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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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good morning belarus, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova will celebrate a new day with you today, and this day is unique, thursday, the last thursday of this spring, dear friends, on the calendar may 30, and we are literally a day away from our departure, schoolchildren will start their holidays very soon , and for...
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graduates, they will also begin, albeit a little later, because while graduates are actively taking exams, they have already begun to do this, and on may 27 there was a centralized exam in a subject of choice for eleventh graders, and in general, we know that in total about 55,700 graduates enrolled in the school, we counted them all, uh-huh, yes, today the eleventh graders will have another test, this is a centralized exam in the russian or belarusian language, and some more statistics, it is known that about... dear graduates and everyone who is taking exams, we wish you good luck, and you know, the main thing is not to worry, but in general they say that beautiful music helps in the matter of relaxation, well, in any way we can, we also help you, so wake up, here’s music for you present.
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the rain is raining, the thick variable rain is knocking on the windows. we sing, today the dream has passed by, and tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet it, there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, like
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dew in a field, like a star in the sky, like a star in the sky, like an endless sea cheerful surf, let them be with you, with you forever, forever, big dream, big love, you need a seal. alice, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait!
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there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and go, i need be sad, your whole life is ahead of you. your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, hope come.
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good morning, 6:4 minutes shows our studio clock, this is exactly belarusian, and we, dear friends, never tire of repeating that the summer season is literally created for belarusians, every day in every place there is either a holiday, or a festival, or some kind of... then a marathon, here again on june 1 a green marathon will be held in mogilev, the organizers boasted that this year all records were broken, 1300 participants. everyone will be to run in mogilev podnikulye there will be a race track for both adults and children, but friends, right now the marches are at the start, this is what our team has prepared for you today, let’s run, school is over, but there are other worries ahead, how to get your child ready for camp,
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the guide was prepared by our correspondent natalya khomich. the grandson of the founder of psychoanalysis, sigmund freud, and a master, of course, of psychological portraiture. sports commentator andrei kozlov - this is a waste of time, already in the third hour we are waiting for the most exciting sports news. well today there will be many guests, by the end of this hour in our studio we are expecting a representative of the national library to learn more about the campaign on children's day, which
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is called the smartest of all. yes, after 7:00 am we are waiting for the chairman of the belarusian cycling federation, natalya tselinskaya, and the director of the minsk cycling club. alexey ivanov. let's talk about a family cycling holiday, pershiy rovar. yes, but right now we have this information for you. japanese scientists have invented a spoon that gives foods a salty taste. here this effect is achieved due to the passage of a weak electric field from the food, which concentrates sodium ion molecules on the tongue and enhances the sensation of saltiness of food. and i just have one question: will any additional calories from this spoon go into your food? i had more. questions, firstly, is it not harmful, and secondly, is the spoon that we saw on the screen now, is it the same or is it just to somehow depict a spoon, because it seems to me that the taste of this spoon is not so important, what's her size, because if i use a small spoon, then it turns out that in this way it will be possible
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to reduce the consumption, if not of all food , then at least of the salt in it, well, our food blogger anatoly moiseev does not need such spoons, he has everything calculated and calculated today . he has a mushroom roll recipe on the menu, i think that means it will be on our menu this morning. hello, our breakfast today will not only brighten your morning, but it will also be useful on the holiday table. i suggest making a mushroom roll, it’s a lavash roll with mushrooms and cheese, which is easy and quick to prepare. the rolls are great. to sweet tea to freshly brewed coffee. we will need lalash, champignons, onions, green lettuce, cheese, eggs and mayonnaise. first, boil the chicken eggs hard, that is, boil for at least 5 minutes. while they are cooling,
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cut the champignons into slices. chop the onion with a knife, maybe not very finely. add a small amount of vegetable oil to a heated frying pan, then add. onion , add mushrooms, fry them for a couple of minutes until the liquid has evaporated, set to cool, peel the eggs, cut them into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, thoroughly coat the lavash sheet with mayonnaise, start laying out the filling, lettuce leaves as the first layer, then mushrooms and onions, lay chopped eggs on top, sprinkle all of this with grated cheese, wrap tightly and let soak for about 30 minutes. this dish is not only tasty, but also healthy, because in terms of phosphorus content, champignons are equal to seafood. phosphorus strengthens bones,
