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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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aimed at the field of astronautics, and god grant they succeed. the event was held in the format of an open dialogue, where everyone was able to ask a question of interest. at the end, schoolchildren and teachers received a photo signed by marina vasilevskaya. the gomel region has every chance to supplant the bresse region in the title of strawberry region of the country. here the red berry ripened ahead of schedule. on an industrial scale, the berries are grown mainly by farmers. the belarusian climate is good. dozens of elite varieties lived. also,
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owners of subsidiary farms are improving your skills to obtain good vitamin harvests. so, for the first time this year, artyom barabanov decided to master the cultivation of aromatic berries in the vetkovsky district. 35 acres are allocated for this crop in his subsidiary plot. they plan to collect more than 8 tons of sweet harvest. one of my favorite varieties is asia. this variety brings 25 tons per hectare of land per season. bush from a kilogram to 3 kg, again depending on how you adhere to the technology of feeding, watering, treatments, it will be visible at the end of the season, we get up early, we go to bed early too, we collect it, we take it to the market, our berry is not stale, we can’t pick it in the evening or leave it for tomorrow, we try to sell it quickly, it’s a very healthy berry, first of all, it’s very good for the liver, it kills cancer cells, i take it in kilograms, from
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children's fairy tales to patriotic literature, more than 20 publishing houses from belarus took part in the international book fair kitab bayram. in the capital of bashkartostan, ufes brought together hundreds of experts and writers from the cis countries. more than 230 publishing houses from russia are represented, azerbaijan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. from our country there are books for every taste, fiction, political and children's literature. according to the organizers, belarusian fairy tales are especially popular, attracted by the content, beautiful illustrations and price. we brought books from 22 publishing houses of the republic of belarus, more than 1 in total. book titles, the total weight of the exhibition is one and a half tons. we see that there is great interest here, well, in our belarusian book, people come for specific books, if you have such a book.
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so i hope that we will travel here regularly, this is every year, even to the point that people leave photo orders for next year, you will definitely bring me this book in a year, i visited more than fifty book exhibitions in russia, i i would say that this is the best regional exhibition in russia. the kita byram book fair is taking place for the second time. last year the festival was visited by more than 160,000 people. during the exhibition it was sold. 52,000 books and other publications. this year the book fair is dedicated to celebration of the 450th anniversary of the city of ufa and the 225th anniversary of the great russian poet alexander pushkin. the country's highest-rated music shows factorby and factorby 60+ continue to accept online applications for participation in the new season. don't miss your chance to realize your dream. if you are talented and ambitious, you have long dreamed of a big stage. come to us,
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go to the beltelerdiocompany website right now, fill out the form and add a fragment of your performance, increase your chance of getting to a live audition. this season the team factorby will come to each regional center, live auditions will begin in mid-june, and the team will stay in each city for 2 days. we will publish the schedule of the vocal expedition soon in the official account of the factorby project and announce it in the news. guys, where are you? no matter who you work, no matter what you do, if your soul and heart are in music, if you love creativity, don’t wait, prepare the best songs and emotions and send your applications to factorby, and we will definitely meet, we’ll meet on the main stage countries, factor bye is waiting for you, the new season will be even hotter, factorby is ready to light up new stars, discover new names, ask. distribute styles, fashion trends, don’t
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miss your chance to become part of a musical reality that has no analogue in our country, fill out the online form on the website or come to an offline meeting with a creative. team in your city. it's a busy time in the belarusian women's field hockey championship. the match in minsk kicks off the first semi-final series of the championship, where in the fight the capital's team will play against the tekstilshchik team for a ticket to the final. starts at 12:00. a little later at 13:30 on the field in smolevichi , local victoria starts in the series for reaching the decisive match against grodno rhythm. both matches will be shown live on our sports channel belarus 5. let me remind you that the semi-final series will last until two victories of one of the squads. we will tell you about the development of events at noon, let me remind you that the projects of the tv news agency are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is
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news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts. current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria. switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day
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every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. the north-south transport corridor and common approaches in the energy sector, the prime ministers of the commonwealth countries spoke about the main thing at the council in ashgabat, a large dialogue between government and business continues. the twenty-first assembly of business circles was held, we will tell you in detail what was on the agenda. and our exports, belarusians are ready to compete with italians for pasta. let's ask the guest of the program what the secret of the recipe is. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana lukinyuk is with you.
