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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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assembly card, yeah, where the model 1221.3 is indicated, this is for 120 horsepower, the country of destination, it goes to the eu countries, that is , the technical regulations of those countries are uniform, the serial numbers of the units that are installed on the tractor are written down, yeah, that is, this map goes , as i understand it, for the buyer, that’s right, no, the assembly map remains at the enterprise, and this is like its history, let’s say , it’s like a means of birth, yes, here you can trace who assembled it. who checked, clearly, our names will indicate where we collected, and the names will indicate the workers who checked for you, let's see what we know, come on, what do we have, a pedal, right, if you roughly calculate how many parts should go into the tractor, and... but this looks like too, and this is
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like a hand brake, probably, maybe , probably yes, there are clearly more than a thousand of them, and maybe several thousand, which we are currently in the process of, well, now the equipment is about 85 percent assembled, now you have to install the steering wheel, please, thank you, we can say that you're already driving,
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right next to each other, and you 're doing the whole process alone, yes, yes, that's it, that's it, yes, i i imagined, when i installed the steering wheel, how i was driving through the fields, collecting this face, but they threw me off quickly, told me to get off, we went down according to the instructions, facing the tractor, the funniest moment that was when he was choosing a pipe. they were all absolutely identical, but his eye fell on the same one that stood nearby, well, let's take this one, i really liked it, it was so long, and how did it go back and forth, well, with exhaust fumes from the driver, that's right, so yes, just smoothly, everything should be beautiful, now it’s like on formula 1, let’s hurry up the time let's go... hold the pipe with one hand,
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clamp it with the other, let me hold it, because so that it doesn't move, now look, the pipe is rotating, that's it, well done, that's it, that's it, the thing i remember most is how they put that big wheel on this tractor, this man with this gun, roughly speaking, he’s been standing like this
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, well, you’ve probably been working for 25 years, yes, since 1978, i was almost close, and as you like, bad, of course, i liked it, i agree, here you are they weren’t, yes, of course, so, i’ll go and see from the outside how it’s done, honestly, i’m watching, it seems i wouldn’t do it myself, eight hours every day. 100-120 tractors appear every working day, it’s simply beyond words, you can just calculate for yourself how much it is per month, per year. the tractor rushed past us so quickly, where did they take it next? the tractor went to the agricultural site to check. each component of an already assembled
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tractor takes at least one hour, after which the tractor goes to the finishing and painting shop, where final assembly is carried out, and the hood, headlights, fenders, and some other parts are installed. i didn’t know, you can’t get around this in one day, because there are generally 40 workshops, i didn’t have enough , i would like to continue walking, but it seems to me that i couldn’t bear so much information , it would probably take a week to film it, well, arthur, you and i worked a shift,
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yes, yes, yes, as it should be, how do you like the anatomy of a tractor, honestly, i am amazed that such magic can be created from such small details, i agree with you, which of the poems did you like best? to be honest, i liked all the workshops, but most of all i liked our first workshop, where we were, blacksmith, yes, it seems to me that you are forging not only a tractor, but also yourself, strengthening your masculine character, i completely agree with you, we have already talked about this more than once, about the fact that the people who work there are simply super people, real men, real men, now you also know how a real belarusian tractor is created, but if you want to become the hero of our program to visit places you haven’t been before, write down shorts. video, send it to us and together we will find out how it is done.
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for a moment i want to stop running and see how it's raining. the leaves are moving, the sun is shining, and how our life is built from all these little things, we want to look at this world differently every day, discover something new for ourselves, it’s so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus.
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in the building of the izvestia newspaper on pushkinskaya square in moscow, where the editorial office of soviet belarus was located on september 22, 1943 , there was a situation with ovralu’s relatives, and an issue of the newspaper with a message of particular importance was hastily prepared for publication. editor ivan larionovich feshchenko could no longer contain his emotions when his deputy semyonov entered the office. “read, we just received word from headquarters from panomarenko, this needs to be urgently delivered to the issue, we are changing the editorial, instead of two pages we are giving four, you have no time for the field people at all, we must
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manage to transfer the circulation today, the flight to the rear of the partisans is midnight, work in the editorial office at their limit, the typists barely had time to type." the deputy director dictated the text without even pausing. responsible secretary vladimir poleski immediately proofread the material. september 22, 1943 the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia came out with a sensational report. in minsk, on the night of september 22, 1943, gauleiter wilhelm kube was liquidated. an explosion occurred in his mansion. newspapers came out with the same messages, which were captured by the fascists in belarus, albeit with mournful obituaries and curses addressed to those who passed sentence on the laundering of the belarusian people. for the soviet intelligence services, this was one of the most successful operations carried out during
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the war in german-occupied territory. in february 1943. the people's commissar of state security was called sssrov and his deputy bogdan kabulov. invited: head of the red army intelligence directorate, lieutenant general fyodor kuznetsov. the agonizing wait in the reception room of the supreme commander-in-chief. take nothing extra with you. we only hold materials of the highest degree of secrecy. finally, alexander nikolaevich poskrebyshev came out of the office. the supreme is waiting. behind closed doors , a discussion began about the upcoming operation of the special services to eliminate hitler's governor in belarus, gauleiter kuba. is it data? which were regularly reported to stalin by his activities were striking in their cruelty.
