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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 6:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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[000:01:34;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene
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belarus. information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio, tv channel belorus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guests political scientist pyotr petrovsky and director of the world representative office in belarus olga shpilevskaya, hello, we are discussing the current agenda that is taking place. literally a red line in discussions among belarusians and throughout the world, on kitchens in political science classrooms. colleagues, i would like to start with the event that we all attended yesterday, on the other hand, you watch the president’s agenda, now he is already at another enterprise, we will now, it would seem, discuss yesterday, how eventful it was and what theses were voiced at this event, and there is already a new event with a new agenda, to a certain
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extent on... yes, we are watching the agenda of the head of state, we see that this is a person who delves into all areas that only maybe, you know, there are presidents who conditionally look after what they know better, yes, everything else can somehow be entrusted to someone somewhere or something else, it’s not like that with us has always been the case, the president always listens to professionals, but he himself always delves deeply, and we see this as journalists, into all events, into all situations that occur, be it industrial or
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economic. but absolutely any, even the sphere of light industry, yes, it will still be that, in fact, yes vorshe as one of one of the points that will be discussed, anyway, it’s all in his attention, so that’s why yesterday? this is an unusual conversation, because for the first time there are a thousand journalists, yes, and if the big conversation that takes place with the head of state, as a rule, these are journalists from the republican media, partly the editorial offices of regional newspapers and also invited journalists, then here the agenda is absolutely belarusian, absolutely said that special emphasis was placed on the regional press; the toughest and most pressing questions came from representatives of the district are most interested. how important this is for them, because it is always important to hear and see the head of state eye to eye, yes, because no matter what visual means we have, we still cannot convey these emotions, yes emotions and how this is what happened, so imagine
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how important this is for them, it is important in terms of what happens inside and on the outer contour, yes, because the head of state has such amazing charisma, he gives calmness and stability, conveys this directly to you... yes, that you need to communicate with journalists, you need to answer their questions, and in general, of course, ideally i would very much like journalists in us, as the president sees in journalists, and he said that after the twentieth year he overestimated our work , he realized that journalists are those with whom you need to communicate constantly, and through whom you need
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to convey your opinion, because we form this public opinion, so that local officials treat the same, because we do not we work in harm, we work for the benefit of the state, because we all protect its national
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interests and... in your opinion, what was meant? please expand on this thesis? well, look where the president started, and the president actually started in the nineties, from the moment when we chose our own development model, and on some principles, someone went there, he touched on the topic of privatization of this market, yes , someone, as the president says, came from the earth, this is the trend when everyone joined nato, even putin admitted, let’s
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let's remember, yes... to convey the meanings that come from the earth, that is, meanings that would demonstrate what the situation really exists and what, if it needs to be corrected, to what extent? moving away from those principles and values, well , by and large, the ideology of the belarusian state, which is spelled out, as the president again says, in the constitution of the republic of belarus and there is no need to add anything special there, well, look, a rather interesting thesis was also voiced regarding the fact that that belarusian journalists should pay attention in many ways attention and make reports based on the interests of belarusians, and not, for example, those topics that specifically concern you, national content, but what we said about... national content, this is firstly, secondly, in fact we
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are such a very compact country, yes, when we talk about the growth of the media, why local media are always important, because they show people’s lives, and the president focused on this yesterday, show this combine operator who comes down from of his spaceship, he made an amazing comparison, yes, with these tired hands, you show him a man from the earth who works, in fact there is a big demand for this, we see it, but
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we see it by watching. situation, what decisions to make and so on, you know, most of the audience raised their hands, that is, people practically and so on and how to be guided in this every day watch the news, watch what we do, and this for the majority again imposes a special responsibility , when you you understand that there really is someone behind the screen, let’s say, because this connection is unfortunately lacking, and just by meeting people, we eliminate this
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barrier, the main problem of artificial intelligence is the possibility of falsifying news, falsifying meanings, then there is when artificial intelligence generates some kind of official, and some kind of fake information will be disseminated on his behalf, for example, yes, this must be stopped, this is the most important point, which means that officials, at a minimum, responsible persons cannot use artificial intelligence. in order to implement, to relay our opinion, this should
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be the main rule base on artificial intelligence, its use, we need to study this experience, because we now see an age of information wars, an age of confrontation, it is clear that in this situation there is an aggravation of international relations, hybrid forms, information and psychological operations, artificial intelligence will play one of the most important roles. tool only because we have extensive experience working with youtube, which
