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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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economy, where good cooperation has already been achieved, an example of the supply of key import-substituting parts to mtz by manufacturers of the altai territory. the region itself purchases a large amount of agricultural machinery and equipment from gomselmash and bobruisk-agromash. today in minsk for the first time a practical conference will be held on the industrial complex of belarus in the year of quality, innovation, import independence, effective management. it is devoted to issues of quality improvement and improvement.
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8 billion cubic meters of natural gas. in currently, the station provides the growing demand for electricity by the real sector of the economy, as well as the population. thus, in january-april, consumption throughout the country increased by almost 10% compared to the same period last year. a manufacturer of food enzymes from russia sold its products on the belarusian universal commodity exchange for the first time. our food industry enterprise bought raw materials from the iskabordina company. balkari. previously, sellers of this group of goods on the exchange were exclusively residents of belarus. it is expected that the arrival of foreign suppliers of food raw materials will increase the level of competition and expand purchasing opportunities for our enterprises. and now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. and for this morning the next courses. dollar 3 rubles 17 kopecks. they gave it for 10 yuaniya at the auction. 3.58 costs 100 russian
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rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 44 kopecks. air ticket prices around the world are stabilizing amid declining passenger demand. people are looking for ways save on flights, but the airline industry is still far from regaining balance after the collapse of the pandemic. so in asia in the first quarter of the year , ticket prices decreased by 16%. compared to the same period. year, but they are still 7% higher than in pre-covid 2019. hotel accommodation and car rentals have also become more expensive. as experts note, in europe tourists are changing their focus from the resorts of france and italy to the cheaper balkans, romania and turkey. points for issuing orders from the document and cargo delivery operator sdek, this is a delivery service express courier will resume delivery of the item no later than today. now. the company is working to fully
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restore service, but has also prepared backup plans. let me remind you that a technical failure occurred on may 26th. the company assured that customers’ parcels are safe, and employees are doing everything necessary to ensure that they reach their owners as quickly as possible. this was the economic news, good mood to you and see you on the air. morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24, continues the program “zone x”. i yuri shevchuk, hello! a large channel for the supply of psychotropics to belarus has been blocked. spalichny detained a fifty-one-year-old drug dealer from a neighboring country. he became.
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the product was intended for sale in our country. thus, the defendant managed to work for several months. for drug trafficking for the purpose of sale , the detainee faces up to 15 years in prison. next in the program is a review of criminal and emergency incidents. it was prepared by alexander komovich. in minsk, a girl fell from an eleventh floor window and the child died. by preliminary information, the day before the one-and-a-half-year-old baby was in a room with an open window. first she climbed onto the sofa, and then leaned on the mosquito net on the windowsill. the girl fell out of the window with her, alone. it is worth noting
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that the mother was in the room with the girl and was distracted for just a minute. frundinsky of the city of minsk, the district department of the investigative committee is conducting an investigation into this fact. investigators. once again draw the attention of parents to the inadmissibility of leaving small children in out of sight, even for a short period of time. remember that mosquito nets on windows are not designed to prevent children from falling out. a teenager was detained in bobruisk, a courier of telephone scams, relatives had an accident in order to evade responsibility, a large sum was demanded from them, the pensioner was given the courier in the amount of almost 12,000 rubles. soon the accomplice of the swindlers was caught. his parents face a fine for failure to fulfill their responsibilities in
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raising their son. i fell for the scammers' bait imenchanka, after a call from her mobile operator , she lost 1,400 rubles. the victim allegedly called an employee of a mobile operator and reported. that i had houses, i went and transferred them to this account, which they told me, in order to keep her money, she must declare it, and then deposit it in a certain account. the victim believed and transferred about 14,000 rubles. only after this she realized that she had become a victim of deception, and a criminal case was opened. the police
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remind you that in case of such calls you must stop the conversation immediately and report the incident to the police. i wanted to speed up the line with my fists, but only managed to get to the temporary detention facility. incident. happened in one of the stores in the capital on pukhovichskaya street, standing in line, a drunk man was in such a hurry that he first pushed the pensioner, when the cashier decided to stand up for the grandfather, he went behind the counter and hit the woman several times, after pressing the panic button, a security detail arrived at the place and detained aggressor, it has been established that the fifty-six-year-old menchan citizen has been convicted several times, and there will probably be more. in borisov the teenage party ended in the police department for juvenile affairs. information was received that teenagers were drinking in one of the apartments in the city, the flat was organized by a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl in her parents’ apartment, there were four teenagers aged 14-17 drinking vodka and beer, the session participants themselves said that an unknown man bought them alcohol when the police arrived at
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party, one of the girls was unconscious, diagnosed with severe alcohol intoxication, she was taken to the hospital, in all circumstances understand the idn. the security department is in bobruisk. detained a poacher, the duty department received a call from a local resident who said that an unknown man was fishing in the berezina with nets. when law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, they met a man carrying a large bag. seeing people in uniform, he even tried to get rid of the load. the detainee turned out to be a fifty-four-year-old local resident who caught 19 individuals of yin and two pike. damage to nature was estimated at more than 14,000 rubles. a criminal case has been opened. it was a project zone x. our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and with us to belarus 1.
