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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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killed with a tree. in the svisloch region , a worker was fatally injured while felling a forest. the forty-year-old deceased was part of the brigade. the body was discovered by colleagues who, according to safety rules, worked at a distance of at least 100 m from each other. according to preliminary data , the crown of a cut birch became entangled with a neighboring pine tree, which could not withstand the pressure and crushed the logger to death. the deceased was using special headphones and did not hear the sound of a falling tree. a resident of the capital decided. take advantage of the benefits of your deceased sister for free to get on the metro, a seventy-six-year-old pensioner presented her id card as a disabled person, which raised doubts about its authenticity; the document was checked by specialists from the forensic expertise committee. the certificate form was produced by an enterprise that produces products of this type. the original contents of the presented
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certificate were not subjected to any technical changes, methods of cleaning, addition, drawing, reprinting, etching, washing, however, the photo card in the document was replaced by separating the previously existing sticker from the id form on top of the new one. subsequently, the pensioner admitted that the disabled person's certificate belonged to her older sister, who died 5 years ago; a criminal case was opened for forgery of documents. another criminal case was opened in minsk for hooliganism in one of the entrances of a residential building; a man began destroying mailboxes and then damaged a surveillance camera. concerned residents of the high-rise building called the police. the rowdy guy turned out to be a fifty-two-year-old neighbor. his action he explained that he was drunk and had a huge fight with his wife. but a resident of borisov decided to invest in the stock exchange, but became a victim of scammers. a twenty-one-year-old guy found trading courses on the internet. in the messenger, he contacted the teacher, where he was offered training in real trading mode. the client was explained where to register and how to proceed. balance,
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blindly trusting an unknown curator, the man forked out 800 rubles, but when the investor tried to withdraw the money, he was no longer able to do so. this was a project zone x, don't miss it our evening broadcast on belarus-1.
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this is a unique day, by the way, the last thursday of this spring, on the calendar may 30, and a few days separate us from summer, by the way, very soon the schoolchildren will begin their holidays, they will also begin for graduates, only a little later, because while the graduates are exams, and on may 27, a centralized exam was held in a subject of choice for eleventh-graders, and in general we know that about 55,700 graduates signed up for this.
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on the day, eleventh-graders will have another test, this is a centralized exam russian or belarusian language. and some more statistics. it is known that about 42,000 graduates decided to. in belarusian, dear graduates, we wish you, of course, good luck, here, the main thing is not to worry, and in order to distract yourself, it’s better to listen to what our team has prepared for you this morning, so, school is over, but there are other worries ahead how to get your child ready for camp, a guide prepared by our correspondent, natalya khomer. grandson of the founder of psychoanalysis, sigmund freud, and a master of psychological portraiture. today we'll look into eyes to the art of lucian freud. and we will find out how zigmund mineyka, a military engineer, archaeologist and national hero of greece, changed our world.
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and thursday without sports columnist andrei kozlov is a waste of time. already in the third hour we are waiting for the most exciting sports news. we are also expecting very soon the chairman of the belarusian cycling federation natalya tselinskaya and the director of the minsk cycling club alexey ivanov. we will talk with them about the first rovar family cycling holiday. well, ours are in touch with us right now mogilev colleagues, nikolai kamantsev and ekaterina rubbekina. good morning, mogilev. good morning! good morning, colleagues, good ranitsa belarus to all tv viewers. according to tradition, magilevschina. wishes you good morning. hello, dear, beloved tv viewers, hello, dear, blooming spring belarus, we say goodbye to spring 2024 and enjoy every moment of it. and of course, let’s talk about the events that took place in our region, and the main event of the past
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week was the forum of the media community of belarus, which was held for the first time in mogilev. its main topic is the role of a journalist in the context of digital transformation. the society forum touched upon important aspects, including building the protection of the media space of our country. the main venue for the forum was the regional palace of culture. more than a thousand people gathered at the forum, including journalists, bloggers, belarusian media executives, press officers, and secretaries. the forum began with the laying of flowers on glory square in mogilev. next, the delegations of the brest, vitebsk, gomel, grodno, minsk, mogilev regions of the city of minsk went to the palace of culture areas where the plenary took place. meetings, and an exhibition of print media was also organized here. let us note that the president of our country, alexander lukashenko, also took part in the work of the media community. the head of state noted that he closely follows the rhetoric of belarusian journalists and experts, especially those who are constantly in
