which swimming has been prohibited since 1923. but deliver. turbid waters from
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a cocktail of bacteria, viruses and heavy metals failed. non-governmental the organization surfrider fauanda has been taking samples in the hay for more than 6 months. according to them, pollution levels are still significantly higher than normal. the slogan of the competition will be the phrase “games white open”, literally, games open to everyone. but banjur does not apply to... homeless people. the capital is being polished for millions of guests in an attempt to hide poverty and resorted to social cleansing. the main goal is to remove all tents and sleeping bags from paris before the arrival of foreign delegations, reports the daily mail. young people are being evicted from the streets of paris from various camps gyms in which they live. they are being cleared out to make way for the olympic games, even
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unaccompanied minors are being kicked out. the french themselves are rather not happy about the olympics, taxes are rising, but there is no help. employees of the national community of french railways are on strike, demanding better working conditions and higher wages. the workload will increase, especially in the ilde franz region, where a number of colleagues will not be able to go on vacation during the olympic games, so financial compensation must be provided provided, it is clear to everyone. they marched through the streets.
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spent 350 million euros on a new system and ran out of pepper spray. defense authorities that mistake air conditioners for drones. the french capital does not have a plan b. there are only rats, bedbugs and the risk of getting completely dirty. this is a panorama and we continue the live broadcast. we'll take off your legs, move in a drill step, align in ranks, a month and hundreds of hours of training in drill, all in order to fine-tune the movement to automatism. belarus is preparing for its 80th anniversary parade liberation of our country from
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the nazi invaders. time of the first, representatives of the largest enterprises in belarus mastered the profession of fire rescue and underwent special training. our film crew. for the participants of the republican tournament into the fire into the water. today in belarus they celebrate border guard day. this year the service turns 106 years old. the president congratulated the command staff and veterans of the border service on the holiday. the inviolability of borders for the state is the most important condition for preserving its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, their defense is a matter of honor, patriotic duty and special responsibility. before the people for every warrior in a green cap. our country has created a modern, mobile, well -equipped, professional border service, which promptly responds daily to all external threat challenges, effectively solving the problems of protecting
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the state border of the republic of belarus and ensuring national security. on the eve of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from nazi germany invaders. we especially glorify the heroes of the great patriotic war. we carefully preserve the memory of the students. and the courage of the border guards, who were the first to stand in the way of the enemy and gave their lives for our bright future, and this should always be the case, the head of state noted. in the capital, the holiday began with the laying of flowers at the memorial sign to the border guards of all generations on tolbukhin street. then officers of the pure organization of the minsk garrison, cadets and veterans, border guards led by the chairman of the state border committee konstantin molostov laid flowers and wreaths at the monument victory. further on foot. headed to the island of courage and sorrow to pay tribute to those who performed their international duty in afghanistan; on the eve of the holiday , the divin grand outpost was named after the hero of the soviet union, lieutenant alexei lopatin. we always value our generation and
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remember the heroes of the border guards who laid down their lives in the fight against fascism. on april 29, 2024, the presidential decree was signed. under number 180, according to which the name of the border outpost of the pinsk border detachment named after hero of the soviet union alexei was given viktorovich lopatin. the divin border outpost is a modern and multifunctional complex, equipped with the latest technological equipment, a system of engineering structures and video surveillance that ensure continuous protection of our borders, after all. of the day, taking into account the military-political situation among our neighbors, special attention in the section with ukraine, about how specialists are trained, about the situation on the belarusian-ukrainian border, as well as how the nominal outpost lives, we will tell you on the main broadcast, this sunday it opens
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the alley of lanterns on the pedestrian sovetskaya street, and also on the main square of the city, the best servicemen of the bretz border group were awarded. the main thing, as everyone knows, in the work of the border service is not to let the enemy pass.
