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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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until the end of the week, military formations will practice combat operations in wooded areas. let me note that the exercises are the largest training maneuvers beyond the arctic circle of finland in recent times. readiness to respond and interaction in emergency situations. the minsk police, together with the ministry of emergency situations and other government agencies, are conducting a planned tactics-special exercise. the maneuvers take place on the territory of the chizhovka arena sports complex. main. objectives - to increase the level of preparation for coherence of actions during the occurrence of emergencies and incidents in places of mass events. according to the exercise scenario , service equipment is also involved. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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hello, on the air of the program sas is authorized to announce its presenter nadezhda. i welcome you and remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. usurpation of power in ukrainian, the topic of today’s program, we will discuss in more detail after the discussion of the key events of this week. iranian president ibrahim raisi, considered a potential successor to the country's supreme leader ayatollah alekhaminyah, died in a helicopter crash in a mountainous area. close to the border with
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azerbaijan. the charred wreckage of the helicopter carrying rasi, the head of iran's ministry of foreign affairs and six other people that crashed on sunday was found early monday morning after a 10-hour search complicated by weather conditions. the passengers on the helicopter were the president, the minister foreign affairs, as well as the governor of the iranian province of east azerbaijan and ayatallah of the province of tabris. the helicopter crashed on sunday in the mountains of northwestern iran, near the border with azerbaijan and turkey. raisi was returning from the iranian province. eastern azerbaijan, where he and azerbaijani president ilham aliyev participated in the commissioning ceremony of the platinum on the border araks river. the farewell ceremony of cpac took place on may 22 in tehran. the republic of belarus was represented at the funeral event foreign minister sergei olennik. international criminal court prosecutor karim khan has demanded an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the head of the israeli ministry of defense gallant three leaders of the hamas movement on charges.
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war crimes, the crimes charged against netanyahu and gallant include , among others, starvation of a civilian population , intentionally causing great suffering, serious bodily injury or harm to health, premeditated murder, deliberate attacks against civilians population and other crimes. in addition, prosecutor moose demanded the issuance of arrest warrants for the leader of hamas, the head of the palestinian movement's flight bureau and the commander of the organization's military wing. as stated in the statement, the evidence collected gives reason to believe that all these people are responsible for... in israel and the united states they reacted extremely angrily to the actions of the prosecutor. biden in his statement called them outrageous; house speaker johnson threatened sanctions against prosecutors and judges of the international criminal court involved in the investigation. against israeli officials. moreover, when the same court, under completely far-fetched pretexts, issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin, the american establishment willingly supported such a decision. the un security council rejected the preparations. russia draft
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resolution on preventing an arms race in space. seven countries voted for the adoption of the document, and the same number voted against. another one abstained. resolutions are considered adopted when nine members of the security council have voted for them and not a single permanent member has voted against. among those who supported the document were russia and china. and the usa, france, britain, japan, slovenia, south korea and malta spoke out against it. switzerland abstained. the document proposed by russia called on all countries to take urgent measures to prevent the placement of weapons in space. contains a call on all states to begin negotiations on a legally binding instrument that would exclude an arms race in outer space. the refusal to support the russian project, according to moscow, openly demonstrates the west’s attitude towards militarization outer space. not long ago i was impressed by the painting the last minutes of the impostor by karl bogdanovich venega. it depicts the anger and horror of dmitry’s lies, against whom the muscovites who glorified him only yesterday rebelled. and this is what they write from. historians about his
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further fate: the crowd that broke into the chamber hacked the king to death and his body was thrown from the porch. then, just yesterday, muscovites, who adored the sovereign, dragged him to red square. his disfigured body, as well as the body of basmanov, who remained faithful to his master until at the end, there they put a jester's mask on dmitry's corpse, stuck the bowl of a bowl into his mouth, and now they say you tell us how we used to whistle to your tune. i think, not only for me, all this evokes some allusions with the current ruler of ukraine. his term of office has expired, but he has no intention of leaving. whether the false dmitry will meet his fate, this will be discussed in today's program, i am glad to welcome for the first time in the sas program ruslan anatolyevich kosygin, deputy chairman of the standing committee on national security, house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, hello, hello, it is a great honor
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for us to take part, including, i am glad to welcome franz adamovich, klintsevich, military expert, leader of the russian union of afghanistan veterans, colonel. our guest from the russian federation. glad to see you. hello. and according to tradition, we begin our discussion with a quick question. it sounds like this. ruslan anatolyevich, what do you think, zelensky is still on the throne. is there a chance for peace? or there will be no peace as long as this person holds this position. in fact, the question is very interesting and vitally important. the question of its legitimacy today is who should determine it? legitimate and illegitimate, in my opinion, a very clear answer to this was given by the leaders of our heads of the russian federation, the republic of belarus, that decisions on its legitimacy should be made by the relevant political and legal bodies of ukraine itself, and most importantly - by the people
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of ukraine, and, well, definitely everything related to the policies pursued by the today's zelensky and his team are what is associated with the continuation of the war, as a consequence. his subsequent stay in power, as he determined for himself, therefore today it can be assumed with high probability that as long as zelensky is in power, the war will continue, and this is one of the mechanisms for his promotion of policies and being in power, as he himself did for has defined himself, unequivocally, zelensky is in power, the war continues, there is no peace strategy, yes, franz adamovich, zelensky is in power, there is no peace and there never will be. but the legitimacy of the current president, already the ex-president, is in question, whether he has the right to lead the country today, the fact that he does not want to give up power, this is of course obvious, without a doubt, since may 21, zelensky has been illegitimate. ruslan anatolyevich
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said absolutely correctly, referring to the opinion of the leaders of our countries, when they are in a politically correct, absolutely clear form.
