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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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another tragic incident occurred recently in minsk. a one and a half year old girl fell from an eleventh floor window and died on the spot. preparations for the minsk half marathon , a sports festival this year, will be held on september 8. the first training session was also conducted by the star cast of the dream team running team, famous people from the world of show business, sports, and the media. every wednesday, until the start, the team will conduct training under the guidance of a professional. and he shares his progress on social networks. our participants include colleagues from the tv news agency. victoria senkevich, kristina kamysh and andrei kozlov, as well as the host of good morning belarus, ekaterina antonova. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00 on our broadcast. all the best.
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socio-political talk show in essence, today we will talk about parliament, about: how did it change after we had the institution of the all-belarus people's assembly? in order to participate in our program, find the qr code on the screen, point your smartphone at it, connect to the chat, write ask questions, if you just want to read and see how the program and its editors live behind the scenes, connect to the second qr code, and our telegram channel will be there. in the studio today, as usual, are alena syrova and kirill kazakov. hello, let's get started. well, in general, 3 months have passed since
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the single voting day, we elected deputies of different levels, well, roughly speaking, a month has passed since the all-belarusian people's assembly, and we already exist in full, in the full complement of our most important bodies, in this very paradigm. last week, the head of state met with... with mr. kosinets and mr. mickiewicz they discussed the future of the all-belarusian people's assembly and said that the current convocation will not be like others, at least because it is not from meeting to meeting, roughly speaking , delegates will live, and this will be constant routine work, well, i’ll say, probably, as it is, for most people, after all , the all-belarusian people’s assembly... still
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causes slight confusion and there may not be a complete understanding, because with us there is deputies of local councils, we have deputies of the house of representatives, and people there, senators, yes, of course, manage to get confused and ask some people there to steal benches, while in general, probably, as we determined, they are talking about strategies and others are about some more earthly moments, here the all-belarusian people's assembly is added to this. and irina viktorovna, well, here’s a question for you, as a long-liver: you had opportunities, yes, deputy opportunities to work even before the belarusian people’s assembly appeared in its constitutional status, now there is a significant difference, because even the head of state says that the supreme tax service receives appeals from citizens, but of course, it’s impossible to ignore them.
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part of the question in general, taking into account whether there is a difference, of course, there is, of course, there is, and i am sure that even the viewers who are now sitting in front of their television screens, even if they have never participated in the political life of the country , even if we tell them what we are about to tell them, they will simply understand, by default, all the previous six all-belarusian people's assemblies had one main goal, the approval of a program of socio-economic development for the next 5 years, for the next 5 years, absolutely true. and we
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have already put them into practice even at the very first meeting, except for organizational moments, when we elected a chairman, for a moment this is the head of state, and this is absolutely expected, issues that primarily concern our security, the first, the main two of our powers, the all-belarusian people's assembly has already implemented at the first meeting, this is a statement of the national concept
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, this is the development strategy of the country, if suddenly the country goes in the wrong direction, moreover, we did not hide here in this studio that we will need this body in the national assembly even more in 10 years than now, that is, today everything is clear, we have always said this, there is a president, we know how to work, people at meetings asked the question, why are you changing everything, why are you withdrawing the supreme national assembly as a constitutional body, when everything is working, and so, my friends, we are thinking about the country in 10-20 years , no guarantee. what there will not be a new gorbachev, there are no guarantees that there will not be a new yeltsin, there are no guarantees that some political party will not come and deceive people, promise one thing, and then say: “the russian language is not needed, we want to join nato, we want to join the european union , we are destroying the alliance with russia, that’s why the spc, people began to write
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a statement to the spc if they think that their problem will be solved there, there is nothing bad, but the mechanism for solving this problem will not change, because the spc delegate or deputy.”
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he is, roughly speaking, a guide and herald all-belarusian meeting at home, here is literally our turov delegate, zhidkovychi district, this is a person who came and in the literal sense of the word with wide, i always imagined, when
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i imagine the polesian picture, i will come back , this is really the poleisky region, it’s clear, this is a person who is happy to talk, they believe him and hear him and trust him, that’s what. that our enemies, as they said, this is the kazakh option, this is a transit of power, there will now be a substitution of functions, the president will now lead everything will change, in fact, they didn’t listen initially, that...
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i don’t quite agree with the current paradigms, so well, in society
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the need for discussion in society is very high, well, we shouldn’t discount another one, in my opinion an important aspect, you always need to understand that it is one thing to listen, and another thing to hear, so in order for people to hear, there is live communication between direct participants. to retell, correctly, again, what we said in 1920 in this studio about that the fate of the country, political disputes, i remember every program, should never be decided on the street, remember, we have created enough political platform today to argue, why are there four political parties in parliament, everyone has a different opinion, what are we we are in solidarity in everything, no, i do not agree with belarus, there with the communists, they are with me in some ways, but we work together, because we have one country, the same nationality.
