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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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on pasta, we’ll ask what the secret recipe is from the guest of the program, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know what, i’ve long thought we ’d fight here, because it’s... a city, real story, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, the fifty-second year, the post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey around our country, for a girl, this is a children's museum, but i already an adult, they don’t let me in or i don’t let her in, she says that yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s also a tree-breaker, our oldest towel.
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in the champions league, carla ancelotti, carla ancelotti, two steps forward, see the intellectual-sports project, head game. this is an area of ​​interest and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles. 17 kopecks for 10 yuan on the roads they gave 4 rubles 35 kopecks. and 3.58 costs 100 russian rubles the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles, 44 kopecks. belarus' need for pasta is orderly. 70,000 tons per year
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are provided mainly on our own, they are produced mainly in borisov, minsk and lida. the raw material for them is domestic wheat. we ourselves make mostly, and this is more than 95%, group b and c pasta in small quantities, group a pasta, for which premium durum wheat flour is used . nalida bread industrial products pasta production does not stop for a minute. people equipment. work around the clock in four shifts, are belarusians ready to compete with the italians and who has once again tasted our product abroad, we asked the head of the lida enterprise about this. your company is probably the progenitor of many trends, specifically in pasta. what is the product line today? well, we are working in three directions. direction,
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this is, first of all, the most popular direction - this is our ligran pasta, they are made from the highest grade semolina, that is, they are practically prepared from semolina, there is also this type of krubka, they are made only from flour, from grain, belarusian selection, this is our belarusian grain, the second line is large - this is a more budget option, this is the highest grade, the first grade is flour, liski pasta, pasta for the whole family, this is more budget-friendly option, well, our development is pasta... from durum wheat, in fact we buy wheat, it is usually either russian or kazakh, there is very little of it on the market, but at the same time we find it, buy it, this is pastara, well here's a new brand now it’s pasta, today we can compete with the italians in terms of quality, yes, i can say that the italians visit our factory, well , they visited us before and they highly appreciated the quality of our pasta, so yes we can, this is a new product that... taking into account the packaging , then
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these are the same products, durum wheat, but more affordable packaging. what are the production volumes on the pasta line? month - the plant can pull up to 800 tons, now we are working within the range of 650-700, but there is a certain problem with getting to the shelf in the republic of belarus, but the most important thing is that there is quite strong competition from russian producers, but you know that half of italian pasta is still produced somewhere near... our borders, so, well, for example, the government hears you, there is some kind of dialogue going on on how it is easier for belarusian producers to make their way onto store shelves today, well, we are constantly in contact with the ministry of trade, the ministry of agriculture, but first of all these are our approaches to conducting advertising
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campaigns, some promotional events, logistics and so on, so to a greater extent we have a service that works directly with trade, so well, the road will be mastered by those walking, we ourselves make the way there. well, in general, your company is famous not only for pasta, how are things going today based on the results of last year, how did the company perform? well, taking into account the decrease in export volumes, again there is very strong competition for flour from our closest neighbor, well, for pasta as well, so there is a certain problem, but the enterprises worked at approximately the same level for twenty-two or twenty -three years and we are now working within the framework of 100% of what we are trying to do. market further away, we constantly participate in exhibition events, this is africa, these are asian countries, that’s what concerns this year, there are deliveries to china, there are deliveries to latin america, several deliveries, and the main market that we now see for ourselves is - this is an african market, after all, so we are trying to get there. in order to
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ensure the full operation of the enterprise, how much grain do you need per year and is there enough volume within our country? the enterprise needs about 165-170 thousand tons. in general, with the exception of durum varieties, we are completely provided with belarusian grain, thanks to the support of the government to the regional executive committee, we have fully confirmed the volume of funding and we are provided. whose belarusian grain do you have at your enterprise, mainly in the grodno region, do you support your best grain, of course, today that’s all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy, we will tell you in area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, sunny. wishing you success in all your endeavors.
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hello viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda. let's begin. mom, i saw putin and lukashenko, i could say something like this, if last week i worked for the first time at an event with the participation of the president of the russian federation. i, of course, have seen these leaders before, but the figures of vladimir vladimirovich and alexander grigorievich, of course, they are colossal, so much so that even the opportunity to stand somewhere next to them is exceptional. in the world there are now three such people here, besides lukashenko and putin, this is also siid-pin, and these leaders stand apart because they represent planetary superpowers, russia and china, and no less planetary union state. there is another superpower, which is the united states of america, but its
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president does not represent his country, but represents only some imaginary characters, healthy with air, and the real power there is with capital and its owners, from who is the boss there. usa, nor externally. putin and sidin pin recently met, so during a certain period of may, she is dominant. power on the planet was concentrated in one office. as it will become known later, at this meeting the leaders of the superpowers spoke about belarus, as well as about its leader alexander lukashenko. frankly speaking, in politics, alexander grigorievich has already become a figure in scale that goes far beyond the scope of the post of president of belarus. nominally, he is responsible only for his country, for its internal and foreign policy. in fact he, thanks to his enormous experience. highly respected in the world and even in the democratic world, although they are not recognized there, has
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a strong influence on many regions in the world. lukashenko naturally influences security in our region, including the course of hostilities in ukraine, that is, a war in which we are not directly participating, but alexander grigorievich has the option of influencing processes even with his opinion and advice. here you can recall a publicly known case, how the belarusian leader picked up the pipe with his opinion and advice... well, stopped the movement of armed columns towards moscow. i have every reason to believe that lukashenko’s opinion is listened to attentively in the kremlin, at the bank in kiev, and in fact, he is the only politician in the world who will be listened to with equal respect at these addresses. in western capitals, by the way, there are also enough people who will listen carefully and, yes, heed lukashenko’s advice. but these are difficult times, so we can’t say much about this publicly yet. in summary, there are strong leaders who influence the planet, first of all, these are leaders
