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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 9:30am-9:50am MSK

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100 brave guys gathered, each of them has a question for an adult, please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, they say that in the army the food is healthy and filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our svorod military school. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. is there friendship between show business artists? i can not tell, that our sphere is exactly the same one that is shrouded in intrigue from head to toe, this is true, this is a myth. it is true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully. it's a lot of time to say. no need to say that
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it’s a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it takes, you can teach me, chin higher, step - this is a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel, to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, it’s as if we came to some kind of place. seaside resort, cool, clean, yes, yes, welcome to brosla, just behave at a party, like the hosts of the show, like at home, and we arrived at the village of derefny yodyshki, we were told that they cook very tasty food here from natural products, did you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to the world of yodishka, hello! we study the history
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of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners. so, in our altar braslovsky church we see our main shrine. this is the image of mother god of braslav, volodarka ozeru. watch on the belarus 20 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following exchange rates were established: dollar 3 rubles 19. for 10 yuan at auction they gave
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4 rubles 38 kopecks. 3.57 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 46 kopecks. belarus is a leader among the cis countries in terms of information and communication technologies technologies, and therefore new requirements for infrastructure, its reliability and technological solutions. the chiba international exhibition in early june will once again show the latest achievements of enterprises in the field of digital technology, after all. the future begins today, as the national operator beltelecom is convinced. a variety of business solutions, the smart city concept, testing of new high-speed data transmission technologies and even charging for electric vehicles, a digital ecosystem and new areas of activity. veronica buta asked about development enterprises. beltelecom today is far from just communication services. what else are you doing? yes,
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in fact we have a motto. beltelikom is not only communications, now it is not only communications, in fact, we are engaged in addition to our traditional services - this is the internet, telephony and television. in fact, we are moving towards video surveillance, video control, we have a wonderful service that is developing. we are currently developing a network of electric filling stations. evisa, and we also took the first step - this is retail, we sell goods in installments. goods by installments only. ours subscribers, in fact, today voice traffic is falling, people are switching to messengers, talking on messengers, so in order for the company to develop, we are looking for new markets where we will earn and develop money, who will need us? well, to be honest, we were very surprised by the network of electric charging stations, can you find out in a little more detail how far you have gone on this issue? yes, in fact, this project was so innovative from a point of view: we support environmental brands. in fact, we
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are modernizing our production and after modernization, we were left with energy capacities that were simply idle; in fact , the idea was that let’s use these energy capacities. we entered into a partnership agreement with our partner vitya, a supplier of electric filling stations started in polotsk in 2021, we opened the first electric filling station, we conduct direct telephone lines weekly and we were surprised, there was a big rush, people were dialing, say: supply us, supply us, supply for us who have still been diagnosed since then, that means today we have about 100 gas stations, we... the concept is at home, that is, the person worked, arrived, we actually have slow charging, that is, charging near the office and charging near the place he put the car, left, arrived at the office, parked the car, again i say , we are developing, that is, the concept is where we have energy capacity, that is, this is not some kind of
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planned coverage, what else will surprise you in the near future, well, in fact , it’s interesting for us from a retail point of view, we started doing this retail business differently . a long time ago for our subscribers in order to retain our customer base, today we have a large assortment, we started with vacuum cleaners, we sold a large market for robot vacuum cleaners in the country, about 30%, we realized that there is a demand for this service, and in fact today we sell a large -a large assortment, well , i know there are tvs, yes tvs, coffee machines, even in the regions we even sell walk-behind tractors in installments, but the most interesting thing... another thing: last year , the national handle house first, we opened our first retail store us there was just a rush, our sales were colossal and in fact we are now planning
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to develop such stores in regional regions. well, after all, if we move away from retail issues to issues of basic communication services, as today we are working on the quality of services, of course we are expanding our technological ones. capacity, in fact , we have a state program, 21-25, digitalization of the republic of belarus, and we are developing infrastructure, that is, in simple terms, roads, yes, road infrastructure, we have fiber optic a structure that allows you to transfer big data, yes, in fact , we took the first step - these are cities, we all panized the cities, let's say, provided them with optics, then city centers, villages, we came to...
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courtyards and above, we we will complete the task. and that’s it for today, all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy; we will tell you in the area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. i wish you success in all your endeavors. it’s clear now, thank god, the snow has disappeared from the damp earth, the devil has given the gift, falls, the gloom of every day we jump, everything and
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buses show up, geese croak, spackle on the oak tree. the cranes were already dancing and winter, like smoke was disappearing, the meadow was greener, like hell was filled with pain, our native land!
