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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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belarus, good morning country, olga venskaya, nina mazeika, we welcome you to the belarus tv channels, one of the belarus 24 satellite channels, on our watch it’s already 6 am, on the calendar it’s wednesday, may 29, or you can say, it’s already may 29, yes , friends, spring is coming to an end, but thanks to the weather, we feel summer already in these very may days. by the way,
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today, all belarusians, you and i have a wonderful reason to wake up early, this is a stunningly beautiful dawn, i confirm that it was somehow, you know, it’s usually orange, but today for some reason it’s such a yellow, very special dawn, so they say for a reason, the reason for this was the cloud of desert dust and central asia, which also affected the territory of our country. well, fortunately, as climatologists say , the fervor that was raised by a strong wind from the caspian steppes, deserts of kazakhstan, uzbekistan, is due to the fact that we have such unusual sunrises and sunsets, dusty, one might say, well, for example, if it rains , we say this for wealth, yes, for increase, and if the sand pours in, well, in general, friends, how
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be that as it may, i hope this is not about cleaning, this is not about us, in any case, yes, we wish you a pleasant awakening, let's start a new day together with beautiful, invigorating music, good morning, belarus, sails above the sky, make your flight through life easy yourself. children of any age need to develop the respiratory system, this is very important for the development of speech, for sports abilities in the future, we offer this non-standard equipment with our own hands, it is made from an ordinary umbrella, which is not needed at home, also... satin ribbons, just
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sew on the ribbons, it’s very good, even in a playful form, just children of a clear age - these are 2 years old, 3 years old, they each take a ribbon, choose their mood, what kind of mood they have today we play the carousel game, and also this is for breathing, that is, after the game we stand, it’s starting to rain, let’s blow on the umbrella so that it is dry, inhale through the nose, through the mouth... exhale so that they breathe, so the respiratory system develops they have a system, i can give you another simulator suggest, these are bottles, ordinary plastic bottles, in which holes are made so that air can be blown out, there we have paper confetti, an ordinary tube, it changes. immediately the child
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blows for hygiene, we remove it and put on the next one, the task of this simulator of ours is for the child to blow, the confetti rises, the higher the better, that is, inhale through the nose, then exhale, also so that they can breathe , namely, exhale through the mouth. this is also another simulator for the respiratory system, this is an ordinary kinder egg, an ordinary a pencil and just make some little jokes, it’s made from a cord, just in a playful way, let’s blow, look at the crown we have, so that it comes out, also blows through the nose, exhales, the respiratory system is being formed, just to get more interested.
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breathe exercises, the more often, the better, because we should have breathing even after... like the rain, the rainy day, the sunny day, i don’t want to run and fuck, and how our life is based on these rubbish, hotchazza look at the light on your face and skin. day to discover something new, so, well, right now we will tell you about what will happen during 3 hours of our live broadcast. so, of course, let's start the morning with exercise and perform a useful complex for awakening.
