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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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i’m listening to you, natasha, let’s get a divorce. i'm going crazy, i'm flying away for a week now, when i get back, let's file for divorce, what are you talking about, what a scam, you were brutally crushed today in overload, or the consequences of the ejection have finally sunk in, nadash, i was specifically waiting to talk to you , in 10 minutes i have to leave the house, i repeat to you again, i am asking you for a divorce. “if you are worried about
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the financial issue, then i leave the house to you, don’t worry, i’m sorry, but i have to go, where to go, i don’t understand anything, kitten, what’s happening to you, atash, i’m sorry. well, okay, fly my dove in all four directions, you’ll come back, we’ll talk again, he won’t leave the house.
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mtz tatarstan, with whom our equipment competes and when it will present the first unmanned tractor, we went to the multi-brand center. sweets for the domestic market from abroad, as well as large import substitution projects of our confectionery company. we found out what new products will appear in the near future. and a smart city, new high-speed data transmission technologies, a digital ecosystem and new areas. activities we will talk with the guest of the program. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most significant events in the economy. svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. together with russian regions, belarus ensures technological sovereignty. this is clearly visible in the example of technology. russia began to purchase more of our cars, and we developed the principle of multi-brand centers representing the entire line. one of them uses him as an example; he works in tatarstan. this is a successful platform for active promotion.
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key with full service of our cars. how today sales are going on, with whom our equipment competes and when will the first unmanned mtz tractor be presented in this russian region. our correspondent. 1 year, more than 20 thousand tractors produced, sold, over 70 thousand tractors for the entire period, this is confirmed by the belarusian equipment - this is time-tested equipment, like many compare with a kalashnikov assault rifle, everyone knows this, yes, this is confirmed by the indicators that
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last year we sold over 4,500 units of equipment, this year we have dynamics positive, but belarusian tractors are now represented in various regions of russia, what is your specialty, what niche do you occupy, is it necessary to occupy this special niche of yours today? the center we are located here presents the entire line of belarusian products, practically from the main manufacturers, this is the minsk tractor plant, and the minsk motor plant, all the equipment of the holding, and gomsilmash, and maza, as you can see, a number of manufacturers of automotive components and so on, all of them are also presented here at one point, that is the client, having come here, he...
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this is the main part of this work, the inevitable part that we carry out, the end consumer will be able to purchase our equipment, belarusian equipment on more preferential, favorable terms, but we all understand and see that competition is growing, including china , which is on the heel, how can one not give up their position today, china was, is will be, yes, this was a few years ago, it was clear that they would be present on the market, mtz was as ready as possible for this, against the backdrop of everyone else. ..
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the project is already being discussed, agreed upon, selected, which is now undergoing examination for the launch, construction of a central distribution center for spare parts, this is also one of the stages of providing customers with reliable, original consumer can order both equipment and spare parts without leaving home, but on the other hand, we all understand that china sooner or later in 2-3 years it will improve the service, in terms of service development we... are developing this area, we see dynamics, this is the development of overhaul repairs of equipment and programs, which is also very relevant topic, that is, any client can sell old equipment and buy new ones, this works for us today, what effect will such
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a distribution center have? the task is to provide all positions, all spare parts to the end consumer within 24 hours; this will already be even higher than all world standards, let’s say so. you have another special project, this is unmanned vehicles, it is available in such a volume almost only here, we are talking about tractors, again, this is the future, by the end of the year we plan to serial production of unmanned mini-tractors by creating certain kits, this is real, it already exists, these tractors, which are presented, ranging from ministries, end with the largest, they are already unmanned, they exist, our task is to make it accessible, we will the first who... will present unmanned mtz tractors on the market, on the accessible market, yes, which can be purchased on a commercial basis, tomorrow it seems like a reality, believe me, it will be so, now it’s not enough to keep up with the times, you need to try to stay ahead of the curve, which is what we are actually doing with the minsk tractor plant,
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so that competitors not only do not catch up, but are left far behind, we are strong not only in the export of equipment, more than 36 thousand tons of import-substituting products and... from the confectionery industry for the last year. the number of projects is constantly growing, so the slodych factory is installing a line for the production of soft caramel and at another site is installing a new line for... the production of large-packaged flat wafer. the main task is to ensure internal market. this was discussed at the international symposium of confectioners, which was dedicated to the year of quality. this forum brought together participants and guests from different countries. anton malyuta about the sweet event. an annual delicious tradition. the international symposium of confectioners has become a major event in just a few years. industry demonstration platform. there is a gap of a year between meetings, and each company uses this year to
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the maximum. it is impossible to imagine a single stand without new products. this year our driver is such growth in import placement is a site in the city of slavgorod, where, as you know, we launched a line for the production of chewing marmalade and this year we are expanding the line of those products. by the way, today we can present another new product, this is our product forme. in the first half of the year we will already be putting them into operation, specifically for the production of products and supplies to the domestic
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market, this is the slodch enterprise, which at its branch in ivins is currently installing lines for the production of soft caramel, these are analogues of mamba frutella, which we all know, today we are working on installing a new waffle production line, also at the branch. in general, factories are 85% loaded, which means there are reserves for increasing exports.
