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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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watch on tv channel belarus 24. the supreme national assembly, with expanded constitutional powers , made its first strategic decision, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country’s military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend it with weapons in our hands and by any methods we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people, the all-belarusian people's assembly will insure us against the person or forces who will want to receive presidential powers to turn things up in the country to please either the west or not the west. the vns must also insure us against possibly very noble-looking citizens who seem to be ours, but who are either weak or incompetent.
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let's go on a trip to belarus, hello travel lovers, today it will be hot, despite the changeable weather, i'm sending.
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he’s a worker, we’ll be stunned, and we’ll also visit the bright sights of our country, agree, as long as the memory lives in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event. i am history, nature, culture, faith. people,
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shchodrasts, adzin times adjuesh and do not plant more than a few, here everything is in the sapraudnam, hello, on the air of the program you are authorized to declare, its leading hope, i greet you. i remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. usurpation of power in ukrainian is the topic of today’s program, we will discuss it in more detail after further key events this week. iranian president ibrahim raisi, considered a potential successor to the country's supreme leader ayatallah, alekhaminya, died in a helicopter crash in a mountainous area near the border with azerbaijan. the charred wreckage
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of the helicopter that crashed on sunday, carrying resi, the leader and six other people, was discovered early on monday morning after a 10-hour search complicated by weather conditions, the passengers... of the helicopter were the president, the minister of foreign affairs, and the governor iranian province of east azerbaijan and ayatallah of tabris province. the helicopter crashed on sunday in the mountains of northwestern iran, near the border with azerbaijan and turkey. raisi was returning from the iranian province in eastern azerbaijan, where he and azerbaijani president ilham aliyev participated in the commissioning ceremony of the platinum on the border araks river. the farewell ceremony of cpac took place on may 22 in tehran. the republic of belarus was represented at the herbal event by the minister. prosecutor of the international criminal court karim khan demanded the issuance of an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the head of the israeli defense ministry, gallant, and three leaders of the hamas movement on charges of war crimes. the crimes charged against netanyahu and gallant
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include, among others , starvation of a civilian population, intentionally causing great suffering, serious bodily injury or harm to health, premeditated murder, deliberate attacks against civilians and other crimes. in addition, prosecutor mus demanded the extradition arrest warrants for the leader of hamas, the head of the palestinian movement's flight bureau and the commander of the organization's military wing. as stated in the statement, the evidence collected gives reason to believe that all these people are responsible for a crime against humanity. israel and the united states reacted extremely angrily to the prosecutor's actions. biden in his statement called them outrageous, house speaker johnson threatened sanctions against prosecutors and judges of the international criminal court involved in the crime. un security council rejected a draft resolution prepared by russia on preventing an arms race in
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space. seven countries voted for the adoption of the document, the same number voted against, and one more abstained. resolutions are considered adopted when nine members of the security council have voted for them, and not a single permanent member has voted in favor. among those who supported the document were russia and china, while the united states, france, britain, japan, slovenia, south korea and malta spoke out against it, and switzerland abstained. the document proposed by russia called for all countries to take urgent measures to prevent the deployment of weapons in space, the use of force in space, from space towards the earth from the earth against objects in outer space. deputy foreign minister sergei rabkov said that one of the main points of the resolution contains a call on all states to begin negotiations on a legally binding instrument. excluding an arms race in outer space. the refusal to support the russian project, according to moscow, openly demonstrates the west’s attitude towards militarization outer space. not long ago i was impressed by the painting of the last minutes of the impostor by karl bogdanovich venega.
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it depicts the anger and horror of dmitry’s lies, against whom the muscovites who glorified him rebelled just yesterday. and this is what historians write about his future fate. the crowd rushed into the peace for... his disfigured body, as well as the body of basmanov, who remained faithful to his master to the end, there they put a jester's mask on dmitry's corpses, stuck the mouthpiece of a hat in his mouth, and now they say you tell for us, as before we whistled to your tune, i think, not only for me, everything... causes some allusions with the current ruler of ukraine, his term of office has expired, but he is not going to leave. whether false dmitry will suffer his fate will be discussed in today’s program. i am glad to welcome you for the first time in the sas program, authorized to declare ruslan anatolyevich kosygin, deputy chairman of
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the standing committee on national security, house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, hello, hello, great honor take part in us thank you. this position, in fact, the question is very interesting, burningly important, here is the question of its legitimacy today, who should determine who is legitimate and illegitimate, in my opinion, a very clear answer to this was given by the leaders of our heads of the russian federation, the republic of belarus, that the decision about it, well definitely,
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everything that is connected with the policy that zelensky and his team are pursuing today is what is connected with the continuation of the war, as a consequence, its subsequent on...