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superfood and food of the future - it's all about spirulina, let's find out where this healthy algae is grown in our country. all life in a piece of plastic. let’s figure out what the advantage of an id card is over a traditional passport. they make the country's morning good, let's meet a professional in his field, we see that this is some kind of beauty red-haired, i wonder what her name is, what does she do? well, we’ll see, and also, as always, we’ll get in touch with gomel on wednesdays. our gomel colleague alexander lupinenko will tell you news from his region. but as per wednesday tradition , masha khrustaleva will definitely drop by and discuss the most pressing news with her. from the world of media, we will feel like armchair experts, of course, but that’s not all, our guests today will tell you how the international economic forum russia-islamic world, kazan forum, in which our country also took part, where the vytoki festival will be held this year . by the way, we will also discuss it, well now we give
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the floor to our food blogger anatoly moiseev, who, as always, knows the recipe for a delicious, very healthy breakfast. good morning, everyone likes to have a delicious, filling breakfast, but we also want it to be healthy. let's find a compromise together. today we are preparing a bright juicy omelette casserole in the oven. this is a super protein and dietary dish made from white fish, eggs and vegetables. we will need mentai fillet, onions, carrots, sour cream. eggs, cheese and spices. first, finely chop the onion. grate the carrots on a coarse grater. in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil, first add the onion. after about five minutes
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, add carrots to it and sauté until done. cut the filimentai into large pieces. place the fish in a greased form . completely covering the bottom, cover the top with fried vegetables, prepare the filling, beat three eggs into a bowl, add sour cream, salt and spices to taste, add the grated cheese there , mix everything well, pour the resulting fish mixture, place the pan in the oven and cook for 25 minutes at 180°. we got a delicious casserole. omelette, tender white fish baked with onions and carrots in sour cream and cheese filling, it seems to envelop all the ingredients, gives the casserole juiciness and a pleasant aftertaste, it adds its own touch of appetizing to the dish and
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a mix of seasonings that you can choose to your liking, eat healthy , and most importantly delicious, bon appetit! a review of popular print and online publications is presented by a television news agency. on the defense of the site the border of belarus and latvia, which stretches for several kilometers, is manned by military personnel from the bigasovo border post. it is one of seventeen named in the country and the only one on the baltic territory of the state border. in 2003 , by presidential decree. the outpost was named after the red army soldier nikolai khakhlov, who died back in 1927, courageously defending the borders from intruders. sb belarus journalists today went to the most prestigious duty station in the entire polotsk border detachment and saw how they work life and work of border guards. next
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week , the international exhibition belgro 2024 will begin work on the territory of the chinese belarusian industrial park great stone . for more than three decades, the authoritative forum of agrarians has become not only the largest agricultural exhibition for belarus, but a national brand. international and domestic companies choose it as an effective platform for demonstrating new products. promote producers in international markets. strengthening the position of domestic ones. curious details from the history of the agricultural forum collected by journalists from a rural newspaper. unicycle, electric scooter, segway, hoverboard. a few years ago, these words were even unfamiliar to many. today the situation has changed dramatically. personal mobility devices have become commonplace for city residents. transport, which is used on a par with bicycles and even cars, it is fast, convenient and cheap, but there is
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another side to the medals, neglecting the rules of the road, and they state that crossing the roadway on a bicycle or spm is only possible at the speed of a person walking pedestrian, that is, about 5 km/h, users of fashionable electric transport provoke accidents. how to prevent this? did the republic's correspondents go on a raid from gaya? additional trains. will connect minsk and moscow with the capital of the slavic bazaar, vitebsk, reports the minsk news agency. ticket sales are already open. when drawing up the schedule, the festival program was taken into account. this way, passengers will be able to arrive in vitebsk for the evening concert program, and after it ends they will go back home. the interior of the carriages of these trains will be decorated using the symbols of the slavic bazaar, passengers will be able to get acquainted with the history and program of the festival along the way. there will be no visa requirements for foreign guests of the forum. participants and guests from 73 countries will be able to use it. the fanfare of the slavic
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bazaar will sound in the summer amphitheater on july 11. hey-na-na, hey-na, hey-hey!
