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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast, i, sergei lukovsky, will tell you about the main events of wednesday, may 29, hello, a unique association and center of power capable of solving global problems.
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launch of products for peaceful purposes along with the development of a range of new products for the military-industrial complex. in this area we must have our maximum. and now is the time to work more actively on import substitution, creating and opening new production facilities. and with the development of capacity , the state will help in the construction of housing. in communication with the plant team they touched on a variety of topics, people asked about credit policy, prospects in space, and personal work. and the president's vacation,
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but first things first, natalya breus. in the morning , alexander lukashenko arrives at arshansky ligmash. neither the local enterprise nor the district itself can definitely complain about the lack of attention at the highest level. it’s been seven years since they started seriously strengthening the industrial sector here, at the request of the president. since then , both production volumes and people’s salaries have increased significantly. what haven't you done yet? for restoration? for restoration , several modernizations are envisaged, that i have completed the painting process you will see along the route, the second stage, we are also planning two construction workshops, just to build two workshops, and completely construct new ones, but in general, the restoration of buildings, structures that you got here, they in what condition, i haven’t started two sections yet, this is the transport section, i left it for last, as well as the welding section, here. well,
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you need a welding one, but a transport one is okay, you will be patient for some time, but the main production facilities are ready for the production of the product that has been determined. in the history of the plant, for example, there was the production of sewing machines, today the list of products ranges from cast iron frying pans and cauldrons to products for the oil and gas sector, but recently they began to work under the wing of the state military industry committee, the products are more complex, there are fifty components in one product, it was necessary... master technologies, you never know what we didn’t have, we need to move, we won’t let our paws go all the time, we need to do it seriously, today the lion's share of what the orsha enterprise produces is specifically for the military industry, there are few parts, a trade secret, let's say,
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it is profitable for the plant, but this does not mean that you need to give up what was before and what is in demand in everyday life, if there is demand, you need to do it everything so that he... this is production, there are skills, there is a school, there are people, they know how to do it, they must do it, take it under strict control, everything that he produced for export, he must produce, this is export, this is a currency, and the fact that he ruined it by export is not my business the relevant people have already informed that he has begun to organize the production of military-industrial complexes, this is necessary, there is an ironclad demand from him here.
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there should be such a tension: ruining exports is a crime, take iron control, the refrain from the president is always a simple thought: it is important to have your own to the maximum, and the rhetorical question is, why buy axes for importing business, the industrial block of the government is assembled and take advantage of the opportunity i wanted to talk about the implementation of instructions in this part, it’s a shame that more than half of us have forests. all we’re delivering, another order for him, he has to do everything for the forest here, if some elements there can’t make a saw, we’ve already approached this somehow, let him buy it, but we have to do everything, and the fact that we don’t have axes we can do it, saws there, friendship, saws, double-dealing and
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so on, it’s a shame, so it means that within this year he should start doing it, it wasn’t enough to buy yet, we’ll check. they talk about the organization of production of voenprom products along the way, how the line works, what is happening with personnel and what is special technological chain, production is not the easiest, but alexander lukashenko is confident that if you work in a military manner, there will be results. if we had less waste, we would be richer. an organized and clear approach to business, the competencies of belarusian specialists allow us today to develop new niches. now is the time of opportunity and the task of the government to respond to economic demands.
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it is not indifferent whether we have serious defense in the country or not, it is not indifferent, especially for me, what you are doing here will be necessary for us, in the state abroad always, your enterprise has been given
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the most severe task, you produced and worked well for civilian needs, and what you knew how to do and was exported is not allowed to be ruined. therefore, the task has been set to restore not just 100, but 120 percent of the production of civilian products in the first year; what you did is not just restored, but also surpassed. therefore , i ask you to treat this with understanding, because a lot has been done for orsha, you must give what i demand from the government, and they came to you to restore production facility and produce a product that is very necessary for the world, the whole world. such words from the president will become additional motivation for the thousand-strong team; it also means a lot that the state will help in the construction of housing, wherever.
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this practice has been entrusted to the government, i think that by the end of the year we will consider and increase these subsidies for you, loans, apparently, this interest will remain, maybe someone from the banks will add half a percent, but it will be very, very preferential so that you buy something what belarusian produces, that is, in this part we will move towards increasing lending, secondly, we will expand...
