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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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belarus alone in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch this episode. expanding international cooperation in belarus with a working visit by the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs. remove fonderlein and create a common air defense system. berlin and paris discussed the future of europe. from children's fairy tales to patriotic literature. more than 20 belarusian publishing houses took part in the international book fair in the buffet. to save the country and save the world, this is how
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alexander lukashenko defined the main tasks for the belarusian media. a large-scale forum took place yesterday in mogilev. in conditions of the hybrid war launched against us, the position of journalists in infopol is a matter of survival. an information floor gathered on one site. journalists of republican and regional media, bloggers, ideologists, communications experts. all those who are today at the forefront of the information war, the president noted, are both defenders and fighters of tactics and strategy. the goal of everyone at their own level is to think analytically, understand responsibility for the future, and ultimately stand up for the defense of information sovereignty. chapter he urged states not to relax, to form a national style of broadcasting, increasing their own content, expanding the pool of experts, and promoting a creative agenda.
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we need to strengthen propaganda and counter-propaganda ideological work, i want young journalists to learn this, there is no need to be embarrassed by these words of concepts, or in the west they don’t exist, they exist, they just called it another word pr, that is, working with public opinion, the essence is the same, let them work with public opinion on... our territory, we don’t need to be fed with all sorts of chatter, but supposedly independent media, democratic values, we see how they throw their journalists into prison, closing the media and persecuting everyone who dared to disagree with the policies and actions of the authorities, as examples from the united states and the european union, to moldova, the baltic states, ukraine and georgia. of course, from the point of view of professional fulfillment , it is more interesting to fight on the information front.
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the stories turn out well, look, i understand, but you need to make the peace agenda bright and memorable, show the war game, but also show the peaceful one work, because our goal is peace, we don’t want to fight and i really hope that we won’t, i really hope so, in recent years journalists have become tougher and more principled in upholding the truth, the main message is not to slow down belarus. continues to be subject to large-scale hybrid pressure from the west, not only political, informational, economic, but also military, and we must be prepared for any provocations. and journalists prove their resilience not only in word, but also in deed. as part of the media form in mogilev the award ceremony for the winners of the "golden letter" competition took place. the best publicists, columnists and photojournalists were presented with the main print media award. b creative.
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for the entire editorial board of the newspaper zorka, the golden letter is a wonderful award, i will say that more than that, we are approaching the eightieth anniversary of our publication, and for us, this is probably the most important, most important gift, the project the voice of generations is dedicated to the anniversary of the great victory, on the eightieth anniversary of the great victory, it will be implemented in...
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it would be a shame if i showed their work poorly, so i wanted to show as truly as possible all that truth, all those, let’s say, conditions in which... regional and district media, several publications applied for the award at once, but received the coveted statuette news agency mogilevskaya vedomosti for the project of a politician without makeup. if we talk about the project, then it is political, we publish it on our youtube channel sharp grater. basically, we have entire discussion platforms unfolding under the comments, people also discuss presidents. both the country and the people, judging by our views, half of the videos get a million, and we also write about the union state, and of course, it’s very nice for us that sometimes people from donbass even write, say hello, and if you ask about our target
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audience, we simply won’t answer you, because these are representatives of countries around the world who know youtube using tiktok, this year the competition was held for the twentieth anniversary and showed that it is domestic. this is not the first visit of the head of the hungarian foreign ministry to belarus, our countries continue to actively work on topics of interaction in the fields of energy, agriculture, industrial cooperation, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, construction, sports, tourism, science education;
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a business forum is also planned, which will be opened by the heads of foreign affairs of belarus and hungary. berlin and paris are against fonder candidates for the post of head. for a quarter of a century of the official visit of the french president to germany. they place bets, for example, on mario drage. the former italian prime minister is not so militant. in addition, his reputation was less damaged by corruption scandals. in general , unpleasant surprises may await fondelien in the fall. in addition, macron and scholz spoke in favor of creating an iron dome, a pan-european air defense system. true, it requires tens of billions, which do not yet exist. finally, the two leaders expressed support for israel, but demanded that netanyahu take greater care of palestinian lives and respect the rules of war. and while macron decides the future europe, the center of paris is shrouded in smoke, french railway workers went on
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strike against the privatization of the main national carrier. the authorities used the upcoming olympics as an argument in favor of transferring state property. tightness of competition will allow you to achieve. new quality conditions for the transportation of people and goods. industry workers, on the contrary, believe that they should expect an increase in tariffs and a reduction in wages; privatization will not bring anything else. the authorities do not intend to listen to the demands of the strikers; the program has already been adopted is being implemented. if life is in space and what it is like, the earth in the porthole at the sixth gymnasium in minsk there was a meeting with the first female cosmonaut of sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya. i was pleased to share my experience of the expedition to the iss with schoolchildren from different schools in the soviet region. the hero of belarus spoke about the flight, impressions of space and future plans. the guys were also interested in the stage of preparation for the historic flight, from physical activity, testing to the recovery period
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after landing. space scenery for an exhibition of young artists became a dialogue platform.
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photo autographed by marina vasilevskaya. the gomel region has every chance to supplant bresse in the title of strawberry region of the country. here the red berry ripened ahead of schedule. the berries are grown on an industrial scale mainly by farmers; they have taken root well in the belarusian climate.


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