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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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it is associated with the great victory of the belarusian people in a terrible war. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. this is a very interesting job, because when we come to work, in our department, and in other departments, we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still produced , it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this you can’t imagine such pride and such happiness as from a manufacturer. approach to the matter. which
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everyone should strive for. what is output vinegar? this is actually, to be honest , a specialty where the most responsible people in the enterprise are. work for me is joy, it is pleasure and results, it is stability, confidence in the future. my work is life for me. they always say to me: you go to work, smile, leave work, smile, go forward, move, and we are here too, so come to us, see how we live. see the project, quality mark. on the belarus 24 tv channel over the past 30 years after the collapse in the soviet union, the concept of democracy was so distorted, on the one hand, this is a good advertisement on the part of the collective west, which it sowed in the post-soviet space, saying: “come to us, we have a lot of democracy, but in reality there is the power of capital, so our democracy is focused on every citizen." to
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the west has modern technologies for shaking up society, destroying the economy, engaging various particular personnel, and thus you can lose the state, there is no international law, it destroyed, which means who is right, well, only the one who has more power, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons is precisely the most important deterrent, and which does not give these hotheads the opportunity to start some kind of provocation or...
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draft agreement technical barriers to mutual trade between the commonwealth countries are at a high level of readiness, prime minister roman golovchenko stated this during a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis in ashgabat. removing these obstacles in mutual trade is a topical topic today. belarus has also created a working group within the cis.
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i propose to instruct the executive committee to submit an agreed draft of this important document for approval to the economic council in september, so that we can sign it, possibly at our next autumn meeting.
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a lot about the free trade zone, moreover, this year will come into force, the ratification process is now underway, there is also an agreement on a free trade zone in services. the development of a transport corridor, north-south, as well as corridors in central asia, will allow access through uzbekistan and afghanistan, as well as pakistan. to achieve this, all
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the possibilities already exist in the energy sector ; actions are being coordinated in the gas, oil, and electric power industries. many power systems operate in parallel mode, and this allows for increased efficiency. reliability, energy saving and economic efficiency, but another decision of the council of heads of government was to consider the possibility of approving observer status with the cis. we are witnessing a serious transformation of international relations, we see how much attention to such regional associations, including economic formations, and the commonwealth of independent states is no exception. therefore , a corresponding initiative is being introduced, as for interest, as i have already said, due, among other things , to international transformation and due to the fact that authority, status, trade turnover, in
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general, our interaction is gaining momentum in a new quality, with a completely new content, naturally , this arouses incorruptible interest among... the index of business optimism has increased in belarus, business confidence in the authorities is growing, the results of this annual study were presented in minsk. the capital hosted an assembly of business circles. the participation of entrepreneurs is traditionally active, about 250 people. this is an effective platform for
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open dialogue. representatives of higher authorities, ministries, departments, deputies, regional and industry unions discussed priority areas for the development of entrepreneurship. minsk region, grodna took the lead among cities, in the capital frunzinsky district. key criteria are the number of entrepreneurs, the volume of tax revenues to the local treasury and the general business climate. anton malyuta about the forum agenda. how will the business continue to operate? of course, this is the number one topic discussed on the sidelines. yes, the changes will not affect everyone, but here’s what will be of interest to every entrepreneur: the system of state support, even without innovation and preferences , is enough. the measures that regulate public procurement, there is also
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a preferential amendment, different so that belarusian entrepreneurs participate more in public procurement and have some preferences are very good and positive. played 992 resolution on consumer lending, where our citizens at 4% for 3 years with an installment have the opportunity to purchase goods of already issued loans in the amount of 142 million rubles, and by the way, we are planning to constantly supplement the list of manufacturers who apply to us, this one the list is expanding, we are already preparing a project to raise the bar, today up to 300 basic quantities can be used, it is planned to increase it to 500 in order to further expand the range of our manufactured goods. the partner state is one of the main accents of the five-year plan, approved by the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly, how this is implemented in practice is clearly seen in the example of the concept of one district, one project. regions mean jobs paid into the budget, so why not help a private investor, for example, with the installation of networks or
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reconstruction of roads. we see that now the key task of the state is to provide jobs in the regions, and not just jobs, but with good earnings. naturally, this requires appropriate investment projects. the state, naturally, offers its own options and has a plan for the development of the region. but private investors must definitely join this program, not concentrate in regional centers, in capitals, focus, of course, on the regions. this partnership allows the business optimism index to gradually increase, an indicator that is assessed annually based on a survey of the business community. now he is at the level of moderate skepticism, this is a certain strategy of waiting before announced changes, but again, in work on... everyone can participate in them, we are probably one of the first who
