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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 10:45pm-11:06pm MSK

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already 85% of goods have uniform requirements, i would like these uniform requirements to include all types of traded goods, then these exemptions and barriers that exist today somewhere at the national levels will no longer exist, and accordingly that freedom, the fourth , the free circulation of goods will be decided within the framework of the five, barrier-free without...
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to truly achieve quality, it’s no secret that in belarus, well, quality is given paramount importance, it’s not for nothing that the year of quality has been announced in our country, under control the head of state, of course, and it often happens that interstate standards try to make consensus easier.
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due to what factors does the belarusian food industry manage to win over the eurasian buyer? are you faced with unfair competition in one form or another in the iis markets? well, i can probably say that the iis market cannot be called the basis for it, since it is traditional for the belarusian food industry, but also for many other industries that work here, probably important.
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this year there are plans to supply more than 60 cars. by participating in such projects and organizing joint production with a high degree of cooperation with manufacturers of the russian federation, we ensure the possibility of our products participating in any
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of these tenders, any of these purchases. the peculiarity of our company is that we are as flexible as possible and, let’s say, clients. focused, our customers, our end consumers - these are parks, these are trolleybus, tram departments of various cities, ordering our product, they can be sure that it will maximally comply with all the requirements of not just general technical standards, but also specific operational requirements, even some small wishes that in... our country, it is universal for working on
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asphalt and unpaved surfaces the 257 model has such a machine in demand in all regions , good export potential, over the last 2-3 years it has been very popular, it has become specifically for government vehicles. that is, it is our regional motor vehicles that are acquiring enterprises, budgetary organizations, now what stands behind me is a bus, which means a commuter bus for any type of population, the second modification of it is a modification of the school one, there is an advantage, first of all, from the fact that, again, it has its own chassis, suspensions that are installed on this chassis is also , in fact, all mazov, as an example, this is just last year’s purchase to the primorsky territory. where 30 units of such maz-257 buses were delivered to the regional ministry of sports and tourism. this year, the minsk automobile plant itself will probably present many attractive new products, both in the segment
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of passenger vehicles and cargo vehicles, especially since there is a special occasion to get acquainted with the cars: mas will celebrate its eightieth birthday in august. well, interesting examples, of course, but the public procurement system in the eurasian economic union is essentially designed to increase the efficiency of national economies, and if we summarize all this, this is the most important aspect of the development of state procurement, what is the most important aspect of the effectiveness of public procurement, well, according to the parameters that could be...
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their markets for public procurement of member countries, everyone will benefit from this action, and by supporting a weak manufacturer by closing the market from - from each other we we will only lose on the overall level of efficiency, so it is very important for me that the market opens up, that there are fewer withdrawals on the public procurement market in yas, this will push, firstly, manufacturers to compete more actively in our union, it will push development of industry, production of new goods, and of course this will improve quality. public procurement itself and the efficiency of use of budget funds, lead to overall savings, savings
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of budget funds. and of course, here we still have to work, probably in three main segments: the first is the unification of the procedures, so that all documents are unified and understandable in a common language, so that they pass. the second is, of course, digitalization. this digitalization will contribute to the deepening of digitalization, it will promote openness. procedures, that is, everyone will see them, it is carried out on common platforms, and the third is , of course, a barrier-free environment, the maximum removal of existing barriers to our trade. well, one addition that needs to be done is to increase the share of competitive procedures within public procurement, the share of procurement from a single source remains quite large, it is necessary to expand competitive procurement and expand it. the share of public procurement that is carried out in electronic format.
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dear experts, summarizing our conversation, how do you see the eurasian public procurement market in the future and what we all need to do for this, maxim leonidovich, open, transparent, competitive and, most importantly, competitive in terms of procedures . open, barrier-free , highly competitive. opportunities in the future and the growth of these opportunities for our manufacturers,
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since this will be a good driver for economic growth, the growth of production itself will be a good driver, well, everything that we discussed today, i guess, to summarize, i’ll note that the economy will develop when we give orders to our manufacturers. thank you for your opinion, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to our beltelerokpaniya studio on makayonka 9. we thank our guests, we say goodbye to you, open new horizons, realize your capabilities as efficiently as possible, and may the economic environment be favorable for you, goodbye.
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sings once, sings twice, sings three times, the little canor sings pitifully! twenty traditional songs in the world element of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. young! cossack, young man, cossack, take me with you, everything that you want to know
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is the most important holy rat, these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin of the faithful, my great deep meaning, in the essence of this is the shortest recognition of our faith, faith in god aitz , like... victory - righteousness, purity, light over evil, and the need for spiritual upbringing and education, they happily come to classes, classes are held right here in the church, i thought it correct, necessary, because children should breathe at least church air, about
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the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to the divine liturgy... when they take communion there, they in some sense, in some sense, a certain sacrament of our unity with each other is being accomplished with a friend with the living with the dead, we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, in your home, not in a museum, everywhere you look, everywhere you look, everywhere there are some kind of man-made things, this... .
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precisely approved the concept of a national security and military doctrine of the country: we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend with arms in hand and by any methods that we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people. the all-belarus people's
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assembly will insure us against the person or forces who want to get presidential powers and screw things up. through the window of the carriage i noticed the walls of the gomel carriage repair plant , the thought flashed inside me that i want to be here to work, i’m drawn here, well, this is how it happened, at school during labor lessons they brought us kids to the factory, they showed us, look, this is how glass is made, this is how
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these cars come with glass, that is, this is from school since then, well, i’m near the glass all the time, we suggest spending it. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941, he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. i took a name for myself for secrecy deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka he went down in history.


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