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a city without people, at the end of the day, with its silence, filled me with the light of lanterns, escorted me to where, in the depths of the night alleys, i met you. center for 4 days, leading enterprises of the region demonstrated the socio-economic potential of the modern
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gomel region. this time , representatives from 13 countries took part in the exhibition. russia was immediately represented by ten regions. first the exhibition took place in 2000. over its history , spring in gomel has brought together more than 10,000 domestic foreign companies from 50 countries , and has also become a well-known dialogue platform for discussing current issues. so, what other news from the gomel region? a symbiosis of vocals and choreography , the traditional reporting concert of the nestor sokolovsky college of arts took place at the gomel social and cultural center. the performance was bound by a single director's concept. the best performances of college groups delighted the audience in within one and a half hours. the peculiarity of the concert is its originality, because all the artists are college graduates. also in live sound mode, music was played... performed by orchestras, vocal ensembles, and folk academic choirs. by the way,
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it took only two weeks to prepare the concert. well , by the way, this is a pretty quick time, by the way, i noticed, god, what a beautiful light on the site, probably this is something new, they updated on yes, that’s where the actual performance and concert took place. of course, everything was on the highest level, in color, in lighting, in choreography and in directing and musical performance. this is immediately obvious. sasha, what other news from the gomel region? and this has already become a tradition, i’ll explain what ’s going on: the sozh half-marathon was held in gomel,
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this year more than a thousand participants took to the start line, from very young runners to experienced, famous athletes. the sozh half marathon is one of the few night races in belarus; the interest and geography of participants is expanding every year. this time athletes also took part in the race from russia and china. traditional distances are 5, 10 and 21 km. all participants of the night race. received commemorative medals, and the winners also received cash prizes. and by the way, the organizers note the particular popularity of the sozh half marathon. the embankment no longer accommodates everyone , which is why the issue of changing the location of such night races in the future is being considered. we need to expand. i just thought, if i were alone in such darkness, i would never run, probably a coward, but in the company of such a person i would be happy and such a beautiful company is more fun. that's for sure. sasha, well, you should go to one of these. a distance of 21 km, well, if you’re on a bike, then it’s easy,
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here i fully support you, on a bike we can overcome any distance, but we still need to prepare for running, everyone can ride a bike, with their own legs, so hello to all the marathon participants, you just some super people, we sincerely admire you. sasha, what about our govel correspondents, will they continue the sports theme or what will the story be about? a little background, as usual, on an open regional plein-air batting competition was held in the gomel region. this is one of the oldest types of decorative and applied art. over the course of a week, 10 artists from different regions created large-scale competition canvases. well, all the details are in our story. i think. this is an art that every belarusian should learn, because it is practically our native one. sasha, we’ll be happy to see the story. since childhood, anna turovets loved creativity, she liked to cut and draw. and now for more than 10 years anna is engaged in votinanka. there were also breaks due to lack of inspiration, but the woman is sure that such difficulties are temporary. anna is the only master in the petrikovsky
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district. its goal is to revive folk craft. the main themes in the work were love and... my dream is for children to be kind, so, with the help of art, i’m sure this can be achieved, my daughter is also engaged in show-offs, so far it’s superficial, while it’s not a corner, not like me , here, but in any case it’s also interesting to her. elena levchenko she came from the bragen region and became acquainted with the art of votenanka in college, but now for her it is an integral part of life. in my creativity. uses various techniques and depicts fantastic slavic characters, such as tsmok and zyuzya. i like the direction of the vytinanka, and here is a combination of ornament, like straight lines, more characteristic of the belarusian one, and i would also like to add some of my own - features that i, in fact, are trying to bring my own
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technique to some kind, maybe. this competition is in gomel passes for the first time, one of the reasons. not only to popularize the craft, but also to consider including the art of belarusian vytinanka in the unesco heritage. our goal was to attract as many craftsmen from other spheres as possible, who also preserve and popularize traditional belarusian crafts, to attract people to participate in events of this level, in principle, who are not connected in any way with the cultural sphere, but nevertheless they are. ..preserve this type of craft and try to develop it. no craft should be forgotten, throughout for several days, anyone, under the strict guidance of the masters, mastered the basics of creating vytinanka. after the master classes, the students took the acquired experience to pass on to their students.