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can also be a useful tool, but you see how it turns out that one way or another, yes, we can actually do some work there, but the problem is that the resource does not belong to us, and one way or another, questions will arise, this is the second question, that artificial intelligence should belong to us, this question is being raised at the highest level, and the president even, in my opinion,
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when meeting with the pioneers, just said: talk eye to eye, talk, don't lead them completely into what concerns internet and some gadgets, but really teach them to communicate, talk to them, they perceive it very well, i think you see it yourself, and there is a request for this, i would like to discuss, probably, colleagues, and the fact that happens with messages, narratives in our immediate border region and in europe in general, these theses, they don’t just
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appear about what we have here... by and large, this kind of snobism, arrogance, they say, here we are, west, we have such standards, we are the best in the world, we are like they call themselves, but few people think about this expression, the civilized world, this is an expression from the times of the colonial west, that’s right, that is, there is a civilized world, for
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example, ancient iran, or ancient ancient china - this is an uncivilized world, that is, we are already we see... and that is, you remember, let's remember the times when we had the european commission here, various kinds of its representatives, they said, you know, you must correspond to our values, because they are civilized, and your values ​​are belarusian, they are... then uncivilized i immediately remember some officials of interwar poland who compared, in fact, the inhabitants of pinsk woodland with monkeys who had only learned to go beyond the fields to go to the toilet. listen, well, in the dense jungle, theoretically we understand that animals live, not people, if we develop this topic, and this is precisely the question of that very dehumanization, if before they were bylishes, yes, then today they are the inhabitants of some dense jungle , here again, look even at the conflict in
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ukraine, it would seem that how they are considering conflict in ukraine, some residents
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of latin america or africa in africa. form, the opportunity to emancipate, free from this western infection. and - here, in the information space , it is very important for us, it is emancipation, it is liberation from what has already been hammered in, and sometimes we do not even notice the theses, as if they are part of our everyday life. we must also emancipate ourselves, we must create, now the question is being raised, they are already starting to create, restore ours. cinema, literature, moreover, look at the merge more broadly, not only american cinema,
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there is more chinese cinema, indian cinema there. it slips into absolutely the everyday life of europeans, here is one of the latest scandals, with a german party that is going to the european parliament, running, they posted a poster germany to the germans, an absolutely nationalist, in fact a nazi slogan, but olga alexandrovna, in your opinion, such actions are what, are these some trigger moments dividing
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europe today? have already indicated, in your opinion, what this is for can lead to whether it is possible to somehow pull out the european population directly and show an alternative point of view on some common future, there is a common destiny of humanity, let’s call it that way, you know, the president clearly answered this question, yes, we need a united europe and europe without war, no one is interested, neither russia nor we, of course, in this happening, but why is this happening, well , because this is it... a single united europe cannot find common points, that is , as long as it was beneficial for them, they were united
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europe. now we see that why these parties are gaining votes, why they come to power, because each country begins to close down in order to solve its national interests, well, it seems like it is not doing anything bad, but it understands that it has to survive in it’s easier today to live alone, she has a chance to survive alone and not be drawn into another military conflict or somehow at least partially
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preserve her own. the so-called liberal elites around the dovod forum, there harari, schwab, that is anthropological transition, these lgbt values, experiments on people, the green climate agenda, although the green agenda, by the way, is a new form of colonialism, you have to understand, on the other hand, these are these trumpists, pole-conservatives who say, well, in general this is your liberal agenda doesn’t work, it’s in crisis, let’s return to the bright
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world... they closed themselves in their world, instead of returning to their native eurasian harbor, building a common space from lisbon to shanghai, and only second tools americans, of course, so who are the leaders of these states, people who received their education where, that is , what kind of ideology is embedded in them, so here, you know, it’s probably not even just a question of ideology, we have already discussed in this studio several times, that the majority of leaders of european countries, this for us in general... sounds kind of drunken, but they are all under criminal prosecution, the same scholz, the kumekks case, if i’m not mistaken, as soon as, and
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this case is not closed as soon as it begins to talk about what he would like to
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germany. everyone will work, that’s simple primitive logic, when the president yesterday at the forum spoke about privatization and so on, that ’s how wisely we made the decision why strategic industries had to remain in state ownership, so that no corporation would come and didn’t say that we will turn off something there for you, yes, or we will withdraw the enterprise, liquidate it or him, and this