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superpowers, but also just strong leaders. few people will remember the name of the president of france who was before macron, won’t they, like for many today, the chancellor of germany is this one, who is instead of merkel, and if you show a photo of this citizen to passers-by, then the majority will think that - it’s like, well, this is probably the guy from the movie, the millionaire from the slums, he’s just probably a little older, but this is actually the prime minister. but not india, but great britain, rishi yashvirovich sunak. all i mean is that it’s nominal the elected position of a leader is one thing, but the real scale of the individual holding this position is completely different. last week, political personalities of colossal proportions met in belarus, one of whom was also the president of a superpower. the tradition has developed that we always don’t have time to start negotiations during the day, we always have until midnight. i think that, as usual, we put security issues at the forefront, and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues together with our
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colleagues from the government, our enemies in because of mental retardation, and what’s even worse because of the western fashion for the slight and less light stupidity of individuals, he really likes to count how many times alexander grigorievich flew at a meeting with vladimir vladimirovich, that’s all, well, they call it supposedly analytics, in which supposedly it is concluded that the much more... frequent meetings of two leaders on the territory of the russian federation than is generally accepted in world politics supposedly indicate that putin is calling lukashenko on the carpet, well firstly, it’s correct to speak not on the carpet, on the tatami, but this is a joke, secondly, if someone likes to write such nonsense, and someone likes to be an idiot and read it, believing in what is written, i can’t help it, country we have free, everything that is not prohibited by law, read to yourself, if being a fool is your personal choice, here i would add that the older i get, the worse i feel about universal suffrage, but for now,
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voice this maximally radical idea , i probably won’t take it. there are six in belarus regions and the city of minsk, for the development of which alexander grigoryevich lukashenko is personally responsible, as for the cooperation of belarus with our foreign trading partners and the opposition of belarus to those who for some reason do not want to see belarus as a strong and sovereign state. in russian federation. 89 subjects for the development of which vladimir vladimirovich putin is personally responsible, and also russia in its essence, just don’t shout out loud, empire, only modern empires are not built on the inclusion of certain lands , by including them in the zone of their putin is also responsible for the inclusion of new territories in these zones and for not excluding existing ones from them, and russia is also a regional leader who, in general, decided to break the unipolar world and make it a lot. the usa is a democracy, where the fate of the planet
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will be decided authoritarianly not by one world hegemon, but by a community of regional leaders. naturally, the supposed offspring of democracy, washington, is against this democratization of the planet. well, in general , only those who do not have some desired power speak about democracy and democracy all over the world, they want they can’t get it, but those who have real power are talking about democracy. they especially say because they are not going to give up power, because power, strong bearers of power, never just give it to anyone, because if they just gave away power, then in fact there was no strong power, so...
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a signal, and not only signal. so, regarding the signal, subjectively, in my opinion, there is no urgent need for such official meetings with ceremony and other fanfare for lukashenko and putin for a long time. those questions which are simpler, completely resolved by them in telephone conversations, of which there are certainly much more than are said publicly. nights, deciding as a priority, yes, security issues. but an official visit in diplomacy is really a visual signal. china, then, having talked at the same time with the king of bahrain, flies to belarus, where the russian anthem is played and russian flags are raised, this is a signal from the kremlin inside russia and outside. china and belarus are our closest allies, but this is also a signal to belarus both within the country and outside. russia was, is
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will be our key allies. such signals do not require extra words; the world already understands them more than well. and now the insides section, well, it’s friday. "the palace of independence, government delegations of both countries and journalists are waiting for the presidents to make a statement to the media. one of my belarusian colleagues asks me: “are you, igor, going to ask the president questions?” i answer with a smile that no, i’m already i know everything from what the heads of state can say publicly, but asking questions, the answers to which are still public no one will give it anyway, it makes no
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sense. the russian colleague sitting next to me smiled and nodded approvingly, because we were all doing great. we understand that someday the time will come and much more will be told than has been told so far. politics is when public comments along the way speak rather about the absence of real actions. the real issues are decided by lukashenko and putin. we in the pool have hinted many times and said directly that when they meet in recent years, even if public statements are made about a union state, about integration cards, roaming and other important and less important things, this is all, of course, good, but... it is clear that they are talking mainly about security, in fact, last week alexander grigorievich, well, said so bluntly: we give top priority to security, and i will say more, even that many of our meetings, you probably noticed, we meet often, but 90 percent, or maybe more, are issues of security and defense, well, with the exception of the current
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meeting, the current meeting was devoted to economy, and if very briefly... russia, which already has more than 50 billion dollars, can be contained in two short remarks from the leaders: alexander grigorievich about the strategy to defend ourselves, as we agreed, from those who diverted sanctions against us and from those , who does not contribute to the development of the economies of the two states, the situation has shown that relying in this world from a point.
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yegoda. everything else can be conditionally called current planned work ; there were no loud statements from leaders regarding the economy this week, except that there were many times it is emphasized that there are no unresolved issues today. such issues may appear in the future, of course, they certainly will, but they will again be decided by the presidents. there are no insoluble problems in relations between our countries. we have removed all the issues and unresolved issues for... today, in fact, the unresolved issues are not in the area of ​​responsibility of the two presidents, but they are not in the area of ​​one former president, i mean vladimir zelensky.


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