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work on hand coordination and motor skills. our first exercise, we place the ball, we will need the ball, today we will be as convenient for anyone, it can be the left hand, it can be the right, with the back side, we press the ball from above with our palm, we begin to twist it away from ourselves, then ourselves, and so you can do 20 -30, 40, whatever suits you, the main thing is so that the ball does not fall out, the elbows look to the side, the belly of the butt along... we will pull dominic , we do not drop the ball and our second exercise, our task will be to throw the ball with one hand, the same thing that we did with both, only with one hand in the air to turn the ball around hands,
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it will look like this: once you catch it, once you twist it, you catch it, that is , the palm should be straight, the ball should... roll, but with one hand, whoever succeeds, you can do it with the second hand, the first time it may not succeed, but persistent training will help you achieve results, we will hit the ball off the ground, we place our arms straight, we hold the ball with our palm, that is, our fingers are free, our legs are spread apart, our knees are pulled in. the butt is pulled in, the stomach is pulled in, and we hit the ball and also catch, hit, catch, the most important thing is that the hands are straight, the fingers are free, we try to hold the ball at chest level, we don’t need to throw it in our face and we hit it, place the ball on the back
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of the hand, press it from above with the palm of your other hand, spin the ball first away from you, then towards you, elbows pointing to the sides, stomach tucked in, place the ball on your palm, throw it so that the ball spins around your hand, catch it, keep your palm stretched, try to repeat the exercise with the other hand, hold the ball in your palms, extend your arms, place your feet shoulder-width apart, do not bend your knees, hit the ball off the ground and catch his. try to perform each exercise 10-15 times.
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as if you were holding a book in your hands, clutching an old one after an old one, sipping on the words of your skin, the greatest creativity comes from all of us, the most meaningful and useful things - these books, the books have a lot of thoughts to the report, report and the richness of the galas of the people is expressive, everything that the chalavets have made, they have been hogging on old books, they have been reading the chalavets. readily nearer, we appreciate the past few days
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, belarus 24, the live broadcast of the good ranitsa belarus program continues, we are glad to welcome you from this studio, of course. we are ready to share with you very important, useful information about the weather. olga venskaya knows all the details. yes, with pleasure, friends, we will walk through all the regional cities of our country, especially since, frankly speaking, if briefly about weather, in all regional cities today it is equally sunny, equally good weather, well, judge for yourself, in minsk today, as well as brest, gomel, grodny, mogilev, 13:15 with a plus sign, a little warmer, like non-countries in the northern city of our countries, in vitebsk 14:16 above zero, mind you, in the morning. early, not a cloud over belarus, you and i are greeting a sunny morning, how the situation will change during the day, let’s look at the meteorological map, what surprises to expect from the weather, like this, and the clouds,
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one might say, will roll in, in minsk it will be until 28 with a plus sign, at the same time cloudy with clearings in brest, the clouds will be rainy in nature, here in addition to thunderstorms and rain 25-27 with a plus sign, in vitebsk, hot, i would even say sultry, 27.2 above zero and we also expect precipitation in gomla, but clouds, but no rain, 27-29, warm, 25, 27 warm, and nina, how do you like this summer at the end of spring? well , it seems to me that, to paraphrase the classic, today, in the context of the weather, clouds are truly white-maned horses that do not carry any negative information for us, only positive, of course, even if there is a thunderstorm somewhere from the regional centers, it seems to me that these are just special effects, you know, yesterday in... there was also a thunderstorm, a small one, to be sure, but i heard how the children were generally having fun, they were in no hurry to run home somewhere, on the contrary, under this rain to the accompaniment of thunder, they
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continue to actively spend time on the street, and this is wonderful, friends, well, we will get in touch with you very soon and will definitely talk about a very important topic, the fifteenth anniversary international economic forum russia islamic world kazan forum, we have a guest on this , so wait until after the commercial break. we change addresses, we change numbers, sometimes they even change us to different names. they change us to other voices, to other people, only
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the same you and me, the sky above your head, the same as always, what you say with your soul, in this big room, there is no one, only you. and i, even if the whole world goes crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here is burning, the unchanging world, there will only be us, tell me, how many stars have fallen during this night, we just didn’t sleep until the morning, how much
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was the payment? so many tears broke us, it’s time to start everything again, we changed cities, we changed everything around, while the earth rotates, you are always my sister, you are my most faithful friend, i know that he is everything to you... yes, there is me, even if everything the world will go crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here is sacrilegious, only we will remain unchanged.