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good morning belarus continues the live broadcast of goodness. border of belarus, to the whole country we say, it’s time to wake up to greet a new day, today, by the way, is wednesday, may 29, it’s time to find out about the weather, summer is at the end of spring, friends, my colleague nina mozheika will tell you about the weather in more detail. nina, it is with great pleasure that i want to announce that we have in the country today, well, on average it’s plus or minus 27-29°, and it seems to me that this is
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just excellent information , in minsk up to +28, the air will warm up, with no precipitation, but cloudy with clearings, in brest up to... +27, and somewhere there will be rain in places in the northern capital of vitebsk up to +29, exactly the same temperature in gomel, as well as in mogilev 25-27 with a plus sign today in grodno. well well, we are preparing for the summer, friends, it seems to me that the time has come to light up, and we are preparing for the fact that it will be loud and noisy today, because according to belhydromet , thunderstorms are also expected across the country today, in connection with this , the ministry of emergency situations reminds the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. first of all, friends, you know that during bad weather you should avoid open areas, why? because lightning, as you know, strikes the highest point; a lonely man in a field is precisely that very high point. so be sure to know about this, if for some reason you are left alone in the field, face to face, with a thunderstorm, you hide in any possible depression, ditch, hollow or lowest place in the field, squat down,
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for example, and bend your head, this is advised a lifeguard, and secondly, oddly enough, you need to stay away from water, as it is like... a personal conductor of current, a lightning strike spreads around a body of water within a radius of 100 m, i honestly didn’t know about this, this is really alarming, so you shouldn’t swim during a thunderstorm, fishing, in general, somehow doing something on the water, in general, during a thunderstorm it is better to stay away from the water, well, it is very dangerous to talk on a mobile phone during a thunderstorm, and it is best to turn off mobile phones altogether, there were cases when an incoming call became the reason for lightning to hit the device, well, as they say, i’m warning you... it means you’re armed, but now i propose, together with our most sports presenter tatyana matusevich, to do some invigorating morning exercises. you can swim in the water, or you can swim on land. what what is dry swimming? we'll figure out. we
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are starting our exercise, so join us. so what is dry floating? dry swimming is an imitation of swimming on land, exercises, yes, a set of exercises that helps open our shoulder girdle, work with the lumbar region, but basically in dry swimming almost the whole body works. well, let's proceed to the first exercise then. the first exercise, we lie down on our stomachs and begin to work specifically with the upper shoulder girdle. glue your feet to the floor and we will we raise only the upper shoulder girdle together with the arms. this exercise is called a boat, if i'm not mistaken, correct? yes, that’s right, but only in a boat we lift both the upper part and the feet and legs, but here our legs are glued to the floor and we work only with the upper shoulder girdle. that's the difference. let's move on. for the second exercise, on the contrary, we
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will glue the upper shoulder girdle and lift our legs off the floor. so, we glued the belt, we tear off the legs. how long do we do the exercise? exercise in progress for 15-20 repetitions. you should be able to feel the rectus dorsi muscles well in the lumbar region. and our pace is leisurely, right? yes, of course, you can fixate even for a couple of seconds at the top point. well, now maybe we can finally swim on land? come on, you and i will remain lying on our stomachs, we straighten one arm up, the other down along the body, we rise in this position and imitate the crawl style movement on the chest, and
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we turn the elbow joints, try to turn them towards the ceiling and change the position. hands one by one, how long again do we stay in this exercise? this exercise, you are guided by your own feelings, for some five or six repetitions will be enough, they will immediately clearly feel the lumbar region and cervical region, try to keep your neck as off as possible, the spine is in a neutral position, yeah, and many will need 15 -20 repetitions in order to feel almost all the muscles, that’s how i like it, as many times as you want... you do as many, everything for your comfort, yes. exercise sports and stay healthy. see you in the next issues.
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we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only crap. themselves, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. hello, my roll, hello, eclair, hello, my potato, how i missed you, how i want to hug you all and, of course, eat you. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the dish is called patata, which translates as potato. well, from english, probably from spanish, from any language, potatoes, and even. yes it turned out to be a very simple and understandable dish, this is the kind of food we usually order in restaurants, but what is simple is clear, we will show you
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what they eat in different parts of our country. tell me, what kind of desserts are these on our holiday table? makovnik, mazurka and ortas, and these are all dishes that are described in the poem pantadeus, you definitely need to re-read it. look at the project, there’s food everywhere. on the tv channel belarus 24. acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. this is very interesting work, because when we come to work, to our department, and to other departments, we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still produced , it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this is such pride and such happiness as... from a manufacturer you can’t imagine, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, what vinegar production is, it’s actually, to be honest, a
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specialty that the most responsible people at the enterprise, work for me - this is joy, this is pleasure and the result, this is stability, confidence in the future, my work is life for me, they always say to me: you go to work, smile, you leave work, smile, we go forward, we move, and we are here too, so come to us, look, how we live. watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. these are not numbers in a passport, this is a state of mind. and if you feel young in soul and body, then please join
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the traditional green marathon. the seventh celebration of a healthy lifestyle ecology will be held on june 1 in mogilev podnikole park. this year the marathon is dedicated to children's day. yes, by the way, for running enthusiasts there is a children's race of 420 and an adult race of just over 4 km. and also sporty. mini activities and interactive zones from the marathon partners, flash mob, warm-up, award ceremony for the fastest marathon runners, and of course various bonuses, gifts, surprises and more. the marathon time is from 9 am to 2 pm, even if you don’t plan to run, just come support the participants, this is the support, these are not i know the applause at the finish line is very important, in general, in the end, it’s so nice sometimes to see how someone runs, but you don’t, in general, in any case, come, be charged with a good mood, and in the meantime we endure...