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this is the main thing, if this does not happen, neither the doctrine nor the concept will work, why are we improving it, but because the world is changing, the situation is changing, wars are changing, there was only one war , now the war is different, by the way, we are convinced that in this war, issues are often decided, as we said before, by infantry, artillerymen, and drones, which are very important, by the female half.
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so this is what vacation is like in the generally accepted understanding, well, this is how you see it, this no, i perceive a vacation as a change in general mode of life, i perceive it that way, i can’t imagine how you can lie on the beach and bask in the sun, well, i’m a country
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person, listen, well, i wasn’t taught this since childhood, it’s not my thing, my love orsha places.
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thank you, thank you, good health to you, take care of yourself, don’t hope that somewhere is better, everything you do with your own hands will be yours, and it will be the best. thanks, see you. despite the seriousness of the issues that have to be discussed regarding the development of enterprises, the president’s work is small homeland always takes place in a special atmosphere, because in addition to the usual demands, one can also feel alexander lukashenko’s reverent attitude towards his fellow countrymen; he knows for sure that
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despite the difficulties, this land and people can do more. natalya breus, olga onishchenko, ivan martynovich and alexander oleshka, telenews agency. eac turns 10 years old today. we can already say with confidence that this is a unique association capable of solving global problems. happy day of the eurasian economic union, chairman of the supreme eurasian economic council, the prime minister of armenia, as well as members of the council, the presidents of russia, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, were congratulated by the head of the belarusian state. over the 10 years of its existence , the eu has convincingly proven its relevance and effectiveness. today the union is an important regional integration association that provides...
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the total gdp has almost doubled in 10 years, now it is 2.5 trillion dollars. the volume of mutual trade has also almost doubled. trade turnover with third countries increased by 60%. it is also worth noting that more than 90% of payments are already carried out in national currencies. the number of partners is also increasing. last year , memorandums were signed with the governments of myanmar and nicaragua. an agreement was concluded with iran. the main meaning is a separate center of power in the world, which acts for the benefit of its countries and peoples. the anniversary summit in moscow
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confirmed the desire of states to further develop the association. this year it is planned to implement about 60 activities of the 2025 strategy. members of the union, based on the results of twenty in the third year, its growth rate was almost 105%. in absolute figures, about de. but most importantly, we learned to hear each other better. no gdp growth, no increase in real incomes of the population would not be possible if we were pink. and not everyone alone would be able to maintain their sovereignty. the process of eurasian integration is a fundamental object of protection by the court of the eurasian economic union; in total, since 2015 , 85 cases have been considered,
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which is a lot for an international judicial body. on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of yas, a plenary meeting was held in minsk meeting. recent events clearly show that our space is a value, yes, worth fighting for. which is worth strengthening and developing, because this is a milestone that we have no right to give up, this is a chance for development, as i have repeatedly said to all our states, members of the peoples of our countries. with what economic indicators does the eu celebrate its tenth anniversary, what problems still need to be solved and what are the benefits for ordinary citizens from unification, we will find out the expert’s opinion, achieving the eu’s perspective, ilona volyns was discussed with bce analyst olga. over the past 10 years, the total gdp of the eac countries has almost doubled, how significant is this? i think that we need
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to operate not with numbers, but to remember what goals were set for the eurasian economic union, but first of all, this is the development of economies, modernization, ensuring competitiveness, in all these three areas we see, from the reports on the meetings that take place every year, there is movement, there is dynamics. no one set a goal to increase it several times in a year so much, this is impossible, the economy does not operate according to such laws, it operates according to internal laws, it takes into account external circumstances, of course, but do countries always manage to cooperate and not compete, because it happens that some begin to protect the market from their own partners, joining any union does not mean the elimination of competition, and competition is the engine, that’s... of progress, the engine of those processes that are provided for within the framework of the eurasian economic union as a whole , any economic union, without competition impossible, because we do not give up
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national interests, they are paramount for us, therefore competition, protection of national economies, protection of national interests will always remain, in addition , we are learning to live in a competitive environment in order to adapt our own economies to changes, here there cannot be a question of any grievances, misunderstandings, this is the reality that we have to live in, in which we lived, and today it is possible that competition will even intensify, because we have entered period of transformation, the global economy, we are saying goodbye to globalization, or rather it is moving into a completely different phase, external pressure will be exerted on us, the eurasian economic union will be exerted, this is inevitable, how does business feel, in your opinion, we talk a lot about implementation. .. digital electronic signature, it seems that the leaders have agreed on everything, but nevertheless, technically, not everything is so simple, when we talk about the eurasian economic union, we are more talking about the public
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sector, legislative changes include including those that were adopted, they are aimed at industry, for example, industrial cooperation, which is kind of the main thing, the main feature, but for business, of course, there are slightly different conditions, and here i think there is a certain flaw, because if we look even at publications and analytical ones as well, then this segment, i think, is sagging a little, but a lot is being done. we don’t always advertise this, and here there is also a question of competition, between not only government entities, but also businesses in including when the best names come for business, never peacefully, when there is competition, when there are more stringent conditions, it carries out a kind of natural selection, the strongest survive, well, the weak, unfortunately, that’s why now the legislative framework within the eu, it constant excellence.