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their own positions with blood, so they gathered here and told us, this is democracy we don’t have them, for the tenth year in the supreme council they fought, beat their faces, so this is a type of democracy, now it’s like we’re starting with the ninety- sixth year, today, before entering the oval hall, our colleagues will not let you lie, every question is carefully examined
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is worked out within the commission, between commissions it is already final. yes, territorially i belong to the grodno region, but i am responsible for the entire republic of belarus, she is a member of the parliament of the entire republic of belarus, so she is, in principle , responsible for the entire republic of belarus, she represents his face and competence, as for such movements that take place in parliaments or other legislative bodies of other countries, well, i
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will say this, well, this is the childhood that we went through, experienced, lived and grew out of it correctly. as our president said, we have grown from what was happening then, we have now become older, smarter, perhaps wiser, now we present the result of our work, you are saying that this is some kind of vigorous activity, an indication of vigorous activity , so we show not activity, but the result, one of my leaders said: you don’t report by work, you report by the result, that’s all, when we come to the districts, we report to our voters about what has been done, what happened at the all-belosky people’s meeting, they said: “viktorich, everything is fine, everything is fine,
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i talked about this a lot, who are able to stand up at a critical moment to say, it’s clear that it’s not easy to say, to lead people, elders of our political life, yes, i have no doubt that many of them they are able to express their opinion there, but besides everything, next to each other in the same room are representatives of less public, say, professions who may be embarrassed somewhere, this is a good social elevator, a good social elevator. the factor has a very strong influence, i want to give an example from our history: the supreme council of the ussr, the best people gathered, but the country was not saved, a very good example, so this is the human factor, therefore.
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minsk city council of deputies, and you know, in fact, again for journalists it suddenly turned out that the minsk city council in this season, yes this year turned out to be even more media than, for example, the house of representatives, well, bandaruk, okay, krivosheev, the king, our colleague pustovoy, yes, that is, in fact, people who eismond, well, that is, people who as a matter of fact, yes zhu, whom the whole country knows, but no, the beetle is the republic’s website, i got confused, it’s my fault, question, question, what is this for? here we are again talking about the fact that the entire minsk city council has become delegates of the supreme council, maybe to some extent it’s deprived for colleagues, i don’t know, but your personal opinion,
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why was the minsk city council given such an honor, in fact, this media torpedo, which was prepared for the city council this season, this is what it gives, well, firstly, i think that since it’s a city of two million, and in accordance with this, probably .
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i think that the twentieth year played a unique role, i apologize, a decisive role , among other things, because these people saw what could happen to the country, they don’t want to just
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sit in their position, do their good work, they want to participate, second the reason, let’s not be afraid to say, deputies of the minsk city council were included in the all-belarusian people’s assembly, and people, having entered there, understand that the fate of the country will depend on them today, and now imagine for a moment. where responsibility was clearly defined in administrative legislation for participation in unsanctioned mass events, plus on top of everything we again plunge
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into the vns in a separate line: in the belarusian republican youth union, for example, there is, well, banal, yes, there is a social elevator, a career, whatever, for people sometimes mercantile abilities allow them, including to make a career, people now want to participate in the activities of the belarusian republican youth union only in order, for example, in the future to become a delegate of the supreme council, of course, there are such people, well, we must understand perfectly well, everyone has their own goals, and of course, there are people who have been actively showing themselves for many years so that it is from the youth union
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that they, for example, be nominated... to the all-belarusian people's assembly as a delegate, we understand this perfectly well, but we also we know very well that we need to observe these people, how they showed themselves, where they are from, and so on, because today we should understand perfectly well, yes, that there were 400 people from civil society, namely delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and for public organization, since we are also part of a civil society of 80 people, in fact this is very little.
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serve, go serve in the belarusian army there 10 years ago, when the situation was, say, right around our borders at times calmer, of course, it always caused anxiety and fear, because we understood that we were under close attention, but at the same time, this was one story, and it’s a completely different matter now, when the clatter of caterpillars, in the literal sense of the word, is clearly audible, even by those who is the most deaf among us is exactly the same. meeting now, when your main task, well, excuse the frankness, is to convey the opinion of the head of state, who copes well with his powers as the president of the country and as the head of the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is also one story, let’s say, it’s not difficult at all, but if we assume that the powers there of our same all-belarusian people’s assembly
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are 5 years, that’s a very... long period of time, in our difficult, turbulent times, if we assume some kind of chupel, some kind of then an aggravation, august of the twentieth repetition, well , let’s put it this way, anything can happen, is there confidence that the all-belarusian people’s assembly in this composition will be able to hold the country and not repeat the fate of the supreme council, well , firstly, i would like support a little.