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our products are valued for their natural quality. in the first quarter, eight types of imported confectionery products have already been recognized as dangerous; they cannot be imported into the territory of belarus, but there are no complaints about domestic sweets. it is quality, as the competitiveness of products, that is a very important criterion and aspect for development any industry, including the confectionery industry.
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in total, the forum brought together more than three hundred people, enterprises, businessmen, scientists, not only from belarus, traditionally there was a wide representation from russia and the ias. and this is the best confirmation: our sweet brands are known far beyond the borders of the country. anton malyuta and ivan mozgo, area of ​​interest. this is an area of ​​interest, now there is a short advertisement about dal in the program. results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange and smart city and new high-speed data transmission technologies, digital ecosystem and new spheres. activity, let's talk to the guest of the program, what is happening in the european
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union, but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means, a potential enemy is removed in socio-economic terms, politically there, it was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this one the modern ruling elite, their personal future. completely surrounded our union state, military power and sovereignty are what will ensure our non-participation in the war until the last, the only time we enter the war is if someone gets in, gets in, gets destroyed. peace negotiations, they are unprofitable for the west, they are doing great work in the military-industrial complex, the wall street journal writes that the growth rate of us industry
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in the first quarter of 2024 was 17.5%. the key word is consolidation. if we want a future for our children, we must all unite. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. to become part of a foreign country, you don't have to be born there. it was as if we had arrived at some kind of sea resort. cool, clean, right? yes, welcome to brother. it’s enough to behave at a party, like... the host of the show, at home, but we arrived at the farm of the village of edyshka, they didn’t tell us that the food here is very tasty, it’s made from natural products. did you really come from venezuela itself? of course, then welcome to the world of jodishka, hello, the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy, we study the history of belarus
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and explore it. sights with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslav church, we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslav volodarki ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following exchange rates are established: dollar 3 rubles 19 kopecks. for 10 yuaniya they gave 4 rubles at auction. 38 kopecks 3.57 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles. 46
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kopecks belarus is a leader among the cis countries in terms of information level. communication technologies, therefore new requirements for infrastructure, its reliability and technological solutions. the chiba international exhibition in early june will once again show the latest achievements of enterprises in the field of digital technologies, because the future begins today, as the national operator beltelecom is convinced. various business solutions, smart city concept, testing of new high-speed data transmission technologies and even charging for electric vehicles. today it’s not just communication services, what else do you do? yes, in fact we have a motto, betelcom is not only communications, now it is not only communications, in fact we are engaged in addition our traditional services are the internet,
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telephony and television; in fact, we are moving towards video surveillance. video control is a wonderful service that is developing, we are now developing a network of evika electric filling stations, and we have also taken the first step - this is retail, we sell goods in installments, goods in installments only to our subscribers, in fact, today voice traffic is falling, people are switching to instant messengers , they talk via messengers, so in order for the company to develop, we are looking for new markets, where will we earn and develop money, who needs us? well, to be honest, we were very surprised by the network of electric charging stations, can you find out in a little more detail how far you have gone on this issue? yes, in fact, this project was so innovative from the point of view: we support environmental brands, in fact we are modernizing our production, and after modernization we still had energy capacities that were simply idle, in fact the idea was
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that let’s use these energy capacities, we concluded partnership agreement with...