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prevents the destruction of tooth enamel and stabilizes hormonal conditions. and also mushroom rolls look very festive. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. quality of life depends on many factors, but one of the key ones is definitely housing. some people dream of a luxurious nest in a quiet rural area, others want to acquire treasured squares in the city. however, the essence of everyone’s aspiration is the same - to find a place that can confidently be called home. traditional a number of categories of citizens can count on... state support in resolving the housing issue; the format of state rental housing is becoming increasingly popular; this is
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an excellent opportunity for young professionals, military personnel and other categories to improve their living conditions at the start of their careers. narodnaya gazeta correspondents found out, using specific examples, how things stand today with housing construction in different regions of the country. based on the results of 2023, the gomel regional children's clinical hospital was included on the republican... honor board. the winner of the competition set a personal record and treated the maximum number of small patients in its history - 122,000. moreover , people even come from the capital to the regional clinic for high-quality help. after a large-scale reconstruction, the hospital became a multidisciplinary center. the transformation has completely justified itself. the infant mortality rate has decreased, and more than 250 thousand minor patients in the gomel region have gained access to the best equipment and specialists. newspaper sb belarus today with details. this monster
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poisonous dangerous. sosnovsky's borshevik really mercilessly destroys entire landscapes. at the same time, it is hardy, unpretentious and reproduces well, and its juice causes severe burns. the green monster was brought from the forests of the caucasus in the fifties as feed for livestock. hogweed was even grown at agricultural stations on collective farms, but it soon became clear that the plants quickly... and became dangerous. hogweed grows very quickly, in june it begins to actively bloom and produces a population of up to a thousand seeds. the plant is usually poisoned for several years, until it is completely removed. read how they intend to fight the dangerous plant in the capital on the pages of the minsk agency. news. the proportion of patients with pathology of the endocrine system is constantly increasing in all economically developed countries. for belarus, this problem is even more relevant due to the consequences. chernobyl accident. the endocrine system is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human
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body. it plays a key role in the mechanisms of reproduction, exchange of genetic information, immunological control. the most common diseases in endocrinology, thyroid pathology, are diabetes mellitus. read about prevention, diagnosis, as well as modern methods of treating endocrine diseases on the pages of belt. fans - who is rooting for them in competitions? participants are rooting for, they are rooting for, they are rooting for, they are rooting
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for people, well, that’s the name, i don’t know why they got it, no, people don’t root for teams, well, so that they, so that they win there, for this they need fans , i i haven’t taken this into account yet. they, they, they support, they support the one who, who, who competes, they don’t shout, for whom they are rooting, they shout all sorts of good words, when he scores a goal or something else, you have to shout, clap... your hands , well, i didn’t say that, the right way to root is to shout
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hurray in order to root for the team, well, here i am, if i see that with this athlete he is already losing, i start rooting for someone else, in training without them i play, well, i usually don’t have fans, so i i play of my own free will. sometimes without fans, and if my second cousin came, i would invite him, girlfriends, friends, parents, mom and dad, because if no one... sees how you do it, then why play if no one sees it ?
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good morning everyone again, friends, you are talking about... the cold summer, so if a woodpecker knocks in sunny weather, it means expect rain, but my colleague tatyana matusevich has more accurate information. tanya, what signs do you follow? let me tell you about the wind, i know exactly what the weather forecasters promise us today eastern and... eastern moderate wind, during thunderstorms it will be gusty. as for the weather in general, the minimum temperature at night ranged from 11 to 17°. the maximum during the day in the country is from 22 to 28. well, let’s tell you in a little more detail by city what awaits us. so, the capital of the republic, minsk, is +24 +26, but it will be cloudy with clearings
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and there will be some precipitation. the same weather situation is expected in bresse, there up to 25 with a plus plus2 sign. 26 + 28 today in the north and, by the way, this is not the first day, namely the northern region is the warmest, and there will be precipitation there, in gomel +23 +25, cloudy with clearings and also rain, in some places there will be cheese in the city of grodno, there +25 +27 to 27 also today in mogilev, but nevertheless, by the way, this is the only city where the weather forecast does not promise us precipitation, but it will be cloudy with clearings, this is the picture, excellent weather, then we expect a slight decrease in degrees, but this is by no means a cold snap, in any case, until the end of the week everything will be fine with us, everything will contribute to our walks, so let's offer you an option where to go. on may 31 , a childhood celebration will be organized at the national library, children should laugh in a peaceful world, it