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we are starting to form some political leaders, which when, like alena, people come to vote and you see that there is a background, he was there, he was there, he was
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there, let’s just check facebook, what was he doing in august of the twentieth , yes, in august 2020 he really was on the barricades, you are replacing my question, i’m just saying that it’s probably not complete, we’re on the air.
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was in the twentieth year, everyone knows perfectly well where we were next to him, the twentieth-twenty -first year, how hard we worked, we achieved those results, this, as you say, background of what we have achieved probably allows us now, as parliamentarians, to represent the interests of those people who have entrusted us with it, now i can
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also give you a background, because many people are talking about this too , i have a question for both of you, why do we have such a large number of former deputies, colonels and generals, so i’ll explain, look, and the supreme national assembly accepts two. prestige, i remember the nineties, when my grandfather, a kgb colonel, cried while watching tv, when they said that everything he did was not needed by anyone, his shoulder straps were not needed, there was no need to fight, there was no need to erect monuments to derzhinsky, and i remember how
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the officers lost everything in the ninety-first year, my father lost everything, there was no salary, there was no damn thing, everything was destroyed, today, thanks to the actions of the state, the prestige of the army, the special services, the ministry of internal affairs,
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the head of such and such a unit, of course, they give him additional votes, they vote for him, this is normal , well, probably here again the notorious the human factor, after all, military people, they are capable. make a decision at a critical moment not to fall into a stupor, or as a military man do not hesitate to support the civilian part, i’ll honestly say, i’ll honestly say that among my friends there are quite a lot of people who were delegates, including the supreme council, so you asked how whether they can, they can, they can’t, i’m ready to go on reconnaissance with everyone, both with everyone present here and with all the delegates, you’re using a military term, right? well, yes, yes, yes,
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conditionally, valery anatovich, again i’ll return a little to the local government, you , as a person who worked in the regional executive system, the fact that, for example, the city deputies of the city of minsk, they became delegates of the supreme council, for example, no, well, let's say, dissonance with the fact that, for example, the magilev regional ones did not, that's why it is so, in your opinion, again, the people are asking the question whether this is fair or not, fair, we are talking about the representation of the population, these are only 60 deputies on a city of two million, so i think, absolutely, this is a relative figure, it is absolutely fair, again, these are people of different professions, different, maybe even somewhere, views, different areas of activity, so, for example, i don’t see any problem here, i think this is an absolutely correct and correct decision, another thing is that, of course, this is such a consolidated team of 60 people, this...
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they elected deputies of local councils and parliament, it was wonderful, as they say, you experienced it yourself when you came and what happened on the single voting day, and during the campaign, the candidates for deputy were sometimes side by side, as a confidant, i can say, that’s how we worked,
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the main story, but when these opportunists get involved in this politicization, in august 1920 they took everyone out onto the street, and people didn’t understand why, well, here you know, they write from all over the country.
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the worst thing is, if they didn’t write, if they thought, and also write, no one will decide, no one will help, no one will do it, or only the president, remember, there was such a period, by the way, in my opinion, we moved away from him when we wrote only to lukashenko, overwhelmed the administration because we believed only in him, it’s good that after the twentieth year we really had a request from society for what it means, we, we also want influence the processes taking place in the country, well , here you go, we voted together for changes to the constitution, we shared this burden, this responsibility, we have more powers in the local power vertical, we have delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly in that a status in which we have unprecedented powers, including the opportunity, our society is generally ready
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to use these resources correctly, and for this purpose the deputy corps exists , including correctly. said that the main task of parliamentarians is to go out and tell, as we said before, the process of lawmaking and the result of lawmaking, how we came to the need to adopt this or that law or amend it, and what the law was in the original, or rather in the final stage is already it turned out that what comes out of it, what rights and responsibilities will be, both for us, as for the deputies that you accepted, and for citizens, then, if you are telling, each audience understands perfectly well, colleagues... i will be supported by the fact that everyone for each audience, well, it’s a bad word to adapt, but it’s not a good word, it’s necessary, yes, i agree, because you need to explain it to each audience in an understandable language, here’s yours, your communication with your audience is most often, well, just honestly, it's just a monologue, you're just you tell them, no, but you know, no, sometimes you have to tell people about the medical
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sphere, legislative processes, yes, or vice versa, tell the military what will happen in the social sphere. and these are slightly different approaches, they invited you to a meeting, they were invited to a meeting with you, you came, that means you have a specific goal there, you told them, they have an hour or two allotted for this or you together have an hour or two they are sitting and there were no such moments, there were such moments, you are right, the audience there are different from 300 to 20 people, and some immediately say, well, everything is clear, we’ll read everything, because there are different audiences, because everyone with the internet , we just read the topic of your report. tell us about you personally, please, what did you do before, where did you work, and how did you come to the point that you are now a candidate for deputy or already a deputy, sometimes simple human communication, sometimes you will need to correct it a little bit and communicate with people in a normal human language that is understandable to that audience, in which you communicate, and sometimes not in pompous phrases, what