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even if the whole world goes crazy, i have you. you have me, even if everything here is run-of-the-mill, unchanged, it will be only us, unchanged days, it will be only us, thank you.
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belarus, dozens of countries and thousands of participants hosted the anniversary 15th international economic forum russia islamic world kazan forum. and our country was represented there by natalya yakubitskaya, a member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. we welcome you, natalya viktorovna, to the morning studio. good morning belarus. good morning. and we must immediately indicate that
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i took part in this international forum this year.
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i would also like to reveal , in fact, that it means it’s frozen, the point is that you probably know, and dear viewers, we have an annual forum of regions in russia, which means that in belarus, at the ninth forum of regions, which was held in grodny, the host party was belarus, we concluded an agreement . trade, economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian cooperation with the state council of the republic of tatarstan, that is, i was also and one can say already within the framework of such friendly, friendly agreements, therefore, as i said at the beginning, the reception was very warm, the welcome was very warm, and one of the key themes of the forum is trust and cooperation, so we would like to ask about this exchange in general, not only cultural,
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but also diplomatic, generally different at the level. parliamentarians, how have relations developed with the republic of tatarstan, in particular, please tell us, you know that well, as i said, at the level of parliamentarians the closest relationship binds us...
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about the scale of this forum, to emphasize its importance and significance , the thing is that here on it means that this track is really a woman’s point of view, it was very organically built into the architecture of the forum, the speakers, besides me
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, were also the president of the international association of african women, there was also the president of the international forum of brics countries, that means an indian woman, so...
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well you know, this is probably true, i’m on vacation now, but when i received an invitation to your program, naturally i really wanted to share my emotions and come talk about something so important, international, unique, this means that the forum that i was able to visit together with my colleagues, well, we directly feel your energy, your inspiration that you brought from this hospitable place, it’s true, we thank you, thank you very much, we are very pleased. that at the international level we were represented so worthy in your person, thank you again, thank you, have a nice day, let us remind you that our guest was a member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, natalya yakubitskaya. yes, we wish you a good fruitful day, and we'll be back
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to the good ranitsa belarus studio immediately after the news release, so stay in our awakening company on the belarus tv channel , one of your companions belarus 24, see you. the need for spiritual upbringing and
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education, they gladly come to classes with pleasure, we have classes right here in the church, i considered this correct, necessary, because children should breathe at least church air, about the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to divine liturgy when they they take communion there, they, in a sense, in a sense, some kind of sacrament is being performed on... you are visiting as the hosts of the show, like at home, and
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we arrived at the farm of derefna yodyshki, they didn’t tell us that they cook very tasty yudot from natural products. did you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to the world of yodishka, hello, to the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy, we are studying the history of belarus. and explore its sights together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we we see our main shrine, this is the image of the mother of god of braslovskaya volodarka ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the si news agency continues information broadcasting. olga kalairova in the studio. good morning. save the country, save the world. this is how alexander lukashenko identified the main tasks for the belarusian media. a large-scale forum took place yesterday in mogilev. in the conditions of the hybrid war deployed against us, the position.


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