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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 11:05pm-12:05am MSK

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isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground, in the summer of 1941 created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. for secrecy. took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka, he entered the history of the minsk anti-fascist underground. oil workers established contacts with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk, equipped an underground printing house, organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk
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anti-fascist underground failed, as sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first minsk underground were arrested and tortured to death in fascist dungeons. after prolonged torture, on may 7, 1942, isai kozenets was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965, isaiah cosenza posthumously. was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union.
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everyone loves a specific and tough conversation, without any pretense or politeness, about what is happening, who is to blame, and what to do with it, and it’s not in vain that in our country, big, in our culture, they love bards so much, so we’ll talk to them, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always the same, my name is grigory ozarenok, this is a secret spring politicians, hello, alexander novikov, soviet prisoner, poet, chansonnier, principled and honest, thanks after all
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to my attitude towards culture and art, everyone i listen to, watch, read for many years, everyone turned out to be normal people, everyone who was all hung with orders, almost like suvorov, those who glamorized, fattened, smoked, spat and ostracized themselves in their abomination, challenged with their creativity. lukashenko, when this coup was being prepared there, took a machine gun, gave the machine gun to his son and said: “i won’t give up the country, i’ll die, i won’t give it up, i’ll shoot, whatever i want, and defended the country, and yanukovych disarmed berkut, took away
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the weapons, only gave batons forbade the use of any violence to this, and how it ended. and now to another bard, denis davidov, partisan, general, met thousands of bullets with his chest, suppressed the poles, defeated bonoparte, and also became known as someone who , without hesitation, would cut down the truth, regardless of rank, this is the conclusion he came to at the end of his life: there was a stormy century, a wondrous century, loud, majestic, there was a huge man, a spendthrift. it was the age of heroes, but checkers were mixed up and midges to bugs crawled out of the cracks, all sorts of mummy's boys, all sorts of robbed, fashionable nonsense, a fool, pretending to be a liberal, no, he had never been in battle, he shuffled through the living rooms on the parade ground with a crane's step, here he is, liberal, zmogar, rubbish, loser little bird, listen, boastful fornication, the situation can only be changed... the result of the revolution, which i already
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believe will be far from peaceful, they can now prepare here, they can undergo military training, go to the shooting range, sign up for airball clubs, where they can also limit all the different fighting and so on. i am for the power scenario for the reason that i have always been for it. we have the opportunity to make our own, but not andersen’s army, but combat detachments, combat, well, i don’t know, formations, i will be happy to donate to these formations as i donate. since the fourteenth year of ukraine, we must unite together, together we must make this strategy to defeat the common enemy, and he can only be defeated by force, there can be no agreements with him. war, security forces, directly for donations? well, okay
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, we’re waiting, bastards, we’re waiting for you impatiently, so that we can shoot everyone’s head off, so that every rotten brain scatters in fat, liquid blots, so that they burn... but not only you, it won’t go well here, a son or daughter won’t take after his father answers, our political scientists are somewhat shy about this topic, they don’t want to get into trouble, or what? well, okay, i’ll say, parents, children, and relatives are responsible, i live and answer for my father, and my children will live and answer for me, is this actually normal? russian truth, ancestral, direct and living, so those who have fallen into westernized fornication must be treated with calibers. the life of a traitor, it consists in serving the new masters, in justifying his flight and
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presence, it is always expressed only in slander and malice towards the country that gave you everything, in which you earned a name, in which you earned money, you betrayed her, sold her, ran away, and still, you know, this law on some kind of agent, you know, and so on, but this is such a trifle, there must be an enemy, he is an enemy of the state and he could not save property, deprive him of citizenship in order to move here , what has been accumulated here is what needs to be done, the state should not be a weakling, i have said how many times the government cannot and should not exist. .. days, as soon as she becomes such, what happens is that we are today we see, on the first channel there are anti-fake news, these fled freely, they let them escape, they have property here, they are still citizens of this country to this day, they have the right to enter, they have the right to re-register in the name of their relatives and so on, this scum, it comes to
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this, and no matter how much our state moans, ordinary people who see, they are tired of wiping themselves with this spit, pindos scum, will answer for everything, was concerned about the development of our own state, protecting the interests of our own people, what happened there and so on, a lot about this now they say, i think iran is the kind of country that will figure out what happened there, but as a person, and not as a president, i will say that this is a vile, disgusting position. the united states led to this, i mean, first of all , sanctions, these scoundrels did not have the right to impose sanctions against ships, against airplanes, helicopters, etc., on which
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people are transported, if it were serviced properly, but they forbade service to their companies, so this is also their fault. they are all believers, but if they are believers, then let them wait, he will send them an answer, so do not behave in the world, this once again confirms what russia and others who support it are doing today with the destruction of the unipolar world. it became known that hans görgvik, the former head of german intelligence, died; he overthrew the father in 2001, built coalitions here, a seasoned, bandesh wolf. how many of them were there, who overthrew the father? bush, clinton, paroso, albride, wieck, kaczynski, morawiecki, sarkazy, chirac, obama, their name is legion, the demons leave, and lukashenko and putin drink tea and twigs, and from there, they threaten the adversary, but not
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this is a threat, and bart sings, following the great, sergei alexandrovich, when the stupid enemies get to you, it’s so simple, well, listen. without giving away, give me rodzin, give me rodzin, give me rodzin, give me rodzin, give me rodzin.