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is timed, of course, to coincide with international children's day at the end of the school year, there will of course be a lot of... activities , but one of the most striking will be the interactive platform of the minsk city department of the ministry of emergency situations. the entertainment and educational program was prepared by omon, ugaigvd, they will show official vehicles, sports cars and motorcycles. well , i want to tell all our viewers that this is not the only event for children's day that will take place near our knowledge diamond; there will also be events there. literally in half an hour in our studio we are waiting for a representative of the national library to... hear more about the holiday, which will also be held there and also dedicated to june 1st. well now, attention all parents, our correspondent natalya khomich has prepared special instructions called how to get your child ready for camp. oh, i have a feeling it will be difficult there, let's watch. packing things for the camp is still a quest, but not for
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catherine. she will go on vacation for the sixth time this year, and she knows exactly what things are going on. should i take it and which ones should i leave at home? of course, there are nuances depending on the camp, for example, whether there is a swimming pool, but in general the rules for packing suitcases are the same. you definitely need to take several t-shirts, because i went to camp many times, when my t-shirt got dirty, well, i didn’t have a clean one, and i had to wash it, which took a lot of time. a mandatory attribute in all camps is a hat, and i take two pairs. jeans, just like that a beautiful denim skirt for some new look, don’t forget elegant clothes for festive events, you can take with you accessories, elements of carnival costumes, a mask, a wig, glowing bracelets, in short, everything that will be useful at a disco, two pairs, or how many if you want some leggings for sports competitions,
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competitions, and bike shorts, of course, because it can be hot there, you need to buy them. protective cream insect repellent spray, i take shower gel, shampoo, hair conditioner, so as i have long hair it can get tangled, a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and hand soap, because many children forget their soap at the sinks, don’t forget shower slippers, what you shouldn’t take is too many toys, well, in general , if it’s not something very voluminous, and the child is actually used to falling asleep. with his favorite toy, if this concerns younger children, yes, then, of course, let him take with him his favorite small pillow or teddy bear, it is better to take with him his favorite book, his favorite board game, it's not a choice. keep in mind that not all things will be brought home, so it is better to replace expensive items with cheaper
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analogues. there are also things that are prohibited, for example, instead of nail scissors, it is better to take tweezers. parents, of course, we do not take perishable food to the camp, we do not take any medicines with us, unless it is provided for, well, on an individual basis. some kind of intolerance, and naturally, we warn the teacher about this, it is not advisable to take expensive jewelry, watches, earrings with you, yes, chains, a child might lose them, and most importantly, no piercing, cutting, etc. objects that could cause harm. you can take money for small expenses on excursions, and you also need to remember a raincoat , a phone charger, let your child take only that... hope that he likes, and let the vacation leave only pleasant emotions, when you become big, people don’t like be indignant at the daisy, my stupid
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little devil, i’m serious, dry your tears, you’ve had love for a long time, love is predicted, he loves... not tell your fortune with a daisy, you’re in his kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask the daisies stupid questions, you’ve had love for a long time, love is predicted, nay-nay-nay-nay-nay, what kind of girl, good girl, read his eyes , it’s winter in the world, and between you, my, gap, gap, gap, gap, gap, your wet eyes too. so, is he really such a fool, he didn’t dare to take the first step, he loves, he doesn’t love, it’s not years on the daisy, my stupid one, you
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’re charming, i’m serious, you’re three tears, you’ve had it for a long time, love is predicted, loves, doesn’t love, scold the chamomile, you're in his kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask daisy, stupid questions, you haven’t had a long time, love is in the forecast, even if the sun goes out in the sky, he will get summer for you, he will look over you, spread his arms, clear weather will be between you, blue eyes look at you , and he lost himself in them again, hiding him from everyone somewhere far away. so that no one else finds him, loves, doesn’t love, don’t be fooled by a daisy, my stupid one, and you, charming one, i’m serious, you are three tears, you’ve
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had everything for a long time, love is predicted, loves, doesn’t love, don’t be fooled by a daisy , you can hear him in kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask daisy, stupid questions, you’ve had it for a long time, love is predicted. yes, we continue to wake up, we remind our viewers that it’s thursday on our calendar, that’s may 30, and we continue to excite. and shape your weekend. next: a large republican festival of national cultures will be held in grodno on june 7 and 8. 35
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nationalities will be represented, and the belarusians, as hosts, are planning a vibrant program. well, for example, the main meat gastrofestival will be held, and there you can learn how to cook meat, of course, but not just meat, but meat in a tander, and also find out the recipe for homemade sausage , take part in a sausage-eating competition, but... this is already dangerous, but tasty, i know, which means where meat-eaters will gather in the near future, by the way, the theme of the festival in the twenty-fourth year will be family centers, he will be at the site of the festival events and will definitely bring details, well, right now we’re changing the topic and let’s talk a little about banks, we haven’t talked about him for a long time, let’s do it, especially since the full a collection of copies of the work of one of the most mysterious contemporary artists, banksy , can be seen in new york, a few days ago. a museum dedicated to his work was opened, with the most famous works of the master on display. they occupy two floors, and since banksy is his own artist, collecting his originals, as you understand, is impossible.