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i think yes, because according to the latest reports that i looked at, the provision of basic food products, that is , basic food by 93% in the eurasian economic union, i think that this figure is impressive, and we saw coordination, very good coordination, which was formalized by law during the covid period, when we could provide...
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equipment, food, technology, everything, in your opinion, if we talk about yas in general, how should we build relations with third countries? as for the technologies of premium markets, we ourselves must create technologies to look for premium markets for ourselves, and we must also become a premium market, this is also a task for the eurasian economic union, for other countries, africa, but we must not forget about asia, because we are part of the eurasian economic union. this is part of asia, first of all, so we have already achieved a lot here, and of course we will move forward, these are the directions, well, the ones you named are technologies, this is not only trade, goods, services, exchange of goods and services, this is already yesterday, today we really need such breakthrough solutions, and the eurasian economic union has this potential, because in 10 years we have gone the way that the european union took in 50
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years. in very difficult conditions accepted, approved by all parties, i believe that this is a huge job, which is important for an ordinary citizen who participates very actively in economic life, this is, first of all, simplification of procedures, most importantly, acceleration of the sale of goods, passage through customs, and of course digital solutions, within the framework of the customs code, all this has been decided, we just need to talk about it a little more, remember about it, thank
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you very much, interview. government procurement within the framework of the eurasian five is today the focus of attention of experts from the talk show "economic environment." this is an important tool for developing competition, the economy, saving budget funds and increasing the efficiency of economies. so what is more important? the development of union freedoms or the protection of national interests? is it possible to refuse the withdrawal and how will this affect the work of business? we will discuss today immediately after the panorama. the market is very large; every year states spend $190 billion on the purchase of goods, works, and services within the framework of public procurement procedures. this is a very large volume, which exceeds several times the gdp of our country. that is, the potential for our participation in these public procurements is unlimited. uniform technical requirements or regulations
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that. is prescribed at the national level for the five countries, they allow the creation of a barrier-free environment and the free movement of goods that comply with these regulations, and of course, answering your question, what is better, support your own?
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show healthy pragmatism and defend the interests of their own people, regardless of
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external pressure or discontent. minsk and and here is another striking example when countries budapest continues its confident rapprochement . the 12th meeting of the intergovernmental belarusian-hungarian commission on economic cooperation took place in the capital. result: a number of documents were signed, including a memorandum in the field of nuclear energy. the interest of the two countries in deepening cooperation speaks of holding a joint business forum and a mutually respectful dialogue between the two countries. evgenia belousov. build bridges of friendship, not destroy them. despite threats and pressure, budapest continues to pursue an independent politics. the foreign minister visited minsk on a working visit.