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initiation of a criminal case, it was believed that 9,200 settlements, villages, villages were destroyed on the territory of the bssr, then during the investigation of the criminal case, working with archival documents, working with citizens, we established that at least 12,348 populated areas were destroyed on the territory of belarus points, in whole or in part. together with the residents, before the start of the investigation it was believed that the tragic fate of the village of khatyn
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was shared by 186 settlements, now this sad figure is 288, that is, 102 villages more than previously thought and , accordingly, more than 3.00 new settlements, these are huge numbers, this that’s all thanks to the investigation, also... previously , it was believed that at least 140 punitive operations were carried out on the territory of belarus to exterminate the population, civilians, but today we are already talking with with certainty, with precision, that at least 187 such large-scale punitive actions were carried out on the territory of belarus. these are huge numbers, when during each punitive operation thousands, dozens were destroyed.
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we began to deeply study and research, also many thanks to our citizens, our caring people, who , using information, it’s like eyewitnesses of those atrocities who miraculously survived at a young age, talk about where some village was destroyed, where subsequent people were buried where these places wouldn’t it be...
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everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with. famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey,
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iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi. arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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in vain ivan sergeevich, you are rushing headlong, the flight was cancelled, we went to the hotel in greece, as it was cancelled, cancelled, the crew commander, the temperature is under 40, the hotel is empty, a doctor was called to see him, this is news, wait, i was expecting to be in moscow, ok. i also protect you, i have heart surgery tomorrow, listen, stanislav vasilyevich, let me take care of the gray hair, but by tomorrow the commander still won’t become a cucumber, he’ll lie down for a week and then recover.
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taught me to fly on my own head, don’t worry, stepan alekseevich, everything will be fine, what’s your name, doctor, evgenia andreevna, i really wanted to see my daughter, she was coming from zhukovsky, she was late, they took me... from the ward, so they didn’t let her in, it’s okay, she ’ll wait for you at the lobby, she’s here, that means she’s with you, my son-in-law promised to fly here,
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come here straight from the airfield, he’s a pilot in my name in the north, i’ve been on probation for 4 months now, i really want to see him and my daughter right now, in case i don’t have to later. you will see each other , you will definitely see each other, everything will be fine, you will see both your son-in-law and daughter tomorrow , they will transfer me to the intensive care unit, they will not be allowed there , when you come to your senses, we will let you in, for some reason i’m very nervous, they gave me a sedative, it didn’t help, never i’ve never been so nervous in my life, i see, no need, stepan alekseevich. the tatar has golden hands, everything will be fine, believe me.
