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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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by the will of fate they became ensigns, hefty sons of beekeepers, a staff with captains with ukrainian surnames, everyone speaks the ukrainian language, everyone loves a magical, imaginary ukraine, without gentlemen, without muscovite officers, turak, zemgusar, petlyura, but it didn’t exist, so nonsense, a legend, a mirage, just a word in which the unquenchable rage and thirst for a peasant place for the rich and the aspirations of those faithful sons of their sunflower hot... ukraine, who hate
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moscow, whatever it may be, bolshevik or tsarist or whatever, have merged. let's put it on this point, thank you, this was the program sas is authorized to declare. as long as zelensky is in power, there will be no peace in ukraine. each of the heroes is special. my favorite is, well, as usual, it’s potato pancakes, of course, there’s pizza with potatoes. my love for the stage led to my interest in national and international competitions. each has its own unique story. i went to the czech republic for 17 years, my brother and i worked in st. petersburg, and i worked for 12 years and returned to belarus. i also had an invitation to the fashion community in st. petersburg. see the belarus project at
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tv channel belarus 24. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. hello, pray. hello, eclair, hello, my potato, how i missed you, how i want to hug you all and, of course , eat you. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the dish is called patata, which translates as potato. well, from english, probably from spanish, from any language, it’s a potato, and even in south africa, it’s a potato. it turned out to be a very simple and understandable dish, this is exactly the kind of food we usually order in restaurants, something that’s simple. of course, we’ll show you
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what they eat in different parts of our country, but tell me what kind of desserts are on our holiday table? makovnik, mazurka and ortas, and these are all dishes that are described in the poem pantadeus, you should definitely re-read it, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the head of state visited the arshan ligmash enterprise here.
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you can use the military-industrial complex code here, and these positions are for export, it will ruin an enterprise that and the products it has produced so far, so it must produce peaceful products, not for wartime, not the military-industrial complex, it must produce it, build it up, how
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they will do it, it’s their business, at night, somehow will attract people and so on, not really into the military-industrial complex.
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today the eurasian economic union turns 10 years old, the agreement on its formation was signed on may 29, 2014, now there are five countries within the eurasian economic union: belarus, russia, kazakhstan, armenia, three more countries, moldova, uzbekistan and cuba, have the status observers. the participating countries approached the anniversary with certain achievements, for example, the total gdp has almost doubled in 10 years, now it is 2.5 trillion dollars, and the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled. we need to operate not with numbers, but to remember what goals were set for the eurasian economic union, first of all, economic development, modernization, ensuring competitiveness.
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yes, which is worth fighting for, which is worth strengthening and developing, because this is the line that we do not have the right to surrender, this a chance for development, as i have repeatedly said, of all our states, members of the peoples of our countries. mtz is increasing the localization of production in kazakhstan. a line for the production of cabins for belarus tractors was launched in kastanay. the opening of the workshop is the second stage of the project to develop the production site. 100 new jobs will be created here. the enterprise was opened in 2018, but previously it was mainly the assembly of finished products; now they are focusing on localizing production. these cabins will be be used for their own needs, and they will also cover the needs of other assembly plants in kazakhstan. the region is focusing on the development of agricultural engineering.