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we are now planning to develop such stores in regional regions, but still, if we move away from retail issues to issues of basic communication services, how are you working on the quality of services today? above quality,
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of course, we are expanding our technological capabilities, in fact, we have a state program for 21-25, digitalization of the republic of belarus, and we are developing infrastructure, that is , in simple terms, roads, yes, road infrastructure, we have a fiber optic structure, which... in a year we build about 100 villages and today we have reached 90% by the end of the year , we are looking at 90% of 50 households and above
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, we will complete this task. and that’s it for today, all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy; we will tell you in the area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. i wish you success in all of your endeavors.
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we continue to find out how different things are made, and today we will talk about the station wagon; it is popular not only in belarus and the cis countries, but throughout the world. they sow, plow, reap, harvest on it, and use it in construction and road construction.
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connects me with a tractor, with a tractor, in fact, honestly, not much connects me, only memories from childhood, so, coming to the village when i was still little, grandma, seeing tractors, how men ride them, i always wanted to ride them, well, i didn’t have the opportunity, i myself, in fact, i work as a complex service worker, and i know how the building lives and is built, but i’m weak in mechanical engineering. and would like to know about the structure of the tractor. arthur, not even knowing about your childhood dream, we we have prepared a surprise for you, first we will test how the tractor works,
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we will ride it like... of course, and only then we will see how it is made, super, hello, hello, vitaly, i brought you a person who wants to test the tractor, let's help him with this, of course, listen, i noticed that many tractors have names from our experience, these are registered tractors, and yes, yes, yes, seriously, everyone has their own personal one, we can go into the cabin, yes, no longer tolerates who the first one who should be the first to go there and sit down, can you, can i, well, i would like to be with you, how can i say, it would be safer, okay, the second one will fit in the cabin, or is it better for me to stay somewhere to the side, you can have five, you can even have five, it’s so roomy, yes, well, let's go through then.
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this is a navigator or that it is considered an autopilot autopilot and that it turns on its own, seriously, turn it yourself and so it drives on its own yes and this is somehow with a navigator it’s all via the internet yes everything is done through cookies normally tell me it’s suitable for all jobs yes well like what kind of example is it lust that lust sat down what? roughly speaking, you just steer, yes, yes, but don’t even steer, so that it drives itself, and temperature, and pressure, look, humidity is shown additionally, yes, it’s like an option in a car of some kind, but
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what kind of year of manufacture, is this? and that is , you can say a new tractor and a completely new one, how long are you, its service life is already 10 years. well, arthur, are you ready to fulfill your dream? yes, should i steer myself or i don’t know, i hope vitaly will allow us to do this, of course, guys, good luck, i’ll definitely be impressed later, great, come on, that’s it, people, let’s go. oh-oh-oh-oh, what 's next, what's next, press the clutch, squeeze it, press forward, forward, yes, that's it, let go , that's it, let's go, let's go, i feel like an indiesel. and what about
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soldering gas to him, that this is a transmission, right? yeah, that's it, click on the yellow steering wheel on the screen, that's it now, oh, that's it, let's go, go, go, go, go myself, soon my sign will be hanging arthur, do you work great in tandem? i want to tell you guys, come out, i don’t feel like it i don’t want to get along, i liked it, listen , well, when you’re sitting in a tractor and it’s still steering itself, you could say it’s already a dream, of course, honestly, i didn’t know that everything was already so automated, that they would steer for you, i haven’t tried it , of course i tried it, you tried it yourself, but in manual mode, and how cool it really is, really cool, you feel the technique, you see, thank you very much for helping, i’m a real person,
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in fact, i’ve also never... on a tractor , yes in the field, i was also very interested, thank you thank you very much, well, we tested the tractor, i liked it, i think that you will be even more emotional in the future, since we are going to the factory and we will find out how it is made, well, the factory itself made it, of course, well, let’s quickly go there, let’s go , they are waiting for us there, that’s it, thank you again. hello, hello, pavel, sergey, good afternoon, arthur, it’s very nice, sergey, i’ve brought you a man who wants to know everything about tractors, we’ll tell you everything, we’ll show you everything , i hope he brings it with him, well, show me, tell me, maybe then i’ll bring it to you, look how great it is, let's go change clothes, but this is necessary, yes, of course, labor protection, after all...


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