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you're a crazy man, ivan sergeevich, you've put everyone on edge, you're like a tank, when you care you need it, damn it, damn it, stop you. you ’re generally fine, you said, after the tests you’re tired, you’ll sleep until moscow, now you’ve slept, van, everything’s fine, everything’s top-notch, stanislav vasilyevich, everything’s top-notch for you, stanislav vasilyevich, this is our first time flying with a test pilot , i ’ve heard a lot about ivan sergeevich, i didn’t think that i would ever have to fly together like this, life is a thing full of surprises. in moscow they would only say thank you to ivan sergeevich, if not for him, they would have been waiting for the cargo for who knows how long, and they would have returned home who knows when, but i he told me so on the phone, i said, they won’t let me go, i’ll hijack the plane on it to the hospital to
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be tested, in principle, it almost happened like that, van, but you don’t need to go to the hospital with the plane, there’s a tach commander, i’ll land on the airfield runway, and van, we will be refueling, after which i will fly in your place. where will you fly? where can i throw a mountain to collect tomatoes? to moscow, of course, i’m also a pilot, or have you forgotten? i say, after before refueling, i’ll sit down instead of you, and you ’ll sleep. stanislav vasilyevich, well, i don’t know, i don’t know, it’s still not a fighter, but a cargo plane, a real test pilot must fly with ease on something that flies with some difficulty on something that in principle cannot fly. how are you feeling, stepan alekseevich? here is evgenia andreevna, i
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haven’t forgotten, it’s true that after anesthesia some people lose their memory, this happens, it doesn’t happen, but you were afraid, arkady borisovich restored your heart, now it’s like new. how did i behave during the operation? you slept like a baby, i dreamed that my plane went into a tailspin, i was falling, for a long, long time, the earth is getting closer and closer, and then your woman’s voice.
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how long did the operation take? 4.5 hours. it turns out that i fell for 4.5 hours. a fighter from a height of 11.00 m. falls for about 3 minutes. airman? he is. i once flew. then they wrote off for health reasons. appointed. he was a pilot, he also flew fighter planes, he was the head of a flight school, but my dad turns out, you are our man, it’s not for nothing that i had my eye on you, my daughter was here, she was already gone, i’ll see you tomorrow, rest stepan alekseevich.
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hello guys, ivan sergeevich, ivan sergeevich, congratulations, you deftly landed the plane on the deck of an aircraft carrier, i saw you on the news, well, tell me, we are interested, ivan sergeevich, you are a pilot from god, okay, so wait, then our cats are a pilot from god, and i mean otdeya or what, are you quiet, great, ivan sergeevich, look how you are received here, yes, you’re like a movie star, you don’t have enough bouquet, sorry, buddy,
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i didn’t take your photo with me. van, congratulations, thank you, ivan sergeevich, well done, thanks, guys, i saw, and what did i see, it’s called ukutova,
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shake off dust from the car. dad, well, you see how well everything turned out, i thought that now i’ll see a half-corpse, there’s such a handsome man lying here, i wish i could give you a mirror, look how wonderful you look, but no, don’t, i want to look at you, natasha, daddy , i ’ve never seen you like this, listen, didn’t they give you rejuvenation instead of bypass surgery, and the devil knows what they did, i was passed out, listen, you tell me, vanya has arrived, has arrived, your vanya is rushing to you already, how is he doing? how did the tests go? dad, i don’t know, i didn’t ask, but what did i ask about when he called? he ’ll show up now, and you’ll find out from him everything that interests you, okay? ok, i’ll ask this, i’m interested in this, you’re not interested in anything, dad, again you’re on your own, so here yes, yeah, thank you very much, so, general
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cherkasov is lying here. come in, come in, here, stepan alekseevich, come in, hello, hello, my dear, hello, come on, let's be careful, dad can't move, everything is fine, everything is fine, sit down. oh, he has matured, wow, what a man began, dad, i want to talk to my doctor, you guys talk here for now, and i’ll go and see him , well, not to him, to her, i mean, wasn’t arkady borisovich the one who operated on you, arkady borisovich is temporarily absent, he is being replaced by another doctor , doctor, beautiful, young, dunaeva, evgenia andreevna, uh, go out into the corridor, ask the nurses, they’ll show her to her office, i’ll find it, i’ll find it, come on, come on, tell me what you have there, everything’s fine, ah, well done, doctor, that means, yes, young, doctor, young beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, stepan alekseevich, in my opinion, you are already healthy, evgenia andreevna, take it, and my husband and i are very grateful to you for your dad,
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please take it, firstly, i won’t take it, and secondly, your dad was operated on by a tatar , here you go, all thanks to him, and... and thirdly, i would highly advise you to spend this money on medicine. your father faces a very long, serious rehabilitation period. natasha, i’ll write to you here now what you need to buy. okay, thank you, evgenya andreevna. tell me, tatar, when is coming back? by the middle of next week. fine. be sure to buy a post-operative bandage. necessarily. “excuse me, hello, the ward is asking you to put the room under siege and stepan alekseevich wants you to come to him, yeah , okay, okay, evgenia andreevna, this is my husband, please give him the list of medications, okay, see you, goodbye.”