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and today, border guards of the brest region laid flowers at the border guard complex and honored the memory of their predecessors. our memory is eternal. belarusians remember heroes, ancestors, those who defended independence and gave us peace. the country continues preparations for the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from nazi germany. invaders. equipment is preparing for the parade at the lipka training ground, and training of foot crews is taking place on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant's office. karina poshkova has all the details. the eve of the main date in the history of modern belarus, independence day. the country plunged into preparations for the holiday in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our
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country from the german fascist invaders , the event will be held on a particularly large scale. active preparations are underway for the parade, in which about 5,000 military personnel and about 250 pieces of equipment will take part, and several weeks hundreds of hours of drill, all in order to master the movement until it becomes automatic. ministry of defense, ministry of internal affairs, investigative committee. state border committee of the ministry of emergency situations. cadet schools and specialized lyceums will present their parade squads. the girls are also stamping a step on the square of the minsk military commandant’s office. 150 representatives of the fair sex, the decoration of the parade will be a women's box. girls, along with their male colleagues, regularly train in order to complete their task perfectly on july 3rd. and
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this is not the first time i’ve been a participant in the women’s ancestral reckoning again, this is my third, for me it’s pride, i ’m lucky to be here, no matter what difficulties there are, i know that it’s like studying, at first it’s hard, and then it all comes easy, excitement, of course, every training is, firstly, a very big responsibility; the honor of opening the parade is traditionally entrusted to the cadets of minsk, suvorov... russia, kazakhstan and azerbaijan. today we have 26 parade crews. the number of parade squads will increase taking into account the arrival of foreign troops. on today confirmation was given from the russian federation.
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the baton of the procession and foot crews will be handed over to military equipment; training of the mechanized column takes place at the lipki airfield. this year, for the first time, the iskander operational-tactical complex will be presented at the parade. belarusians will also be able to see combat vehicles, artillery, missile systems, air defense weapons and promising developments of the domestic military-industrial complex. i am participating in the parade for the seventh time, this is an honorable mission that fell to us to represent the special police detachment appointments. in a military parade dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of liberation from
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the nazi invaders. we started training in our, let’s say, territorial divisions back in march. then we came here in may, and since may 16, we have been undergoing garrison training on the military commandant’s parade ground. combat aircraft and helicopters will fly in the skies over minsk, and the bright finale of the parade will be the performance of the honor guard company of the combined military orchestra. karina pashkova, dmitry. chumak tv news agency. on the base experimental testing site of the ministry of emergency situations, patriots of belarus organized a republican tournament for the first time. work teams of large enterprises in the country were immersed in the everyday life of a rescue worker for several days and literally walked through ogonian waters. colleague katerina strikha also tried
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herself as a rescuer. in ordinary life , these people are representatives of the flagship of the belarusian machine-building industry, equipment manufacturers and modern carriers. but on this obstacle course in the borisov region, they are all rescuers. here here here here let's go, let's go. super, absolutely incredible emotions, well, you weren’t even out of breath, it seems to me that it was so easy for you to overcome this obstacle course, you used to play sports, tell me, they don’t drag the team down from the girl? no, of course, the girls are generally great.
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simple, but only this will allow you to become a professional. the unique laboratory bases of the training grounds of the ministry of emergency situations store a lot of interesting things. this is an airplane emergency simulator. on the basis of the training ground of the branch of the university of civil protection of the ministry of emergency situations for more than an international rescue training center has been operating for 20 years. only in... last year, over 5,000 specialists were trained here, about 300 of them were foreigners from nine countries . now we are in a multifunctional educational and training complex, which allows us to develop skills among specialists in various fields. first of all, these are the crews of aircraft from the republic
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of belarus, uzbekistan, and foreign countries, who are trained at our institute. don't worry, the smoke is safe. glycerin with water, but on most sites our training ground uses real fire, real smoke and complete immersion in educational processes. anticipating difficult situations and acting correctly when necessary is something that representatives of the country's largest brands must learn. here, at the training ground near borisov, all conditions have been created. we are going through fire and water through copper pipes, and it is true that they say that the profession of a rescuer is dangerous and difficult. participants of the republican tournament passed the heat and smoke chamber test, learned what