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the facts about their sadism are beyond the bounds; they are in the reports of the meeting participants. intelligence report dated march 2, 1942. a raid in the minsk ghetto, during which a group of children was captured. they were thrown into a deep ditch. kube arrived at the place of execution, surrounded by several officers, and began throwing sweets to the children, who were driving out of fear and horror. terrible facts of reprisals against civilians of minsk, soviet prisoners of war, jews, partisans, executions, torture, punitive operations, on the personal instructions of stalin, the executioner of the belarusian people cuba has included a list of nazis to be eliminated. 12 special groups were identified that operated in the minsk region, they received orders for destruction. this was followed by a series of unsuccessful attempts on gauleiter’s life, and it became clear that tactics needed to be changed. at
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the beginning of october 1943 , three girls unexpectedly appeared at an isolated dacha of the ussr people's commissariat of state security. surrounded by special attention from staff and security. from them i could be alone with my thoughts, analyze what i had to endure recently. nadezhda troyan, opening her notebook in a box, she began to write it out in neat handwriting. to the head of the fourth department, state security commissioner of the third rank, a sudoplatovo. after thinking about something for a moment, she continued. report from the resident of the operational group ivan fedorovich
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kanskaya. at the same time, i am enclosing a description of my work in preparing the assassination of the german general of belarus wilhelm kube. and then there’s the date: october 13, 1943. kanskaya. operative pseudonym nadezhda troyan. report hot on the trail to restore the sequence of events. troyan couldn't concentrate, thoughts crowded each other, memories flooded in again. making an effort, she continued. the only correct decision is to come into contact with someone from gauleiter’s inner circle, and these are his servants. first meeting with galina mazanik, that’s what cuba called her, not elena. it took place, as follows from... september 8 and was organized by their mutual friend tala.
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a few days of getting to know each other and having a frank conversation. help the homeland, free the people from the bloody executioner. the goal is the liquidation of cuba. a on the night of september 22 , an explosion occurred in the cuba mansion. this was the result of the work. another reconnaissance group, which was also looking for exits to the mazanik. the day before, on september 20 , mazanik’s neighbors heard her quarrel with someone unfamiliar. oh, i don’t know, it’s a bit expensive. the price is very good for these times, and the product is decent. where else can you buy shoes like this? well, let me take a look. the girls loudly sorted things out over the price of shoes, which they couldn’t agree on, each stood her ground, no one wanted to give in,
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you need to fasten it on this side, the plant is here, you’ve completely lost your conscience, you’re ripping people off like that, you don’t have much time, my dear, they can buy shoes. and this is a present just in case, poison, if something happens. the unfamiliar girl turned out to be maria osipova, one of the first organizers of the minsk underground, a liaison for several partisan detachments, operational pseudonyms tsaplya chernaya.
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she contacted galina through the director of the minsk cinema nikolai pokhlebaev. a guard once again walked along the corridor where the gauleiter's bedroom was located. dog. not noticing anything suspicious, he moved on; his attention was not attracted by the gornishnoye entering the corridor. chief, you are asked to come downstairs.
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an instant and galina was already in the bedroom, it took seconds for mina to be in the right place, she attached her to the springs of the mattress. another moment, and galina, as if nothing had happened, continued cleaning in the corridor. why is the bedroom door closed? why did you go there? who allowed it? i, i closed the door of the room so that dust would not fly from cleaning.
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a few hours later, elena mazanik was already far from the mansion. citing a toothache, she asked the hostess to leave early. together with osipova they went to join the partisans. the interrogation of the girls was carried out personally by the people's commissar of state security of the ussr, sevolod merkulov, and his deputy bogdan kabulov, head of the red army intelligence directorate , lieutenant general.
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i gave mina to mazanik at her apartment. each of the girls tried to describe in as much detail as possible all the events that took place. based on the results of interrogations, a note addressed to stalin. its contents are unknown, it is still under vulture, but the whole country learned the result a few days later. october 29, 1940.
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the sentence was carried out by three brave belarusian women, heroes of the soviet union nadezhda troyan, maria osipova and elena mazanik.
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we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science: people began to make the first weather forecasts in ancient times, with the help of what modern technology and equipment do you make weather forecasts today, weather radar data, satellite data, well... numerical modeling, and i want to say that the forecasts are still without qualified specialists are not made. we share interesting facts, ask the most
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exciting questions and look for answers to them. for the first time this problem was encountered in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in 2003, and after a lull for almost 10 years, they are literally fueled by cary beetles. where does this guy have so much strength? look at the science nearby project, on the belarus 24 tv channel, every person should remember where they came from, if you remember that you are russian, belarusian, that this is yours...
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if you just take your vacation once a year in at least one region of the russian federation, we have 89 of them, and if we add six belarusian regions to them, it will take him 95 years, each person can form his own impression about russia, about belarus, what a wonderful country we have, what a wonderful culture, nature, project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus tv channel. 24,
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we are!
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problematic problems of the zhykharov minsk region . razgledze governor alexander turchyn. kasmichny dialogue from the first kasmanaya sovereign belarus' experience of expedition to the iss.


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