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hello. the commonwealth of independent states continues to play a very important role in the economic development of each individual and collectively. the association was created on the territory of the entire territory. free trade space, another important step was taken last year: after ten years of negotiations, an agreement on free trade in services was signed. in june it enters strength. he talks about this. barriers to mutual trade between the commonwealth countries are at a high level
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of readiness, prime minister roman golovchenko stated this during a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis in ashgabat. removing these obstacles in mutual trade is a topical topic today. at the initiative of belarus , a high -level working group was created within the cis to discuss controversial issues of export and import. five meetings have already been held and a list of obstacles has been identified. there are first results, there are systems and a number of issues that may require a search for mutually acceptable solutions at our level, at the level of heads of government. therefore , i propose, with your support, today to instruct the cis economic council to prepare for inclusion on our agenda for our next meeting an issue that would reflect systemic problems that impede mutual trade and perhaps ways to solve them, in particular the most basic ones. topics include export duties, differentiated excise tax rates on imported domestic products and measures
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technical regulation. as i was informed, a draft agreement on technical barriers to mutual trade is at a high level of readiness. i urge all interested parties to complete the internal state procedures for this agreement and propose to instruct the executive committee to submit an agreed draft of this important document to the economic council in september for approval, so that we... can sign it, possibly at our next autumn meeting in the russian federation. what is important to note is that the growth rates of countries' economies commonwealth last year exceeded the global average, the average gdp increase was 3.8%, in the world 2.7. this year, the cis maintains the same pace, and a high share of settlements in national currencies has been achieved, between partners more than 85%. investments in fixed capital plus 10% and cargo transportation have increased. increased by six, and today it is important to use this dynamics to implement new projects to increase
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the demand for the integration association, as well as to increase the pace of trade. the fact is that all trade in goods in the space of the former union is built precisely based on agreements within the cis. in other words, we receive goods and sell goods to kazakhstan, azerbaijan, belarus, and other central asian countries. duty-free, precisely because there is this big agreement on a free trade zone. moreover, an agreement on a free trade zone in services will come into force this year, and the process of ratification is currently underway. the development of the north-south transport corridor, as well as corridors in central asia , will allow access through uzbekistan and afghanistan, as well as pakistan. there already exist for this all opportunities in the energy sector, coordination of actions in the gas, oil, and electric power industries is underway. energy systems operate in parallel mode, and this makes it possible to increase the reliability of energy saving and economic
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efficiency, but another decision of the council of heads of government was considered the possibility of approving observer status in the cis. we are witnessing a serious transformation of international relations. we see how attention to such regional associations is increasing, including economic formation. and the community of independent states is no exception, therefore , a corresponding initiative is being introduced, as for interest, as i have already said, due, among other things , to international transformation and due to the fact that both authority, status, trade turnover, in general, our interaction is gaining momentum in the new quality, with a completely new... content, naturally, this arouses incorruptible interest among our external
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partners, so we will not only welcome such a process, but will do our best to support it promote. in the future, the commonwealth countries need to create a system of payments and settlements that will not depend on the external situation. it is important to increase cooperation in the customs sphere, pursue a coordinated antimonopoly policy, and also ensure fair conditions for competition in the general public. staged in minsk. the capital hosted the assembly of business circles. the participation of entrepreneurs is traditionally active, about 250 people. this is an effective platform for open dialogue. representatives of higher authorities, ministries, departments, deputies, regional and industry unions discussed priority areas for the development of entrepreneurship in our country.
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the assembly also named the best regions for business in belarus. so, according to the results of last year, minsk was among the leaders. region, grodna took the lead among cities, in the capital frunzinsky district. key criteria are the number of entrepreneurs, the volume of tax revenues to the local treasury and the general business climate. anton malyuta about the forum agenda. how the business will continue to operate, of course, is the number one topic in the top discussed on the sidelines. yes, the changes will not affect everyone. this is what every entrepreneur will be interested in: the system of state support, even without innovation and preferences , is enough. the measures that regulate public procurement, there is also a preferential amendment, different so that belarusian entrepreneurs participate more in public procurement and have some preferences. resolution 992 on consumer
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lending played a very good positive role, where our citizens received 4% interest on 3 years with development have the opportunity. to purchase goods, loans in the amount of 142 million rubles have already been issued, and by the way, we are planning to constantly supplement the list of manufacturers who come to us, this list is expanding, we are already preparing a project to raise the bar, today up to 300 basic quantities can be used, we plan to stay up to 500, so that more to further expand the range of our manufactured goods. the partner state is one of the main accents of the five-year plan, approved by the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly. like this implemented on? in practice , the concept of one district, one project is clearly illustrated. for the regions, these are jobs and contributions to the budget. so why not help a private investor, for example, with the installation of networks or the reconstruction of roads. we see that now the key task of the state is to provide jobs in the regions, and not just jobs, but with good earnings. naturally,
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this requires appropriate investment projects. the state, of course, offers. using constructive business dialogue authorities, we have reached new points of growth
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trajectory, including increasing the gdp of our country. and another important part of the assembly: the announcement of the best regions for doing business, taking into account taxes, jobs and other factors, in the top are the city of grodno, baranovichi, smolevichi and minsk districts, as well as the minsk region and the frundinsky district of the capital. we understand that small and medium-sized businesses are flexible, let’s say, economic entities that react, probably, to all those situations that happen in the economy and , let’s say, bear fruit in the future. for the republic of belarus, including, is engaged in import substitution. the private sector makes a significant contribution to the economy, a quarter of gdp, so the state is interested in listening to business. for several decades now, the assembly of business circles has maintained the tradition of constructive dialogue, which is important for all parties. anton malyuta and ivan mozgo, area of ​​interest. regarding pasta, we’ll ask
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what the program guest’s secret recipe is. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know what, i haven’t thought about visiting here for a long time, because this is a city, real history, it’s true that this is a former post office building, yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, a military one. i don’t let you in there or i don’t let you in, she says that yes, it ’s a very interesting towel, it’s wood-based, it’s still our oldest towel.


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