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today there is no point in assessing any political leaders, look, all the political leaders of europe, not only without children, with different sexual orientations, who have no practical experience in governing the country, who have left the political system, to appoint there at the level of public events.
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that is, they don’t care, and they absolutely don’t pay attention to the constitution of ukraine, but in this case they are forced to lie and look for some other loopholes in order to again keep their own man in power, they are the day before, look, somewhere - at the beginning of this year, remember, we had a lot of all sorts of conversations about zelensky, about the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
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today there are a lot of questions, including from states, including western states, and its legitimacy is not without reason, including this article, it is very much discussed, but here it is important to understand one thing, i agree with my colleague when we spoke : state of ukraine, what is it? unfortunately, today, this is an outpost of the americans, the british, the collective west in the fight against the russian federation, no other elements, everything related to the assessment of current events, well, just today no, this applies to all those who understand the events taking place, today ukraine, it is controlled, it, completely, well, let’s say, not parliamentary marriage, fell under the united states of america, under nato, and
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today it is only a territory, the territory on which the largest strategic project anti-russia is being implemented, and there is nothing else in this project except putting pressure on the russian federation, weakening it, and you correctly noted and the head of state has already emphasized more than once, americans don’t care how much americans, how many people will die on the territory of ukraine, both from the side... of the russian federation, and from the side of ukraine, this is the message that until the end, until the last ukrainian, unfortunately, this is the case, therefore, speaking about the state of ukraine, today, with the current policy, unfortunately, there is only one, a global one, the ukrainian people are suffering. zelensky is the ex-president of ukraine, his term of office expired on may 20, this week the new ukrainian leader, who was once planned to be elected in the march elections, was supposed to take the oath. but in kiev they refused the procedure, explaining it due to the country’s military situation. the now ex-president himself said that holding
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elections at the moment is not the time. however, these excuses are nothing more than a way to stall for time. experts are sure that zelensky is afraid of losing power; as expected, the unauthorized extension of powers and the cancellation of voting have become a popular topic for discussion in the international environment. the west, which generously sponsors ukraine, does not make loud statements about zelensky’s legitimacy. it feels like the world hasn't decided yet how... the words of the un representatives are vague, they call zelensky the person to whom they turn when they need to talk with the ukrainian leader, the head of european diplomacy was completely vague on this issue. according to borel, he asked zelensky: are you legitimate? he answered: yes. this topic is closed. the bottom line is that both the un and the eu most likely recognized the legitimacy of the ukrainian leader, at least before the new president took office. the states don’t care at all about who will give back. hit russian cities, in the very kiev is not even trying to stage legitimacy, and the constitutional court and
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parliamentary mechanisms are in fact excluded from political discourse. ukraine hopes that because of the hostilities, citizens will not pay attention to the postponed elections. moscow also commented on what was happening. as vladimir putin previously stated, the question of the legitimacy of zelensky’s presidency after may 20 must be resolved in ukraine and its political and legal systems. for the ampret of the russian security council, dmitry medvedev noted that zelensky.