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this clown is famous under the pseudonym tony. he often performed in poor areas and different cities, where he came with the shopiteau circus. the artists will donate the money collected for the holidays to charity. in general, these are absolutely humane goals, and it’s also a good holiday. the only thing, of course, is that i don't i imagine people who, did you know that there are people who are afraid of clowns? yes, i wanted to say that if they met this procession, then how did they behave? yes, i would like to believe that this holiday ended with not a single child being afraid, because most often it is children. they are afraid of clowns, oddly enough, in principle, if you also experience fear of clowns, then you know that you are not alone in this fear, this is a known phenomenon, it even has its own official name,
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colorophobia, it is common. from this you understand that this feeling of the artificiality of what is happening is somehow disturbing, as if it were a person, but not a person, but with strange facial expressions, in a strange way. something yes, the fear of everything new is also called neophobia, which means an exaggerated fear of change, strangers and completely new situations. so, why you shouldn’t be afraid of new biometric documents, what is the advantage of an id card over a traditional passport, our correspondent, alisa boyarskikh, looked into it. there is no specific data on it, but it has its advantages. in
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what are the benefits of an id card? right now, the id card is an internal passport, which looks like a plastic card, it is not intended for traveling abroad; in order to travel abroad, you will need to issue an additional document, a biometric passport of a citizen of the republic of belarus. the id-card contains a photograph of the owner, his last name, middle name, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, identification number and signature image. over 14 years old, in addition, on it you can see the details of the document itself, view and number, date of issue, expiration date , code of the government agency that issued it and country code. similar information, but in encrypted form, is contained in a two-dimensional barcode and an integrated circuit, making it impossible to counterfeit the card. the main capabilities of an id card are not found on the outside, but on the inside. the document allows the owner
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to remotely access many electronic services; simply have a phone with nfc or use a reader. with the help of an it card, you can find out what data is stored on the chip of your id cards, register a personal account in the national center of electronic services and the epasluga mobile application in order to gain access to services and administrative procedures, for example, checking a business partner, undergoing an annual medical check-up, assessing a used car, and so on. id cards are sent in a paper envelope with a password for accessing information, which exists in a single copy, so it is impossible to recover them. if you lose or forget your password, you will not be able to use the electronic capabilities of the card; the rest will remain identification document. a new password can only be obtained by exchanging a biometric document. an id card is issued free of charge only to persons over the age of fourteen who
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receive it for the first time from... belarus, which are fully supported by the state, other citizens will have to pay for it. an id card will cost one basic amount for citizens who have reached the generally established retirement age and disabled people of the first and second group, one and a half basic values ​​for other citizens of the republic belarus. to issue such documents , a special biometric device was ordered, which performs several functions at once. when collecting an application. the photographic image is produced on the spot, we provide such services to the citizen to choose the photograph he likes, which will be depicted on the biometric document. also , when collecting an application for biometric documents , the citizen’s fingerprints and the citizen’s electronic signature are collected. those who have already tried the id card,
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they say it's very... it’s inconvenient, we’ve already contacted the post office, medical institutions, i applied through one window to change the layout of the apartment, install an air conditioner, we used the reader, they read all the information, i just entered my code, that’s all. in principle, no more problems arose, i hope that in the future people will still use id cards more actively. to obtain an id card, you must apply at your place of permanent registration, as well as at the citizenship and migration department internal affairs bodies. however, do not forget that it is prohibited to have a passport of the 1996 model and an identification card at the same time, i was born here, this is a place of power, my family is here, i was born here, my home is here and this is happiness, every belarusian knows whether each
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other is brother or sister, in this is our essence, we are on the same wavelength, connected. we will do one thing for centuries, we will be indivisible forever, you are my great, you are my brightest land, my small rus, my bank, happiness is where we are, behind the words, where it is clear and... evil, where in the moon a dream, our thoughts and desires, we believe and cherish, our sky, our sun, we are forever, one
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whole, downcast forever, you are in my bag, you are my brightest land, you were mine. you are my brightest land, mine was to return,
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my witch, bound for centuries, one thing done pariden we forever, only. questions: is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seemed that he either cut him or immediately threw him into the river,
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andrey wrote detective stories, of course, or horror movies. this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is an outsider in their theorem. the answer is c, because , well, a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them and cleaned up their entire mansion. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the property and waiting for the owners. i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne, that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. the skin hero may create
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a unique history of life and creativity . yes, i studied with the italians, they were italians in the czech republic, we worked with them, then my older brother, he is a member of the pizza yoli neapolitan association.