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the founder of the museum, khazis vardar, took up the task of reproducing the murals. he gathered a team of like-minded people who created copies of the works, and on the walls, like the originals. according to him, he never spoke to bankse, however, assures that the artist indirectly approved such an initiative, since no one is going to sell the work. in addition, this is a unique opportunity to reproduce and preserve even those works that have long been lost. like the original graffiti, this museum is a temporary exhibition-like exhibition. have already been demonstrated in paris, barcelona, ​​krakow, brussels. or maybe the same banksy will be among the visitors, and we will finally see him. i have a more interesting theory, perhaps since no one has seen banksy, the same one khasis vardar, who decided to become the founder of this exhibition, is bensi, this would be an unexpected turn of events, so we just talk about this all the time, about enx, because we want to follow the story to the end to find out who this person really is, i
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really... teaches us art to understand art, well, in general, we are on the topic of art, and today in a review of the work of lucian freud. let's see. hero of great britain, grandson of the great sigmund freud and even one-time portrait painter of queen elizabeth ii. and all this despite the fact that the person is incredibly scandalous, unpleasant, and his work is an ugliness, or quite the opposite. and it's all about the honesty of the artist. in
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relation to what he saw, because he did not invent, but wrote what he contemplated. freud , who worked in the second half of the last century, remained almost the only realist artist, and it is rare when around a pickled shark, a head of blood, a conceptual installation, so that the people whom he loved to paint are here as they are in reality and even slightly exaggerated. if speak about an artist who was indifferent to the model’s desires to remain young. beautiful, at least on canvas, then lucian freud is an excellent example, because getting to his posing session was like walking through the center of london, and even with the screams of the crowd. but the models did not pay attention to this and lined up in a long line for the master to paint them, and naturally, lucien had an affair with almost each of them, the women on his canvases are an ode to the difficult relationship with representatives of beauty gender, because despite the increased attention
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from the latter, freud was actually afraid of them and truly loved only one woman in his life - his mother, whom he nursed until her death and painted an insane number of portraits of her. of course, freud's work was also influenced by his childhood, flight from europe during the holocaust, and the loss of his father, difficult relationships with peers. freud decides to write the world as he sees it, and he sees it as gloomy, hostile and devoid of meaning. and the only meaning is painting. and even the families that the artist started did not save him from the painting disease. the only real family for him were his paints and palettes. the grandson of the great sigmund freud officially recognized only 14 children, although according to some sources, their number reaches forty. moreover, many of lucin freud’s already grown-up daughters posed for him. they admitted that this was the only chance to communicate at least a little with their father. freud treated his children the same way
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as he treated other models. did not tolerate delays, did not allow rest, even if the model fell off their feet, forced them to freeze in the cold rooms of numerous workshops. and most importantly, i never visited them . the only time in history when the artist left the walls of the studio was an audience with queen elizabeth ii, who ordered a portrait from lucien. the queen, of course, is not refused and rules are not imposed, but freud found another way to express his indignation at the queen of great britain herself. he painted a portrait on a canvas measuring only 20. the work of lucen freud drives many into a stupor, about such paintings they say you can either adore them or hate them, just like the personal poetry of the author. to make yourself more beautiful, you can use various filters or simply ask the artist, make me more beautiful somehow, fuller lips, more voluminous eyes, then if you had approached freud with such a request, or rather asked, he would definitely
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have refused you, i i don't understand. in addition to the virtual ones, by the way, we also have a virtual guide, and if you find yourself in our capital on june 1, and even in the upper city, you know, the holiday will be held on saturday chinese culture, in addition to national dances, souvenirs, a colorful show, you will also find a large-scale event called tea for the harmony of the world, so come, it will be interesting, but now let's move to another culture, we invite you to bolivia, several thousand dancers took part in the signor del g' carnival. poder, which took place in the capital of bolivia. this holiday united folklore and religion, which is why it is so popular in the country. several years ago, the festival was even included in the unesco world heritage list. main the attributes of the carnival are dancing outfits. many