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i can’t talk about this, i can talk about the european union, i can talk about european countries, but ukraine is not a country of the european union. okay, thank you very much mr. gadine, i follow you on twitter and i noticed that you recently launched a vibrant and well-received
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campaign by the italian office against french president macron's idea to send troops to ukraine, could you? tell us whether it is the position of the italian government that you represent a party that belongs to the ruling coalition in to resist attempts to drag the italians and other europeans into a bloody war? i want to say very clearly here: not a single italian soldier will set foot on ukrainian soil.
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that italy is not at war with russia, our army will not be sent to participate in this conflict on the territory of ukraine. mr. cadini, my last question, recent polls show that your party forward italy has become the fourth most popular party in italy. do you think it can play a role in restoring peace in europe, as it did in those times when the founder.
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of course, we can remember mr. berlusconi, but now we have gogliani, and gogliani is a worthy leader who can return peace to europe and show a worthy way to establish peace between russia and ukraine, i really hope so, because this whole situation makes me very worrying. and i think there are too many politicians, including but not limited to macron, who want escalation, and we want de-escalation.
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are pushing the entire region towards a war that could escalate into a large-scale global conflict, unfortunately, yes, france, please, they already have about 10,000 dead in military personnel from nato countries, and all the special forces of nato countries are constantly present, they are in ukraine and are fighting, they are masquerading as volunteers. masquerades as some, so to speak, private military companies, but these are active military personnel, today, so you understand,
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this deputy doesn’t even fully understand that the collective west is today testing the so -called network-centric war with russia, artificial intelligence has already been there for a long time in the headquarters run by american generals...
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because they bear neither responsibility for their words nor for the consequences, everything is controlled by the americans, they matter, but what do you think, this is what opinion is divided, macron, when he made a statement that we are ready to send our soldiers, nato forces must stop russia on the territory of ukraine, he appealed to what, to the voice of his voters, to his personal ambitions to lead the championship in the european union, since germany is already far away today.
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having discussed it up there, they said it was too early, they were afraid, including, look, to officially declare, but later, how much noise there was after it was announced that russia was conducting exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, listen, as a graduate of the general staff academy, i want to officially tell him that we carry out similar exercises for both strategic and non-strategists every year according to plan.
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alliance, as well as key topics on the international agenda, international security, and let us pay attention to the main statements by heads of state. as for the confluence of powers of vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky, there is no legal purity here and cannot be, because there is deep democracy, you understand, everything is strangled there, i or we are often reproached
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that we are dictators, or someone else there.
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conference, which was announced at the conference in switzerland, is precisely for the western community, the sponsors of today’s kiev regime, to confirm the legitimacy of the current head of state, or an inactive one, but these pr steps, they have no meaning for legal documents.
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belarus, to the russian federation, after all , look what is happening in the gas territory of israel, today, these are official figures, this policy, the so-called tactical alignment, when everything is often demolished , and then the troops just move in,
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what has led to it? more than 35,500 dead, of which children, children - almost 11,500 women, almost 6,000, who is this? having assessed, he expressed at least those things that relate to stopping the condemnation, yes, the attempt was international criminal court, having assessed all these things to indicate, this is genocide against the palestinian people, immediately biden’s speech, yes, who says: this is not genocide, everything connected with the senators who say that if we admit that this genocide, the next one will be an appeal to the united states, and this is very important.
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yes, good afternoon, good afternoon, in today’s program we are talking about whether mr. zelensky is a legitimate president of ukraine, for the un he is, according to mr. dujaric, it follows that now any a usurper recognized by the united states and its allies can also be recognized by the un secretariat, however, the un member countries themselves are not at all obliged to live according to the logic of being dependent on the united states. un bureaucrats, and what is important to note, the people of ukraine are not obliged to follow the views of officials of the un secretariat on who has the right to be its leader, the words of people like mr. dujarik do not have the right to replace the decision
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of the citizens of un member ukraine on who should be their president, here comes the most interesting thing, in the un charter there is no word democracy, which washington is almost 80 years old uses it like a club, but sovereign equality is fixed. well, the west has once again opened another pandora's box, they have become so good at it all over the last 2 years, all their sacred cows that they nurtured so much, democracy, human rights,
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equality, brotherhood, all this was thrown out by themselves dumping their own waste that they have accumulated, it is natural that this precedent can now become... probably the same for other countries, i don’t know how they will get out of this situation, de in fact, he is not the president, he has no right to be, because there is a legal basis for not holding elections or canceling elections, well, the basis for this has not been selected, but tell me, it has not been formulated, has not been done, yes, i absolutely agree with you, but at the same time time... is ready to begin negotiations on accession to the european union in june of this year, the question arises: how can a state with an illegally elected president who illegally uses his power talk about membership in the european union.