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the frame. during the forum , trends in the media sphere were discussed and new projects were outlined. also, as part of the fourth forum of the media community, there was a summing up. yes, congratulations to colleagues, this is true an important professional event, well, now let’s get some work done and let’s do some sports, especially since our occasion is global, with more than 200 participants gathered at the regional stage of the military-patriotic game “zarnitsa”. the testing zone was organized on the basis of the regional cadet school, guys from all over came here. region, which is 22 teams at once. each of them included 10 people, four girls and six boys, aged 13-14 years. all of them are winners of regional stages, and now they are competing for the right to participate in republican zornitsa. the guys went through
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several tests: a song review, an intellectual history page quiz, a kalashnikov assault rifle disassembly and assembly competition, as well as a shooting range, where the participants showed their... rarity in a laser shooting range. each task took up to 10 minutes to complete. let us note that even after years, the game zornitsa does not lose its relevance and remains such a big and bright holiday for the children. by the way, based on the results of the competition, the orly squad from kirovsk. well, we wish our eagles a bright, victorious flight. well, we continue the topic. activity, the fact is that the regional stage of the leather ball competition for the prizes of the presidential football club is taking place in mogilev, and the girls were the first to start, as it was, i suggest you look in our story right now, well,
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we’ll do it with pleasure, thank you nikolai ekaterina, thank you for joining this morning broadcast, we wish you a wonderful continuation of the day, enjoy watching the story. regional competitions were held in mogilev leather ball football competition for prizes of the presidential sports club. well, let’s list the qualities of a football player: uh, dexterous, fast, resourceful, he
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must be persistent, persistent in order to score a goal and run to this goal to score with the ball. the history of the leather ball began more than half a century ago, when the famous soviet goalkeeper, lev yashin, proposed holding mass football competitions for children and teenagers. true, with the collapse of the ussr they temporarily stopped. in 1997, the tournament celebrated her importance. well, i think, first of all, this is a healthy lifestyle, look at this beautiful weather, at the children, they are busy, they are not hanging out somewhere in the yards, they are not sitting on their phones, well, the popularization of football, well, plus the holidays, it is interesting for children to start their holidays with this grandiose events, such as regional leather football competitions, leather ball. another advantage
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of a leather sword is the search for sports talent among young people. professional coaches see bright amateur football players at the qualifying stages and final matches and invite them for classes in sports clubs. hello, today we will have a very dynamic , fiery workout, because we will be working together with a step platform, but how? we will do it, you will find out very soon, let's go! so, nastya, we immediately begin the exercise with a half squat, crouched down a little, and this is our starting position, for which, in order for our muscles to already work, we step with our left leg, right , left back, right, left, right , left, right, excellent, work for 30-40 seconds, 3-4 approaches, very dynamic, turn on fun music. and we work very quickly,
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the second exercise is even more vigorous than the first, we step with the left leg, the right one up to the hands as much as possible, we go back and, accordingly, step with the right leg with the left one. up, we go back, we work three approaches for a minute and you will have fun, and the third exercise, we jump on the st-platform with both legs at the same time and accordingly return with the right, left, we also work three steps... walks for about a minute, well to make it generally fun, let's go, 3,4,
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if suddenly you don’t have a ste platform, you can use any elevation, well, 25 centimeters, train. with your child because it's fun. turn on cool music and charge yourself with positive energy. be healthy. so, for an active dynamic workout, use the step platform. the starting position on bent legs will create additional stress on the thigh muscles. repeat each exercise for 30-60 seconds, three to four approaches are enough. try to keep it high pace and control the technique of performing the elements.
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yeah, vezha, do you read belarusian? no, i don’t know how, go, soldier! my good one, this is a story, you know, ola, i can’t, oh, yes, there was a fire, the monastery burned down, and in the morning they found drowned people in the river and their faces were recognized as monks, koto.