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of the costumes symbolize angels and demons in the fight between good and evil. by the way, they are not cheap, so during the festival there are even security guards watching over the dancers to prevent robbery. it would be interesting for me to imagine. someone’s skirt was stolen, for example, this holiday lasts the whole day, during which time the participants cover more than 20 km, this year more than 300,000 spectators gathered to watch the celebration, well, it turns out that it’s like a bolivian carnival, there is a brazilian one, and there is a bolivian one, uh-huh, not interesting, listen, not only are they so dynamic, they are also resistant to dancing 20 km, and we say we ran a kilometer, we’re already tired, here you go, what records are they breaking? guys, well done, brightly colorful, definitely worthy of attention, well, right now we offer to find out how zygmund mineyka once changed the world, look right. zigmund mineyka was born in 1840 in the ashmensky uyezd
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of the grodno region, into a noble family. after graduating from the vilna gymnasium, he studied at the nikolaev engineering school in st. petersburg. during the uprising of 1863 , he became the commander of a rebel detachment. for which he was sentenced to death, which was replaced by hard labor. on the way to siberia, he received the documents of a deceased comrade, so mineyka ended up in a free settlement in tomsk, from where he soon fled to france and entered the paris military academy. having become a certified military engineer, he was engaged in the construction of roads and bridges, and laid the first railway in bulgaria. in the early 1870s, mineika moved to greece and began excavating the legendary temple. evsa in dadon. engineering knowledge allowed him to do what archaeologists had not been able to do until then. he pinpointed the search location and made a sensational archaeological discovery. having gained worldwide fame, mineika continued his career as chief engineer of two
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greek provinces and headed the public works department in athens. in 1896, when greece was preparing for the first revived olympic games, it was zygmund mineika who led the construction of the sports one. objects and restoration of panathinaikos, ancient greek marble stadium. and with the start of the games, he showed his talent as a reporter. his colorful notes about the competition were published in several european newspapers. over time, mineyka began to be called the founder of the genre of sports journalism in the world. in 1910, for his great contribution to the development of the country, he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of greece. a little later, he received the highest military award in greece, gold. cross of the order of the savior. zygmund mineyka. the man who changed the world. our live morning broadcast continues and we are in a hurry to tell you that the national film studio belarus film opens its world to everyone.
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on june 1 everyone is invited to an open day. participants will be able to visit the film studio museum and filming pavilion with themed photo zones. film screenings will also be organized in the studio cinema hall. you can see it from 10:30. cartoons, at 12:30 a feature film by filmmakers and director kirill khaletsky will be shown. yes, an interesting offer for this holiday, for june 1, children's day, well, right now we have another suggestion is to find out the weather in these early morning hours, what is it like outside right now, how warm is it already, we are ready to tell you, so, in the capital right now it is +12 +14, the same temperature indicators. in brest, in vitebsk it is a little warmer up to 15, with a plus sign, right now during the day it will traditionally become much, much hotter. let's move on: +15 +17 right now in gomel, in grodno +14 +16 and the same
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temperature readings this morning in mogilev. i would like to say that in all our regional cities it is cloudy with clear spells and no precipitation. but this is for now, because during the day the weather forecasters promise us cloudy skies with clearings. with precipitation , there will even be thunderstorms in some places, and in general during the day the air will warm up to 28°. well , you know, we hope that this trend, such a warm trend, will continue in the coming days, although, as i... know, bikers, for example, are not afraid of anything, that’s what i mean, to the fact that tomorrow in the international bike festival bikefest zhabinka is starting in zhabinka, and it will last until june 2, so get your iron horses ready, well for now, while you are cooking, we suggest going to pavel gorkovchenko’s place of work, let’s find out what makes his morning good. my name is pavel
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gorkavchenko, i work as a cnc machine operator at a gear production plant. my morning starts with getting up at 5:30, having a hearty breakfast of strong coffee, then i get ready and go to work. at 7:00 i begin my duties, my work process is what they give me. cooking, according to the technical process, i select a device, a cutting tool, install it all on the machine, i write down the control program and you can cut the tooth. this is where my workplace is located , in the morning i check the size of the part and the condition of the working tool. i graduated from the minsk state mechanical engineering college with a degree in technical engineering. then i got a job at this plant as a gear operator,