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belarus and kazakhstan are implementing nine cooperation projects worth $85 million, most of them in the industrial sector. in the next 2 years, we... will bring here a tractor with a capacity of 500 horsepower of a classic configuration, this is a new product that will be in belarus this year and in 2 years you will have it, so get ready to assemble it, but this... well, next taking into account development will be the next stage, we will make the front axle completely , the number of jobs will be at least 500, we consider this site as export to third countries from this production, because here we are not only talking about tractors, we are also talking about assembly production combines, which akim already mentioned, we are also talking about machines based on the chasis max, the so-called special purpose,
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invaders. it is also proposed to include on the agenda bills that relate to precious metals for pension provision of the military. the next meeting of the house of representatives session will be held on may 30. we have a huge number of projects, there are so-called russian houses, that’s what people call them. formally, they are all beautifully called the russian center of science and culture,
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the most important ones, naturally, are located in minsk, they are all a kind of point of attraction for people who come there for different circles, different seminars, different conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions and so on and so forth, a huge number of all kinds, as they say now, activities, activities, well, this is just what is done in russian homes themselves. in addition, there are a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from the central office of rossotrudnichestvo, exchange programs, internships, trips for young professionals to russia, educational programs, a lot of everything, there are dates that are obvious to us related to victory day, may 9, of course, it is a holy day, various events are dedicated to this, such as a candle of memory, a garden of memory, a victory dictation, a huge number of different events, we by the way, we are participating in... the training of immortal regiments with great respect, so to speak, this is a great honor for us, besides
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this there are interesting stories, for example, the forum of regions that took place in belarus, we also participated in its preparation, in the organization, there are educational programs, there is a recruitment of students from belarus to russian universities, there are several important considerations here, it is very important for us that these are not just visits of friendship. that it is obvious that there should be friendship visits, of course people should rejoice at each other, but the plan of events that we are drawing up between the russian partners and the belarusian partners, the exchange of some knowledge, technologies in the field of not only culture, where to hold a concert, but in the field i don’t know, public utilities, road management and so on, here it seems to me that the russian regions have a lot to learn from the belarusian ones. colleagues , partners, but i was very pleased, not surprised,
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pleased with grodno, clean, cozy, comfortable, wonderful, beautiful city, low bow to the city authorities, so we have sister cities, like grodno, this is, as far as i remember, tambuv, it seems to me, vologda and there’s a whole list there, right up to sakhalin, so it seems to me that our colleagues should come to grodno, to see how it works, let’s return to the topic of russian science centers. well, we have an agreement on the activities of these cultural centers between russia and belarus, as far as i remember in 2009 the first large cultural center, this is the so-called russian house in minsk, opened already in the tenth year, now we have a new one in grodna, a center in brist, and a center in gomel. i hope that they will open again, they are in demand, we saw this by the number of people who came to the opening in grodno.
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this is a platform, a platform in demand among local belarusian non-governmental organizations, volunteer structures, various and some kind of memorial, historical, which are engaged in the protection of historical memory and quite social ones, which solve some social problems, this is a place where there are film screenings again, there will be a small one in the city. our hall is small, the city is small, the hall is small, well, i think we will find partners, and there will be exhibitions and some interesting seminars, we will bring scientists there from russia. speakers: belarusian children who choose foreign universities prioritize russian universities, but what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties do they most often choose? we have several programs under which belarusian children go to study in russia universities, this is just a direct commercial admission there, i signed a contract, went
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to study, there is an olympiad movement, there is an opportunity to enroll through the state belarusian one. exam simply with some additional one and there is that same quota that was mentioned, this is the government of the russian federation, 1,300 people, almost 2,000 we had applicants, well, a good competition, mainly these are medical specialties, medical there up to dentistry and so on, with ingenuity movement, now belarus is easing admission for russian students to belarusian universities, as far as i read a few days ago, according to the results of the unified state exam, russian students will be able to enter belarusian universities, great, absolutely, somewhere around a thousand places quota for russian students, 1,300 is ours, i repeat once again, this it is important, it is very important for us that students return and make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on and so forth.
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the roof of the heart of the mind, the philosophical works of imanuel kant, just like the feelings of the skin, and if anyone is older, it would be a couple of old ones. if there is a palazhenne, some thought is not necessary, then this apriyornae merkavanne. kalі yes ўsyago getae. the edge is extremely raking and will only be captured. no one from the apanenta understands my opuses of goodness, like herr salamon maimon. the compliment goes to the boy from
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the vacancy “peace”. the university is not to be missed, but it is important to study in this way.
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i didn’t doubt it at all, even if i was asking the torturer, like this adbyvaetsa, my family is a philosopher, bagaslou, doctor of the 12th century masha ben maimon, yago pratsa the paradozhnik of the ruined people grabbed the helmet so much that they gave the boy a minion. maimon, salamon maimon, two jewish sages of the same name. when i was nineteen, i already had not only a good understanding of the talmud, but also a loving relationship with my fathers in the end. sometimes the old people get the upper hand, the elderly become weaker. for people who have carnivorous meat, they are unfavorable. potential
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merchants treated them as the best partner for their dachas, of course. that such a zyats will not multiply, there ўzho ў 11 helmet i became a well-wedded groom, the matchmakers did not come empty-handed, and my father’s money was well spent, rightly, they were drained, and he didn’t know anything about the trick that was going on in the name of prapanov, there is no way to compromise with a competitor, what happened here is tricky , blackmail, courts, some kind of sleepy cotton guy...
