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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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marche was created and began production of a self-propelled brake harvester with a hydrostatic drive ksk-100. the year ninety-six laid the foundation for the creation of grain harvesting combine production in the republic of belarus. this is the most brilliant solution. if we talk about the trend of creating power harvesters, it continues today and beyond. of course, these are completely different cars, this is a car.
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then it was a labor victory for the gomselmash workers, who were able not only to revive their enterprise, but also to offer agriculture new modern technology, but to lay a solid foundation for the further development of production, the creation of a new industry in the republic. each subsequent decade became a milestone. then. during the first post-war five-year plan , agricultural machinery enterprises were created in the regions of the republic, and restored mts began operating on farms. but that was only the beginning. it was in the first post-war years that the powerful potential of agricultural engineering was laid. in a short period of time, it gained a leading position in the ussr and created a strong one. foundation
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for food security of the bssr, and subsequently of sovereign belarus, and many brands of belarusian equipment that were created in those distant years became global brands. at the end of june 1950, belarusian radio for the first time organized an exchange radio broadcast, minsk, stalingrad. this was an innovation in radio journalism; its participants from different enterprises shared their work experience and talked about their work successes. builders of the republic and those who built the mtz, its foremost workers, took part in the radio broadcast. production voiced gratitude
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to the tractor-building team of stalingrad for their assistance. information that aroused pride was broadcast. 386 gomsilmashavats have already completed their five-year plans by the beginning of the 50th year. there are 25 channels for two five years, and chats for three five years. at the factory there is a lot of labor involved in the production of chemicals, and most of the time there are workers. the creative work of the trot has become characteristic of the creative work of the electric welder salamatsin, the fryziroushchyk salnikava, and slesar samusenko.
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with you the project everything is clear with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about why we need classic mail in the 20th century. how to receive a paper letter if it was sent electronically . and why the recipient’s index and address should be written legibly, or better yet, in printed text. go! a postage stamp with the symbol of the coming year was canceled in minsk. the dragon.
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stamps are postal money; canceling a stamp means making it unsuitable for payment for sending correspondence, that is, putting some kind of mark on it or tearing it. new stamps are being canceled. divine to show users, from now on this brand is put into circulation and the first has already been used. in belarus , stamps are issued by the ministry of communications and information, and they are always canceled in our country together with employees of the national postal operator bel poshta, because with its help , most citizens of the country send letters and parcels, their sending is paid for with stamps. to cancel a stamp, a special stamp is placed on it; it is made specially. for a specific cancellation ceremony, and it is valid for one day only. on this day, philatelists and collectors gather in the postal salon main post office in minsk. the organization's employees allow them to seal envelopes and postcards with a cancellation stamp, which is destroyed at midnight.
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not everyone is dedicated to this cozy tradition, but the ministry of communications and belposhta support it with pleasure, because it supports people. the generation that grew up on soap, that is, on e -mail, it is called soap from the english word mail, really does not always understand why we need classic mail, only belpochta is no longer just telegrams, tattered roots, notifications of registered delivery letters, now this is a modern system for exchanging correspondence in all formats, social programs, a full-fledged online store in the near future marketplace, while we... are healthy and not engaged in serious activities that require business correspondence with government agencies and officials, we can get by with soap, when you need to send documents to the tax office, accept the department’s response to a complaint, or send the original contract to your partner, the soap no longer works, you need a guarantee of delivery of correspondence and
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confirmation of its receipt, in our time belposhta allows you to carry out all these procedures without the risk of losing time, money and the letters themselves. there is a national electronic postal system in belarus, this is a virtual mail that goes directly from the real one, on the contrary, any citizen can register in this system electronically send official letters with or without delivery notification , while the delivery itself is faster, its price lower than for physical writing, there is less paper work, and for those who feel more confident with paper... if you have an account in the electronic mail system, but the person you are writing to does not, the items will still be delivered. your letter, like everything that flies around belarus, will fall into the walls of the capital’s enterprise
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, produced by minsk post. there is the only huge machine in the country that sorts all the republic's correspondence. this machine takes up an entire floor. so its algorithms will determine that the recipient of your email does not have his own account in the electronic mail system, then the machine will print and package your letter so that the addressee can receive it in paper form. people do not participate in this process, so the transfer is kept secret. it is understandable why postal employees ask you to legibly write the address and zip code on the envelope. our scribbles are forced by algorithms to be read by machines, not people. now let's get specific on prices: for example, to send an a4 paper sheet, you need to pay 60 kopecks, plus the price of an envelope, and sending the same letter electronically costs 42 kopecks. if we are talking about hybrid sending, when you send an email and the recipient
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receives paper, you will have to add the cost of the envelope and printing to the postage price. delivery of a registered letter on one sheet will cost an individual 2 rubles 10 kopecks. for legal entities it costs 2 rubles 16 kopecks. in electronic form , for both categories of senders the price is one and a half rubles, and the delivery speed is much higher. to use the national electronic postal system, you need to go to the nearest post office once with your passport or id card and register your personal account. the user will be given a piece of paper with a login and password. already at home s'. and download there a cryptographic protection program, it will generate keys for entering your personal mail account and encrypt all records so that neither fraudsters nor hackers can under any circumstances get to them. then you need to go to the belpostby website, click the login tab