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industrial mountaineering is and carried out evacuation victims. it was not possible to save the drowning people. with you, then, the rubber rings that are on the water are in the form of a person who is asking for help, our task is to throw him a lifebuoy so that he can get hooked accordingly, and we, in turn, with the help of a rope, can deliver him directly here for sushi, how are you doing, tell me, great, what’s the most important thing in this? tests, what the water pressure was like, what it should be, probably more than now, we came to win, and we will leave hence with victory, but it is much more important not to become a leader, but to consolidate the theory with practice, the most valuable thing that will remain with the participants of the tournament,
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the time of the first is knowledge, and perhaps one day they will help save someone’s life, the idea for this project arose, of course , from work... with young people from our project, a challenge, i wanted to open up people a little in some extreme situations, people then go to their teams, go to families with friends , they will certainly share their new impressions, and this is our maximum coverage, i think we will continue in the same spirit , the time of the first, and as our president said, time has chosen us. patriots of belarus are already organizing new starts. it is planned that such competitions in our country will be held once a quarter. katerina strikha, roman filyutich, tv news agency. equal opportunities and unlimited creativity. the gala concert of the first republican festival “time of the strong” took place in minsk. the stellar finale brought together more than 70 inclusive groups
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of solo performers from all over the country. vocals, gesture song, choreography, circus and theater arts. the laureates showed their talents in different ways. such festivals should be held very well, that this has already become the norm in our society, because society is becoming closer to people with disabilities, a pupuri will be performed on the theme of songs by soviet composers, this is from six works, that’s all. it is important that these were a variety of people, these were visitors to our social service centers, these were employees of enterprises of public associations
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of the disabled, physical abilities senseless, flightless souls, and so , probably, for the participants of our festival, this love of creativity, it inspires them, shows that nothing is impossible. the most striking performances of the regional tours were included in the finals poster, including together with an artist... of the belarusian stage. these are the main events of this day, and with this i say goodbye.
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the supreme national assembly, with expanded constitutional powers, made its first strategic decisions, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country’s military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but there is peace ourselves at home, we are ready to defend ourselves with weapons in our hands and by any methods that we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people. vsebeloskaya. the vns must also insure us against possibly very noble-looking
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citizens who seem to be ours, but who are either weak or incompetent. your mission is to serve for the future of belarus. author's project of igor turay, propaganda. watch on tv channel. belarus 24. every person should remember where he came from, if you do you remember that you are a russian, a belarusian, that this is your homeland, before looking towards distant shores, look at what can be done here? today there is only one truly united civilization, it is called the western world, where britain is located, which does everything to ensure that other civilizations can never unite.
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anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this modern ruling elite, their personal future is secured, but they pay for this by defending the american ones, there
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british interests in the european union, destroying it. this week, for example, the system, as they call security, was completed, this cybersecurity system has completely surrounded our union state, military power and sovereignty are what will ensure us non-participation in the war until the last, the only time we enter the war, if anyone - it will interfere, interfere, destroy, peace negotiations, they are disadvantageous to the west, they are doing great work in the military-industrial complex, the wall street journal writes, the growth rate of us industry for the first quarter.
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gaidaenko, vladimir alekseevich. during the patriotic war, he took part in the battles near moscow. at the beginning of 1942, he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in the bryansk region, where he supervised the related work and the construction of defensive structures. and then became a commissar of a partisan detachment, carried out a raid on the dopinsky forests with the partisans, from 1944 a major engineer, commander of a sapper battalion, during the liberation of pinsk he was part of a landing force of sappers, while clearing mines from a building and the streets of the city, he died. in the name of vladimir alekseevich gaidaenko, in
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the street is named pinsk. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports, hello, let's start with tennis, arina sabalenka, a sovereign victory started in the second season of mejari rolangoros in the first round, the second racket of the world is not. the match lasted 1 hour and 9 minutes , victoria azarrenka also rolled over her opponent, at the same stage rlangaros, nadya podorzhska from argentina could not oppose anything, belarusian 1: 6 06. the capital in the fourth match of the semi-final series of the belarusian mini-football championship today in minsk beat witn again, this time 3:1, made
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the series score also 3:1 and stepped into the final. where the current champions will compete for tournament gold with gomel vrz. ozel, lavor, yakubov and sinitsky scored today. the bright closing of the season is already becoming a tradition. hockey school dynamo junivers - a new brand of the club vertical of the white-blues - today at the minsk arena summed up the results of the eventful event of the year. special guests -


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