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is built by the collective west puppet regime, and the country of ukraine is a private military company that has already turned into a terrorist organization, which does not matter to those who govern whether it is legitimate or illegitimate, look, biden’s latest statement, he is on, let’s say, israel and palestine. he seemed to indicate one position, at the same time , it immediately arises in our minds, whereas you
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perceive the situation in kosovo, which was in the early 2000s, in the late nineties, when you made such decisions, today there is no point in giving any assessment political leaders, look, all the political leaders of europe, not only without children, with different...
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games about a possible replacement, there were conversations, but what happened, they now
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understand that in these conditions it is civilized to hold some kind of elections , without drawing you won’t get the desired result, the country is driven to despair in its social, political and moral-psychological state, and even those who until recently simply hated russia, based on a given narrative.
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unfortunately, today, this is an outpost americans, great british collective west to fight the russian federation, no others.
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there is nothing in this project other than putting pressure on the russian federation, weakening it, and you are right to note and have already emphasized more than once, including the head of state, the americans don’t care, how many americans, how many people will die on the territory of ukraine, as from the russian federation , so from the side of ukraine, this is the message that until the end to the last ukrainian, unfortunately, this is the case, therefore, speaking about the state of ukraine today with the current policy, unfortunately... there is only one global one: the ukrainian people are suffering. zelensky is the ex-president of ukraine. his term of office expired on may 20. this week, the new ukrainian leader, who had long been planned to be elected in the march elections, was supposed to take the oath, but in kiev they abandoned the procedure, explaining it due to the military situation in the country. the now ex-president himself said that holding
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elections at the moment is not the right time. however, these excuses are nothing more than a way to stall for time. experts are confident, zelyansky. afraid of losing power, the expected unauthorized extension of powers and the cancellation of voting have become a popular topic of discussion in the international environment. the west, which generously sponsors ukraine, does not make loud statements about zelensky’s legitimacy. it feels like the world has not yet decided how to react to the self-proclaimed leader. the words of the un representatives are vague. they call zelensky the person they turn to when you need to talk with the ukrainian leader. the head of european diplomacy was completely confused on this issue. according to borely. he asked zelensky, are you legitimate? he answered: yes. this topic is closed. the bottom line is that both the un and the eu most likely recognized the legitimacy of the ukrainian leader, at least before the new president took office. from a military point of view, the states don’t care at all who will give the order to attack russian cities. in kiev itself they are not even trying to fake legitimacy. both the constitutional court and parliamentary mechanisms are effectively excluded from
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political discourse. ukraine hopes that due to military actions, citizens and will not pay attention to the deferred choice at all. moscow also commented on what was happening. as vladimir putin previously stated, the question of the legitimacy of zelensky’s presidency after may 20 must be resolved in ukraine and its political and legal systems. deputy chairman of the russian security council dmitry medvedev noted that zelensky is violating the laws of his own country in an attempt to stay in power after losing power. the so-called president of the so -called ukraine is striving with all his might to remain in power. now he's breaking only international agreements, but the laws of one's own country. you know, i always emphasize that, unfortunately, the european union in its current form has lost its right to vote, it follows so many mainstream headlines, but those calls that are heard in the united states of america, there is a certain european commission, a european parliament, but there are only a few politicians who find the courage to say things that
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are not popular, one of them is matteo gazini, member of the european parliament from italy directly.
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i can talk about the european union, i can talk about european countries, but ukraine is not a country of the european union.
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everyone is still mad in this world and step by step they are pushing towards a catastrophe, which could lead to a further prolongation of the conflict, a full-on drawing in, and they begin to attack them, strangle them and say: these are putin’s, and lukashenko’s, yes, this is them, they are the ones who defend the interests of russia, they pursue policies in the interests of russia, although these are people who pursue policies in their own interests. states of their people, so that ours italian boys, our soldiers, politicians don’t care about everything that happens today on
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the territory of european states, we will see. for this protest potential, and against the war in europe, against the war in the middle east, against everything that concerns those things that destabilize the situation, and step by step, taking into account the obstinacy of a certain politicians, they talked about macron here , among other things, they are pushing the entire region to war, which could escalate into a large-scale world conflict, unfortunately, yes, francetech, please, they already have about 10,000. dead military personnel from nato countries and who are constantly present, all the special forces of nato countries are in ukraine and are conducting combat operations, they are masquerading as volunteers, masquerading as some kind of, so to speak, private military companies, but these are active military personnel, today, so you understand, this deputy doesn’t even fully understand
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what. the collective west is today testing the so -called network-centric war with russia, an artificial intelligence gives commands to use certain means, including in peaceful cities, today nato soldiers are fighting the averton window, which has begun to open.