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24:7 project. watch on tv channel belarus 24. we are going on a trip to
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belarus. hello travel lovers. it's going to be hot today. despite the changeable weather, i am going to the southernmost and warmest region of our country, to the brest region. and we will also visit the bright sights of our country, you must agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event, but we ourselves build the joyful moments of our lives every weekend. together with the project the route was built, see the program the route was built on the belarus tv channel 244 shows where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, shows where the main
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weapon is intelligence, if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i had passed the casting, my emotions simply overwhelmed me, which ancient country , along with greece, gave on...
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well, how are you, good, you are also good, married, children, yes, married. there are no children, and you
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are married, children, no, not married, no children, clearly, i, i will go, of course. i was glad to see you vanne, me too, goodbye, zhenya! natasha! what about work or home? you know that you go, i
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forgot something from span alekseevich, i wonder what you could have forgotten from him? go, get in the car.
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well, he took it, he took it, so i’m wondering what exactly you forgot from him, what’s the difference, no, no, let’s go home, how i miss you, kitten.
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i fell in love with him as soon as i saw him, he had a ball under the wheels of the truck on which we arrived at the garrison, it flew away, i didn’t yet understand what was happening to me, but i realized on new year’s eve, when he was at the skating rink he took my hand, he then said: “your hand is as warm as mine, as if your hand was mine, and then there were our letters, and then only mine. an answer into the void, i’ve been waiting for it all these years, i
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couldn’t forget him, i couldn’t, zhek, love it’s impossible to forget, she has no statute of limitations, she’s stronger than time, what should i do now, lenochka, not see him, why not see him, wasn’t that why you waited for him all these years, you have to be able to fight for your love, i for your father. i couldn’t fight, i lost him forever, yes, so don’t back down and don’t give up your love. tell anyone, is this the city of dzhukovsky? yes, zhukovsky, thank you.
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guys, there's a lady here, hello, hello, sit, sit, sit, hello, let me introduce myself, gennady, zhenya, zhenya, it’s very nice, just sit down at the table, we have tea, chocolates, zhenya, single,
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financially secure, no housing problems, yes, completely indifferent to sports, and i don’t sprinkle it in my sleep, yeah, and you zhenya, you? ours, you are our new pilot, gennady levich, who is a pilot, who is a pilot, in general, lady kavan sergeevich came, and you kotov, well, yes, you see what, look, what beauties the cats are, and you tell kotov in a personal way or maybe maybe it's a business visit after all, but i think what kind of excitement is here, hello, hello, you can go to ivan, to ivan, skorokhodov, stanislav, it’s possible, stas, evgenia, it’s possible. zhenya and zhenya, let’s go, otherwise there are too many people here who are quick, but damn, roll up your lip, let’s go, i’ll show you this here,
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dad, what else is this... exercises with bending over, come on, sit on the sofa and relax , i also found physical exercises for me, but i don’t want to go to the sofa, i’m not tired, so i told someone, immediately go to the sofa and rest, your seams will come apart, is that what you want, hmm? no bandage will help you with such activity, dad, tell me, did you read the memo about how to behave? after the operation, i read it, so what’s written there is no sudden movements, don’t be nervous, sleep more, go for walks, but what about you, give me your hand? yes, you already counted, shut up, 93, okay, you, dad, jump, the pulse won’t be that high yet, mom called, mom called, yes, can you
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imagine, she either caught a cold or has the flu, in general, now we need to hand over the tickets, where will she go in this condition, but she might infect you. and now you don’t need a complication, it’s him, well, yes, he’s the one, intuition? you can then approach the plane when it
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lands. okay, you're here yourself, i'll come to you then i’ll come over, dad, you’re jumping again, come on, don’t slowly sit on the sofa, like an overseer, by god, here you go, drink it, this is a rosehip decoction, rosehip, so rosehip. nadashka, what, dad? well, what are you silent? come on, no, dad, dive in, i'm immersed in the water. tell me, how long
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have you been living with ivan in different corners, what is this about? oh, about the fact that he and i sleep in different bedrooms, right? don't you have anything to occupy your head? let me turn on the tv for you, watch some series. i don’t need a tv, i’m a dad and i don’t understand why you have lately, some kind of unhealthy interest in our little life has arisen, and i’ve already told you a thousand times, well, we live with him, and okay, well, what for you, now, well, really, i’ll remember, i, i’m wonderful, you’re wonderful to me better tell me how your baby is coming back, have you thought of it, natalya? listen, who did you decide to make fun of, where are you going, stupid?
