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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

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on air news now, elizaveta lokotko is with you. hello. develop our own production in order to have the maximum of our products, including through voenprom. the president is guiding industrialists towards this. alexander lukashenko today visited the lekmash plant, this arshan enterprise has been focused on production for many years. and
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they intend to expand this range here. the head of state noted the importance of developing production, but at the same time demanded that we not focus only on this area. peaceful goods in the lekmash line should not only be present, produced in large volumes. the plant is a promising site, the president is convinced, and it needs to be developed. in the current realities, import independence is needed in all areas. and the military-industrial complex is no exception. this will increase our defense capability. today i am doing everything to ensure that...
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what you are doing here is the most important thing for you and for your children, we will always need this in the country abroad. your enterprise has been given the most severe task, you produced and worked well for civilian needs, and the fact that you knew how to do it and was exported, it is not allowed to ruin it, so i ask you to treat this with understanding, because a lot has been done for orsha... a lot, you must give what i demand from the government, and they came to you to restore production facility and produce a product that is very necessary for the world, the whole world. in turn, the state is ready to provide support to factory workers; the president promises that if there is industrial development, people will not need housing. alexander lukashenko also answered the question about employees of lekmash, so the preferential program will be expanded in the country. lending
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for the purchase of domestic goods, in particular , people will be able to take out loans at 4% per annum for the products of a larger number of our enterprises. we talked about space, the head of state noted that there are agreements with the president of russia if they wish to include belarusians among the cosmonauts who will undergo not accelerated training, but training on an ongoing basis. the bloodthirsty calls of american politicians, the ex-candidate for us president wrote on one of the shells israeli army. which is conducting a military operation in the gaza strip, the phrase “end them.” niki halley did this while visiting southern israeli settlements destroyed by hamas on the day of the october 7 attack. photos of her antics caused a strong reaction on social media. activists speaking out in support of palestine in the united states called haley's act a disgusting evidence of moral decay. in ukraine, it plans to reduce the training period for mobilized people from two months to one and a half, while according to
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a message from a verkhovna rada deputy, this allegedly due to a large influx of people and an insufficient number of training centers. at the same time, more than 94,000 draft dodgers are being sought throughout the country. ukrainians don’t want to fight, that’s what young people themselves think about the ban on crossing the border for men and mobilization in a new way. this is nonsense, because everyone is hungry for money. why? now offer me 10,000 dollars, i will agree to a comrade, you, my comrade, another comrade.
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departments, and also confirmed the positive dynamics of development of cooperation in the military sphere. within during the visit, an agreement was signed on organizing the reception of airfield technical support for the protection of military aircraft at military airfields of the armed forces of the two countries. meeting with little heroes , cosmonaut anastasia lenkova came to visit children at the republican scientific and practical center for oncology. everyone was looking forward to this, from very young patients to the staff of the institution, because anastasia herself. worked as a pediatric surgeon at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery, so the meeting was interesting and useful for the medical workers from a professional point of view. she spoke about the importance of mastering space and translated into an example developments that were created specifically for astronauts. anastasia also showed archival photos.


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