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country, good, good morning, it's time to wake up
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to greet a new, beautiful, absolutely summer day, nina mazeika, olga venska, we are helping you wake up today and are working for you live on the belarus tv channel 1 of the belarus 24 satellites . we remind you that today is wednesday, may 29, there are only 2 days left before the start of summer, but as i said, it’s true summer seems to have already arrived a long time ago, that’s for sure, and in general the weather today will be appropriate up to +29 in the country, in general it seems to me that... this is a cool, cool sign that summer is already close, it’s already on the threshold with the arrival heat, city authorities are working hard landscaping of the streets, well, as always, it’s very beautiful, firstly, in grodno, by the way, as it turned out, the bridges, the fence on the old bridge across the neman literally bloomed, multi-tiered flower beds were installed on them, and the flowers will delight passers-by for a long time , the flower beds were given more drip irrigation, well, local residents have already called this installation the hanging gardens of babylon in grodny.
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well, right now we’ll tell you what famous fashion designers are inspired by this season. a new cruise collection was shown in barcelona. creative director of a fashion house nicolar decided to present the collection within the walls of the hall of one hundred columns. guell by antoni gaudi. the trend is for futuristic images with a complex cut or with theatrical draperies, complemented by many details and accessories, hats, side-worn hats, sports mirrored sunglasses, handbags, and suitcases. the line also includes leather trench coats with wide shoulders, fitted jackets and wool coats, as well as tops, dresses with phalanxes, fringes, patent leather boots, boots, the list goes on for a long time. guests ambassadors and friends became the fashion presentation. brand, including actresses anna de
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armas, lea siidou, saoirse ronnen, jennifer canelli and other celebrities. well, naturally, they invited celebrities so that they, too, with their appearance, would also contribute to the pr of the new collection. in general, it seems to me that the most interesting thing about this whole issue is that the collections that are now so convenient, but designers produce them, when everything is combined with anything, in any way, in general, you can basically dress today as you want, no idea here. this is the right fashion, and this is the wrong one, yes, dress like that, i don’t know, your soul demands it, really, well, there is one more rule, just dress in contrast, if your blouse is somehow romantic, then let, for example, the bottom will be some kind of brutal, as an option, so be inspired by fashion, the weather allows you to stay on the cutting edge of fashion, and by the way, dress practically, this is especially a good idea, especially in light of our current weather, it seems to me that... and what is this a scam? a canatier is such a straw hat, ala,
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french, well, in general, you can just put on a panama hat, everything will be great too, believe me, it seems to me that our ancestors, these french hats have been around for centuries, straw, straw caps, geta geta the same thing, yes, the same thing that we need, well, by the way, it’s no secret that fashion trends also come to us, of course, we can also set them in general, why not, but in the field of healthy nutrition we also try to keep up, so recently a new trend has appeared to cook food and cocktails with spirulino. how this product is useful and where it is grown in our country, we learn from the story of our colleague maryana marinkova. it was a favorite food of the egyptian pharaohs. already in the seventies, it was included in the diet of soviet cosmonauts and olympic athletes. it gained wide popularity already in the 20th century with the label superfood. i went to the small place sosnovoe to... to find out how it is grown in belarus, today we will talk about spirulina.