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are our deputies working on now, dear alena, one remark, so, look, an 18-year-old guy is ready to fight when he joins the army? to serve the homeland, not ready that we teach him, and in politics i was always angry when they said: we are not ready for parties, we will never be ready if we don’t do this, they adopted a new law on political parties, they began to develop, they began to be ready , the same thing here, you are right, we are at the beginning of the political process, but if we don’t start, we will never be ready we won’t, that is, today we are talking about what kind of country it will be in 20 years, in fact, for this gns, that in 20 years, and if we don’t prepare for this period now, we wouldn’t start... then after the twentieth year if we hadn’t adopted a new constitution, we would never have been ready, that is, then one day we would have woken up and there was no country, that is, this option was also possible, so today we are moving forward, the political culture is growing, the parties are only on the initial path , civil society is only at its beginnings, i remember a meeting with the president dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution, he said clearly,
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we closed the issue with civil society and he himself answered: no, we are just starting to do this, we will see what happens in a year, in two. hall, what our respected deputies are working on, the amnesty law, yes, what else? well, the second reading of the law on veterans, what will be new in them? a lot of new things, i... i’ll say this, as a deputy who has already served one convocation, i’ll share my personal impressions: first, there was no respite, by the way, everyone knows that
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the chairman of the parliament is also from the special services, well, everyone knows this, i hope they know, let us remind you that even the chairman of the parliament from the special services is wonderful, igor petrovich sergeenko has a good background, so today the parliament has a huge number of bills for consideration, not there was no respite, the president set a lot of tasks, here we are... strengthening national security and the economy, i would divide it into two parts: and social security, but this is also part of the economy, and this is very serious bill, valerie analivich, tell us more details? well, today we, of course, are looking very carefully at the fact that the situation in our society, and the bills that are on
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the table of our commission today, they, of course, directly affect every family, every child, this and prevention of neglect, these are issues related to the motivation of those who care for the child, support for families, all this suggests that today we are not just like...
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an interdepartmental working group, it is a most complex, unique document, there have been no analogues in our political, legislative history, this is a set of laws
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in the healthcare industry, which will streamline, eliminate unnecessary norms , introduce new provisions that will be relevant to today, the current state of affairs, and international work, who- then he already thinks we have been isolated, so tomorrow at a meeting of the chamber council i will tell you a secret, but why not? working groups will be approved, there are a lot of them, the whole world wants to work with us, and for all spectators, especially our enemies, so that they are even more upset, europe is not closing itself off from us, we have enough contacts, in austria and germany, there are enough political forces there that want to work with us, members of european parliaments come here and european business will also come here, which does not want these sanctions, i’m not even talking about africa, about asia, about the distant arc, but this is also very important.
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we were on the ground, we were in uruchcha, where the prosecutor general’s office just looked in detail, and we looked, i’m right there, yes, i
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agree with you, i was also in the rusche, there were 21 graves. that you have seen the realities, this is no matter how it sounds, but this is an analysis of the law enforcement practice of the laws that we are passing sergeevich, we have presidential elections next year, well, it may be a stupid question, but sometimes a journalist has stupid questions, for in order to get an intelligent answer, are we ready for these elections, here you are as a deputy corps, we ourselves understand that in august of the twentieth year, well, my personal. parliament, perhaps, as a matter of fact, like journalists, did not expect this, we had to taxi the way we taxied and taxied, thank god, with the help of the security forces, with the help of deputies, all together, but they took into account the mistakes, let’s say, they took them into account, so let them listen now, that means they take notes there in poland and lithuania, never again in the presidential elections, the fifth column, traitors, crazy idiots
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will not participate, we must come to a civilized political system.
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the political field from within will rely on extremism, on terror, to intimidate presidential candidates, among others, voters, the precinct commission, but we will stand, we will not allow this in any way, but they must hear my message: forget about participating in the elections in belarus to you, traitors for 100 years and in 100 years too, so that the next generations do not forget. andrei viktorovich, here again is the same question, will the deputies be ready, well, relatively speaking, again returning to work.
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it’s not for nothing that even representatives of the public youth association appeared in the city legislative power, the same question: is there, again, some kind of accounting for mistakes? or i don’t know the shortcomings of the twentieth year, being in the city parliament, will it give any advantages, including in organizing the youth movement? well, firstly, i think that young people will not
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repeat such mistakes again, but we all saw and lived in 2020 .
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you know, yes, a rubicon is a rubicon, but this shouldn’t be the only peace either, because any adequate citizen of our country, who is really at the forefront ...
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