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then i completed an internship as a service technician, and now i work with the sixth category. i like my profession because of its diversity, we produce parts of various types, it is always interesting to set up a part that has not been made before. in our the workshop has a friendly team, i find a common language with both the older generation and the younger guys, everyone is ready to help and answer any questions. we sometimes encounter minor difficulties, but everything is resolved in the work process. now i control the length of the overall normal of the part. the adjuster creates a gear from a workpiece, which then drives various movement techniques. i love
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my job because it makes my country's mornings good. we wish pavel and his colleagues a great day, perhaps the following information will attract the attention of pavel, his colleagues, and other men who are watching us now, and women will now also have something to discuss. the fact is that the final of the miss argentina 2024 competition attracted the attention of viewers from all over. world because of an unusual contestant. this is sixty-year-old lawyer alejandra maritza rodriguez. in april she became miss buenos aires. and, despite her age, she could be recognized as the most beautiful woman in the country and sent to the international miss universe competition. however, the jury gave preference to the younger twenty-nine-year-old applicant actress magali beniham corti from the province of cordoba. however, rodriguez, whom many predicted to win, received the title “
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not only people, but cucumbers, but let’s talk about this right now, i thought that now a photograph would appear, a photograph, beautiful cucumbers, a self-portrait, look how wonderful they are , of course, we understand that... that a regional festival deals with cucumbers every year, it’s called cucumber day, it takes place in shklov, by the way, this year this festival will take place on september 17, as far as we know, well, that’s the topic we still suggest continuing with gherkins, because how to choose them correctly, it would seem that there are green, green pimples and it’s great to take, but no, the purchase still knows
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some nuances that need to be paid attention to, so right now let’s say to the purchase learn to choose tasty juicy and aromatic, watery, what else they are, what kind you like, green, cucumbers, yeah, today we choose a cucumber, this vegetable has few calories, but a lot of water consists of 95% of it, as well as important vitamins and minerals, cucumbers are rich in antioxidants, contain potassium, magnesium and manganese, which support heart health, bone strength and proper nervous system function. let's figure out how to choose a fresh cucumber! first of all, evaluate its color, it should be uniform, it can be from light green to emerald green, everything will be determined by the varietal characteristics of this vegetable, but be sure to look for the absence of any additional spots or stripes that will be a signal
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that that this vegetable is not entirely suitable for consumption, inspect the cucumbers, they should be free from cracks and scratches when pressed. a fresh cucumber feels elastic, there are no traces of dents; if the vegetable is pimply, all the tubercles should be the same size and without defects. assess the condition of the stalk: this is the part of the stem that connects the fruit to the plants. the stalk must be present on the vegetable, it is thick, it is fresh, it is from it that we can determine when the cucumber was picked and how long it has been lying on the counter. if the cucumber has it. there is a flower, also evaluate its quality. a fresh vegetable will have it yellow, slightly wilted, but not dried out. no matter what size the cucumber is, look at its shape. it is important that it is uniform along the entire length. experts advise leaving cucumbers in the store that are wider at the stem and narrower at the flower. also take a closer look at the shine.
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the pronounced shine on the cucumbers can tell us that they were unscrupulous producers. covered with wax, this was all aimed at transporting it for quite a long time and then storing it. so, a quality cucumber should be without dents, cracks, have a uniform color without gloss and the same shape, elasticity and the presence of the stalk also indicate that this is a fresh vegetable, tasty and healthy purchases. thanks to their enthusiasm and love for their native land, it was possible to preserve a picturesque corner of belarusian nature. this is the outskirts of the nalbok forest, amazing sights, a very beautiful
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place. well, the garden itself, of course, it never ceases to amaze us, it is very majestic, very much already... mature, but it still bears fruit, and also populate it with our four-legged friends with human eyes who happily greet guests. here we have a horse nursery for the lessky horse, this is an abrigenous breed, it is already an endangered species, unfortunately, we have 19 heads of them, they live in natural conditions, we create for them exactly the same conditions as for a...
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on our tv channel, in our studio, 100 brave guys gathered, each of them has a question for an adult: please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, they say in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty, well, i probably won’t advertise , i’m just inviting you to eat in our bastard war. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. does a friend exist?
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chin higher, step - this is a preliminary command, correctly, the body moves forward, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel.