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superfood is the food of the future, a product of longevity, as soon as it is not now this is called a blue-green algae. it actively entered the diet of the inhabitants of the earth only in the 21st century, but it has existed on the planet for 3.5 billion years. it is known that spirulina formed the basis of the diet of ancient peoples and african tribes, but the hands of science reached it only in 1964. that's when belgian. i brought spirulina cakes from my sugar expedition. research has shown an unprecedented result: microalgae consist of 70% high-quality plant protein a. a special surge of interest in useful the properties of this single-celled cyanobacterium were discovered only 40 years ago, when it began to be used for cultivation during space flights and was recognized as a unique fresh food product for astronauts. bloggers and celebrants mix it into cocktails, and nutritionists promote it as the basis of a diet. it is known that scientists from north carolina
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are developing a future plan for growing the miracle of cyanobacteria on mars. what makes it so unique? here is the answer. besides protein. immunity, numerous studies, including including belarusian scientists, have proven that it has high radioprotective activity, that is, it protects cells from the effects of high doses of radiation; spirulina cells contain a record amount of up to 10%, and that’s not all the advantages of the superfood. spirulina accumulates a large
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number of microelements, including iron and magnesium, and thus has a positive effect on... metabolism, and let me remind you that almost all processes that occur in our body are associated with metabolism, these are not only the processes of losing weight or slowing down aging, this and many diseases, for example, the use of spirulina has a positive effect in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as anemia, iron deficiency and even the prevention of oncological diseases, oncological diseases that are not primarily genetically determined, that is, those oncological pathologies that are caused violating...
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any natural reservoir there is a risk of heavy metal contamination, here this is excluded: in 75 pools of 3 km each , an environmentally friendly product is produced, after all, maintaining microbiological purity is an important task in the year-round cultivation of microalgae: water, nutrients, seed material, air, which is disinfected using ultraviolet light, the main component of a stable harvest, by the way, spirulina loves a temperature of 26. in general, the industrial production of spirulina can be divided into several stages, first the seed material is grown in such a closed room. an absolutely microbiologically pure culture is then sown in cultivation pools, and here, belarusian technology has a number of know-how that allows the nutrient medium to be used as efficiently as possible. but this,
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as they say, is a company secret. but let’s take a closer look at food for spirullina. its main component, surprisingly, is honeycomb. the future superfood needs exactly a week to accumulate the necessary biomass, it’s easier to grow, after 7 days the harvest is harvested like this using microporous filters, after the material is washed, such a bright green biomass is ready to go through the next stage: packaging, and here there is also a belarusian peculiarity, spirulina is under no circumstances dried, but frozen, why did we refuse drying, even under very gentle drying conditions, for example, with a sparlin vacuum it can be dried there at 30-35°, even in such conditions occurs during drying, the destruction of a number of biologically active components, and the amount of useful elements during heat treatment is reduced up to ten times; this belarusian raw frozen version, on the contrary, is the most effective, according to experts and my
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personal experience, one cube daily will help fight stress and fatigue, strengthen nerves, improve skin and nails, so as... they say, just add water, love yours, it’s so simple, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know, i thought that for a long time we were here by...
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bor was such an administrative building. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel. they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. don't run around, please, i in the good sense of the word, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to the museum. no matter where you look, it falls everywhere, you can see that there are some kind of man-made objects everywhere, these are everyday objects. to the presenter from the capital.