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buy in the countries of central asia, china, turkey, but most importantly , the energy sector of our domestic market paid close attention to them. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. it will appear in belarus. electronic portal about ghetto prisoners. a memorandum on the implementation of the project was signed in minsk. information about prisoners concentration camps that were located both on the territory of belarus and in other countries will be presented on the prisoners bai website. news, analytics, expert comments, interesting facts. see the events program. on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, it is building up military strength.
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weapons of our neighbors. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. everyone loves a specific and tough conversation without circumlocutions and politeness, about what is happening, who is to blame and what to do with him, and it’s not for nothing that in our country, big, in our culture they love bards so much, so we’ll talk to them, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always one, my name is grigory azaryonok, these are the secret springs of politics, hello, alexander novikov, soviet prisoner. the poet chansonnier, principled and honest, according to mile, said everything without mincing words back when it
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was not mainstream, now he gives interviews about once every six months, i looked at everything that is happening, i thought, thank you after all, my attitude towards culture and art, everyone i listened to, watched, read for many years, all turned out to be normal people, everyone who was all hung with orders, almost like suvorov, those who were chic, fattened, smoked, spat ... and yanukovych disarmed berkut, took away the weapon,
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gave him batons, only forbade the use of any violence to this, and how it ended, and now to another bard, denis davidov, partisan, general, thousands of bullets, met with his chest, suppressed the poles , defeated bunopart and also became known as those who did not thinking about the truth, he fishes, regardless of official regalia, this is the conclusion he came to at the end of his life, there was a stormy, marvelous century, a loud, majestic century, there was a huge man, a waste of fame, it was the age of heroes, but checkers got mixed up and midges crawled out of the cracks yes, bugs, every mother's boy, all sorts of robbed, fashionable nonsense fool, pretending to be a liberal, no, he was not in battles, he shuffled through the living rooms on the parade ground with a crane's step, here he is, a liberal, a zmogar, a trash, a loser, and listen to the boastful fornication, change the situation can only be achieved through military means;
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how difficult this path will be, how bloody it will be, depends on the belarusians. there is a very important point, and those people who are in belarus, those people who want to return to belarus and those people who are ready to support the next round of the revolution, which i already believe will be far from peaceful, they can now prepare here, they can undergo military training, go to the shooting range, join sick clubs, where they can also limit all the different combat actions. and so on. i am for the power scenario for the reason that i have always been for it. we have the opportunity to create our own, but not andersen’s army, but combat detachments, combat, well, i don’t know, formations. i will be happy to donate to these formations, as i have been donating to ukraine since 1914, we must unite together, together we must make this strategy to defeat the common enemy, and he can only be defeated by force, there can be no agreements with him, war, security forces directly for donations, well ok, we are waiting, bastards, we are waiting for you with impatience,
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so that everyone can be shot in the head, so that every rotten... brain will scatter in greasy liquid blobs, so that the hamitic beard will burn, and before you die you will smell the smell of burnt greasy hair and dandruff, everyone is a waste, but not only you, it won’t work here, the son or daughter is not responsible for the father, our political scientists are somewhat shy about this topic, they don’t want to get into trouble, or what? well, okay, i ’ll say, parents, children, and relatives are responsible, i live for my father and... i answer, and my children will live and answer for me, this is actually a normal russian truth, generic, direct and living, so they fell into western fornication, they need to be treated with calibers, the life of a traitor, it lies in serving the new master , serve to justify your flight and presence
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, and it is always expressed only in slander and ... anger towards the country that gave you everything, in which you earned a name, in which you earned money, you betrayed it , sold it, ran away, and until now, you know, this law on some kind of agent, you know, and so on, but this is such a trifle, there must be an enemy, this is an enemy of the state, and he could not save property, deprive him of citizenship in order to move here , what has accumulated here is what needs to be done, the state should not be a waste...
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not the president , i will say, the vile, disgusting position of the united states led to this, i mean, first of all, sanctions, these scoundrels did not have the right to impose sanctions against ships against airplanes, helicopters, etc., on which people are transported, if it
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were serviced properly , but they banned serve your companies. therefore, this is their fault, including, they are all believers, but if they are believers, then let them wait, he will send them an answer, this is not how they behave in the world, this once again confirms what russia and others are doing today it is supported with the destruction of the unipolar world. it became known that hans görgvik, the former head of german intelligence, died; in 2001 he overthrew the father..., built coalitions here, a seasoned, bandesh wolf, and how many of them were there, who overthrew the father? bush, clinton, borough, albright, wieck, kaczynski, morawiecki, sarkozy, chirac, obama, their name is legion, the demons are leaving, and lukashenko and putin are drinking tea with taunts, and henceforth they are threatening an adversary, but
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this is not a threat, the abarth sings, after the great, sergei alexandrovich, when is it already up to you?


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