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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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for graduates, just over 44 thousand applicants will write russian, 11,500 will write belarusian, and at the same time centralized testing will take place for graduates of previous years or colleges. the tests start across the country simultaneously at 11:00, the results of the ce will be known no later than 10 working days, and the ct results within two weeks. receive free legal assistance, a trade union legal reception will be held today.
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traditionally, on the last thursday of the month , fpb labor inspectors travel around the country and provide consultations at enterprises and organizations on issues related to the protection of labor rights and socio-economic interests. if necessary, prosecutors may be involved to resolve the issue. the main thing is that employers comply with labor guarantees and the rules for paying wages. receptions are conducted by legal labor inspectors. this is highly qualified.
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to the fact that some kind of procedural document will be prepared for him, for example, to a court or to some government agency. the time and place of the trade union reception can be found on the websites of district and city associations trade unions, the federation of trade unions and its member organizations employ more than 100 professional lawyers on a full-time basis. the start of a creative summer of work. the ceremony brought together hundreds of young and active people at several locations in the hall of the district cultural center. in open air format. the event was opened symbolically in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war. young people laid flowers at the foot of the memorial. already this year i was offered to try to go through the school of project managers 2024 of the year. i went through two schools and was chosen as a commander in the novopolosk republican project medicus. the task, first of all , is to work out the task well so that the central district hospital of novopolotsk and polotsk is satisfied with us. well, also, so that the guys remember this summer for... we have
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a number of new host organizations, that is , for the first time this year we have a detachment starting at the belj plant, we are planning to send the guys to the leningrad region, that is, we already had a joint detachment has already worked with the leningrad region on the mound of glory and we plan to send guys. for a work project there. and there is still time to join active youth, choose seasonal work ; places remain vacant in the service, pedagogical, medical, agricultural and environmental teams. preparation for the minsk half marathon. this year's sports festival will be held on september 8. the first training session was conducted by an all-star lineup of members of the dream team running team. famous people from the world of show business, sports, media. every wednesday of the year before the start, the team will conduct
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training under the guidance of professionals, in social networks share progress. by the way , the participants this season include our colleagues from the tv news agency: victoria senkevich, kristina kamysh and andrei kozlov, as well as the presenter of the good ranitsa belarus, ekaterina antonova. i’m trying to introduce running into my life not only here, but also somewhere throughout the year. as for how this works in my profession, well, yes, of course it helps. to breathe a little, and it seems to me that every person who runs so professionally speaks a little better. look, in fact, on the streets of our there are already a lot of people in the city who are involved in running, so everyone should be on the running team every year, so i would like to see more people interested in this sport. the minsk half marathon is one of the main sporting events of the fall, uniting fans of running and a healthy lifestyle. these are
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the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks in the mobile application. qr code on the screen. watch our broadcast at noon for developments. lucky day.
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everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania,
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serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8, tv signal. hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel broadcast in the open and available on 24 and discover belarus. mtz tatarstan, with whom our equipment competes and when the first unmanned
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tractor will be presented, we went to the multi-brand center. sweets for the domestic market from abroad, as well as large import substitution projects of our confectionery company. we found out what new products will appear in the near future. the entire line, one of them, and he is used as an example, works in tatarstan. this is a successful platform for active turnkey promotion with full service of our machines. how are sales going today, who does our equipment compete with , and when will the first unmanned mtz tractor be presented in this russian region? our
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correspondent olga onishchenko found out from the head of the trading and production company mtz tatarstan almaz akhmetov. almaz moratovich, more than 20 years have passed since our belarus tractor has been present on the market of tatarstan and beyond, what would be the most convincing argument for you that this project has taken place? the very fact that we are here, what you see is unnecessary confirmation that all this happened and not in vain, our company is 21 years old, more than 20 thousand tractors have been produced, sold, over 70 thousand tractors for the entire period, this confirms that belarus technology is time-tested technology, like many compare with a kalashnikov assault rifle , everyone knows this, yes, this is confirmed by the indicators that last year we sold over 4,500 units. equipment, this year we have positive dynamics, but belarusian tractors today are presented in various