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, enter your login, password and electronic key from aftan proxyby there, then everything is standard, attach a file from your computer or print in... the working field of the letter, in order to pay for sending you will need to, as in any online store, just enter your details cards, the letter will fly away. with such a service , business correspondence does not take months, just a matter of minutes. days and issues from this correspondence are resolved within the same period. for legal entities there are more interesting products, for example, an electronic advance system, it allows you to pay for postal services by transfer from an account, control the movement of money around the clock and abandon the paper advance book, control of the process falls on automation. we also have postal robots, these are smartpost parcel terminals, so far there are not many of them, 150 of them throughout the country, but there will be more. addresses branches where you can find these robots are
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on the belposhta website. each of them is similar to an atm and accepts items weighing up to 2 kg. the device has scales, a printer, a storage device for parcels and a module where you can fill out the conditions for sending and pay for it. after the sender completes the transfer, the post office sends the recipient an sms with a code that must be entered into the cell. tomato at the recipient's address, the parcel can lie there for three days, if it is not picked up, postal employees will move the cargo to the nearest post office department, that is, the system is convenient for those who have a smartpost parcel terminal near their home or work who send small parcels, but this is not all the technologies that belposhta uses for the convenience of people, there is also a mobile postman, a mobile postman - a social service from belposhta for those who find it difficult to get to a branch or understand
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modern methods of paying for utility bills on the internet. a postman comes to a person’s home with a device that looks like a card reader for ukaz-shops, and the functionality is close to that of an information kiosk. through it, even those who receive pensions and benefits in cash can pay for utilities, mobile communications, subscribe to newspapers and magazines, and order delivery of goods. by the way, he will bring them too. this service is available to belarusians who have registered for the provision of postal services at home. you can apply for this form of service via the internet, or by calling your post office. isn’t a reverent attitude towards stamp cancellations and collectors a manifestation of the soul, but it is after all, not everything belposhta does is to give people a special mood. for example, the owner of a smartphone of any brand can download the application: armarka belarus, if you launch it and point the camera at the mark, it will come to life, become three-dimensional, and
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a mini-story will play out in it. so far, the scripts are working for six postal projects, among them a blog dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazis, the millennium since the first written mention of brest, there are revived stamps dedicated to folk tales history of our land. another heartfelt event is the new year's, the stage of which ended quite recently. on holidays, people could come to the capital's main post office to take pictures in the photo zone with the christmas tree, the photo was immediately converted into a postcard that could be sent by mail to loved ones. the function works now, just without the christmas tree, it’s called post-hello. you can come, take photos and receive postcards with your image. for many holidays, belposhta launches promotions during which you can send a postcard to any location for free belarus and such actions especially. makes the older generation happy, for them a paper postcard from their grandchildren and great-grandchildren is a whole event, it is not
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just a card that will stand in the most prominent place in the house, but a reminder of their youth, when they waited with bated breath for the postman in the hope of news from the front or from loved ones. unfortunately, we also have old people whose relatives do not pamper them with attention, for them the postman is one of the few who will definitely come, listen, help with something and give advice, and the postmen go to bad and good weather, driving cars, riding bicycles. the fact is that the post office operates exclusively within its area of ​​responsibility and its employees cannot force people not to make mistakes, although they try. belposhta never urgently requires you to confirm your address, pay an additional fee, and does not force anyone to pick up anything from its branches. if a person receives an sms threatening fines for refusing to pick up an unordered item. parcel or immediately confirm your home address are scammers and
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mail for actions from both the ruler and the recipient is not responsible in this case . every time they start sending spam on behalf of belposhta, asking you to clarify personal information on some sites, enter your bank card details, or immediately pick up a parcel, the operator’s employees issue a warning that they have nothing to do with these requirements, but... . between archaism and classics, as they say, some are fashionable, some are out of fashion, and some are eternal. mail is a part of our culture, even
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in the high-tech age, one of the most reliable ways to transmit data. there is no need to rush to abandon it, especially since it is successfully integrating into the digital world, learning new tools for working with mail, it responds to the request and those born in 1965 in 2005, well, calm down about the invasion of robots, they will never be able to replace humans for carriers of our culture, rural postmen are proof of this, i marina karaman why do we need classic mail, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you! skin hero may create a unique history
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of life and creativity.
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project say don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. the supreme national assembly, with expanded constitutional powers , made its first strategic decisions, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country's military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but we have peace at home; we are ready to defend it with weapons in our hands and by any means necessary.
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propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus24. you are watching the news now, hello, the president is on a working trip to vitebsk today. region, the head of state visited the orsha enterprise legmash. various types of industrial products are produced here. recently, the line has been expanded to include special-purpose products for the military-industrial complex. at the same time , the task is to maintain an increase in the volume of peaceful products. legmash has been producing and producing such products for many years. from cast iron frying pans and cauldrons.


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