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salamon master the latvian alphabet, supstavlyayuyuchy yago with the hebrew, learn the german language, read everything that is on your mind, maybe with a price containers of hundreds of miles to get a good book, learn bondage - jewish mystical vuchenne. i send you they have a practical side, which is like a trace of grease, the chicken paste on the berries is boiled, the test from the brewer is sealed,
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as it becomes tobacco, experiment for your own purposes, i will іў magic words і being taken from your nanny's father and giving a bullet, here the tasks will be completed as instructed once i have received all the instructions. ureshtse salamon understands, i am not going to be myastechki, vyalikiya garada. not developed here, in the light of the vyalika, in the padranay questions and without the sheleg ў kishenі. the gangway at köniksberg, based on the rule of imanuel kant. yes, we didn’t feel pressured to know. neyahaina pravin spoke the german language with such accents that the germans simply did not understand. farther from berlin to the light. for now, i haven’t had a soft cough and slept on breast lard, which i served as spoons of dozens
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of other gills. it looks like this and berlin is not empty. nothing happened, like tulazza, asking for love. yes, the rapts in the pit will receive lucky tickets. the gill is known to be a carnivorous equal. kali pasya. kind vychers, i died and a soft spoon, i don’t believe in your vachs. maimon settles things for the governors at the rich house. i would give up, live and rejoice, let me sleep. adnoichy, maimon pabachy, like a master, he is consuming his goods from an old philosophical book. ask for what hell has left behind, wash it, write vodka. based on our knowledge of him, we are the most familiar of the jewish people. philosopher of the same hour moses mendelssohn requested an avtar for yesterday from his berlin office and is seeking help. mendelssohn would have been not only intelligent, but also
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rich. svaymu pratezhe yon paraiў atrymats adukatsy, earn a career. salamon is eager to point out the karchma, where are the activities. you bastards pras tra mendelssohn geta nadakuchyla. he told me on my side that the nobles were not pleased with me. all the bugs are found to be infertile, because there is no life plan, but there are many bad looks, free breeders and large-scale plots. salamon pakryўdziўsya: if you do this, i’ll go to hell with you, the badzyannі pratsyagіsya. hamburg, amsterdam, the hague. i don’t know that i don’t give in to my character or any practical actions on the right, and i’ll always be important. urashtse adzin dabradzey ties maimon’s hand and goes to the gymnasium. the girl was already over 30.
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her lessons are easy to walk, but the tests are easy for external students. in the warm sun there was nothing to worry about. salamon is back in berlin, in the attic of a certain granny, and in the roof of kant's mind. transcendental idealism. markus hertz, who is a student of kant and knows well of his asabist. hertz hіba pacіsnuў plyachym. i think that this principle can only be created by kant himself.
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you amal never say anything, but this time it sticks and does not cover the lid. kant's praise immediately made salamon popular. vyadomy philosopher johann fichte writes: may pavaga and maimona is not the limit. he follows kant's original philosophy from head to toe. i can’t sum up what this adzin is from the most important days of our time. maimon is self-interested in his actions. no, we’re not in the career mats. myslyar is happy to give a shout out to high topics, for a fun campaign and a good drink, which he strived for in good health. navat dziўna, yak yago grabbed an hour, kab neshta write. you are not less, the collection of maimon’s creations is available 10 there. adzin s ikh - autography. dzyakuyuchy oy, kant, mindelssohn, fichte, they gave the right... for several reasons
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, the young man was conceived, being a distinguished philosopher. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. and we set off on an exciting journey. he is like a magician, controls the light, extinguishes and lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day. permanent, like the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave, or do you have a double? to show how unusually wonderful.
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our country. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger. who she is is still unknown. locals call her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed, even in soviet times. like other churches , neither the cultural center nor the theater. look at belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, program “cities of belarus” on the belarus24 tv channel. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, the military contingent is being increased. on our southern border, security services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs. today in our country all conditions are created in order to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really
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like the appearance.
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liliya aleksandrovna karostoyanova, participant in the partisan movement during the great patriotic war.


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