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not to your own, to the machine operator. let's see how his morning starts. my name is pavel gorkavchenko, i work as a cnc machine operator at a gear production plant. my morning starts with getting up at
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5:30, a hearty breakfast followed by... coffee, then i i get ready and go to work, at 7:00 i begin my duties, my work process is that they give me a workpiece, i select a device and cutting tool according to the technical process, install it all on the machine, write down the control program and you can cut the tooth , here is my workplace, in the morning i check the size of the part and the condition of the working tool, i graduated from the minsk state mechanical engineering college with a degree in technical engineering, uh, then i got a job at this plant as a gearmaker, uh, then i passed i'm currently working as a service technician with a sixth grade, i like my profession
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for its diversity, we make parts of different... nomenclatures, it's always interesting to set up a part that hasn't been made before. our workshop has a friendly team, i find a common language with both the older generation and the younger guys, everyone is ready to help and answer any questions. we sometimes encounter minor difficulties, but everything is resolved in the work process. now i control the length of the overall normal of the part. the service technician creates from i prepare a gear, which i then drive into different movement techniques. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. well, i say
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good morning to everyone again, may 30 is on our calendar and a popular sign says: what day will it be on may 30, it will be like this all summer, so the cold north wind means a cold summer, today the wind is not north, we are already lucky , if a woodpecker knocks in sunny weather, then it means rain, we didn’t hear any woodpeckers today, but more precisely, all the information about the weather on today is with my colleague tatyana matusevich. tanya, did you hear dyatlov today? no, i haven’t heard, i still suggest turning to the numbers, because somehow i trust them more than the figures. so, attention, in minsk this morning +12 +14, the same. in brest, so far the thermometer rises no higher than fifteen in vitebsk, in gomel +15 +17, in the city of grodna 14, 16 and exactly the same in mogilev so far no higher than sixteen, cloudy with clearings without precipitation, this is the precipitation map we have it in the morning, but during the day everything is a little will change, exactly like this: in minsk it will
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rain and up to 26, +23 +25 in brest and it will also be damp without precipitation. the situation in some places will continue today in vitebsk, and today the hottest temperatures there are +26 +28. 23:25 in gomel and also cloudy and raining, 25:27 in the city of grodno, there will be sun, there will be clouds, and cheese in places, here in mogilev it’s dry, there it’s cloudy with clearings and up to 27 degrees warm. excellent weather today by the way, we will continue to have excellent weather until the end of the weekend, which is very important because already tomorrow. on may 31 , a childhood celebration called children should laugh in a peaceful world will be organized at the national library . it is timed, of course, to coincide with the end of international children's day. of course, there will be a lot of activities there, but one of the most striking platforms will be the interactive platform of the minsk city department of the ministry of emergency situations. the entertainment and educational
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program was prepared by amon. the police department will show official vehicles, sports cars and motorcycles. well, i want to remind you that this is not the only event dedicated to the day protection of children, which will take place near our diamond of knowledge, we recently talked about the fact that inside the national library it is already june 1. the holiday will be held smarter than anyone else in the world, well , right now parents, attention, our correspondent, natalya khomich, has prepared special instructions called how to get your child ready for camp, let’s see, packing things for camp is another quest, but not for ekaterina, she’s already in will go on vacation for the sixth time this year, knows exactly what things to take and what to leave at home, of course, there are nuances depending on camp, for example, is there a swimming pool, but in general the rules for packing suitcases are the same, you definitely need to take several t-shirts, because i went to the camp many times,
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when my t-shirt got dirty, well, i didn’t have a clean one, and i had to wash it, it took a lot of time, a mandatory attribute in all camps is a headdress, and i take two pairs of jeans, such a very beautiful denim skirt for some kind of look, but... don’t forget elegant clothes for festive events, you can take with you accessories, elements of carnival costumes, a mask, a wig, glowing bracelets, in short, everything that will be useful at a disco, two pairs, or as many as you want, leggings for some kind of sporting events, competitions, and bicycle shorts, of course, because it can be hot there, i need to buy sunscreen , insect repellent spray, i take gel... shampoo, hair conditioner, since i have long hair, it can get tangled, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and hand soap dish, because many children forget at the sinks
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your own soap, don’t forget shower slippers, what you shouldn’t take is too many toys, well, in general, unless it’s something very voluminous, and the child is actually used to falling asleep with his favorite toy, if this concerns the youngest age, but of course, let it be. take your favorite small pillow or teddy bear with you, it’s better to take your favorite book, your favorite board game with you, it ’s not forbidden, yes, so it will even help improve communication, keep in mind that not all things will be brought home, so it’s better to replace expensive items with cheaper analogues, there are still things that are prohibited, for example, instead of nail scissors, it’s better to take tweezers, parents, of course, we don’t take...
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expenses for excursions, and you also need to remember raincoat, phone charger, let your child take only the clothes he likes, and let the rest leave only pleasant emotions. only one.
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once again the first word is cooker for preparing eggs, sasha, well done! demonstrate intellectual potential throughout the country. name a player who scored a hat-trick in the fifa world cup final in the 21st century. timofey. mbappe. absolutely correct, cliane mbapé. which wind do ski jumpers prefer? oncoming or passing? michael. counter. counter is absolutely correct. the smartest and bravest gather here. you are in god, there are no surgeons, there are no atheists, you were the minister of health during the covid epidemic, when you were scared, you were never scared, you were worried.