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the legitimacy of the european union itself is doubts. speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk called those who question the legitimacy of zelensky after the twentieth the enemies of ukraine and political nits. everyone who questions the legitimacy of president zelensky are enemies of ukraine. i really don’t want political nits to undermine the legitimacy of power in the country. nadya, yes, when we talk about legitimacy, i would like to remind everyone that when in the twelfth year they deceived yanukovych in the fourteenth they carried out a military coup, while they did not the elected current heads of the leading european states were embarrassed.
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in this process, at the same time, if i relate to my personal opinion, then in the current conditions, understanding the trend, the three main tasks of the special military operation must be brought to their logical conclusion, and then we will talk about the peace process on our terms, there are no other options for europe, not for ukraine, that is, even if elections were held in ukraine today and there would be a different president. wouldn’t ukraine still have a place
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in the process of searching for peace? the search for peace would be, and the president of russia and the minister of foreign affairs speak about this: well, the search for peace must take into account our demands and approaches, which we are constantly being deceived and discredited, they also discredit any of our actions, so i understand that in the current conditions in which europe finds itself . what caused the fear, this is what
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alexander lukashenko said in april 2024, let’s hear direct speech, this is important: at the beginning of the north military district, zelensky was supported by almost 98%, today the figures vary, some say 34%, and the latest data among russians is about 14%, the most zaluzhny has a high rating of 35%, still not much.
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the leadership is further, and they don’t care, although,
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by the way, they talked and wrote a lot about this, they offered him to hold elections, when he said: yes, there are no questions, we will hold them, give us another 5 billion, and also ensure voting there on the line of military contact, while the west clearly indicated, you hold these elections, because this is like the property of the ukrainian people, this is why many praise poroshenko, that he then decided, did, left, yes. after all, it was one of the assets, how to say, of the european ukraine, that there is a change of power, in fact, today it turned out that the person who simply clung to this power understands that the next one, even if there were elections, the head of our state said this, no one would did not support, he is doing everything to extend his stay, definitely, the west will support zelensky under any conditions, no matter who he is now, why, because he... today is beneficial to them, this is that
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battering ram against russia, yes and against belarus in including which they use to achieve their political and strategic goals. yes, valdemar, please tell me, in your opinion, this is really for certain political circles in europe, the united states of america, zelensky, taran, this is the first, although not everyone supports his candidacy, but what do you think, let’s try to understand, yes to draw up a psychological portrait, zelensky himself is glad that... he found himself in this position, because it seems to me that he no longer has the right to choose, or is he still here really decided to go to the end, he could have held elections and retired, well, i mean , you know, like a creative... pension, but this is not happening, well, who will let him go now, so much money has been invested, because he is so well-fed it turned out to be a pig, somehow it is now necessary, well, imagine, now to change it and justify all this to those voters who are intensely criticizing this useless waste of money, the destruction
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of their own economies under some hero who was, and now it turns out that this the hero seems to be not really a hero. let 's change all this, well, politics can't afford to lose face like this, so they'll burn him to the end, he'd probably be glad to finish somehow, well, he started playing at the very beginning, then he liked it, then now i think a serious one is coming oskoma, but he no longer has a choice, well, i’m very sorry, as an artist, i always liked him, he would have stayed in... what he was born for, he would have brought a lot of benefit to humanity, now he’s doing a lot of harm. yes, unfortunately, you see, that's the story chose the wrong hero, or the hero got into trouble. let me remind you
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that sas is authorized to make a statement on the air of the program. we continue our discussion and discuss another extremely important statement. damn calls out the biden administration.
