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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

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news, elizaveta lakotko is with you. good afternoon. and in this issue. expand the product line, as well as increase the production of civilian and military goods. tasks for breeding leg mash from the president. working trip to vitebsk region. partnerships on equal terms not only in politics. the belarusian-hungarian business forum brought together representatives of economic sectors in minsk. development of competition. saving
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budget funds, protecting national interests, government procurement within the framework of the eurasian five in the economic environment program. to develop production, expand the product line, to have the maximum of our own, these are the tasks the president set when visiting the vitebsk region on a working trip. the head of state visited the leg mash plant today. this arshan enterprise has been focused on producing civilian products for many years . from cast iron frying pans to goods for the oil and gas industry, but recently the plant has been reoriented to produce products to meet the needs of the military industry, and they intend to expand this range here, see the president in detail they reported on the work of the enterprise, showed samples of products, the head of state noted the importance of the development of production for the military-industrial complex, but at the same time demanded not to focus only on this area. peaceful goods have always been a significant export item for leg mash, and henceforth they should not be relegated to second place. there are skills,
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there is a school, there are people, they know how to do it, they must do it, take control of the most severe, everything that he produced for export, he must produce, this is export, this is currency, and the fact that he ruined it is export, it doesn’t, the relevant people have already informed me that he has begun... to organize the production of the military-industrial complex, this is necessary, there is an ironclad demand from him here, he has used everything that can be done here for the military-industrial complex, and these positions are for export, he will ruin the enterprise that and the products that it has produced so far, so it must produce peaceful products, not for wartime, not the military-industrial complex, it must produce it in a larger scale, how they will do it is their business. at night
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it will somehow attract people and so on, not to the detriment of the military-industrial complex. there must be such tension, ruin export is a crime. take iron control. the president will describe the plant as a promising site, where it is necessary to increase the production of both civilian goods and military products. in the current realities, import independence is needed in all areas, and the military-industrial complex is no exception.
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but the laws will not work if belarus has nothing to protect itself with, so the country is paying increased attention to the development of production, the president’s people asked about supporting consumer demand. it works in the country. we will continue this practice entrusted to the government, i think that by the end of the year we will review and increase these subsidies for you, loans, apparently, this interest will remain, maybe someone from the banks will add half a percent, but it will be very, very preferential so that you can buy. what the belarusian one produces, that is, in this part we will move towards increasing lending, secondly, we will expand the line of enterprises, in my opinion there are 120 of them, which are subject to this preferential lending, that is, if it is a
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refrigerator plant, you can buy there, but if you want, say, to buy a hammer, to for example, this will not be credited, that is, 120 enterprises. where can you come with these loans to buy your products, we will expand this range, maybe there will be 140, maybe 150, the government will make a proposal, we will make a decision, we have reached a good indication, we were talking about space, the president noted that there are agreements with the president russia, if necessary, includes belarusians among the cosmonauts who will undergo not accelerated training, but training on an ongoing basis; in addition, russia intends to build its own space station, if desired... belarus can also become a participant in this program. the process of eurasian integration is a fundamental object of protection by the court of the eurasian economic union. the chairman of the court, yas alexander dronov, told reporters about this today. on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the unification , a plenary meeting was held. in total, since 2015
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, the court has considered 85 cases. this is a lot for an international judicial body; 78 acts have been issued, almost three dozen advisory opinions. recent events clearly show that our space is a value, yes, worth fighting for, which is worth strengthening and developing, because this is the frontier that we have no right to give up, this is a chance for development, as i have said many times, of all our states, members of our peoples countries, the agreement on the formation of yaas was signed on may 29, 2014, now it includes... the countries: belarus, russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, armenia, three more states - moldova, uzbekistan and cuba, have observer status. compete on equal terms, save budget funds, ensure a reasonable balance of movement of goods and services to protect national interests. today
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the talk show experts are focusing on the economic environment and government procurement within the eurasian five. this is an important tool for developing competition, saving budget funds and increasing work efficiency. we supply a little more than $700 million as part of government procurement to the market of the eurasian economic union; the reserves
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are colossal; it’s just that here it seems that our suppliers and manufacturers need to be more active in promoting themselves to the market of the eurasian economic union and this share in... the issue of technical regulation implies uniform requirements, uniform conformity assessment documents, uniform test protocols, respectively, for our manufacturers, having received a test report in one of the five countries, this protocol is valid for the entire five, and are withdrawn accordingly financial costs, time costs, probably an important point after all. the work of our enterprises is a continuity of the standards that were adopted in the soviet union, in fact they have grown into national standards, but more than that, today, working globally
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, we have switched to producing products according to standards that exceed the requirements of the ias and thereby provided the opportunity to achieve those consumer properties that will really distinguish ... products from everything else, the entire economic environment - a program in which we talk in clear language about complex economic processes in the country outside its borders. watch the new episode today after the panorama.


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