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friends, it definitely won’t be boring, the national library of belarus this saturday, june 1 invites everyone to the smartest mega-festival in the world, it is, of course, timed to coincide with children’s day, so we’ll talk about the event with our guest in the studio. yes, basically our event is held for an adult audience, because we are the main scientific library of the country, but still children
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are our potential readers from the age of 14, whom we are looking forward to with joy, so we came up with the idea of ​​holding it on children’s day this is such a holiday for our young readers, that is, you understand that you need to raise your future reader from childhood, and get used to the library, and get used to reading books, but how?
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quests and patriotic, of course, these will be games, there will be, there will be, there will be a platform from the belarusian republican youth union, and we are waiting for our guests from the guy, the ministry of emergency situations , educational lessons will be held, also housing and communal services will come to us, there will be an educational lesson about the ecological, ecological orientation, there will be many, there will be many meetings with interesting people, let’s say i won’t read books where i heard about it. there will be such a platform as a reading zone, which we called with a book in an embrace, our guests who
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media people, they will read books, well, for example, miss belarus promised to be with us and read books to the children, oh, we’re waiting, and you know, then the parents have a question, is it possible to give the child to you, you will entertain, attract, and what will parents do at this time, and parents can take a walk around the library, can see how their child is having fun, well... or if the parent has a library card, then he can visit one of our halls of the national library. let's figure it out: the entrance to this is the event free? absolutely. should a parent, that is one more time, not necessarily have a library card? entry to the event is absolutely free for children and parents. 3 hours, children and parents can be in the national library, sign up, don’t register, nothing is needed, there will be enough space for everyone.
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he needs to be attracted somehow, i understand that this was organized for this purpose, yes, this holiday, of course, we teach our children to come to the library, we show them that such a library as here, how books live here, how they feel here, of course, maybe everything, everything... starts from the family, but with our holiday we show that we teach our children to love books, teach them to be able to read, love to read, well and come to our library, well, show that this can still be an interesting interactive process, it’s not just like in our childhood, when you came to the library, sat down, everyone sat in a row one after another and read, now it's not boring, it's not boring, it's a lot of fun
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cool, especially in the national library, because the library keeps up with the times.
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from the repository to the reader, this is already worth attention, because honestly, i saw this only in our national library, i think that there are no analogues in belarus, such elevators, yes, yes, children, children react very, very emotionally , when they get to the library, they really like everything, they like the atrium on the second floor, our glass floor, they really like to visit the book museum and look at books, they adore our
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fountains, in general, well, that’s how it is... our visitors are happy to post that it will be possible to make noise in the library on june 1, june 1 will certainly not be quiet, because well, we are waiting, we are waiting for our children to visit, well , we wish you a wonderful holiday, thank you very much for organized it for coming to us this morning to talk about this event, i will remind our viewers that we talked with the head of the cultural and entertainment department
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of the national library in belarus, natalya bashkirova. well, this is the end of the first hour of our broadcast, no switch, because we will return to this studio immediately after the news block, we will open the skies and rock the entire planet, let us return the eyes of the light of hope of 100 white dawns. let's wipe away all traces of tears, write new couplets, become a daisy in the summer, today you and i, all's well that ends well, let's forget everything, while the earth rotates, while the morning begins with a smile and...
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the globe is warmed by both me and you , everything ends well, let's go to where the morning begins, where under our feet. the whole earth it’s spinning and warming up, the shah of winter and me and you, the shah of earth and me and you, looking through the yellow glass, it will probably be more fun, putting all the warmth in your hands, together it’s easy, i know we can do it, let’s smile and flowers, weave them into one bouquet, let’s stand
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daisy summer with you, today you and me, all's well that ends well, let's forget everything. while the earth rotates, while the morning begins to warm up with a smile, the globe of the earth is with you and me, everything ends well, let's go to where the land begins, where under our feet the whole earth rotates and closes, the shah of the earth and with me you, everything is fine. ok, ok, ok, everything is fine, everything is fine, fine, the globe is warming up, the globe is warming up with both me and you, everything ends well, let's go where the morning
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begins, where under your feet the whole earth rotates and becomes clogged, the heat in the earth and but also with you , good morning, thursday, may 30th,
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information day on belarus one and belarus 24 is launched by a television news agency, in the pavel lazovik studio, watch the episodes: get legal assistance on labor and social issues. trade union legal reception will be held throughout the country. batons, water cannons, tear gas, a wave of harsh dispersals and arrests were in vain.


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