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russia is moving the line of contact away from the sovereign territory of the russian federation and today, already in donetsk and lugansk , difficulties have arisen in applying fire with conventional artillery and rocket systems, which is why they set up controls today through launchers. m270 m-142, and this one from a missile with a range of 160 and 300 km, while there is still a debate going on whether to act or not, but we already have and are recording strikes, test strikes, which are carried out by american and british specialists who find
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military personnel there on our territories, this is the event that we are talking about today, but sooner or later it will end for everyone is deplorable, and russia is waiting until finally, it has already slightly opened its visor, nato, will reveal its face, so that we can then truly show our teeth. russia is currently conducting a special military operation, and a proxy war is undeclared by nato countries, which is being waged against russia, it is very serious, so constant, very active. it is no coincidence that they sold him a palace, a royal palace, he has accumulated, i apologize for the word, already enough money to function calmly like yatsenyuk, he probably understands that he is
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a sacred victim, his forehead is already anointed with selenium, yes, franz adamovich , i think you will agree that today they say more and more often in moscow. about the complete liquidation of the ukrainian state, at the same time in minsk they are still trying to preserve a renewed ukraine, although here is ruslan anatolyevich, but this is dangerous, dangerous, first of all, for the security of the republic of belarus, of course, having in the south of the state where there is a war, and a war, i say again, which is being waged by the wrong hands, by the hands of ukrainians, to the last ukrainian, of course, for us this poses a certain threat, including... it is impossible to develop into some kind of border conflict, we are doing everything to prevent this, we have everything for this, and the president, including in the all-belarusian clearly stated at the meeting: no red
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we will not draw lines, we have one thing, our national interests, we have a state border, everyone who tries to cross the state border with weapons in their hands will be destroyed, everyone who tries to harm our national interests, the answer will be tough, immediate and , let’s say, unacceptable, the head of state spoke about this, including taking into account the deployment on our... territory of non-strategic nuclear weapons, which our russian colleagues provided us with, which will be used in the interests of protecting our country and the allied states, this is exactly what we said about the kharkov direction, nato got bogged down in the war in ukraine, how upset they were when nato equipment was brought there to moscow, and stolping began to say there, that’s why nato is not fighting, yes, it is fighting, it is in the middle of a military conflict, therefore.
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to sincerely understand for themselves that their gene pool is being utilized, the russian
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world is being utilized, because on television screens about 3 months ago, their central screen , a screensaver was made that during this period they lost 1 million 126.584 people, and then she hung her. literally an hour and a half there, it was removed, this screensaver, you know, today, based on the analysis, i understand perfectly well that for the period around the beginning of the twenty-third year, for the twenty-second year, they submitted an application to the united nations about the unknown there are 296 thousand missing people by name, so this was 2 years ago, these are the people who today, based on the trend... which is based on their methods, tactics of warfare, led to these consequences, the events of this summer will show
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colossal changes on the line of contact, and we will carry out the task of a special military operation, without denying any peace negotiations, processes on our terms, to its logical conclusion, in these conditions, as a belarusian and as a russian officer, in the presence of... here on on television in belarus, i want to say that it is a great, great success that we have such leaders, that we have the opportunity to live in a union state, jointly supporting the solution of common tasks of our national security , taking into account the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, this is what is being decided there today on the line of contact and... we will complete this task, one thing is needed here now: first - stop, stop everything related to the provision of all kinds of military
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assistance and other issues, and sit down at the negotiating table . since further delay could lead to catastrophic consequences, and once again the head of state: we are ready, as the republic of belarus, to provide a platform for further negotiations, but on terms that would take into account the emerging the current situation and definitely with those who can make decisions, in this case zelensky, well, talk to him practically.
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maidan 3, the so-called, which again is designated by the same zelensky as a russian project, i say again, we need to look at this from the point of view of today's real situation, today, unfortunately, those politicians with whom we could talk, well, them , unfortunately, not in ukraine, that’s why they say that it should be decided at a higher level, and ukraine is no longer here is being considered, thank you very much, we put an end to our discussion today. i would like to say this: in the analysis of the situation in ukraine, it seems to me, too much attention is paid to individuals, and not enough to the analysis of the mood in society. therefore, at the end of the program i will give a quote from the white guard by mikhail bulgakov. and in these same towns , folk teachers, welshmen, one-time lords, ukrainian seminarians who, by the will of fate, became ensigns, hefty sons of beekeepers, staff captains, with ukrainian surnames, all
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they speak ukrainian, everyone loves ukraine, magical, imaginary, without... without it there wasn’t, there wasn’t, so nonsense, legend, muscovite officers, turak, zemgusar, petliura, mirage, just a word in which merged and unquenchable rage, and the thirst for peasant revenge on the rich and the aspirations of those faithful sons of their sunflower hot ukraine, who hate moscow, no matter what it is, bolshevik or tsarist or whatever. let's put an end to this, thank you, this was the program sas was authorized to declare. as long as zelensky remains in power, there will be no peace in ukraine.
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moments, real emotions. years later, magnitka champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me, from any team, how happy the metalga players are, all this in sports projects on the belarus tv channel. 24 what is happening in the european union, but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means, a potential enemy is removed in socio-economic terms, there politically, it was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this modern ruling elite, their personal future is secured, but they pay for it by defending american and british interests in the european union, destroying them.
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