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perhaps in the modern information flow, which, unfortunately, mainly consists of negative populist information, such news does not look so bright, but this is how prosperity is formed, and i would even say, forged through quiet, painstaking work. in this case, the well-being of our hungarian citizens, our businessmen. our industrialists, our representatives of many other spheres of life. this is exactly what happens normal evolutionary development. it is important to note that our hungarian friends maintain
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a pragmatic, unbiased position and an open approach to building bilateral relations on the principles of equal, mutually beneficial dialogue. based on the results of the negotiations , the parties signed a cooperation program. interaction in the field of nuclear energy. years, as well as a memorandum on deepening nuclear energy is a key factor in terms of the energy security of our country, which is why we signed this memorandum. during the construction of our own npp in paks, we will use the experience that has been accumulated by our belarusian colleagues. of course, today’s meeting was not complete without discussing the situation in ukraine, which is not a foreign country for both states.
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the beginning of the conflict. we know for sure that this whole situation was provoked from the outside; now we consider it complex and complex, the cause is inflated from the outside. those who receive direct dividends from this. everyone else only bears costs. as a result, thousands of people are dying, including civilians, and millions have become refugees. the parties once again stressed: it is necessary to stop the death of people and begin negotiations. this is a primary task for the entire civilized world, but many states are in no hurry to fulfill it, increasingly dividing both european politics and societies. in contrast, minsk and budapest are aimed at consolidation. there are no closed topics on the agenda. countries share their experiences and happily learn from each other, striving to develop existing ones and create new ones. joint projects, evidence of the belarusian-hungarian business forum, held
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today in our capital. representatives of the business community discussed promising niches for interaction between the two countries, demonstrating genuine interest in intensifying trade relations. maintain friendly relations and initiatives and conduct equal dialogue. this is politics in the interests of the people. minsk and budapest confidently demonstrate success in this area. evgeny belousov, anton malutami. the geopolitical situation is literally forcing belarus and china to move closer together even faster. a creative agenda on the world stage is rare, but minsk and beijing choose to build a future together. today, on the second day of the visit of the belarusian parliamentary delegation to china, high- level meetings were held with the country's leadership to study the possibilities of chinese medicine. body schedules. report from beijing. minsk and beijing
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missed the chance to diagnose the state of belarusian parliamentarians, and also do not maintain the high level of relations established by the heads of belarus and china. in 2023, our leaders adopted a joint statement on the guiding principles for developing an exemplary relationship of all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between belarus and china in a new era. interparliamentary cooperation continues this line. sino-belarusian relations demonstrate
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the belt and road initiatives. what about innovation? 24-25 years will pass under the sign of the year of science, technology and innovation in belarus and china. belarusians pay tribute to the history of the chinese people. the ceremonial laying of a wreath at the monument to the national hero in tianyang square. and the next point on the route is directly related to one of the most.
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there are 10 windows in total, there is an automatic machine for registration, see information about the queue and then the test results can be on your phone, the chairman of the council of the republic, the minister of health of belarus and
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demands his study of possible implementation in our country, we have high-quality cooperation that concerns different areas, these are the areas of pharmaceuticals, these are the areas of medical equipment, maintenance of medical equipment, we will also deepen cooperation in the exchange of specialists to improve the quality of medical services. continues the series of high-profile meetings, conversation with chairman of the national people's congress. in fact, the highest body of state power, serious powers, from amending the constitution to adopting criminal and civil budget codes, resolving issues of war and peace. and the most important thing is that we are mentally close. you know, this is my first time in china, and i felt how truly similar our approaches are in
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domestic policy and foreign policy. if we talk about politics, internal, internal politics of our countries, this is first just people.
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thirty%. in the first 3 months of 24, mutual trade turnover already amounted to $2 billion. china, among the top three countries that invest in belarus by the end of 2023, has an interest in the field of healthcare and education. together we look at issues on the international agenda. this is how beijing supports belarus on its way to the shanghai cooperation organization. we are waiting for support for joining brix. in general, there are a lot of agreements, a very broad agenda, meetings at the highest level. minsk and beijing are not easy. declare together they are building a new path towards a common destiny for humanity. victoria senkevich and anzor tuzhaev, beijing - people's republic of china. well, in the wild west there is only
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talk about war, militarization, extermination, subjugation, in short, their whole manual about democracy, and everyone who strives for power there, especially in the cradle of the rights and freedoms of transgender people, gays and other lgbt people, really wants to talk a lot . the united states is considering the option of escalating the ukrainian conflict through the mediation of the armed forces of ukraine striking russia, trump has not yet been re-elected already over...


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