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is part of the sovereignty of the state, i would like to discuss, among other things, in the context of this situation, what is happening with the schengen zone, new resolutions were adopted, this whole situation is becoming tougher, and in general , movement within the schengen zone is one of the pillars on which europe and collective, say, europe rested, at the moment even this question is being called into question, the situation is being called into question about making decisions that are not unanimous, but must be made by the majority, how do you
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observe this? votes, this is in such a terrible country, where the state security service takes everyone away, if you said something wrong, why, because people ask, but will nato fight for us, they will throw us into the furnace, will it fight for us, but i think not, in history we remember how the baltic states, poland, central europe all went into the furnace of history, what about the european ones, american political scientists openly say that nato is unlikely to enter into
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hostilities if a conflict breaks out in the baltic states, but... at the same time, one of the points that, in my opinion, was also discussed at the editors’ club, is that they are asking the question directly within europe, and why nato? will react, because it seems to be a body of such collective security, but at the same time the same political scientists openly say that lithuania, latvia, estonia need some kind of aggressive agenda, which they set the tone, let’s say that do you think from this that nuto is generally such a body of dubious collective security, yes, because nato is rather the club of the united, dangerous, yes, the club of the united states, which is obtained if necessary, when necessary. lead a some kind of military operations on any territory, well, that’s how it is, it’s not, we’re not talking about defense, yes, we’re talking exclusively about the fact that these are those who are pursuing an aggressive policy, no matter how hard they try, regarding the poles and
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lithuanians and europe, so i also wanted to add, well, it is clear that there has always been france, there has always been germany, there has always been great britain, they have always treated the countries of eastern europe as second-class countries, and the united states of america very skillfully uses this, because ... well, what should the poles do with the balts? they are clearly they understand that neither germany nor france will definitely protect their interests, they clearly show this, they will never go to fight for these countries of eastern europe, so they hope, well, turning a blind eye to many things, that well, that’s all - after all, this great america, perhaps, it will not only protect their interests, but will also bring them to the forefront, destroying the economy of france, destroying the economy of germany, these
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little balts, they live on and on. for the construction of a new wall, that is, you allocate money for this, we cannot to compensate for these losses, why is this so, because euro-atlantic solidarity is higher than one’s own entrepreneurs, that’s a simple point, we see the same thing in lithuania, when the lithuanian railway is ruined, it is today in the red in losses, the port of klaipeta, why, because lived due to the transit of belarus, russia,
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china. population in lithuania, this result of not sovereignty, not independence, on the contrary , the dependence of these countries for us is the biggest challenge, by and large, to the belarusian national interests in this in these countries is that they become truly sovereign, truly independent, let them at least look at hungary, it actually reaches the point of absurdity, when people just walk around the port of klaipeta, as if they are filming some abandoned abandoned place, it is abandoned, i was. in the nineteenth year, even before the crisis, when they kicked out the russians, the chinese also went, we went, uzbeks, kazakhs, a big ruin, and in russian letters it was written not
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to smoke, so, this was the reality, what is there now after what is the only thing there, well, they will bring something for the baltic states, this is a market, we ourselves understand, yes, 6 million, there are all these baltic states, the second point, nato, tanks. transfer back and forth, there is no longer any need for this purpose, i’ll just add one more thing, but what concerns perebalovsky, it’s just that my generation remembers very well the baltic states of the times... of the union of soviet socialist republics, this is a showcase, you came there , this is the production that worked there, the largest production, even for us diinters girls, yes, this is a factory that produced amazing perfumes, the french bought them with pleasure, and this is only 30 years, just 30 years of different history, our history, their history, well, what we can see with our own eyes, and where is democracy, where is the garden, where, well, this... our time is coming to
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conclude, i thank you for finding the opportunity in your busy schedule to take part in our program, it seems to me that it turned out quite great, an information and analytical project, a current microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, the host andrey was with you switch, also ours guests political scientist pyotr petrovsky and director of the world representative office in belarus olga shpilevskaya, see you. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult: please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, they say that... in the army the food
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is healthy, filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our swordstan military school. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. home the task is to honestly answer all original and sometimes awkward questions. is there friendship between show business artists? i cannot say that our sphere is exactly the same. which is shrouded from head to toe in intrigue, this is the truth, this is a myth. it is true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully. to say a lot of time, well, i probably don’t need to say that it’s a lot of time, a certain amount of time, yes, it takes. can you teach me? the chin is higher, shgm is the preliminary command, correctly, is to bend the body forward. watch the project 100
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questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . on air news in the studio elizaveta lokotko. good evening. and in this issue. import independence in all areas, from


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