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a team of belarusians, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only crap, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. hello, we are a roll, hello, eclair, hello, my potato, how i missed you, how i want to hug you all and, of course, eat you, let’s learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the dish is called patata. what does potato mean, well, from english, probably from spanish, from any language, it’s a potato and even in south africa it’s a potato, it turned out to be a very simple and understandable dish, this is the kind of food we usually order in restaurants, what is simply understandable, we will show what they eat in different parts of our country, and tell me what kind of desserts are on our festive table, makovnik, mazurka
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and orhas, and these are... all the dishes, which are described in the poem by pantadeus, you definitely need to re-read it, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel. good morning belarus. the main thing is to come by bicycle. this saturday, june 1 , children's day, the persha rover family cycling festival will be held.
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this time we will learn from our guests about what the organizers are preparing. glad welcome to the studio of good ranitsa belarus, the chairman of the belarusian cycling federation natalya tselinskaya and the director of the minsk cycling club alexey ivanov, good morning, good morning, good morning, and the first question, what did you come to us on, on bicycles, of course, great, i took it, near makayonka 9, alexey, let's figure it out, so, master classes, balance bikes, relay race, much more, the program promises, of course, to be eventful, well, let's talk about everything in order, with which the holiday will begin on june 1st.
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okay, then let’s focus on today, or rather on saturday, is it still possible to take part in this bike parade or should i have registered earlier? no, look, we deliberately. this year we didn’t go to such an element as registration, because i will really say that when you revive something new there is always a certain moment, well, for us, we have always tried to hold our events at a fairly high level, and for us audience, the number of participants played a role in this year we gave the opportunity, although earlier it was also possible to take part without registration, so this year anyone who comes to us on june 1 has the opportunity, well of course on a bicycle, to take part in this... bright event natalya, and what age limits for participants? there is no upper limit, of course, we recommend children from 7 years old, because the route is long enough for a child, 15-6
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kilometers, and there is relief, yeah, that is, you need to go up a hill, down, it’s difficult for children under seven years old there will be something for everyone it’s not easy, but i think my parents will help, but if you’re younger, this is already possible.
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at what age can you start, should you start? you know, in my opinion, this
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age and adolescence, well, everyone, because he got on a bike and went, enjoy nature, enjoy communication with those who are next to you, and you can load up if you need some kind of cardio exercise, well, i.. i don’t see any restrictions, especially since we have now created many more conditions than compared to 10 years ago, i mean there are bike paths in many cities, and it’s not difficult for you to drive, you don’t need to go around there much anymore, it’s wonderful, you really go and just spin the pedals and think about how beautiful it is around. alexey, the fact that the competition is being held, the first rovor, do you think, can increase the number of future champions specifically.
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here, of course, one thing is very important, that our coaching staff of the belarusian cycling federation, well , we really urge them to pay attention to these children, because many people say that there really, well, professionals first of all
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see that it is really already possible, because there are also 2 years, there are also 12 years, that is , there is someone to pay attention to, so i think that there will be champions, they exist, but they will still be there in general, there are diamonds there, you need to... take them and make diamonds out of them, definitely, and maybe you need to expand, develop into a republican one, yes, it is necessary, but as always it is not easy, because this is a rather complex undertaking, because that 's a lot... kids, they're not professionals, they don’t know what a cycling competition is, but we are talking with the regions, i think next year we will succeed , maybe we won’t cover the whole country right away, but we will go beyond minsk. i think that in the regions they are really waiting for you, but for now let’s invite those who have not yet decided whether they will come to you or not, the first one to come, so that they still come, the camera is at your disposal and the viewer is watching you, dear friends . on june 1, please come to our
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competition to cheer for the children, to cheer for children we know and don't know, at 14:00 we begin to line up for our bike parade at 15:00 we start along winners avenue from the sports palace to the minsk arena and back, so come, it will be fun, and then the program until late late evening, we wish you a wonderful holiday, a great mood and may that be all.
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and in the rhythm of the sea we can reach for the sky and for my dream, i'm the flame of b and will you take my hand and come with me, leramfetka i'll stain my orange mood. oh, horachevy mood, oh, horachevy
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mood, oh, i'll paint an orange mood, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! i have an orange mood, an orange mood, an orange mood, i will paint an orange mood, talkers belarus.
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the morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with news in the studio pavel lazovik, hello, develop your own production in order to have the maximum of your products, including through veinprom, the president is guiding industrialists towards this. alexander lukashenko visited the legmash plant the day before; the orsha enterprise had been focused on producing civilian goods for many years. appointments, from cast iron squashes. to products for the oil and gas industry.


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