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constructively continue to develop the dialogue between business and government, increase the degree of trust, because the most valuable capital is trust, using constructive dialogue business authorities, we have reached new points of growth, trajectories, including increasing the gdp of our country, and another important part of the assembly is the announcement of the best regions for doing business, taking into account taxes of work... places and other factors. in the top is the city of grodno, baranovichi, smolevichi and minsk districts, as well as minsk region and frundinsky district of the capital. we understand that small and medium-sized businesses are flexible, let’s say, business entities that react reliably to all the situations that happen in the economy, and in the future, let’s say, bear fruit for the republic of belarus, including import substitution. are engaged, the private sector makes a significant contribution to the economy, a quarter of gdp, so the state is interested in
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listening to business. the assembly of business circles has been maintaining for several decades traditions of constructive dialogue, important for all parties. anton malyuta and ivan mozgo, area of ​​interest. this is an area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement, later in the program. results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. and our exports: belarusians are ready to compete with italians in pasta. let's ask the guest of the program what the secret of the recipe is. we know exactly how to start the morning right. this has been said and will be said thousands more times. breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who try. live effectively, i of course, i highly recommend adding
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slow carbohydrates to breakfast so that you have energy, work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will have sweets with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but it seems to me it’s difficult, these are proteins, good, unsaturated fats, and what omega 3 will give us is what will give us good hormonal levels, beautiful elastic skin. and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. you can have a great time this way, which will give your body what it really needs, which is energy, health and vigor. during exercises, i do the usual rotation of my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. paleshuk.
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yana is not very sensitive to the rules of the kashtouna people and i will come out of this. chchala - geta mayo, geta my whole life. i am from childhood, from samaga.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles 17 kopecks. for 10 yuaniya they gave 4 rubles 35 kopecks on the roads. and 3.58 costs 100 russian rubles. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 44 kopecks. belarus' need for pasta, which is about 70 thousand tons per year , is met primarily on its own; they are produced mainly in borisov, minsk and lida. the raw material for them is domestic wheat. we ourselves make mostly, and this is more than 95%, pasta of groups b and c, in small quantities pasta of group a, for which flour from durum wheat of the highest quality is used varieties. nalida bread is an industrial product,
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the production of pasta does not stop for a minute. people equipment is working. around the clock in four shifts, are belarusians ready to compete with the italians and who has once again tasted our product abroad? we asked the head of the lida enterprise about this. your company is probably the progenitor of many trends, specifically in pasta. what is the product line today? well, we are working in three directions, major directions.
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still on the shelves, when will it appear in something what's special about this pasta? this is the same pasta made from durum wheat, but in a more budget-friendly package, that is, if the pasta comes in cardboard and is a more premium product considering the packaging, then these are the same products, durum wheat, but in a more budget-friendly package. what are the production volumes on the pasta line? month - the plant can produce
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up to 800 tons, now we are working within the range of 650-700, but there is a certain problem with production.
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neighbor, well, for pasta, too, so there is a certain problem, but the enterprises we worked at approximately the same level in the twenty -second, twenty-third year and we are now working within the framework of 100% of this, we are trying to develop further arcs of the market, we constantly participate in exhibition events, this is africa, these are asian countries, that’s what concerns this year, there are deliveries to china, there are deliveries to latin america, several deliveries, and the main market that we now see for ourselves is the african market, after all, so we are trying to get there in order... to ensure the full operation of the enterprise, how much grains per year you need and are there enough volumes within our country? the enterprise needs about 165-170,000 tons, in general. with the exception of durum varieties, we are fully provided with belarusian grain, thanks to the support of the government, the regional executive committee, we have fully confirmed the volume of funding and we
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are provided. whose belarusian grain do you mainly have at your enterprise? grodno region, support your best grain, of course. and that’s it for today, all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy; we will tell you in the area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we airs every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. sunny weather for you. success in all your endeavors, blessings, the coat of arms and the anthem are a connection and involvement with belarus,
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as seen on our tv channel.
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live news with you elizaveta lokotko. good afternoon. and in this issue. expand the product line, as well as increase the production of civilian and military goods. tasks for making leg mash from the president. working trip to vitebsk region. partnerships.


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