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regions of russia, what is your specialty, what niche do you occupy, is it necessary to occupy this special niche of yours today? the center we are located here presents the entire line of belarusian products, practically from the main manufacturers, this is the minsk tractor plant, and the minsk motor plant, all the equipment of the holding, and gomsilmash, and maza, as you can see. a number of manufacturers of automotive components and so on, all of them are also represented here at one point: cars, grain trucks, tractors, and so on. how to sell belarusian today machines, including tractors? our task , together with the miss tractor plant , is to ensure, as i said, the availability of equipment. one of the directions is, naturally, localization, the conclusion of a special investment contract with the government of the russian federation, this is the main part of this work. the inevitable part that we are leading is that the end consumer will be able
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to purchase our equipment, belarusian equipment, on more preferential, favorable terms, but we all understand and see that competition is growing, including china coming on its heels, as won't give up your position today? china was, is will be, yes, even a few years ago it was clear that they would be present on the market, mtz was as ready as possible for this, compared to all other segments, i repeat, mtz. uh, at least it hasn’t lost its position and continues to strengthen. belarusian equipment is distinguished by its quality, and we focus on this : price, quality, the client chooses precisely according to these parameters, first of all, here we have an advantage. it is important not just to sell the equipment, but to accompany it throughout the entire life cycle. this includes service support and spare parts. and within the framework of this, a project has already been discussed and agreed upon. selected, which is now undergoing examination for the launch and construction
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of a central distribution center for spare parts, this is also one of the stages of providing customers with reliable, original, high-quality spare parts in a short time. when purchasing equipment , the client pays main attention to these parameters, among other things. we are developing online sales. any consumer can order both equipment and spare parts without leaving home. on the other hand, we all understand that china, sooner or later, in 2-3 years, it will improve the service, in terms of service development, we are developing this direction, we see the dynamics, this is the development of the overhaul of equipment and the tradein program, a very relevant topic , that is, any client can hand over old equipment and buy new equipment, this works for us today. what effect will such a distribution center have? the task is to provide within 24 hours. seven by all positions, all spare parts for the end consumer, this will already be even higher than all
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world standards, yes, so let’s say, you have another special project, this is unmanned vehicles, it is available in such a volume almost only here, we are talking about tractors, again, this is the future, by the end of the year we plan to go into mass production of unmanned mini tractors by creating certain kits, this is real, this already exists, these tractors that are presented... starting from mini-equipment to the largest, they are already unmanned, they exist, our task is to make it accessible, we will be the first to introduce unmanned mtz tractors, on the market, on the accessible market, yes, which can be purchased on a commercial basis, tomorrow this seems to be a reality, believe me, it will be so, now it’s not enough to keep up with the times, you need to try to stay ahead of the curve, which is what we are actually doing with the minsk tractor plant, so that competitors not only do not catch up, but... are left far behind, we are strong not only in the export of equipment, more than 36 thousand tons
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import-substituting products specifically from the confectionery industry over the past year. the number of projects is constantly growing, so the slodych factory is installing a line for the production of soft caramel and at another site is installing a new line for the production of flat waffles, large packaging. the main task is to provide the domestic market. this was discussed at the international confectionery symposium, which was dedicated to the year. this forum brought together participants and guests from different countries. anton malyuta about the sweet event. annual delicious tradition. in just a few years, the international confectionery symposium has become the main demonstration platform for the industry. there is a year-long passage between meetings, and each enterprise uses this year to the maximum. it is impossible to imagine a single stand without new products. this year, the driver of such growth in imports is the site in the city of slavgorod, where, as you
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know, we launched a line for the production of chewing marmalade and this year we are expanding the line of that product. of course, all new products are aimed primarily at domestic market, there are more and more belarusian products on the shelves and the share is constantly growing. today the target is 53%, but of course this is still not enough. the task for the confectionery industry is to reach at least 60. this can be achieved when large import substitution projects are launched. we are today.
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this is a very important criterion and aspect for the development of any industry, including the confectionery industry. our belarusian confectionery industry, of course, is developing at a rapid pace, because today there is a demand for sugar-free products with the least fat content, less calorie, in some confectionery products , on the contrary, with a high protein content.
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let's say, as useful as possible, especially for those that are intended for children of different ages. in total, the forum brought together more than three hundred people, enterprises, businessmen, scientists, not only from belarus, traditionally there was a wide representation from russia and the ias, this is the best confirmation that our sweet brands are known far beyond the borders of the country. anton malyuta and ivan mozgo, area of ​​interest. this is an area of ​​interest now short advertisement about dal in the program. results of trading on the belarusian currency. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio,
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each of them has a question for an adult, please tell me, who are you? the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. is there friendship between artists? business, i can’t say that our sphere, right here, is the one that is shrouded in intrigue from head to toe, this is the truth, this is a myth, this is true, then... what to the cadets you have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, to say a lot of time, well, probably


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