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realizing that today, one way or another, nato can open up completely, with these crazy politicians who even crush such timid, absolutely objective politicians who speak about common sense, because they bear neither responsibility for their words nor for the consequences, everything is controlled by the americans , they know, but what do you think, that opinion was divided, macron, when he made a statement about that we are ready to send ours...
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later, having discussed it up there, they said it was too early, they were afraid, including, look how much noise there was after it was announced that russia was conducting exercise, not of strategic nuclear forces, listen, as a graduate of the general staff academy, i want to officially tell him, we conduct similar exercises of both strategic and non-strategists every year according to the general plan.
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partner, and today he is discussing the most important tasks of the union state to ensure security and economic stability in our union state. yes, i note that this week the president of the russian federation vladimir putin visited belarus on a two-day visit at the invitation of the president of the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko, the state leaders discussed current issues of strategic partnership and alliance, as well as key ones.
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as for war and peace, the main issues are of some importance, anyway, it is not the current president, nor the future one, i think, who will resolve these big issues that are facing before the state of ukraine, before the people of ukraine, the presidents will not decide these issues, you know who will decide, overseas much has already been decided, what has not been decided, they will decide later.
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regime, they confirmed the legitimacy of the current head of state or an inactive one, but these pr steps, they do not matter for legal documents, everything that concerns our strategic allied relations, well, here it is clear, this is a general understanding of the situation that has developed in the world around the republic belarus, russian state and the union state. in general, and today we clearly understand, this is the greatest confrontation, which, well, in fact, today its outcome will predetermine the further world order, this meeting once again confirms: first, the world
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is multipolar, second, today, unfortunately, questions defense, security, national security of our states, by the way, this was discussed at the all-belarusian people's assembly, our president emphasized this more than once, including... at the same event, there is nothing more important, today we need peace, in these peaceful conditions it is necessary to find compromises, and it has already been said more than once, our president and head of the russian federation, you cannot build your security at the expense of the security of other states, this is fundamental, the middle east, these are the things that are associated with double standards of the west in relation to, including...
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i said, at least those things that relate to the termination of condemnation, yes, there was an attempt by the international criminal court, having assessed all these things to designate, this is genocide against the palestinian people, right away biden's speech, yes, who says: this is not genocide, everything connected with senators who say that if we admit that this is genocide, the next one will be an appeal to the united states, and here it is very important to understand the double standards today. what is possible for them, they say: this is permissible, today it is possible, and all the international organizations that should be a platform for peace, ensuring stability, they are simply dumb, do not work, an absolutely orelov reality, ruslan anatolyevich, i want to invite you to our
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broadcast and respected waldemar gerth, member of the bundestag of the nineteenth convocation, german politician, german entrepreneur, mr. gerth, i greet you, yes, you are welcome.
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on may 21, having finally turned un member ukraine into an impostor into a territory without power, usurping its constitution, do you agree with this position and for you personally, is mr. zelensky currently the president of ukraine? well, the west has once again opened another pandora’s box, they have become so good at all of this, all their sacred cows that they nurtured so much, democracy.
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may talk about membership in the european union, the legitimacy of the european union itself
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is in doubt. speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk called those who question the legitimacy of zelensky after may 20 enemies of ukraine and political nits. everyone who questions the legitimacy of president zelensky are enemies of ukraine. i really don’t want political nits to undermine the legitimacy of power in the country. nadya, when we talking about legitimacy, i wanted.
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i don’t want to know, he’s an illegitimate president, tomorrow billions will put pressure on his pocket, the americans will always press, they will say, continue the war, the war will continue. yes, these are the words you spoke about, there is absolutely no trust, how can you sign with an illegitimate person, again, the important thing is that the current persecution of zelensky is caused by a colossal drop in his rating in the west , they are extremely worried about catastrophically.
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even if there were elections, the head of our state said this, no one would supported, he is doing everything to extend his stay, the west will definitely support zelensky under any conditions, no matter who he is now, why? because today it is beneficial to them, it is a battering ram against russia, and against belarus
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as well, which they use to achieve their political and strategic goals. yes, valdemar, please tell me, what do you think? this is true for certain political circles in europe, the united states of america, zelensky ram, this is the first, although not everyone supports it candidate, but what do you think, we’ll try to understand and draw up a psychological portrait, zelensky himself is glad that he found himself in this position, because it seems to me that he no longer has the right to choose, or, after all, he really decided to go to the end, i could have held elections and gone on my own, well, i mean, you know, the kind of retirement pension, but not. this is happening, well, who will let him go now, so much money has been invested, the boar has already turned out to be such a fattened one, somehow it is necessary now, well, can you imagine, now change it and justify all this to those voters who intensely criticize this useless waste of money, the destruction
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of their own economies for some hero who existed, and now it turns out that this hero is not really a hero, let’s change all this. well, politics can’t afford to lose face in something like this, so they will burn him to the end, he would probably be glad to finish somehow, well, he played too hard at the very beginning, then he liked it, then, uh, now i think there’s a serious sore throat, but there’s no choice he no longer has it, well, i really care it’s a pity, as an artist, i always liked him, i would have stayed in what i was born for. would have brought a lot of benefit to humanity, but now it does a lot of harm. yes, unfortunately, you see, history chose the wrong hero, or the hero got into history.