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everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is top-notch, good, yes.
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there is a comment, no, that’s it, everything is fine, there are no comments, that’s it, thank you, see you tomorrow, goodbye. vanya, zhenya, wow, you’ve been here for a long time, i watched you i was flying, as you were landing, vanya, you are a pilot, you became a pilot. i’m so happy for you, and i’m glad that you’re here, let’s go, you ’re cold.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan soley prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league , and mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation, beating mazaryan 1:0 at home. thanks for this.
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i haven’t seen it, it seems to me, from any team, how happy are the metallurg players all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, it is increasing its military contingent. on our southern border, security services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs. today, all conditions are being created in our country to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance in belarus. nuclear weapons, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably other. it's happening in the world. redistribution of spheres
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of influence, and, in addition, the departure of a unipolar world to a polycentric world. the republic of belarus is, in fact, located at the junction of these two power lines, the confrontation between the west and the east, and any changes in the international situation, in international security, immediately affect our national security. the constitution of our country states in black and white that we are not going to attack anyone. military capabilities and military strength are... defensive in nature, and this against the backdrop of rapid weapons of our neighbors. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i wrote to you for six months. i realized that you had left the garrison, that i was writing into the void, i still continued to write, and i wrote to you at the address of the orphanage, and then continued to write to your aunt, it turns out that letters can miss each other just like people, right? all kinds of thoughts came into my head then, if i had known then that you were at war, i probably would have gone crazy, so you don’t need you had to know this, no, vanechka, you had to,
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my god, how did you need my support then? van, why don’t you tell me anything about pashka? how old is he now, probably 26 years old already, yes, i can’t even imagine what he became like, pasha has been gone for 17 years, little woman, what? he died. when they get it, god, why should they do this, vanya, remember, you asked me if... children,
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i told you, i don’t have them, vanya, i had a son, he died when he was 3.5 year, oh my god, i’m glad, everything’s okay, vanechka, everything’s okay, i... all my tears have been gone for a long time now i cried, how similar everything is with you and me, you lost your mom, i lost your dad, and then you lost your father, and i lost andryushka.
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as if your hand is mine,
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hello, hello, but i’m warming up little by little, unlike some, right, and what are you doing, well, it’s like saying, look, it’s so weak, well , i haven’t tried it, don’t try it. you'll rip your side, well, i'm in a cold shower, yes, dream about love, take it easy, yes, hello, there's someone, oh, great,
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healthy, at the pre-flight, yes, it'll be there in an hour, well, go, you're there, your beauty he’s waiting, he can’t wait, you’ve decided to get married, and you? you know, well, romych, it’s like with us, you’ll sneeze in the sky, you’ll be fine on earth, they’ll say, the earth is full of rumors, come on, romych, go, don’t torment barush, igor, and katerina maksimovna went out somewhere? where did she go, i was just there, i left the office in front of you, oh, romka, romka, look. what’s on my neck, what’s a neck like a neck, but not a neck like a neck, a good neck, hello, katyusha, long time no see, raman vladimirovich stubbornly doesn’t notice you,
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your fiance is hallucinating, you see my hand, are you sure that dr. suvorova was not in the office, yeah, right, ekaterina maksimovna, urgently assign pilot amelchenko a medical commission, i obey, you can handle it without any problems. hello, hello, katyusha, well, where was i hiding under the table, some fool, i was standing behind the closet, well, let's go take your blood pressure, test pilot. fourth day, pulse 30, maximum 37, and no medications helped while you were in...


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