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from the village, for i tell everyone, for a good life in the village, for all this, yes, you need to have two things: purity of thoughts , firmness of intentions, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, every day we work to ensure that you receive the most fresh and useful information, a twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus. world, take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides, find a new place on the map of belarus
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that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the ether 24 on 7 project, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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gathered in the american city of kyle, which is located in texas, to set a new world record for the largest gathering. in the cities of bosnia, where more than 200 gathered , a record set in 2017 in one of one place, but their idea did not succeed: ivanov resisted, this is not the first attempt of the kyles to achieve world fame, i must say, last year there were 1,500 namesakes, while kyle is not a popular name in the usa, last year it took only 416th place among male names. for comparison, ivans were in 153rd place, like this. listen, what can i say, lately there has been such a tendency to call children some kind of directly
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copyrighted names, i remember the name of elon musk’s child, there are many children of the latter, but the last one, let’s say, born on the list, it’s somehow called a very weird x, something like 2, only the parents know what this code means and you see there are no questions even about registering the child under that name. that there was a sensational story recently in the gomel region, where parents wanted to name their child, in my opinion, space, space, but what’s beautiful in general, you know, it’s like from the television series brigade, whoever watched it, there was the hero dyuzhev, whose nickname there was space, yes, on the other hand on the other hand, a child will immediately stand out from the crowd, but just imagine, if he wants to take part in a festival named after himself, he’ll come to the festival of everyone who wears space, you know, like in an open field, that’s how it turns out, look.
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you ask what and this is everyone’s favorite name , well, the most popular female name in the world is maria or in a variation just masha maryam and so on, it has deep christian roots and its own special symbolism, that’s why there are friends all over the world, and so many on... there are another good variation marus, there’s something in this too there is, you know, such a completely original one, by the way, i also have many friends marus, we say hello to them, by the way, taking this opportunity, well, now we invite you to meet alexandra nazaruk, who works as a work distributor, let's find out what makes her morning good and what does she generally distribute there, my name is alexandra nazaruk.
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i work as a work distributor in the foundry and mechanical shop at a gas stove production plant. i wake up at 5:20 am, start getting ready for work, take a shower, have breakfast and go out. road from from my home to work it takes somewhere around 25-30 minutes. my work starts at 7:00 in the morning. my responsibilities include issuing shift assignments and processing goods and transport documents. transfer of dse to texas interstate. this is my workplace, i start my work day by turning on the computer, checking production, applications, and printing shift assignments. i
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graduated from the bretz state technical university with a degree. mechanical engineering technology, i got a job at the plant in the technical control department, afterwards i was offered a job at the lyceum-mechanics church. i love my job because of the nice people, the excellent team, and our team is friendly, united, and active. a specialist in my profession must have diligence, accuracy and specificity. our production. it is in great demand, it is available in every home, we prepare forms in order to send them to the tool shop. now the loader will put it on delivery.
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i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. well, how positive distributor, agree, yes, in general, the girl works positively and in general it seems to me that she really loves her job, how neat their workshop is, how beautiful everything is, everything glitters, and this is great, friends, well, i hope the weather today will also make you happy, let's look at the weather map, find out the morning indicators, yes, well, of course, it's still fresh, not like it will be during the day, but overall pleasant, up to plus 15 across the country, on average sunny this morning, no rain, that's all. okay, let's get ready for a great, productive working day. on wednesday, by the way, may 29, we remind you if anything happens. yes, and as for, friends, the first hour of the live broadcast, somehow, for some reason , it evaporates very quickly and ends. after the news release, in the next hour, we will contact gomel and, in particular , alexander lupinenko will tell you what interesting things happened during the week in this southern region. well, also in the second part we are waiting for the guests of
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natalya yakubitskaya, member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. she imagined. i say to people f, but now they are alive, there's no more chances, no more choice, there's no salvation for the souls, midnight,
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i'm home alone and i get. and sleep as well, staring at my fault, but it's only silent, just looking back in me. fake feelings between us, do you hear me and my thoughts, i wish there were no more screaming out your name? i say to people dancing in the dark. in the dark with broken hearts, their eyes are open, but so shout, i say to people found, but now they are lost,
6:58 am
there's no more chances, no more choice, there's no salvation for the soul. in the dark in the dark with broken hearts, their eyes are open b so shot, i say to
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people found but now they are lost, there's no more chance is no more choice, there's no salvation for...
7:00 am
tv news agency begins news morning wednesday, in the studio olga kalaerova, hello, watch the episode. job.


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