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thanks to their enthusiasm and love for their native land. managed to preserve a picturesque corner of belarusian nature, and this is the outskirts of the nalbog forest, an amazing sight, a very beautiful place, well, the garden itself, of course, it never ceases to amaze us, it is very majestic, very much already mature, but it still bears fruit, and also to populate it with our four-legged friends, with human eyes, who happily greet guests,
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i am authorized to declare. we continue our discussion and discuss another extremely important statement. blinken calls out the
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biden administration. allowing ukraine to use american weapons to strike the russian federation, writes the new york times, is an initiative he proposed because of his success in the russian army. in particular in the kharkov direction, it is said in the material and publication emphasizes that the russians have opened a new front. under the leadership of the gas department , vigorous debate is taking place within the administration. the newspaper notes that the project has not yet been presented to biden, but earlier the speaker of the us house of representatives supported strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on russia with american weapons; in london they said that they allowed strikes on crimea because they consider the peninsula to be part of ukraine. and for clarity, we will display a map on the screen. yes, the offensive of russian troops in the kharkov direction, what the ukrainian military feared, i think, not only ukrainian, but the situation is moving.
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conventional artillery and rocket systems, why did they install today control through m-270-m142 launchers attack from a missile with a range of 160 and 300 km, while they are still discussing whether to act or not, but we already have and are recording strikes, test strikes carried out by american and british specialists who are... military personnel there on ours, on our territories, this is the event we
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are talking about today, sooner or later it will end in tears for everyone, and russia is waiting, when finally, she has already opened her hand, nato will reveal its face, so that we can then really show our teeth, russia is still conducting a special military operation, and proxy war has not been declared.
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deployed troops from the armed forces of ukraine, territorial troops, state border services, where it is impossible to exclude provocations that could subsequently develop into some kind of border conflict, we are doing everything to prevent this, we have everything for this , and the president, including all-belarusian meeting clearly outlined that we will not draw any red lines, we have one thing, our national interests, we have a state border, everyone who tries to cross to the state border with weapons in
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their hands will be destroyed, everyone who tries to cause damage... the answer to our national interests will be tough, immediate and, let’s say, unacceptable, the head of state spoke about this, including taking into account the deployment on our territory of non- strategic nuclear weapons, which our russian colleagues provided us with, which will be used in the interests of protecting our country and the union state, this is exactly what we said about the kharkov direction, nato got bogged down in the war in ukraine, how upset they were when nato equipment was brought there to moscow, yes. ..
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monetary allowance and everything is there, they have a problem with personnel, and today ukrainians have begun to sincerely understand for themselves that their gene pool is being recycled, the russian world is being recycled, because on television about 3 months ago, their central one, a screensaver was made stating that during this
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period 1 million of them died.
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stop, stop everything related to the provision of all kinds of military assistance and other issues, and sit down at the negotiating table, since further delay could lead to catastrophic
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consequences and again, once again, the head of state said: “we are ready, as the republic of belarus , to provide, among other things , a platform for further negotiations, but on conditions that would take into account the current situation today.” here it is clear today to talk to someone, even taking into account the fact that, as they say in ukraine, a military coup is possible, maidan 3, the so-called, which again is designated by the same zelensky as a russian
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project, yes, but at the same time, i say again, we need to look at this from the point of view of today’s real situation, today, unfortunately, those politicians with whom one could talk, but, unfortunately, they are not in ukraine, that’s why they say that everything should be decided . at a higher level, moreover, ukraine is no longer considered here, thank you very much, we put an end to our today’s discussion, in conclusion i would like to say this: in the analysis of the situation in ukraine, it seems to me that it is unnecessary for non-mash people to use folk teachers, paramedics, odnodvortsy, ukrainian seminarians, by the will of fate who became ensigns, hefty sons of beekeepers, staff captains with ukrainian surnames, everyone speaks the ukrainian language, everyone loves a magical, imaginary ukraine, without lords, without officers, rock turak, zemgusar, petliura, but it didn’t exist, it didn’t exist, so nonsense, a legend, a mirage, just a word that merged the unquenchable rage and thirst for peasant revenge on the rich and the aspirations of those faithful sons of their
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sunflower hot ukraine, who hate moscow, no matter what it is, bolshevik or tsarist or whatever. let's add a full stop here, thank you, this was the cas program authorized to declare.


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